Ten Things To Prepare For The Job MarketToday more than ever before, you need to take responsibility for your own
career s and take the time to find and explore career options and plan for the
future. Besides your knowledge in doing research, publishing, presenting at
conferences, you need to be constantly assessing yourself and your career goals.
Following are the 10 most important things you should prepare yourself for the
best possible position for getting a job.
Always keep in mind that it is NEVER TOO EARLY to begin planning your career.
You need to be thinking critically about your future. What do you want to be
doing in 10 years? How are you going to get there? We tend to think that career
planning is the same as job hunting. It is not. In fact, career planning is a
host of professional and personal actions people take to educate themselves and
the outside world about their unique talents and capabilities. It is not an
activity you start only when you are looking for a job. As you go through the
active career planning process, you will become a better job seeker.
Planning your career means having your goals and finding the ways to
achieve them. When you set your goals, it is easier to maintain supports and
efforts to achieve, including difficult time when you have to make decision to
change career or jobs. Do it the earlier the better. And you must review it from
time to time to see if you are on the right track.
Self-assessment is the cornerstone of successful career development. It is
the process of evaluating your own skills, interests, and values. Ask yourself
these critical questions.
How do I define success? _________________________________ Some excellent books for self-assessment questions are: "Outside the Ivory
Tower" by Margaret Newhouse, "Wishcraft" by Barbara Sher and "What Color is Your
Parachute" by Richard Bolles.
Questions are broken down and blank lines are added for you to fill in
answers yourself.
It is critical to identify a mentor and it is preferable that s/he does not
have to be your advisor. This person needs to be someone who you feel
comfortable with and who is going to take an interest in you and your progress.
The key is to identify someone who can "show you the ropes."
A mentor is your role model, i.e. somebody you admire, trust and look up
to. Not only does s/he have knowledge, but s/he also is successful in life. S/he
is someone you dream to be.
Conferences are your opportunity to practice making presentations and
networking . One way to make networking easier at conferences is to get the
programs ahead of time and take time to look it over and pick out the posters
and talks you want to attend. Also, make a list of important people you would
like to meet and make a point to find them and talk to them. Don't be shy about
this. Most people will be flattered that you take the initiative to come up to
them and want to talk about their field. You may also let them know what you
have accomplished and what you are capable of doing.
They can be the best and most valuable source of information about various
career fields. Think of as many different people you can talk to about careers.
Her e are some possible suggestions of who might comprise your network: fellow
class mates, colleagues, your friends and their parents, your own parents'
friends, past employers, former teachers, scientists and engineers you meet at
seminars, conferences, and workshops, and alumni or others.
In real estate business people talk about location, location, and
location. In career planning and real life you need CONNECTION, CONNECTION, and
CONNECTION. Yes, networking is very important in your career and life.
These activities can be valuable ways to meet different people. Involvement
in community activities also demonstrates to others that you are able to take on
several tasks at once, a skill valued by many employers. These activities may
also provide opportunities for you to present information in front of other
Extra curriculum and community activities are chances for you to learn and
improve leadership skill.
Learning about careers outside of academia means you must look to "the real
world." Newspapers are source of information on non-traditional careers. The
radio, especially, National Public Radio, can also provide information about
unique careers. The Internet, as you know, can also be a great source for jobs.
Subscribe or get access to as many association mailings or letters, or
publications in your area as possible. Keep an ongoing file of interesting job
opportunities you come across. Having the knowledge of the types of jobs
available and where they are is beneficial.
If you want more in-depth, current, first-hand information about a career
field or even a particular position, nothing beats an informational interview.
It is a way to do research and learn about a job, not to get a job offer, at
least not directly. The advantage of an informational interview are that you can
ask questions that might not be appropriate to ask in a job interview, you get
to see people in their actual work environment, and you can also get feedback
and advice. Come prepared with questions and do your homework so the interviewer
knows you have thought about what you want to know.
The good time to do this kind of information interviews is when you do
not need a job. You do it just to see what the market is about and what kind of
jobs available out there. There are two advantages. First, you feel more
confident to ask whatever you want to know. Secondly, you always force yourself
to update your resume.
Look for small awards or grants that you may apply for. These are great
things to do in order to begin to establish a funding track record. Think about
address sing important issues in your field not just in your own specific area.
You also need to try to establish your own research niche.
This is more appropriate for academic.
Ask to see other people's curriculum vitae or resumes to see how they
organized their material and highlighted their strengths. Have a brainstorming
session with yourself or someone you feel comfortable with about your strengths
and talents. For some non-academic jobs, it might be important to include a
skills section of techniques or training that you have had that the potential
employer might be interested in. Once your curriculum vitae or resume is
prepared, always keep it updated!
Even though you do not need to change job, always update your resume
every six months. So, you can see clearer your profession or career move.
Source: Hendree E. Jones Index |