The Occasionally Used Letters

    (Part 3 of 3: "Letters, Letters and Letters" Series)

    Although these are occasionally used letters, never underestimate the power of correspondence even when you withdraw from consideration or reject an offer. Do not burn the bridges. Keep the doors open for the future by being courteous. You never know when you need them again.

    Type 7 Letter: Withdrawal Letter

    You write a withdrawal letter when you decide that you have no further interest in being considered for an employment opportunity. You may make this decision after having an interview or after deciding to accept another employment offer. If you have decided to accept another offer, immediately notify all other employers of your decision and withdraw your application from consideration. Your withdrawal letter should thank the employer for her/is consideration. You may also want to indicate that your decision to withdraw was related to a better fit between your skills/interests/abilities and the other opportunity at this stage in your career. Do not say that you obtained a better job or more money.

    Sample of Withdrawal Letter

    Your street Address
    City, State - Zip code
    Date of writing

    Name and title
    City, State - Zip code

    Dear Ms./Mr. ________:

    I would like to express my sincerest appreciation for the opportunity to interview with (company name). I valued our discussion about the position responsibilities, as well as the career possibilities within your company, but I find that they do not closely match with my goals for now. I am therefore respectfully withdrawing from consideration.

    Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you to discuss career possibilities and to learn about the work of your organization. A best wish for your company's continued success.


    (Handwritten signature)

    Your name (typed)

    Type 8 Letter: Rejection Letter

    Occasionally you may have to decline an offer when it does not meet with your short or long-term career goals. This letter should be written carefully. Indicate that this was a difficult decision to make and that you have given it serious consideration. Be sure to thank the employer for her/is time, consideration and offer. It is not necessary to indicate which offer of employment you decided to take or where you will be working.

    Sample of Rejection Letter

    Your street Address
    City, State - Zip code
    Date of writing

    Name and title
    City, State - Zip code

    Dear Ms./Mr. ________:

    Thank you for your employment offer for the position of (title) with (company's name). I am unable to accept the offer since I have accepted a similar position with another company.

    I appreciate the time and opportunity to interview and the employment offer. A best wish for your company's continued success.


    (Handwritten signature)

    Your name (typed)

    Sources: Career development Guide 1998-1999 and various sources

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