- Rafflesia Arnoldii is a flower measured up to 3 feet across and weighs close to 15 pounds. It is an endemic plant that occurs only in the rainforest of Bengkulu, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Though beautiful to behold, the bloom has a strong odor of decaying flesh.
- Puya raimondii (also known as queen of the Ande) has a flower stalk 35,000 feet tall and bears over 8,000 white flowers; it is native to Bolivia and
Peru and is restricted to the high Andes at an elevation of 3000 4800 m.
The first naturalist to see Puya raimondii Harms was apparently A. D' Orbigny, who saw it between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, Bolivia in October 1830.
- Archaefructus sinensis, a flower discovered in 2002 in northeast China, was bloomed around 125 million years ago and resembles a water lily.
- Amorphophallus titanum, the titan arum, is a flowering plant in the family Araceae.
It has the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world. The inflorescence of the talipot palm, Corypha umbraculifera, is larger,
but it is branched rather than unbranched. Amorphophallus titanum is endemic to rainforests on the
Indonesian island of Sumatra. Its flower is measured up to 10 feet (3 meters) high and 3 feet (1 meter) wide.
- One of the largest flowers in the world is the Puya raimondii (also known as queen of the Ande), which has a flower stalk 35,000 feet tall and bears over 8,000 white flowers; it is native to Bolivia and
Peru and is restricted to the high Andes at an elevation of 3000 4800 m.
The first naturalist to see Puya raimondii Harms was apparently A. D'Orbigny, who saw it between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, Bolivia in October 1830.
- Be careful when giving flowers to someone in Russia, since traditionally, yellow blooms signify deceit or a relationship break-up, and red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead, or are offered to surviving war veterans.
- Columbines are wildflowers with multi-colored, white, red, yellow, blue, pink, lavender; the flowers are native to most temperate regions of the world, and bloom in the spring.
- Scarlet pimpernel flowers, which are open only when the sun shines, can forecast the weather. If the flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be sunny.
- The honeybee plays a key role in our agricultural production; bees account for 80% of all
agricultural pollution.
- About 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in the U.S. come from California.
- Dandelions's flowers and leaves provide a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium. One cup of dandelion greens provides 7,000-13,000 I.U. of vitamin A.
- Mimosa punica, a sensitive plant, folds up its leaves when it is touched. This rapid plant movement is thought to act as a defence against herbivores.
- Sunflowers, which are huge, fiery blooms, whose shape and image, and are often used to depict the sun, move throughout the day in response to the movement of the sun from east to west.
- Moon-flowers bloom only at night.
- About 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in the U.S. come from California.
- Selenicereus grandiflorus bloom only once a year, for a single night.
- The White House grounds are the oldest continually maintained landscape in the United States. One weekend during the spring and fall the White House south grounds are open to the public. Visitors have the opportunity to see the two formal gardens,
the Rose Garden near the West Wing and the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden near the East Wing as well as the Kitchen Garden which was established in 2009. Along with the gardens, visitors can view many of the ornamental trees planted by former presidents.
- Chrysanthemums, Chinese Rose, Peony, Lotus, Plum Blossom, Camellia, Azalea, Hibiscus, Magnolia, and Narcissus are top flowers in Chinese culture
- Be careful when giving flowers to someone in Russia, since traditionally, yellow blooms signify deceit or a relationship break-up, and red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead, or are offered to surviving war veterans.
- Columbines are wildflowers with multi-colored, white, red, yellow, blue, pink, lavender; the flowers are native to most temperate regions of the world, and bloom in the spring.
- The honeybee plays a key role in our agricultural production; bees account for 80% of all
agricultural pollution.
- The most popular Valentine's gifts are greeting cards (65%), romantic dinner (44%), candy (38%), flowers (32%), gift cards (29%), plush toys (21%), some other kind of gift (17%), perfume or cologne (12%), and, surprisingly, jewelry comes in last at 11%.
- Scrawling a persons name in red ink on a birthday card traditionally signifies that the person is deceased in Korea.
- When giving gifts to someone in the Netherlands, don't give fancy kitchen knives or scissors as gifts; giving sharp, pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky.
- Straw sandals, clocks, handkerchiefs and flowers
are all associated with death and funerals in China; be careful when giving these gifts and flowers to people in to someone in China.
- Top Gift Cards:
- The £3.5 Million Diamond Bra - A Flawless 2000-Diamond Bra complete with a 10-Carat ...
- Wildly expensive valentines day gifts: Chrystalized Amphora for $3,500 , Ferrari Ascent Ti for $9,650, Biometric Briefcase for $12,000,
Fendi 24-Carat Gold Python Bag for $36,000, Vacheron Constantin Quai de LIle for $60,000, North Pole Dogsled Expedition for $51,184, Jean Schlumberger Bracelet for $65,000, Ruffle Cuff Bracelet for $250,000, Isla Bonita (Brazil) for $2.6 million, and Castle Carbonana for $15.5 million
- Scrawling a person's name in red ink on a birthday card traditionally signifies that the person is deceased in Korea.
- In 2011 the most wanted gifts for women were the Victoria Beckham's bags collection, the Cleopatra's carpet, Beyonce Knowles' ring, and the Taylor-Burton's diamond.