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Calculators: Electric - Energy - Appliance & More...

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Electronic Product Consumption & Cost

Device Watts per hour Cost per hour Cost per year Based on # hours per day
Air Conditioner/Heat Pump 590 $0.14 $1,226.40 24
Cable TV Box / DVR 42.5 $0.01 $87.6 24
Cell Phone / Smartphone 1 $0.02 $7.30 1
Desktop Computer 120 $0.0288 $84.10 8
DVD Player 13.8 $0.33 $4.82 4
Humidifier 256 $0.0614 $262.25 12
iPad 3 $0.0007 $1.02 4
iPhone / iPod/iPod Touch 2 $0.0005 $0.69 4
Laptop / Notebook Computer 30 $0.0072 $21.02 8
Light bulb (60W) 60 0.00144 $42.04 8
Netbook Computer 11 $0.0026 $7.59 8
Radio 8.5 $0.0020 $2.99 4
Plasma TV 480 $0.1152 $336.38 8
Appliance ...        

Power Consumption

   PRODUCT               POWER (Watts)
  • 3" Belt Sander               1000
  • 9" Disc Sander              120
  • 60W Light Bulb             60
  • 100W Light Bulb           100
  • Ceiling Fan                    10 - 50
  • Clock Radio                  1 - 2
  • Clothes Dryer                4000
  • Desktop Computer        50 - 150
  • Dishwasher                    1200 - 1500
  • Electric Blanket              200
  • Electric Kettle                2000
  • Electric Mower              1500
  • Electric Shaver               15 - 20
  • Fridge / Freezer             500
  • Hair Blow Dryer            1000
  • Home Air Conditioner   1000
  •    PRODUCT               POWER (Watts)
  • Iron                               1000
  • Laptop Computer          20 - 50
  • Lawnmower                  1000 - 1400
  • Microwave                    640 - 1500
  • Nintendo Wii                 19
  • Oven                             2150
  • Power Shower               240
  • TV LED (Toshiba 46")   63.4
  • TV LCD (46-inch)         136
  • TV Plasma (46-inch)      254
  • Table Fan                       10 - 25
  • Toaster                           800 - 1500
  • Trimmer                          300 - 500
  • Water Pump                   400
  • Vacuum Cleaner             200 - 700
  • Washing Machine           500
  • Average Cost of Energy for Consumer Products
    The unit costs for 2014, issued pursuant to the DOE/Energy Policy and Conservation Act, include electricity, natural gas, No. 2 heating oil, propane, and kerosene. The costs become effective April 17, 2014.

       ITEM                           COST
  • Electricity                      12.4¢/kWh
  • Natural Gas                   $1.128/therm or $11.56/MCF (MCF = 1,000 cubic feet)
  • No. 2 Heating Oil           $3.75/gallon
  • Propane                         $2.73/gallon
  • Kerosene                       $4.28/gallon

  • The World's Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles
    (Source: Federation Of American Scientists)

    North Korea 45 (Deployed: 0) India 160 (Deployed: Unknown)
    Israel 90 (Deployed: 0) Pakistan 165 (Deployed: 0)
    United Kingdom 225 (Deployed: 120) France 290 (Deployed: 280)
    China 350 (Deployed: Unknown) United States 5,550 (Deployed: 1,357)
    Russia 6,257 (Deployed: 1,456)

    Energy Production - Natural Gas (2019)
    Unit: quadrillion Btu (qB)

    (Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration)

    United States 35.187 China 6.362
    Russia 25.714 Australia 5.436
    Iran 8.859 Norway 4.273
    Canada 6.647 Saudi Arabia 4.169
    Qatar 6.57 Algeria 3.295

    How Does Nuclear Radiation Have An Impact on Health?

    • Nuclear radiation can have significant impacts on health, depending on the level and duration of exposure.
      • Acute Effects
        • High Doses: Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as from an atomic bomb or a nuclear accident, can cause acute radiation syndrome (ARS), also known as radiation sickness; symptoms include nausea, vomiting, skin burns, and even death in severe cases.
        • Immediate Symptoms: Symptoms can appear within hours and may include fatigue, loss of appetite, and severe nausea.
      • Long-Term Effects
        • Cancer Risk: Prolonged exposure to lower levels of radiation can increase the risk of developing cancer. Studies on atomic bomb survivors and radiation industry workers have shown a correlation between radiation dose and cancer risk.
        • Cardiovascular Disease: There is also evidence suggesting a link between radiation exposure and cardiovascular diseases.
        • Genetic Damage: Radiation can damage the genetic material (DNA) in cells, which can lead to mutations and potentially cancer.
      • Protective Measures
        • Sheltering: In the event of a nuclear emergency, staying indoors and following local authorities' instructions can reduce exposure.
        • Medical Intervention: Immediate medical care can help mitigate the effects of radiation exposure.
    • Nuclear radiation can have both acute and long-term effects on health. High doses of radiation can cause acute effects such as skin burns and radiation sickness. Long-term effects include cancer and cardiovascular disease. Factors like radiation dosage and age can influence the effects.
    • Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome ("radiation sickness"). Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to affect the atoms in living cells and thereby damage their genetic material (DNA). Fortunately, the cells in our bodies are extremely efficient at repairing this damage. However, if the damage is not repaired correctly, a cell may die or eventually become cancerous.
    • Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space; exposure to very high levels of radiation can impair the functioning of tissues and organs and produce acute effects, including nausea and vomiting, skin redness, hair loss, acute radiation syndrome, radiation burns, cancer and cardiovascular disease or even death.
    • Radioactive materials that decay spontaneously produce ionising radiation will cause significant damage to the body's internal chemistry, breaking the chemical bonds between the atoms and molecules that make up tissues.
    • A small doses of ionising radiation - as low as 100 millisieverts - can cause the cancer. The risk of cancer increases as the dose of radiation increases. Especially, the thyroid gland and bone marrow are particularly sensitive to ionising radiation.
    • Leukemia, a type of cancer that arises in the bone marrow, is the most common radiation-induced cancer. Leukemias may appear as early as a few years after radiation exposure.
    • Other cancer can also result from exposure to radiation, but may not develop for at least a decade. These include cancers of the lung, skin, thyroid, breast and stomach.
    • A single dose of 1 millisieverts causes temporary radiation sickness such as nausea and vomiting.
    • People exposure 5 millisieverts radiation will probably die within a month.

    Energy Information Resources

    1. Alternative Fuels: Ethanol - Electricity - Biodiesel - Natural Gas - Propane (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) - Hydrogen.
    2. Energy Sources: Bio-energy - Coal - Electric Power - Fossil Fuels - Fusion - Geothermal - Hydrogen.
    3. Energy Sources: Hydropower - Natural Gas - Nuclear - Oil - Renewable - Solar - Wind
    4. Energy Glossary: |A| |B| |C| |D| |E| |F| |G| |H| |I| |J| |K| |L| |M| |N| |O| |P| |Q| |R| |S| |T| |U| |V| |W| |XYZ|
    5. U. S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source - U.S. Electric Net Summer Capacity.
    6. Electricity Net Generation From Renewable Energy by Energy Use  & Energy Source.
    7. Wood/Wood Waste - Municipal Solid Waste - Landfill Gas - Geothermal Heat Pumps
    8. Hydroelectric - Solar Thermal - Solar Photovoltaic Cell - Wind  - Petroleum Supply
    9. A Guide to Home Generators - A guide to various types of electric generators for home use.
    10. Drilling Info - Providing information on production, permit, and spud data for various counties and real-time rig location to estimate new wells spudded and completed throughout the United States.
    11. Baker Hughes - Providing information on rig and well counts by county, state, and basin throughout the United States.
    12. North Dakota Oil and Gas Division - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout North Dakota.
    13. Railroad Commission of Texas - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout Texas.
    14. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout Pennsylvania.
    15. West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection - Provide information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout West Virginia.
    16. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout Colorado.
    17. Wyoming Oil and Conservation Commission - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout in Wyoming.
    18. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout Louisiana.
    19. Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Providing information on well production, permit, and completion data in the counties throughout Ohio.
    20. Energy Units and Conversions.
    21. The Estimated Price of Power per Hour, Day or Load.

    Energy News, Info, Facts, Guides & Tips

    ▷ Energy Discussion Forum
    Discussion Forum .

    ▷ Energy: News, Info & Facts
    1. Electricity in the U.S.
    2. Electricity Data
    3. Electricity Generation by State in the U.S.
    4. Electricity Generation
    5. Electricity Rates by U.S. States
    6. Electricity – Global Energy Review – Analysis
    7. Electricity Rates in Massachusetts
    8. Electricity Emergency Preparedness for Senior Citizens and Their Caretakers
    9. Average Electric Bill: National + by State
    10. Residential Rates in Virginia
    11. Virginia Electricity Rates
    12. Learn About Electricity Rates, Providers, & Plans
    13. Best Texas Electricity Rates - Compare Plans & Save
    14. Compare Energy Choices and Electricity Rates by State
    15. U.S. Electric Power Monthly
    16. Calculate the Benefits of Switching to Electronic Bills, Deposits, and Statements.
    17. Renewable Energy: An Overview
    18. Renewable Energy Supply
    19. Renewable Energy Industry Outlook
    20. Renewable Energy: Introduction and Methodology
    21. Renewable Energy Rundown: Solar Energy
    22. Renewable Energy Technologies
    23. Renewable Energy Sources
    24. Renewable Energy for Heating and Cooling
    25. Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition: Heating and Cooling – Analysis
    26. Renewable CO2 Recycling and Synthetic Fuel Production in a Marine Environment
    27. Global Renewables Outlook: Energy Transformation 2050
    28. The Economics of Renewable Energy
    29. The Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    30. Overview of Unit 3 the Issue of Renewable Energy
    31. A Review of Renewable Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency
    32. An Introduction to the Oil Industry and OPEC
    33. An Introduction to Solar Energy Technologies
    34. An Introduction to Solar Cell Technologies
    35. An Introduction to Photosynthesis and Its Applications
    36. Introduction to Fusion Energy | MIT
    37. Fusion Energy via Magnetic Confinement
    38. Fusion Energy | IAEA
    39. Fusion Energy: MIT's Pathway to Unlimited Clean Energy
    40. Fusion as a Future Power Source: Recent Achievements and Prospects
    41. Cycle Life Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery
    42. Study on Cycle-Life Prediction Model of Lithium-Ion Battery for Electric Vehicles
    43. Proper Care Extends Li-Ion Battery Life
    44. Temperature Effect and Thermal Impact in Lithium-ion Batteries: A Review
    45. An In-Depth Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-Ion Battery for Climate Impact Mitigation Strategies
    46. Understanding the Life of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
    47. Long Life of a Lithium-Ion Battery
    48. Lithium Battery Safety
    49. Lithium-ion Battery Working Principle and Uses
    50. Lithium-Ion vs Lead Acid Battery Life
    51. Lithium-Ion Battery Life
    52. Lithium Ion Battery Charging
    53. Lithium-ion Batteries - Advantages, Drawbacks, Alternatives
    54. Lithium-Ion Battery | Clean Energy Institute
    55. Lithium-Ion Battery | Wikipedia
    56. Lithium Battery | Wikipedia
    57. Lithium Ion Car Battery Life Expectancy
    58. Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries - Technical Handbook
    59. Life Prediction Model for Grid-Connected Li-ion Battery Energy Storage System
    60. The Truth Behind the Biggest (and Dumbest) Battery Myths
    61. The Charging Cycles of Lithium-ion Polymer Batteries
    62. iPhone Battery and Performance | Apple
    63. Do Lithium Ion Batteries Have a Shelf Life?
    64. U9VL-J-P: The Longest Lasting 9V Battery
    65. Types of Batteries: Sizes, How Long They Last, & Disposal
    66. The U.S. Made a Breakthrough Battery Discovery — Then Gave the Technology to China
    67. Oregon Utility Powers up Nation's First Large-Scale Wind, Solar and Battery Facility
    68. Mass. Startup Transforms Old Electric Car Batteries into Better-than-New Ones
    69. The Largest Battery in the World (Audio)
    70. Batteries
    71. Light Bulb With 20-Year Life.
    72. Light Bulb Base Chart | Reference Charts
    73. Alternative Energy Sources
    74. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Search
    75. Alternative Fuels for Light-Duty Vehicles
    76. Alternative Energy Sources: The Quest for Sustainable Energy
    77. Alternative Energy Sources - An Interdisciplinary Module for Energy Education
    78. Do Alternative Energy Sources Displace Fossil Fuels?
    79. Lessons Learned from the Alternative Fuels
    80. Fuels & Vehicles
    81. Fuels for the Future
    82. Fuels of the Future | EY
    83. Fuels of the Future for Cars and Trucks
    84. Fuel Production from Seawater and Fuel Cells Using Seawater
    85. Fueling the Future of Mobility Hydrogen and Fuel Cell | Deloitte
    86. Environmental Impacts from the Solar Energy
    87. Facts About Solar Energy: Solar Electricity
    88. Facts About Geothermal Energy
    89. Facts About Radiation from the Earth (Terrestrial Radiation)
    90. Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation - UNSCEAR 2013 Report
    91. Nuclear and Radiation Accidents and Incidents
    92. Periodic Table: Radioactive Elements | US EPA
    93. Deadliest Radiation Accidents and Other Events Causing Radiation Casualties
    94. Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing
    95. Radioactive Waste
    96. Radioactive Substance - An Overview
    97. Radiation Basics
    98. Radiation Toxicity - An Overview
    99. Radiation Exposure
    100. Radiation Health Effects
    101. Radiation Health Effects | US EPA
    102. Radiation and Health
    103. Low-Dose Radiation Exposures and Health Effects
    104. Uses of Radiation
    105. Get Your Power from the Sun
    106. "Power from Sunshine": A Business History of Solar Energy
    107. Reliability of Renewable Energy: Solar
    108. Photovoltaic Solar Energy
    109. Types of Solar Panels: Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline
    110. Difference Between Active and Passive Solar Energy
    111. Use of Active and Passive Solar Systems in Residential Buildings
    112. Active vs Passive Cooling Systems in Increasing Solar Panel Output
    113. Active vs Passive Solar Heating: Key Differences
    114. Active vs Passive Solar Energy
    115. Active Solar Heating
    116. Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy
    117. Basic Research Needs for Solar Energy Utilization
    118. Basic Photovoltaic Principles and Methods
    119. A Review of Solar Energy
    120. The U.S. Solar Energy Program (2008-2012)
    121. About Solar Energy
    122. Solar Updraft Tower
    123. Solar | Department of Energy
    124. Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Technology and Systems
    125. Solar Energy | National Geographic Society
    126. Solar Energy | PSU.edu
    127. Solar Energy
    128. Solar Energy | Wikipedia
    129. Solar Energy Basics
    130. Solar Explained
    131. Solar Energy Glossary of Terms
    132. Solar Energy - Small Scale Applications in Developing Countries
    133. Solar Electric System Design, Operation and Installation
    134. Solar Energy Perspectives
    135. Solar Energy - An Overview
    136. Solar Energy Overview
    137. Solar Energy Basics Thermal and PV
    138. Solar Energy Timeline
    139. Solar Energy: Suntech's Flash Crash.
    140. Solar Magnetic Storm Impact on Control Systems.
    141. Solar Power Technologies
    142. Solar Power by Country
    143. Solar Power Information and Facts
    144. Solar Power for Your Home
    145. Solar Power Your Home for Dummies
    146. Solar Power Basics for Residential Customers
    147. Solar Power and Sustainability in Developing Countries
    148. Solar Power 101: The Basics of Solar Energy
    149. Solar Power Basics for Residential Customers
    150. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Components
    151. Solar Water Heaters | Department of Energy
    152. Solar and other Alternative Energy
    153. Solar's Demise in the UK
    154. Top Solar Panel Companies
    155. Best Solar Companies
    156. Best Solar Panel Companies & Manufacturers
    157. Best Solar Companies
    158. Best Solar Energy Companies
    159. The Biggest Solar Power Plants in the World
    160. Are Solar Panels Lifespans as Long as Industry Claims?
    161. Other Solar Systems Don't Play by Our Rules.
    162. Utilities Grapple with Rooftop Solar and the New Energy.
    163. Heat Transfer Fluids for Solar Water Heating Systems
    164. Estimating the Cost and Energy Efficiency of a Solar Water Heater
    165. A Globalised Solar-Powered future Is Wholly Unrealistic – and Our Economy Is the Reason Why
    166. The Energize Denver Renewable Heating and Cooling Plan
    167. Extraction of Uranium from Seawater
    168. Operational Energy from Seawater
    169. A New Way to Generate Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater
    170. Maritime Fuel Cell Generator Project
    171. Operational Energy from Seawater
    172. Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Effluent
    173. Practical Application Limits of Fuel Cells and Batteries for Zero Emission Vessels
    174. Michigan's National Lakeshore Reduces Vehicle Impact on the Environment
    175. The Role and Future of Fossil Fuel
    176. The Future of Natural Gas | MIT
    177. The Future of Hydrogen – Analysis
    178. The Future of Solar is Bright | Harvard
    179. The Future Looks Bright for Solar Energy
    180. The Future of Energy Storage | MIT
    181. The Energy Future Ain't What It Used to Be.
    182. Future of Solar Photovoltaic
    183. Hydrogen: The Once and Future Fuel
    184. Hydrogen Fuel | Shell
    185. Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells: A Vision for our Future
    186. Hydrogen: A Renewable Energy Perspective
    187. Hydrogen: The Fuel of the Future?
    188. Hydrogen: Fuels of the Future
    189. The Technical and Economic Potential of the H2@Scale Hydrogen Concept within the United States
    190. Assessment of Potential Future Demands for Hydrogen in the United States
    191. Could Hydrogen Open New Markets for Nuclear?
    192. Fossil Fuel Facts.
    193. Fossil Fuels and Climate Change
    194. Fossil Fuels: Environmental Effects
    195. Fossil Fuels | Learn Bright
    196. Fossil Fuels
    197. Review of Fossil Fuels and Future Energy Technologies
    198. Gasoline and Explained
    199. Types of Gasoline: Unleaded, Premium, and Flex Fuel
    200. U.S. Oil and Gas Industry - Statistics & Facts.
    201. Oil and Gas Resources and Transit Issues in the South China Sea
    202. Oil and Gas in Asia - Current State and What Lies Ahead for the Industry
    203. Oil Industry
    204. Oil and Gas.
    205. Oil Price Drops on Oversupply
    206. Oil & Gas Facts.
    207. Oil and Gas Facts & Figures
    208. Oil and Gas Forecast to 2050
    209. Oil and Gas Industry Outlook
    210. Oil and Gas Outlook
    211. Oil and Gas Industry and Chemicals Industry Outlook
    212. Oil and Gas Industry Outlook
    213. Oil Price Scenarios
    214. Oil Price Outlook
    215. Oil Market Report
    216. Oil Ends Quarter up 14% on Iran, Supply Problems
    217. Oil Companies - Unsustainable Energy.
    218. Oil Companies Facing Forced Asset Sales as Banks Assess Funding
    219. Outlook on Oil and Gas: 2017 - 2016 - 2015
    220. EPA Annual Energy Outlook with Projections to 2040
    221. North American Gas Outlook to 2030 | McKinsey
    222. Rising Forecasts for 2019 U.S. Natural Gas Production
    223. Gas
    224. Gasoline and Crude Oil Prices Climb Slightly
    225. United States Oil and Gas Market Report)
    226. Winter Outlook for Natural Gas (2018-19)
    227. Natural Gas Outlook
    228. Natural Gas Market Summer Outlook
    229. Natural Gas Rates by U.S. States
    230. Natural Gas Facts & Figures.
    231. Automobile Energy Costs in the U.S.
    232. Short-Term Energy Outlook
    233. Tankers: Crude Oil Supply Outlook
    234. Let's Build a Global Power Grid
    235. Nanoballs Inflate Voltage Capacity of Power Cables, Save Energy
    236. Putting California Wind Power Out to Sea
    237. Offshore Wind Farms Just Need a Little Stagger to Generate More Power
    238. Global Oil Market News
    239. Global Petroleum Prices
    240. This Week in Petroleum
    241. Petroleum Marketing Monthly
    242. Drilling Productivity Report
    243. Rankings About Energy in the World | EIA
    244. Royal Dutch Shell's Management Wants You to Know These 5 Key Things
    245. OPEC Members In Jeopardy, How Long Can They Hold Out?
    246. Does OPEC Still Have the U.S. Over a Barrel?
    247. Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)
    248. Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants | EPA
    249. Joint Report on the Second Symposium on Gas and Coal Market Outlook
    250. This Oil Price Rise Will Drive Inflation Upwards
    251. Shell LNG Outlook
    252. Shell Pulls Offshore Oil Operations In Alaska, Environmentalists Rejoice
    253. The Energy Report: 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 (by World Wide Fund For Nature)
    254. BP Statistical Review of World Energy - June 2016 (pdf) - PPT. - Full Report.
    255. BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 5 Years Later
    256. Norway Wants to Be Europe's Battery
    257. TransCanada Counters Keystone XL Denial with $15-billion Claim
    258. Canada Should Stop Nudging U.S. on Keystone
    259. China's $1 Trillion Nuclear Plan
    260. PetroChina Surpasses ExxonMobil in Oil Production
    261. Crude Oil Facts.
    262. Crude Oil Price Prediction
    263. Crude Oil Outlook
    264. Crude Oil Price News OPEC Cuts and China Demand Give Stability
    265. Texas Oil Lands May Soon be Operating Under Chinese Ownership.
    266. Mexico's Big Ambitions May All Come Down to Oil
    267. Saudi Arabia Takes War for Market Share to Russia’s Backyard
    268. OPEC Output at New High in March, Despite Iran Drop
    269. Consumers Plot Emergency Oil Release As Saudi Decries High Prices
    270. Trouble Flares Over Oil That Lies Beneath the Falklands
    271. Change in Regional and U.S. Degree-Day Calculations
    272. US State Total Energy Rankings
    273. Clean Energy Momentum: Ranking State Progress
    274. List of Countries by Electricity Production from Renewable Sources
    275. Investing in Oil Can Cause Pain Now But Produce Profits Later.
    276. Partial Lift of Crude Oil Export Ban.
    277. Evaluation of Global Wind Power.
    278. Wind Power.
    279. Wind Power Fundamentals
    280. Wind Power Fundamentals | MIT
    281. Wind Power Lecture Notes
    282. Wind Energy: A Review Paper
    283. Introduction to Wind Energy Systems
    284. Introduction to Wind Power | MIT
    285. Fundamentals of Wind Energy
    286. A Review of Wind Energy Technologies
    287. Power Generation from Wind Turbines
    288. Total Primary Energy Consumption.
    289. Chernobyl Disaster
    290. Boom Time for Crude Oil in the US.
    291. Biggest Energy Producing States Are Also Biggest Users, EIA Report Finds.
    292. The Sequester and Oil Prices.
    293. Methane and the Greenhouse-Gas Footprint of Natural Gas from Shale Formations
    294. Greater Focus Needed on Methane Leakage from Natural Gas Infrastructure
    295. Effect of Increased Natural Gas Exports on Domestic Energy Markets
    296. The Availability and Price of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
    297. World Energy Outlook
    298. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons
    299. Nuclear Energy
    300. Energy Transition 101
    301. Energy and Oil Prices.
    302. Energy and Capital's Natural Gas Outlook
    303. Energy of the Future?
    304. Energy Use in Food Production
    305. Energy - North America, the New Middle East?
    306. Energy Costs by U.S. State in 2024
    307. Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    308. Energy News | Forbes
    309. Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit | IRS
    310. Energy Deregulation in Europe
    311. Energy Storage Systems Market Trends Forecasts 2030
    312. Greenest States in 2024
    313. Green Energy: The Need of the World
    314. Green Energy - Learn more About Green Energy Sources
    315. Green Energy - An Introduction
    316. Green Growth Studies - Energy
    317. Green Energy: Fundamentals, Concepts, and Applications
    318. Green Energy and Technology
    319. The Benefits and Costs of Green Power
    320. A Comprehensive Review on Energy Storage Systems: Types, Comparison, Current Scenario, Applications, Barriers, and Potential Solutions, Policies, and Future Prospects
    321. Net Zero by 2050 – Analysis | IEA
    322. An Important Report on Energy RD&D.
    323. Investing in a Clean Energy Future: Solar Energy Research, Deployment and Workforce Priorities
    324. Building a Solar Future
    325. Building a Better Tomorrow Leading to a Future Powered by Renewable Energy
    326. Millions Expected to Go Dark for Saturday Night's Earth Hour.
    327. List of Largest Energy Companies
    328. 3 Major Energy Themes to Watch.
    329. 3 Top Reasons Why People Are Driving Less.
    330. 3 Recent Oil and Gas Discoveries You Probably Missed
    331. 5 Things to Watch in the Oil Industry.
    332. 5 Most Influential Energy and Climate Studies.
    333. 6 Light Bulb Types - The Most Popular Light Bulb Shapes
    334. 7 Ways to Improve Solar Energy at Home With Your Solar Panel
    335. 7 Types of Electromagnetic Waves
    336. 8 Facts About the Oil and Gas Industry
    337. 9 Challenges of Alternative Energy
    338. 9 of the Biggest Oil Spills in History
    339. 10 Fun Facts About LEDs
    340. 10 Biggest Renewable Energy Companies
    341. 10 Biggest Utility Companies
    342. 10 Amazing Facts About Oil
    343. 10 Best Solar Companies.
    344. 10 Top Renewable Energy Companies
    345. 10 Top Countries Having Most Expensive Gasoline in the World:
    346. 10 Top Solar Utilities in America.
    347. 10 Top Renewable Utilities - Solar & Wind Project.
    348. 10 Interesting Facts About LED Lights and Healthy Lighting.
    349. 11 Facts About Oil
    350. 20 Interesting Facts About Oil
    351. 20 Interesting LED Facts
    352. 21 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
    353. 25 Interesting Facts About the Light Bulb
    354. 30 Largest US Energy Companies
    355. 30 Voices on 2030: The Future of Energy | KPMG
    356. 41 Super Easy Ways to Lower Electric Bill.
    357. 50 Surprising Facts About Oil
    358. 50 Super Simple Ways to Save on Energy Costs
    359. 55 Different Types of Light Bulbs
    360. 100 Top Global Energy Leaders

    ▷ Energy & Climate Change: History, Guides & Tips
    1. History of Passive Solar Energy
    2. History of the Petroleum Industry
    3. History of the Petroleum Industry in the U.S.
    4. History of Gasoline.
    5. History of Oil - A Timeline of the Modern Oil Industry
    6. A Brief History of Natural Gas.
    7. A Brief History of Gasoline
    8. The History of Solar
    9. Oil, History, and the South China Sea: A Dangerous Mix
    10. Historical Overview of Climate Change Science
    11. Home Energy Guides & Tips
    12. Exploring Solar Energy Student Guide
    13. Solar Energy: A Guide to Understanding Solar Power
    14. Forestry with Confidence: A Guide for Woodland Owners
    15. Guide to Avoid
    16. Door-to-Door Energy Scams
    17. Solar Energy - A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change
    18. The Investor Guide
    19. to Deforestation and Climate Change
    20. A Guide to Climate Change: How to Save the Planet
    21. A Guide to Lead-Acid Batteries
    22. A Guide to Understanding Battery Specifications
    23. A Guide to Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Best Practices
    24. Lithium-Ion Battery Maintenance Guidelines
    25. Guidelines for End-of-Life and Recycling of Lithium Ion Battery Energy Storage Systems
    26. Energy-Saving Guides – Save Money and Energy.
    27. Energy Resource Guide - Renewable Energy: Canada & Poland
    28. A Complete Guide to 7 Renewable Energy Sources
    29. The Ultimate Guide to Lower Electric Bills
    30. Types of Light Bulbs: A Brief History and Buying Guide
    31. Energy Saver Guide: Tips on Saving Money and Energy at Home
    32. Tips on Lowering Your Electric, Gas & Water Utility Bill
    33. Tips on Saving Money and Energy in Your Home
    34. Tips to Save Energy and Money
    35. Tips to Eliminate Energy Waste
    36. Tips for Extending the Lifetime of Lithium-ion Batteries
    37. Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill | The Spruce
    38. Tips for Lowering Electric Bill
    39. Tips for Lowering Your Energy Bill
      • Unplug appliances and devices when not in use
      • Install advanced power strip
      • Upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat
      • Adjust the thermostat settings to utilize heating and cooling systems less
      • Set thermostat to 78 degrees or higher in Summer and to 70 degrees or lower in Winter
      • Service your central heating and cooling systems annually
      • Lower the temperature on the water heater
      • Check and replace air filters regularly
      • Improve airflow
      • Switch to ENERGY STAR® certified LED light bulbs by replacing incandescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs
      • Extra-insulate the home
      • Wear comfortable clothing
      • Balance Electricity use by using appliances strategically
      • Save Electricity by washing clothes in cold water
      • Add weather-strips or caulk around windows, doors, and exhaust fans to keep the cool air inside in Summer and the hot air inside in Winter
    40. Tips to improve sustainability:
      • Reduce food waste
      • Donate items you no longer need
      • Consider the lifecycle of products you use to avoid sending as much waste to landfills
      • Focus on improving energy efficiency
    41. Quick Tips to Save Energy at Home
    42. Energy Saver Tips
    43. Energy Saving Tips & Resources
    44. Winter Energy Saving Tips for Your Home
    45. Energy Savings Tips at Home
    46. Energy Efficiency Tips
    47. Top Energy Saving Tips
    48. Is a Gas or Electric Tankless Water Heater Right for You?.
    49. Cost of Electricity by Country.
    50. 4 Types of Light Bulbs: Which Is More Energy Efficient
    51. 5 Tips for a Lower Heating Bill.
    52. 6 Tips for Implementing Renewable Energy
    53. 6 Heat Pump Maintenance Tips You Need to Know This Winter.
    54. 8 Ways to Lower Electricity Bill in Summer.
    55. 8 Essential Tips to Keep Your Phone's Battery Healthy
    56. 10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill.
    57. 10 Energy Saving Tips for Spring.
    58. 10 Ways to Save on Energy Bills
    59. 10 Easiest Ways to Save Energy at the Office
    60. 10 Aircon Saving Tips
    61. 10 Best Home Energy Saving Tips
    62. 10 Tips for Climate Action
    63. 11 Energy Saving Tips for the Summer
    64. 14 Tips Lowering Your Winter Energy Bill
    65. 15 Ways to Lower Energy Bill.
    66. 16 Types of Light Bulbs to Brighten Your Space in Style
    67. 25 Energy Efficient Tips That Lower Costs
    68. 40+ Simple Energy Saving Tips That Will Save You Money
    69. 50 Tips to Cut Electric Bill in Half.
    70. 101 Ways to Save Money on Energy Bills
    71. 102 Energy-Saving Tips for Your Home

    ▷ Pollution & Climate Change
    1. Human Impacts on the Environment: A Focus on Climate Change
    2. Plastic Pollution
    3. A Scientific Blueprint to Tackle the Climate, Biodiversity and Pollution Emergencies.
    4. Mortality–Air Pollution Associations in Low-Exposure Environments (MAPLE): Phase 1
    5. Global Climate Change
    6. Global Climate Change | WHO
    7. A Global Analysis of Deforestation Due to Biofuel Development
    8. A Case for Prevention in Health and Climate Change Issues
    9. Frequently Asked Questions About Climate Change | US EPA
    10. State of the Global Climate - Provision Report
    11. Psychology and Global Climate Change
    12. The Economics of Global Climate Change
    13. Fact Sheet: Climate Change Science
    14. Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Climate and Agriculture
    15. Effects of Tropical Deforestation on Surface Energy Balance
    16. Climate Change and Land
    17. Climate Change and the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
    18. Climate Change, Forests and Forest Management (fao.org)
    19. Climate Change: Evidence, Impacts and Choices
    20. Climate Change 101: Climate Science Basics
    21. Climate Change | EPA
    22. Climate Change | United Nations
    23. Climate Change Evidence & Causes
    24. Climate Change and Land
    25. Climate Change, Forests and Forest Management
    26. Climate Change and the End of Australia
    27. Global Warming's Terrifying New Math
    28. Global Warming of 1.5°C
    29. Deforestation and Forest Loss
    30. Deforestation and Climate Change | fas.org
    31. Deforestation and Climate Change
    32. Deforestation and Climate Change | WWF
    33. Deforestation and Greenhouse Gases
    34. Deforestation and Its Impacts on Climate Change
    35. Deforestation and Climate Change
    36. Deforestation and Greenhouse Gases
    37. Deforestation and Its Impacts on Climate Change
    38. Deforestation Contributes to Global Warming
    39. Linking Reduced Deforestation and a Global Carbon Market ...
    40. The Implications of Deforestation Research for Policies to Promote REDD
    41. An Overview of Deforestation Causes
    42. Causes of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon
    43. Energy Policy: Supporting Low-Carbon Transition in Asia and the Pacific
    44. The State of the World's Forests
    45. Issue Brief: Forests, Energy, and Livelihoods
    46. Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation
    47. The Role of Renewable Energy in Mitigating Deforestation
    48. The State of the World's Forests
    49. United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests, 2017-2030
    50. Production of Forest Energy
    51. Types of Forests: Definitions, Examples, and Importance
    52. Forest Resources of the World: Present Status and Future Prospects
    53. Forests and Energy in Developing Countries
    54. Forests & Energy | WWF
    55. Forests & Energy
    56. Forests and Energy - Key Issues
    57. Forests Emerge as a Major Overlooked Climate Factor
    58. Forests in a Warming World
    59. Flow and Conservation of Energy in Forests
    60. Rainforest
    61. Stratospheric Ozone, Global Warming, and the Principle of Unintended Consequences
    62. The Keystone XL Pipeline Controversy
    63. Should You Pay Attention to the UN Climate Talks?
    64. 6 Things You Can Do to Prevent Climate Change
    65. 30 Ocean Pollution Facts, Stats, and Solutions

    ▷ How, Who, What, When, Where, Which & Why
    1. How to Save on Electricity Bills?
    2. How to Save on Electric Bills and Utilities
    3. How to Save Electricity Bills at Home
    4. How to Save Money on Utility Bills
    5. How to Save on Energy Bills
    6. How to Save on Your Winter Energy Bill
    7. How to Save on Energy Bills: Get an Audit
    8. How to Save Energy at Home for Cheaper Energy Bills
    9. How to Lower Power Bill
    10. How to Lower Electric Bill
    11. How to Lower Your Electric Bill
    12. How to Lower Your Home Energy Bill | Time
    13. How to Lower Your Energy Bill
    14. How to Lower Utility Bills When the Temperature Rises
    15. How to Buy a Whole House Humidifier
    16. How to Buy a Furnace
    17. How to Buy an Electric Furnace
    18. How to Reduce Electricity Bill
    19. How to Reduce Your Energy Bill with Minimal Cost and Sacrifice
    20. How to Reduce Your Water Heater’s Energy Use.
    21. How to Keep Energy Costs Low
    22. How to Choose a Furnace Contractor
    23. How to Choose an Air Conditioner
    24. How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries
    25. How We Work With Forests
    26. How Much Electricity Does an American Home Use?
    27. How Much Coal, Natural Gas, or Petroleum Is Used to Generate a Kilowatthour of Electricity?
    28. How Much to Replace Compressor?
    29. How Much Is BP Preparing for "Lower for Longer" Oil Prices?
    30. How Much Should the World Pay for the Congo Forest's Carbon Removal?
    31. How Much Heating Oil Does Your Home Need in Winter?

    32. Average Outside Temperature (F) Estimated Gallons Used in 24 Hours Estimated Days 100 Gallons Will Last
      15 7.8 13
      20 7.0 15
      25 6.2 16
      30 5.3 19
      35 4.5 22
      40 3.7 27
      45 2.8 36
      50 2.0 50

    33. How Much Do Solar Panels Cost Around the World?
    34. How Do Solar Panels Work? | Energia Zero
    35. How Do Solar Panels Work? Solar Energy Diagram
    36. How Does Solar Work? | Department of Energy
    37. How Does Solar Energy Work? | Solar Choice
    38. How Solar Panels Work
    39. How Solar Energy Works
    40. How Solar Cells Work?
    41. How Fossil Fuels Effect the Environment
    42. How Long Do Lithium-ion Batteries Last?
    43. How Are Supply Chain Issues Impacting Solar Power Projects?
    44. Who Gets What from Imported Oil?
    45. Who Paid the Most, Least? - Electricity Bill Report | Save on Energy
    46. What Are the 5 Largest U.S. Energy Utilities?
    47. What Is Deforestation?
    48. What Is U.S. Electricity Generation by Energy Source?
    49. What Is Renewable Energy?
    50. What Is Solar Energy?
    51. What Is Solar Energy? | Renewable Energy World
    52. What Is a Solar Array? Why Is It Important?
    53. What Is the 'Energy Transition' and How Is It Going?
    54. What Is the Difference Between Regular and Premium Gas?
    55. What Is the Difference Between Lithium-ion and Lithium-Polymer?
    56. What Is the Difference Between Active and Passive Solar Energy?
    57. What Is the Cost of Solar Panels?
    58. What Is Radiation?
    59. What Exactly Is Active vs Passive Solar?
    60. What Sets Oil Prices?.
    61. What the New EIA Oil Supply Data Shows
    62. What Will Fuel Transport Systems of the Future?
    63. What Do You Know About Alternative Energy?
    64. What Would a World Powered Entirely by Offshore Wind Look Like?
    65. When It's Time for a Water Heater Replacement.
    66. Where Is Solar Power Used the Most?
    67. Why Residential Solar Stocks Popped in December (2015)
    68. Why Oil May Never Hit $100 per Barrel Again (2016)
    69. Why Electricity Bill's So High (and the 5 Big Ways to Fix It)
    70. Why Forests is So Importance
    71. Why You Should Use Solar Energy
    72. Why Is a Heat Pump a Good Idea?.
    73. Why Are Solar Panels So Expensive?

    ▷ OPEC - Monthly Oil Market Reports

    ▷ OPEC - Annual World Oil Outlook Reports

    2016 - Average Gas Prices per Gallon by Country
    (in USD)

    Austria $4.80 Australia $3.85 Argentina $4.45 Brazil $4.46
    Barbados $5.25 Bahrain $1.60 Bulgaria $4.18 Canada $3.55
    Croatia $5.30 Chile $4.45 China $3.80 Colombia $2.70
    Cuba $5.07 Cyprus $5.00- Czech Republic $4.60 Denmark $6.20
    Egypt $1.30 Estonia $4.50 Finland $5.93 France $5.72
    Germany $5.54 Greece $6.27 Hong Kong $7.32 Hungary $4.78
    India $4.07 Indonesia $2.33 Iran $1.50 Iraq $2.38
    Ireland $5.50 Israel $6.30 Italy $6.17 Japan $4.18
    Jordan $4.30 Kuwait $1.30 Kazakhstan $1.65 Luxembourg $4.78
    Malaysia $1.80 Malta $5.27 Mexico $3.08 Morocco $3.82
    New Zealand $5.90 Netherlands $6.33 Nigeria $1.72 Norway $7.11
    Pakistan $2.45 Philippines $3.40 Poland $4.35 Portugal $5.98
    Romania $4.35 Russia $2.42 Saudi Arabia $0.90 Singapore $5.18
    Slovakia $5.30 Slovenia $5.22 South Africa $3.65 South Korea $4.85
    Spain $4.96 Sweden $6.03 Switzerland $5.35 Thailand $3.70
    Turkey $5.35 UAE $1.85 UK $5.54 United States $2.60
    Venezuela $0.07 Vietnam $3.11 Other Countries ----- - -

    2015 - Average Gas Prices per Gallon by Country
    (in USD)

    Austria $4.50 Australia $3.30 Argentina $3.87 Brazil $3.47
    Barbados $5.08 Bahrain $0.99 Bulgaria $3.96 Canada $3.10
    Croatia $4.70 Chile $3.90 China $3.52 Colombia $2.44
    Cuba $4.91 Cyprus $4.67 Czech Republic $4.44 Denmark $6.02
    Egypt $2.91 Estonia $4.02 Finland $5.52 France $5.26
    Germany $5.17 Greece $5.71 Hong Kong $6.91 Hungary $4.23
    India $3.56 Indonesia $2.36 Iran $1.22 Iraq $3.38
    Ireland $5.32 Israel $5.80 Italy $5.92 Japan $3.62
    Jordan $3.49 Kuwait $0.78 Kazakhstan $1.65 Luxembourg $4.40
    Malaysia $1.63 Malta $5.43 Mexico $3.08 Morocco $3.54
    New Zealand $5.01 Netherlands $6.33 Nigeria $1.57 Norway $6.14
    Pakistan $2.75 Philippines $3.22 Poland $4.00 Portugal $5.59
    Romania $4.55 Russia $1.89 Saudi Arabia $0.88 Singapore $6.33
    Slovakia $7.31 Slovenia $7.39 South Africa $5.38 South Korea $5.03
    Spain $4.54 Sweden $5.81 Switzerland $5.17 Thailand $3.26
    Turkey $5.56 UAE $1.63 UK $5.73 United States $2.27
    Venezuela $0.06 Vietnam $2.87 Other Countries ----- - -

    2014 - Average Gas Prices per Gallon by Country
    (in USD)

    Austria $7.09 Australia $5.87 Argentina $5.38 Brazil $5.58
    Barbados $6.02 Bahrain $1.02 Bulgaria $6.40 Canada $4.62
    Croatia $7.08 Chile $6.22 China $4.75 Colombia $4.83
    Cuba $4.69 Cyprus $6.93 Czech Republic $6.84 Denmark $7.93
    Egypt $1.03 Estonia $6.53 Finland $8.05 France $8.52
    Germany $8.09 Greece $8.30 Hong Kong $8.21 Hungary $7.16
    India $5.07 Indonesia $4.62 Iran $2.16 Iraq $1.44
    Ireland $7.79 Israel $7.86 Italy $8.31 Japan $6.09
    Jordan $4.92 Kuwait $0.80 Kazakhstan $3.71 Luxembourg $6.51
    Malaysia $2.31 Malta $7.27 Mexico $3.43 Morocco $5.70
    New Zealand $6.69 Netherlands $8.95 Nigeria $2.27 Norway $10.08
    Pakistan $3.95 Philippines $4.89 Poland $6.28 Portugal $8.38
    Romania $7.19 Russia $3.60 Saudi Arabia $0.05 Singapore $6.33
    Slovakia $7.31 Slovenia $7.39 South Africa $5.38 South Korea $6.77
    Spain $7.11 Sweden $8.10 Switzerland $7.26 Thailand $4.68
    Turkey $9.55 UAE $1.77 UK $7.99 United States $3.53
    Venezuela $0.05 Vietnam $4.22 - - - -

    2013 - U.S. States Crude Oil Production
    Source: eia.gov

      Crude Oil Production
      May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 View
      225,330 215,954 231,609 232,041 233,268 240,353 1920-2013
      PADD 1
      1,029 933 1,085 1,072 1,076 1,147 1981-2013
      169 167 172 197 200 209 1981-2013
      New York
      30 29 30 30 29 30 1981-2013
      448 406 447 475 492 512 1981-2013
      1 0 0 0 0 0 1981-2013
      West Virginia
      381 331 435 369 355 395 1981-2013
      PADD 2
      41,315 40,344 43,184 44,825 44,112 46,398 1981-2013
      805 758 812 843 779 819 1981-2013
      196 198 200 205 186 202 1981-2013
      4,056 3,828 4,034 4,103 3,801 4,108 1981-2013
      260 400 124 336 124 313 1981-2013
      673 643 652 656 663 678 1981-2013
      18 17 18 19 17 18 1981-2013
      221 225 225 249 236 271 1981-2013
      North Dakota
      25,149 24,648 27,148 28,247 27,989 29,191 1981-2013
      403 396 511 535 620 615 1981-2013
      9,359 9,070 9,295 9,462 9,526 10,008 1981-2013
      South Dakota
      149 143 145 151 150 154 1981-2013
      26 18 22 20 19 21 1981-2013
      PADD 3
      132,716 127,000 137,303 137,478 138,863 141,408 1981-2013
      879 823 877 885 813 862 1981-2013
      554 538 546 567 543 572 1981-2013
      6,165 5,974 6,517 6,233 5,959 5,924 1981-2013
      2,077 1,958 2,056 2,054 1,964 2,039 1981-2013
      New Mexico
      8,273 7,979 8,331 8,750 8,567 8,599 1981-2013
      77,567 76,566 80,668 82,219 81,067 85,320 1981-2013
      Federal Offshore
      (PADD 3)
      37,201 33,162 38,308 36,768 39,950 38,091 1981-2013
      PADD 4
      15,825 15,264 16,210 16,757 16,057 16,860 1981-2013
      4,937 4,840 5,351 5,464 5,335 5,708 1981-2013
      2,524 2,395 2,523 2,512 2,431 2,379 1981-2013
      2,958 2,805 2,983 2,962 2,781 3,038 1981-2013
      5,406 5,224 5,354 5,819 5,510 5,735 1981-2013
      PADD 5
      34,444 32,412 33,828 31,910 33,159 34,541 1981-2013
      15,977 14,567 15,282 13,270 15,332 16,136 1981-2013
      South Alaska
      430 446 492 523 536 585 1981-2013
      North Slope
      15,546 14,121 14,789 12,747 14,796 15,551 1981-2013
      7 6 6 5 5 4 1981-2013
      16,956 16,306 16,818 17,070 16,391 16,950 1981-2013
      27 28 29 28 25 29 1981-2013
      Federal Offshore
      (PADD 5)
      1,478 1,505 1,693 1,536 1,407 1,422 1981-2013

    OPEC - Oil Reserves

    Oil Production (in Thousands)
    [# Barrels per Day - (1 Bbl = 42 Gals)]
    (Sources: CIA & EIA)

    Country 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
    1. Algeria:
    2. Angola:
    3. Argentina:
    4. Australia:
    5. Azerbaijan:
    6. Brazil:
    7. Canada:
    8. China:
    9. Colombia:
    10. Congo:
    11. Ecuador:
    12. Egypt:
    13. Indonesia:
    14. Iran:
    15. Iraq:
    16. Kazakhstan:
    17. Kuwait:
    18. Libya:
    19. Malaysia:
    20. Mexico:
    21. Nigeria:
    22. Norway:
    23. Oman:
    24. Qatar:
    25. Russia:
    26. Saudi Arabia:
    27. Sudan:
    28. Syria:
    29. UAE:
    30. U.K.:
    31. USA:
    32. Venezuela:
    33. Vietnam:
    34. Yemen:
    35. The Rest
    The Rest

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