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    Did You Know?
    1. Many advanced AI tools are available today, each excels in different areas; AI's ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, Jasper,, Anthropic’s Claude, Canva, and DeepL are the most notable ones.
      • Open AI's ChatGPT - ChatGPT can write code, generate text, integrate text, images, and sounds, and even create art.
      • Microsoft Copilot - Copilot uses GPT-4 to assist with tasks like writing emails, generating code, and creating documents.
      • Google Gemini - Gemini can integrate deeply with Google’s services.
      • Jasper - Jasper can generate content, including blog posts, social media updates, and marketing tasks.
      • - can provide detailed answers to complex questions.
      • Anthropic’s Claude - Anthropic’s Claude can engage conversations, making it a good choice for customer service and personal assistants.
      • Canva - Canva can generate image and provide design suggestions, making it easier to create professional-looking graphics.
      • DeepL - DeepL can handle nuanced language, making it a favorite for translating documents and text.
    2. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. It is a rapidly evolving field with significant impacts on various aspects of our lives. For example, AI can be used for creating high-quality, photorealistic images, writing an essay, and solving a problem. Especially, AI can search and analyze data to enhance decision-making by leveraging vast data to identify patterns and trends often invisible to humans.
    3. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a 220-employee U.S. DoD research and development agency, not only created ARPANET, the foundation of the current Internet, and Global Positioning System (GPS) that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth, but has also invented many advanced technologies, such as building a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) plane; making a robot that would converse long distances without requiring a need to refuel or recharge; building cheaper and lightweight drones that can be launched from a mother ship; fabricating and flying a reusable aircraft to the edge of space; inventing an unmanned oblique-wing flying aircraft for high speed, long range and long endurance flight; developing autonomous, large-size, unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) capable of long-duration missions and having large payload capacities; and using AI to identify and fix software vulnerabilities.
    4. Quantum computers and supercomputers are powerful machines used to perform complex calculations, solve problems, and analyze data but they differ in their underlying technology and applications. Supercomputers consist of thousands or hundreds of thousands of central processing units (CPUs) working together to perform incredibly complex calculations and simulations that could never be achieved by humans or any computers. Quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) instead of binary bits to store and process information to perform many calculations at once for tackling complex problems that require massive amounts of data to be processed quickly.
    5. Semiconductors, or microchips, are an essential component of electronic devices such as computers, printers, cars and mobile phones. They are materials that have a conductivity between conductors (generally metals) and insulators (nonconductors, e.g., most ceramics). Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as silicon or germanium, or compounds such as gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide; in a doping process, small amounts of impurities are added to pure semiconductors causing large changes in the conductivity of the material.
    6. German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck was the first person to notice a semiconducting effect, in 1821, he discovered that when two wires made from dissimilar metals are joined at two ends to form a loop (known as a thermocouple), and if the two junctions are maintained at different temperatures, a voltage develops in the circuit; later, in 1823, Ørsted called this phenomenon thermoelectric effect. In 1834, Jean Peltier, a French physicist, discovered another second thermoelectric effect that when a current flows through a circuit containing a junction of two dissimilar metals, heat is either absorbed or liberated at the junction. Their efforts contributed to the semiconductor development.
    7. Pi=3.1415926 is equivalent to "May I have a large container of coffee" when replacing each number by word's letter on a phone key board.
    8. Take any three figure number in which the first figure is larger than the last, say 754. Reverse it, making 457 and subtract the smaller from the larger (i.e.; 754-457), making 297. Now add the result to the same number reversed, 792. The answer is (297+ 792) = 1089, and will be 1089 whatever number you start with.
    9. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
    10. 1 x 9 x 12345679 = 111,111,111; 2 x 9 x 12345679 = 222,222,222; 3 x 9 x 12345679 = 333,333,333; 4 x 9 x 12345679 = 444,444,444; 5 x 9 x 12345679 = 555,555,555
    11. 6 x 9 x 12345679 = 666,666,666; 7 x 9 x 12345679 = 777,777,777; 8 x 9 x 12345679 = 888,888,888; 9 x 9 x 12345679 = 999,999,999
    12. 2,520 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 without having a fractional leftover.
    13. A brief history of black holes
      • 2014 - Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes', 'There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory, but quantum theory enables energy and information to escape'. Event horizon replaced by apparent horizon that allows some light through, and kills firewall.
      • 2012 - Firewall paradox - Escaping information ignites firewall, which cannot be reconciled with general relativity.
      • 2004 - Stephen Hawking accepted that information escapes from black holes; Swift gamma-ray burst mission launched.
      • 2000 - Scientist discovered that the evolution of supermassive black holes in the hearts of galaxies appears to be linked to the evolution of the galaxies themselves.
      • 1994 - Hubble Space Telescope provided evidence that super-massive black holes reside in the center of galaxies.
      • 1989 - Russian Space Agency launches Granat, using gamma-ray technology for deep imaging of galactic centers.
      • 1974 - Using quantum mechanics Stephen Hawking showed that black holes may not be black after all; they may emit a form of radiation.
      • 1971 - By combining X-ray, radio, and optical observations from telescopes scientists confirmed black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 by determining the mass of its companion star.
      • 1970 - Stephen Hawking defined modern theory of black holes.
      • 1967 - Scientists discover first good black hole candidate, Cygnus X-1.
      • 1964 - John Wheeler brought the concept of "collapsed stars" to the forefront by coining a new name for them: black holes
      • 1963 - Roy Kerr developed "black hole" equations showing that massive stars will ‘drag’ the spacetime around them like water swirling around a drain. Maarten Schmidt discovered that 3c273, an odd star-like point of light known as a quasar, is one of the most powerful objects in the universe.
      • 1939 - Robert Oppenheimer and Hartland Snyder mathematically proved Schwarzschild’s theories.
      • 1931 - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar defied conventional wisdom by showing that 'heavy' stars would end their lives in a more exotic state than stars like the Sun.
      • 1916 - Before Albert Einstein could solve the equations in his own theory of gravity, Karl Schwarzschild defined a black hole and what later becomes known as the Schwarzschild radius.
        • Black holes emerged from general relativity; nothing, not even light, escapes event horizon
      • 1915 - Albert Einstein expanded his theory of relativity to include the effects of gravity, and published the General Theory of Relativity describing the curvature of space-time
      • 1796 - Simon Pierre LaPlace predicted the existence of black holes 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovers X-rays; he discovered the concept of 'dark stars' independent of Michell's 'dark stars".
      • 1783 - John Michell theorized the possibility of an object large enough to have an escape velocity greater than the speed of light; he suggested that the surface gravity of some stars could be so strong that not even light could escape from them.
      • 1686 - Sir Isaac Newton published his universal law of gravitation in a three-volume work known as the Principia.
    14. The US tech economy was $1.6 trillion in 2018, 9.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The numbers are even more staggering from an equities perspective; the American tech industry accounts for a quarter of the value of the US stock market, some $34 trillion. There are half a million tech companies in the US with 34,000 new startups in 2017 alone. Globally, the tech industry topped $4.5 trillion in revenue in 2017 and is expected to reach $4.8 trillion in 2018. The US is the single-largest tech market in the world and accounts for 31 percent of the global tech market.
    15. Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists predicted the devastating effect climate change will have on the densely-populated region of China, which stretches the length of the Yellow River. Deadly heatwaves that can kill people in six hours could leave the north China plain, a large area of China, uninhabitable by 2070 unless the country reduces its greenhouse gas emissions.
    16. The first laser was built in 1960 by Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories, based on theoretical work by Charles Hard Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow; Gordon Gould, an American physicist, is also credited with the invention of the laser. Lasers are used in optical disk drives, laser printers, barcode scanners, DNA sequencing instruments, fiber-optic communication, laser surgery and skin treatments, cutting and welding materials, devices for marking targets and measuring range and speed; and laser lighting displays in entertainment.
    17. John Bertrand Gurdon, an English developmental biologist, while working at the University of Oxford, successfully cloned a frog using intact nuclei from the somatic cells of a Xenopus tadpole; his experiments led to the development of tools and techniques for nuclear transfer and cloning widely used today.
    18. Charles Richard Drew, an African-American physician, while researching in the field of blood transfusions, developed improved techniques for blood storage, which led to the establishment of the American Red Cross blood banks early in World War II.
    19. Alec John Jeffreys, a British geneticist, discovered a method of showing variations between individuals' DNA, and developed genetic fingerprinting while working in the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester; his invention is now used worldwide in forensic science to assist police detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration issues.
    20. For each degree higher or lower the thermostat is set for air conditioning or heating, the consumer can save 3% on such costs.
    21. The Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.
    22. Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft capture 3/4 of all cloud platform revenue in 2018.
    23. IBM has 9,043 U.S. patents in 2017 and around 3,300 more than its next-most patent holder, Samsung Electronics.
    24. 15 the world's largest technology companies in terms of revenue in 2017:
    25. The global semiconductor industry is dominated by USA, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and European Union. The top 10 companies are:
    26. Fred Terman is considered as the fayrer of Silicon Valley. When Terman was dean of the School of Engineering at Stanford University, he was successful in attracting research support from a number of sources. He encouraged his graduates to start their own companies and faculty members to join as consultants and investors, and, in some instances, founding new companies in Silicon Valley.
    27. Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas J. Hopper (all of Carnegie Mellon University), and John Langford (of IBM) developed and publicized the notion of a CAPTCHA, which is is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. CAPTCHA requires a user to type the letters of a distorted image or digits that appears on the screen, search bots can not read these and so access control is established. The first CAPTCHAs are widely used to verify users who try to access a secure website.
    28. The prototype V164–8.0 MW wind turbine located in the Danish National Test Centre is the world’s largest and most powerful wind turbine, which is 720 feet tall, has 260-foot blades, and can generate 8 megawatts of power — enough to supply electricity for 7,500 average European households or about 3,000 American households. Britain has the most installed offshore wind capacity with 3.68 gigawatts while Denmark is a distant second with 1.27 gigawatts.
    29. John Bardeen is the only person in history to have received two Nobel Prizes in physics: first in 1956 with William Shockley and Walter Brattain for the invention of the transistor; and again in 1972 with Leon N Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer for a fundamental theory of conventional superconductivity known as the BCS theory.
    30. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was an Indian American astrophysicist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler "for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution yielded many of the best current theoretical models of the later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes. The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him. He served on the University of Chicago faculty from 1937 until his death in 1995 at the age of 84.
    31. Wilson Greatbatch was building an oscillator to record heart sounds in the late 1950s and he built the first successful implantable pacemaker. The Chardack-Greatbatch pacemaker used Mallory mercuric oxide-zinc cells (mercury battery) for its energy source, driving a two transistor, transformer coupled blocking oscillator circuit, all encapsulated in epoxy resin, then coupled to electrodes placed into the myocardium of the patient's heart. This patented innovation led to further development of artificial cardiac pacemakers. John Alexander "Jack" Hopps was one of the pioneers of the artificial pacemaker.
    32. Peanut butter can be turned into diamonds with a technique that harnesses pressures higher than those found at the centre of the earth.
    33. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) formulated the laws of gravity, supposedly after pondering why an apple falls from a tree; Albert Einstein (1879-1955) expanded Newton's work by formulating the theory of general relativity. Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the development of quantum mechanics led to the replacement of Newtonian physics with a new physics which contains two parts, that describe different types of events in nature.
    34. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), which is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble, is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation. The Space Shuttle Discovery deploys the Hubble Space telescope 350 miles above the Earth.
    35. Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) was granted patents for a "system of transmitting electrical energy" and "an electrical transmitter", which were the ones of around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions.
    36. Sunlight takes a little more than 8 minutes to reach the Earth; this means that when we are looking at the sun as it as 8 minutes ago.
    37. Compared with our own Moon, which is about the same size, the Mercury planet reflects much less light. There's a lot more carbon dust thrown off from comets close to the Sun, where Mercury orbits -- about 50 times as much for Mercury as for our moon.
    38. Mercury, the first and smallest planet in the Solar System, speeds around the Sun in 88 Earth days, but takes almost 176 Earth days to go from sunrise to sunset. The temperatures during the day on Mercury can be 840° F; at night, the temperatures plummet to -300° F.
    39. Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It has almost the Earth size, and is covered in thick clouds that are made mostly of carbon dioxide and acid. The surface temperature can be as high as 930° F, caused mostly by the clouds that trap the heat and reflect it back. One day on Venus is 243 Earth days, and its year is 225 Earth years.
    40. Earth is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to accommodate life.  Formed about 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth speeds around the Sun in 365 Earth days. The average temperatures on Earth is around 59° F.
    41. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. It is a “Red Planet” and the closest planet to Earth, has polar ice caps, suggesting the water is on Mars. Temperatures on Mars during the day are about 80° F, but at night drop to -270° F.
    42. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. It has no surface because it is made mostly of gasses. The average temperature on Jupiter is -235° F. Jupiter has a day that lasts 9.9 Earth hours and a year that lasts 11.9 Earth years.
    43. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant planet with no surface to walk on. The average temperature on Saturn is -218° F. One day on Saturn is 10 Earth hours and one year is 29.46 Earth years.
    44. Uranus, has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with no surface to walk on, and is a unique planet with its blue-green color caused by the methane gas that reflects back blue and green light. Only one pole of Uranus faces the Sun, while the other is in complete darkness. One side of Uranus gets 42 years of light, followed by 42 years of darkness. Uranus has a temperature of -323° F. The average day on Uranus is 17.9 Earth hours and a year is 84 Earth years.
    45. Neptune, which is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System, has many dwarf planets (i.e.; it isn’t large enough to be considered a planet). On this planet the winds blow over 1,200 miles per hour and the temperature is -350° F. One day on Neptune is equal to 19 Earth hours and one year is equal to 164.8 Earth years.
    46. The diameters of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are 870,000 miles (1,391,000 kilometers), 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers) and 2,173 miles (3,477 kilometers, respectively.
    47. Our Galaxy contains about 200 billion stars.
    48. On January 27, 1926, John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor, gives the first public demonstration of a true television system in London, launching a revolution in communication and entertainment.
    49. 27 Science fictions that became Science Facts in 2012: Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm; Stem Cells Could Extend Human Life by over 100 Years; Self-Driving Cars; Eye Implants Give Sight to the Blind; First Unmanned Commercial Space Flight Docks with the ISS; Human Brain Is Hacked; First Planet with Four Suns Discovered;...
    50. NASA Kepler space telescope has uncovered 461 more potential new planets; this brings its counts to 2,740 new "candidate" worlds, 105 of which have been confirmed as planets, most of which are the size of Earth or a few times larger.
    51. Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit = (Temperature in degrees Celsius x 1.8) + 32; Temperature in degrees Celsius = (Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit - 32) x (5 / 9); Fahrenheit and Celsius are equal at -40 degrees.
    52. Nuclear power, which uses fission to create heat and electricity, provides around 14% of the world’s electricity.
    53. Nitrogen, which a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, makes up around 78% of the air you breathe.
    54. Things invisible to the human eye can often be seen under Ultraviolet (UV) light.
    55. When hydrogen burns in the air, water is formed.
    56. Hydrofluoric acid can dissolve glass.
    57. The first electronic digital computer (ENIAC - the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), which was developed in 1946 by the University of Pennsylvania, contained over 18,000 vacuum tubes.
    58. The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with an estimated surface temperature of 864 degrees F (462 degrees C).
    59. The temperature on the surface of Mercury exceeds 806 degrees F (430 degrees C) during the day, and, at night, plummets to minus 356 degrees F (minus 180 degrees C).
    60. The temperature at the center of the Earth is around 5,500 degrees Celsius.
    61. The Hubble Space Telescope weighs 12 tons (10,896 kilograms), is 43 feet (13.1 meters) long, and cost $2.1 billion to originally build.
    62. Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.
    63. The Saturn has a density lower than water. So, if placed in water it would float.
    64. The Jupiter is larger than the Earth around 1,000 times. Europa, Jupiter’s moon, is completely covered in ice.
    65. Electricity travels at the speed of light more than 186,000 miles per second!.
    66. The first power plant owned by Thomas Edison opened in New York City in 1882.
    67. The Earth orbits the Sun at 66,700mph. The Moon is moving away from the Earth at about 34cm per year.
    68. There are over 100 billion galaxies in the universe. The largest galaxies contain nearly 400 billion stars.
    69. The Sun, composed mostly of helium and hydrogen, has a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius.
    70. Sahara (around 93,500,000 square miles) is the largest desert in the world.
    71. Lake Baikal (Baikal) in Siberia, Russia is the deepest lake (1,620m deep) and the oldest lake (25 million years old) in the world.
    72. The highest waterfall (979m) in the world is the Angel Falls in Venezuela.
    73. The deepest part of the ocean is 35,813 feet (10,916 meters) deep and occurs in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. At that depth the pressure is 18,000 pounds (9172 kilograms) per square inch.
    74. There are A batteries (AA and AAA), then C, and then D. Where are all the B batteries?
    75. Iron is key to reversing global warming.
    76. Lung Doctors expect respiratory diseases will worsen with global climate change.
    77. Memory, speed, flexibility, problem solving, and attention are five major critical elements of brain health and performance used to measure IQ.
    78. Bifocals are eyeglasses with two distinct optical powers. Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) is credited with the invention of original bifocal spectacle lenses in 1784.
    79. As of 2011, nuclear power plants provide about 6% of the world's energy and 13–14% of the world's electricity. There were 439 nuclear power reactors in operation in the world, operating in 31 countries. The U.S. had 104, France: 58, Japan: 55, Russia: 32, South Korea: 21, India: 20, U.K: 19, Canada: 18 and Germany: 17. The working life of a nuclear power plant is approximately 40 years.
    80. The first American woman in space was Sally K. Ride who was aboard Challenger STS-7 on June 18, 1983.
    81. The first American woman to walk in space was Kathryn D. Sullivan who was aboard Challenger STS-41G on October 11, 1984.
    82. The first American woman to make three spaceflights was Shannon W. Lucid, who was aboard STS-51G Discovery (June 17-24, 1985), STS-34 Atlantis (October 18-23, 1989), and STS-43 Atlantis (August 2-11, 1991).
    83. The first African American to fly in space was Guion S. Bluford, Jr, who was aboard Challenger STS-8 on August 30, 1983.
    84. Challenger STS 51L was launched on January 28, 1986, but exploded 73 seconds after lift-off.
    85. The first U.S. satellite launched into orbit was Explorer 1, which was launched on January 31, 1958.
    86. Bifocals, which are eyeglasses with two distinct optical powers, were developed around 1760 by the American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin.
    87. The first air brake invented by George Westinghouse in 1869 revolutionized the railroad industry.
    88. The Chinese abacus was developed about 5000 years ago.
    89. Charles Edward Taylor (May 24, 1868 – January 30, 1956) built the first aircraft engine that provided the power to achieve the powered, sustained, and controlled flight of an airplane flying by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903.
    90. Japan has so many earthquakes because it is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is is an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean.
    91. In 1976, a magnitude 7.5 quake killed 255,000 people in Tangshan, China; in 2004, a 9.1 magnitude quake in Sumatra (and the resulting Tsunami) killed 227,898 in 14 countries; in 1920, a 7.8 earthquake killed 235,502 people in Haiyuan, China; in 1923, 142,000 people died after a 7.9 quake in Kanto, Japan; in 1908, 123,000 people were killed after a 7.1 quake in Messina, Italy; and in 1948, 110,000 people died after a 7.3 quake struck Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
    92. North Dakota (US) never had an earthquake.
    93. About 46,000 square miles of arable land and around 1,000 square miles of Chinese land turn to desert annually due to climate change, fueling deadly, globe-circling dust storms, and practices such as forest clear-cutting.
    94. Atacama Desert in Chile is an extreme desert state, where no rain has ever been recorded in this region.
    95. When an active cell phone is pressed against the ear, the brain gets busier. The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from cell phones; however, the radiation emitted by a cell phone is not radioactive. Scientists don't know yet whether cell phones are bad for the brain.
    96. Discovery, which made its debut on August 30, 1984, ended its career on March 9, 2011 as the world's most flown spaceship, returning from orbit for the last time and taking off in a new direction as a museum piece. This spaceship flew 39 missions, including flying 13 times to the space station more than any other craft, covering 148 million miles. It orbited Earth 5,830 times and spent 365 days in space.
    97. About 10.4 percent of the world's land surface (or 6,020,000 square miles) is covered with ice in the form of ice sheets, ice caps, or glaciers.
    98. About one-third of Earth’s land surface is partially or totally desert.
    100. The ice that covers Antarctica is 15,700 feet ( 4,785 meters) in depth at its thickest point. Its average thickness is 7,100 feet (2,164 meters).
    101. Of the 850 different species of tree in the U.S., the oldest species is the bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva), which grows in the deserts of Nevada and South California. The potential life span of these pines is estimated to be 5,500 years.
    102. An old, still healthy oak tree is estimated to have approximately 250,000 leaves.
    103. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
    104. Supercomputers, which was originally designed by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC) in 1960s, are used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problems involving weather forecasting, climate research, molecular modeling and physical simulations and quantum physics. Today the Tianhe-1A supercomputer located in China has been the fastest in the world.
    105. The highest recorded train speed is 320.2 mph by the TGV train in France.
    106. Only 31 percent of U.S. bachelor's degrees are in science and technology, compared with 63 percent in Japan.
    107. Marie Curie, the Nobel prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning. She was the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes (in physics and chemistry), and was the first woman to serve as professor at the University of Paris.
    108. The water on the earth occupies 71 percent of the planet, but only 1 percent of this water is drinkable.
    109. It takes 8 minutes and 12 seconds for sunlight to reach the Earth.
    110. Florida's beaches lose 20 million cubic yards of sand annually.
    111. One 75-watt bulb gives more light than three 25-watt bulbs.
    112. The speed of a typical raindrop is 17 miles per hour.
    113. Radio waves travel at 186,000 miles per second, and sound waves saunter at 700 miles per hour.
    114. HP, Dell, Acer and Apple are top PC sellers in the U.S.; and while other three vendors gained their shares, HP continues falling.
    115. The revolver was invented by inventor Samuel Colt. It was patented in 1836.
    116. In 2009, the US Federal government awarded Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and General Dynamics the contracts with a value of $30.9B, $20B, $17.5B and $15.3 and $12.7B, respectively.
    117. eBay acquired Skype for approximately $2.6 billion on September 12, 2005. Skype had about 54 million members in 225 countries and territories and added around 150,000 new users each day at that time.
    118. on Jan 13, 2000 Bill Gates resigned as the CEO of his own company, Microsoft, to dedicate himself to the development of software with the new title, Software Architect; Steve Ballmer took over the helm.
    119. Linus Benedict Torvalds is the creator and, for a long time, principal developer, of the Linux kernel; which became the kernel for operating systems such as the Linux operating system, Android, and Chrome OS. While attending the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds released Linux, (a UNIX like operating system (OS) based on POSIX which is distributed with free source code), version 0.02 on October 5, 1991.

    Science & Technology Documentary
    1. The History of the Earth and Life.
    2. The Mind Bending Story of Quantum Physics.
    3. Quantum Biology Explains Mysteries.
    4. Quantum Biology: The Hidden Nature of Nature.
    5. Quantum Computers.
    6. Nanotechnology, Quantum Computers and Cyborg Anthropology.
    7. Mysteries of the Mathematical Universe.
    8. The Great Math Mystery.
    9. The Discovery That Transformed Pi.
    10. The Cosmic Scale.
    11. Our Planet - High Seas.
    12. The Secret Behind 5G Technology.
    13. The Internet of Things.
    14. Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI.
    15. Advanced Military Drone Technology.
    16. The Drone Age.
    17. Drones UAV | Spies That Fly | Military.
    18. Best Military Drones Technology.
    19. Flight of the Future - Science Fiction or Reality.
    20. Archeology – Exploring the Past with Modern Technology .
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    22. Puzzling Ancient Ruins.
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    24. Future Aircraft (NASA).
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    26. Deep Field - The Impossible Magnitude of our Universe.
    27. Pluto - New Horizons.
    28. Kepler 186F - Life After Earth.
    29. A Science Odyssey: Mysteries of the Universe.
    30. Journey to the Moon.
    31. Mars - The New Evidence.
    32. The Unkown Planet: Planet X/Nibiru.
    33. Black Hole Firewalls.
    34. Faces of Earth - Shaping the Planet.
    35. Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics.
    36. Future Space Travel Technologies.
    37. The Most Dangerous Deepest Place On Earth.
    38. Dark Energy - The Mystery Universe.
    39. The Dark Side of the Universe.
    40. Creatures of the Deep Ocean.
    41. Deep Sea Exploration.
    42. Searching for Sea Monsters.
    43. The History of Computers, Programming, and Coding.
    44. The Illusion of Time.
    45. Future Jet Fighters.
    46. Area 51 - The CIAs Secret Files.
    47. Bionics, Transhumanism, and the End of Evolution.
    48. Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology.
    49. Exceptional Motorbike Factory.
    50. Fuel Cells.
    51. Finding Life Beyond Earth.
    52. Cracking the Code of Life
    53. Beautiful Minds: The Enigma of Genius.
    54. Secret Life of Isaac Newton.
    55. Life of Leonardo DaVinci.
    56. Life of Albert Einstein.
    57. Albert Einstein - How I See The World.
    58. Quest for the Lost City (Mayan).
    59. Can My Car Live Forever?
    60. Breaking Vegas - The True Story of the MIT Blackjack Team.
    61. Inventing The Future.
    62. Rise of Future Technology - Artificial Intelligence.
    63. Future Robotics Technology - New Mind Blow.
    64. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence,
    65. The Race to Harness Quantum Computing and A.I,
    66. DARPA's Weapons Technology.
    67. Robot Technology.
    68. Future American Robots Army.
    69. Is Anybody Out There? (Alien Life).
    70. Big, Bigger, Biggest Dam.
    71. The Internet Revolution and Digital Future Technology.
    72. Why Did The Egyptians Stop Building Pyramids?
    73. 5 Most Amazing Science Discoveries Made in 2019.
    74. 10 Future Technologies That Will Change the World.
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    76. 100% Air Fighter Planes.
    1. Basic Sciences of Nuclear Medicine
    2. Light and Optics - Principles and Practices
    3. Science and Human Origins
    4. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
    5. Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious
    6. Quantum Computing 40 Years Later
    7. Solid State Physics Part II - Mathematical Tripos
    8. Solid State Physics Part II - Optical Properties of Solids
    9. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Frank Grohmann
    10. Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel
    11. Introductory Nuclear Physics by Kenneth S. Krane
    12. Introduction to Modern Nuclear Physics by Qun Wang
    13. Introduction to Food Engineering
    14. An Introduction to Quantum Computing, Without the Physics
    15. Semiconductor Physics and Devices - Basic Principles
    16. Semiconductor Materials: An Introduction to Basic Principles
    17. Fundamentals of Semiconductors
    18. A History of the World Semiconductor Industry
    19. A History of Control Engineering, 1930-1955
    20. Charge Transport in Two-Dimensional Materials and Their Electronic Applications (Dissertation)
    21. Advanced Materials Innovation: Managing Global Technology in the 21st Century
    22. The Principles of Good Data Management
    23. Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
    24. Understanding Nuclear Power: A Technical Guide to the Industry and Its Processes by Cole, H. A. (Harry A.)
    25. Understanding Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control: A Guide to the Issues by Mayers, Teena
    26. Understanding the Energiewende
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    28. Understanding Digital Electronics
    29. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments by Dr. William R. Leo
    30. The Basics of Nuclear and Particle Physics by Alexander Belyaev and Douglas Ross
    31. Fundamentals in Chemical Physics
    32. Simulation, Modeling and Analysis
    33. Beyond Einstein: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
    34. A Christian Physicist Examines the Big Bang Theory
    35. The Big-Bang Theory: Construction, Evolution and Status
    36. The Impact of Science on Society
    37. A Scientific Roadmap for Antibiotic Discovery
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    39. Statistics for Machine Learning
    40. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering
    41. Waste Water Engineering
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    43. Nuclear and Particle Physics
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    2. Natural Sciences | UNESCO
    3. Nature of Science and the Scientific Method
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    5. The Nature of Science
    6. Interpretation in the Natural Sciences
    7. Understanding the Nature of Science and Scientific Progress: A Theory-building Approach
    8. Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences
    9. Social and Natural Sciences Differ in Their Research Strategies, Adapted to Work for Different Knowledge Landscapes
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    11. The Realm of Natural Science Explained
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    31. A Review of Rare Earth Mineral Processing Technology
    32. Critical Materials for the Energy Transition: Rare Earth Elements
    33. Rare-Earth Elements
    34. Rare Earth Element | Wikipedia.
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    37. Rare Earth Elements (Briefing Note)
    38. Rare Earth Elements (Metals)
    39. Rare Earth's Statistics and Information | USGS.
    40. Rare Earth Materials in the Defense Supply
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    42. The Rare Earth Elements Industry in Canada
    43. The Rarest Elements on the Periodic Table
    44. Extractive Metallurgy of Rare Earth
    45. The Beginner's Guide to Earthing
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    54. An Assessment of the Global Impact of 21st Century Land Use Change on Soil Erosion | Nature Communications
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    56. Praise for Earthing
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    71. The Invisible Threat: Rising Temperatures Mean Insects Can Carry Viruses to Wider Areas
    72. The Neuroscience of Trust.
    73. Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science.
    74. Neuroscience and Learning through Play: A Review of the Evidence.
    75. Energy: A Scientific Definition .
    76. Physics of Energy.
    77. Energy: An Introduction.
    78. Introduction to Work, Energy, and Energy Resources.
    79. Sources of Energy.
    80. The Cyclic Theory of the Universe
    81. Observational Evidence for the Big Bang
    82. About the Theory of the Big Bang
    83. Alternatives to the Big Bang Theory (Infographic)
    84. The Big Bang
    85. The Big Bang | NASA
    86. The Big Bang Theory (BBT)
    87. The Big Bang Theory
    88. The Big Bang Theory Explained
    89. The Big Bang Theory of the Early Universe
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    106. Beyond Einstein: From the Big Bang to Black Holes.
    107. Particle Creation by Black Holes.
    108. Introduction to the Theory of Black Holes.
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    112. Black Hole Firewalls Confound Theoretical Physicists.
    113. Black Holes & The Theory of Relativity.
    114. Black Holes, Information & String Theory.
    115. Black Hole Theory.
    116. Black Holes.
    117. Black Holes | European Southern Observatory.
    118. Hubble Space Telescope
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    356. Nobel Prize for 2 ‘God Particle’ Theorists; 3 Others Left Out.
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    5. The State of Nuclear Energy Today — and What Lies Ahead
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    345. Wireless Networking in the Developing World
    346. Mobile and Wireless Technologies: Security and Risk Factors
    347. Using Wireless Technology Securely
    348. The Future Trends in Wireless Technologies
    349. Future Trends in Commercial Wireless Communications and Why They Matter to the Military
    350. New Wireless Technology and 5G Trends
    351. 5G Wireless Technology: A Primer
    352. Introduction About 5G Mobile Technology
    353. Fifth-Generation (5G) Telecommunications Technologies: Issues for Congress
    354. Revolution of 5G Wireless Technology-Future Direction
    355. Future and Challenges of 4G Wireless Technology
    356. Breakthrough for Post-4G Communications
    357. The Telephone Network
    358. The Internet of Bring-Your-Own Things.
    359. Windows 10 Patching Process May Leave Enterprises Vulnerable to Zero-day Attacks
    360. Edison Supercomputer Electrifies Scientific Computing.
    361. Google Glass Can Now Track Your Stress Level.
    362. Dylib Hijacking on OS X.
    363. Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
    364. Smart City Technology for a More Liveable Future
    365. Ranked: The World's Most Innovative Companies in 2021
    366. Recent Inventions That Changed the World Profoundly
    367. Hyundai to Make Flying Cars for Uber Air Taxis.
    368. Hybrid Driving-Flying Robots Could Go Beyond the Flying Car.
    369. A Self-driving Truck Delivered Butter from California to Pennsylvania in Three Days.
    370. Samsung Readies First Mobile Processor with Wireless USB.
    371. Global Technology Companies.
    372. A "Kill Chain" Analysis of the Target Data Breach.
    373. Toyota, 3M, Siemens Named Best Green Brands
    374. China’s Tech Trailblazers.
    375. The Apple Watch May Solve the Usual Smart Watch Annoyances
    376. Apple Wins Skirmish in Nokia Patent War.
    377. Safari 4 Has Logged 11M Downloads in its 1st 4 Days of Release
    378. Apple A10 Fusion Is Definitely Fast, But Its GPU Bit Is a Whole New Story.
    379. iPhone X vs. Galaxy Note 8: Which Big-Screen Phone Wins.
    380. iPhone X vs iPhone 8 Plus: Is the Camera Worth the Money?.
    381. The iPhone X-factor: Don't Buy a Phone You Don't Need
    382. iPhone X Goes on Sale Around the World - Nov. 2, 2017
    383. Sony’s Xperia XZ Premium Is Unworthy of Its Name.
    384. iPhone 8 or iPhone 7s? The Choice: Price, Specs (Likely)
    385. The Mysteries of the GPU in Apple's iPhone 7 Are Unlocked.
    386. iOS Benchmarks.
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    389. Amazing New Tech Inventions of 2019.
    390. The Best Tech Innovations of the Last Three Years.
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    394. Products, News & Information Data Centers.
    395. Latest Technology News.
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    397. 1 Wire Brings Power & Data to LCD Module.
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    399. 3D Printing the Human Heart.
    400. 3 US-based Scientists Win Nobel Prize for Computer Simulations of Chemical Reactions.
    401. 5 Biggest Technology Trends in 2021
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    406. 5 Most Advanced Countries in Artificial Intelligence
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    408. 5 Most Amazing Technological Advances that Are Changing the World
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    410. 6 Teenage Inventors That Changed the World
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    412. 7 Technologies That Changed the World
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    415. 7 Top Technology Trends in 2014
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    419. 7 Technologies Changing the World.
    420. 8 Breakthrough Innovations in Tech.
    421. 8 Totally Cool Uses for Drones.
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    435. 10 Breakthrough Technologies in 2019 | Visual Capitalist
    436. 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2019 | Technology Review
    437. 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2017
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    447. 10 Top Technology Companies in the World.
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    459. 10 Breakthrough Technologies in 2021 | MIT Technology Review
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    462. 10 Years of Top Tech Trends and How They've Changed the World
    463. 12 Most Advanced Countries in Electronics
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    466. 12 Weird But True Facts About Technology
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    469. 14 Best Open-source Web Application Vulnerability Scanners
    470. 14 Tech Predictions for Our World in 2020.
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    472. 15 Best Websites for Downloading Open Source Software.
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    501. 100 Most Innovative Companies
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    ▷ Cloud - Data Centers
    1. Cloud Computing Facts.
    2. Cloud Computing: A Complete Guide | IBM
    3. Cloud Computing Technologies: Cloud Services | AWS
    4. Cloud Computing Tutorial for Beginners
    5. Google Cloud: Cloud Computing Services
    6. Understanding Clouds | Red Hat
    7. Overview of Cloud Build
    8. Architecture for MLOps Using TensorFlow Extended, Vertex AI Pipelines, and Cloud Build
    9. GitOps-Style Continuous Delivery With Cloud Build
    10. Guide to Economic Benefits of Citrix Cloud.
    11. Predictions: Cloud Computing Accelerates Enterprise Transformation Everywhere.
    12. Key Cloud Trends
    13. Preparing for Cloud Computing Trends
    14. Cloud Computing Statistics Facts
    15. Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide | AWS
    16. DoD Cloud Strategy
    17. DoD Cloud Acquisition Guidebook
    18. Cloud Access Point (CAP) Functional Requirements Document
    19. Azure Government: DISA CAP Connection Process
    20. Secure Azure Computing Architecture
    21. The Open Group Cloud Ecosystem Reference Model.
    22. Practical Guide to Cloud Governance - Object Management
    23. Designing and Implementing Cloud Governance
    24. Governing the Cloud
    25. Towards Services-Based Enterprise Architecture for Cloud.
    26. Cloud Governance Framework.
    27. IT Governance in Cloud.
    28. Enterprise Risk Management for Cloud Computing.
    29. IT Control Objectives for Cloud Computing.
    30. Data Governance Taxonomy: Cloud versus Non-Cloud.
    31. A Comparison of Governance Models for Cloud Computing.
    32. Practical Guide to Platform-as-a-Service Version.
    33. A Decision Framework Model for Migration into Cloud.
    34. Information Governance for the Implementation of Cloud.
    35. Adoption of Cloud Computing in e-Governance.
    36. Smart Cloud Migration.
    37. The Application Rationalization Playbook |
    38. Cloud Computing Standards Roadmap. | NIST
    39. USG Cloud Computing Best Practices | GSA
    40. Cloud Strategy -
    41. AWS Prescriptive Guidance - Migration Strategy.
    42. Cloud Transformation Maturity Model - Awsstatic.
    43. Microsoft Enterprise Cloud Strategy
    44. Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Services
    45. Microsoft 365/Office 365 Overview
    46. Google Cloud: Cloud Computing Services
    47. Oracle Cloud: Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services
    48. IBM Cloud
    49. Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities
    50. Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V3.0
    51. Security Guidance for 5G Cloud Infrastructures: Part I - Part II - Part III (Data Protection)
    52. Ignite 5G Deployments with the VMware Telco Cloud
    53. The Cloud-Enabled Enterprise.
    54. Agile Enterprise Architecture: A Case of a Cloud Technology-enabled Government Enterprise Transformation
    55. Software Engineering for Cloud Computing
    56. The Definitive Guide to Cloud Adoption.
    57. Public vs Private vs Hybrid: Cloud Differences Explained
    58. Understanding the Cloud Computing Stack: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
    59. Containerisation and the PaaS Cloud
    60. Container Readiness Guide
    61. Containerisation and the PaaS Cloud
    62. The IBM Sterling B2B/MFT Portfolio for Hybrid Cloud – Containerization of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator/File Gateway
    63. Designing Applications for Containerization and the Cloud
    64. Virtualization and Containerization of Application Infrastructure: A Comparison
    65. Docker and Kubernetes: Changing the OpenText Documentum deployment model White paper
    66. Multicore Processing, Virtualization, and Containerization: Similarities, Differences, Challenges and Recommendations
    67. A Modern Approach to Containerization in a Cloud First World
    68. Cloud Application Platform - Virtualization vs Containerization
    69. Introduction to Virtualization and Containers
    70. Multicore Processing, Virtualization, and Containerization: Similarities, Differences, Challenges and Recommendations
    71. Principles of Container-based Application Design
    72. Containers & Containerization: A Beginner’s Guide
    73. Cloud Computing Policy and Guidelines
    74. Cloud Computing Models | MIT
    75. Enterprise Cloud Strategy | Microsoft.
    76. DoD Cloud Computing Acquisition Guidebook (DAU).
    77. The Cloud Native Landscaped: The Runtime Layer Explaine
    78. A Study on Social Networks and Cloud Computing
    79. The Best Apps to Encrypt Your Files Before Uploading to the Cloud.
    80. Public Cloud vs. Internal Social Networks | Computerworld
    81. Achieving Cyber Governance Risk & Compliance in the Cloud.
    82. Planning & Management Methods for Migration to a Cloud.
    83. Enterprise Architecture and Services in Cloud Computing: A Survey.
    84. Cloud Enterprise Architecture.
    85. Enterprise Architecture and the Cloud.
    86. Enterprise Architecture Components for Cloud Service.
    87. A Design of Government Enterprise Architecture Framework Based on G-Cloud Services.
    88. Architecting the Cloud: Enterprise Architecture Patterns for Cloud Computing
    89. California Enterprise Architecture Framework Cloud.
    90. A Framework for Cloud Adoption from Enterprise Architecture.
    91. Tailoring Enterprise Architecture for Cloud Ecosystems.
    92. Cloud Customer Architecture for Hybrid Integration.
    93. Cloud Computing Security Essentials and Architecture
    94. Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures.
    95. Cloud Computing for Enterprise Architectures. | Springer
    96. Best Practices Guide for Energy-Efficient Data Center Design.
    97. Data Center Energy Efficiency Technologies and Methodologies
    98. A Detailed Guide to Enhancing Data Center Energy Efficiency.
    99. Green Data Center Frameworks and Guidelines Review.
    100. Google’s Green Data Centers: Network POP Case Study.
    101. Cisco Energy Efficient Data Center Solutions and Best Practices White Paper
    102. Data Center Best Practices Guide Energy - Efficiency Solutions for High-performance Data Centers.
    103. 10 Cloud Computing Predictions for 2018
    ▷ Architecture
    1. Establishing Enterprise Architecture on AWS.
    2. Wipro Global Enterprise Architecture | Oracle.
    3. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) | OMB
    4. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) | NIST
    5. The Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture
    6. Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework, Version 2
    7. DODAF - DOD Architecture Framework Version 2.02
    8. DODAF Viewpoints and Models
    9. DoDAF Plugin User Guide | MagicDraw
    10. Enterprise Architecture Framework
    11. An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture.
    12. Successful Enterprise Architecture.
    13. Defendable Architectures
    14. Enterprise Architecture, IT Modernization, DevOps/Agile ...
    15. Enterprise Architecture Guide
    16. Enterprise Architecture Principles
    17. Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: TOGAF
    18. The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture
    19. Enterprise Architecture Methodologies and Comparisons
    20. A Comparison of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
    21. Introduction to Enterprise Architecture | NYU
    22. Enterprise Architecture Governance Procedures
    23. Enterprise Architecture Process, Structure and Organization
    24. Creating an Agile Enterprise Architecture
    25. Enterprise IT Architecture
    26. IT Security Architecture
    27. Enterprise Security Architecture: A Framework and Template for Policy-Driven Security
    28. The Security Architect and Cybersecurity
    29. Open Reference Architecture for Security and Privacy
    30. An Analysis of Cyber Reference Architectures
    31. ITU National Cybersecurity Guide
    32. Microsoft Cloud Architecture Security
    33. .GOV Cybersecurity Architecture Review
    34. Network Security Architecture
    35. Federal Security Architecture
    36. A Cyber Security Architecture for Military Networks Using a Cognitive Network Approach
    37. Enterprise Information Architecture: An Overview
    38. Developing a Standard Enterprise Architecture Practice
    39. Digital Enterprise Architecture: Four Elements Critical to Solution Envisioning
    40. Enterprise Architecture: Enabling Digital Transformation at Intel
    41. Modelling the Enterprise Data Architecture
    42. Overview of Enterprise Data Architecture
    43. Defining the Big Data Architecture Framework
    44. Architecture of a Database System
    45. Architecture Framework and Components of the Big Data Ecosystem
    46. Understanding Reference Models and Reference Architectures
    47. The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Architecture Governance
    ▷ Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning - Robotics
    1. Is Quantum Computing Investable as the Next AI?
    2. Microsoft Reportedly to Add ChatGPT to Bing Search Engine
    3. Microsoft and OpenAI Working on ChatGPT-Powered Bing in Challenge to Google
    4. ChatGPT and Other Chat Bots Are a ‘Code Red’ for Google Search
    5. Google vs. ChatGPT: What Happened When I Swapped Services for a Day
    6. ChatGPT: Understanding the ChatGPT AI Chatbot
    7. AI Chatbot Falls Just Short on Accounting Exam
    8. The Brilliance and Weirdness of ChatGPT
    9. ChatGPT Can Write Code. Now Researchers Say It's Good at Fixing Bugs, Too
    10. ChatGPT Proves AI Is Finally Mainstream — and Things Are Only Going to Get Weirder
    11. ChatGPT: Threat or Menace?
    12. ChatGPT - Discover AI Use Cases
    13. ChatGPT | Wikipedia
    14. ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence for Education
    15. ChatGPT Usage and Limitations
    16. A Brief Review of ChatGPT: Its Value and the Underlying GPT Technology
    17. ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue
    18. Google Bard First Impressions — Will It Kill ChatGPT?
    19. MLOps: Continuous Delivery and Automation Pipelines in Machine Learning
    20. The Future of Robotics Technology
    21. Introduction to Robotics | MIT
    22. Introduction to Robotics | Stanford
    23. Introduction to Robotics |
    24. Introduction to Robotics |
    25. Introduction to Robotics |
    26. Introduction to Robotics |
    27. Introduction to Robotics
    28. An Introduction to Robotics |
    29. Introduction to Robotics - Mechanics & Controls
    30. Introduction to Robotics - Mechanics, Planning & Controls
    31. Robot Revolution
    32. Robots: Everything About the Past, Present and Future of Robotics
    33. Learning Computing With Robots
    34. Robotics in the Classroom
    35. Robot Operations
    36. First Robotics Competition Makes Science Cool!
    37. Programming for Robotics - Introduction to ROS
    38. Programming a Robot Using C++
    39. The Beginner's Guide to Building Robots
    40. A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots
    41. A Guide to Programming Your Own Robots
    42. Robot Programming
    43. Programming With Robots
    44. Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
    45. Artificial Intelligence and the Health Care Workforce
    46. Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
    47. Understanding Artificial Intelligence Technology
    48. Logic and Artificial Intelligence
    49. Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Primer and Roadmap
    50. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
    51. Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence
    52. Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Work
    53. AI Is Finally Good at Stuff, and That’s a Problem
    54. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
    55. Artificial Intelligence: Using Standards to Mitigate Risks
    56. An Overview of Artificial Intelligence
    57. Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
    58. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) - Enabled Medical Devices
    59. Artificial Intelligence Review
    60. Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
    61. An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
    62. Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Near Future.
    63. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
    64. Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030
    65. Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Protect Your Personal Data
    66. The Pentagon Plans to Spend $2 Billion to Put More Artificial Intelligence into Its Weaponry
    67. Defense Department Pledges Billions Toward Artificial Intelligence Research
    68. Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?
    69. No Linux? No Problem. Just Get AI to Hallucinate It for You
    70. With ChatGPT, Is AI Coming of Age - or Starting to Reach Its Limits
    71. The Amazing Ways Chinese Tech Giant Alibaba Uses Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
    72. Practical Artificial Intelligence for Dummies.
    73. Artificial Intelligence | Deloitte
    74. Artificial Intelligence
    75. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Machine Intelligence.
    76. Overview and Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
    77. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    78. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science — UQ Capabilities
    79. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Consumer Products
    80. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: The Next Generation
    81. Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    82. Understanding Machine Learning from Theory to Algorithms
    83. Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning
    84. Foundations of Machine Learning Regression
    85. A Course in Machine Learning
    86. Online Machine Learning: An Introduction
    87. Machine Learning - Simply Easy Learning
    88. Machine Learning for Dummies | IBM
    89. Machine Learning: Decision Trees
    90. Practical Machine Learning in R - Introduction
    91. Machine Learning Basic Concepts
    92. Machine Learning
    93. Introduction to Machine Learning |
    94. Introduction to Machine Learning |
    95. Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation Technologies on Work
    96. A Gentle Introduction to MLOps - A Guide to the World of Machine …
    97. Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation
    98. Adopting Robotic Process Automation in Internal Audit
    99. Transforming Business Models with Robotic Process Automation
    100. Security Considerations in Robotic Process Automation
    101. Understanding Robotic Process Automation
    102. Robotic Process Automation in Insurance
    103. Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation: A Perfect Match
    104. Steps of RPA Implementation with Process Mining
    105. Robotic Cognitive Automation
    106. UiPath – Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    107. Robotic Process Automation and Intelligent Character Recognition: Smart Data Capture
    108. In-Depth Guide to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
    109. Robotic Process Automation in Federal Agencies
    110. Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation
    111. Robotic Process Automation |
    112. Robotic Process Automation | Micro Focus.
    113. Robotic Process Automation | UiPath.
    114. Robotic Process Automation | Blue Prism.
    115. Robotic Process Automation | Automation Anywhere
    116. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) | IBM.
    117. Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
    118. Hyper Automation
    119. Automation with Intelligence
    120. Understanding of iRobot's Technology.
    121. 14 Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications.
    ▷ AI Tools
    1. Adobe Premiere Pro
    2. AI or Not
    3. AI Detector
    4. AI Detector Pro (AIDP)
    5. AI Text Classifier
    6. AlphaSense
    7. Amazon Transcribe - Speech To Text
    8. Automation Anywhere
    9. Blue Prism
    10. Content at Scale AI Checker
    11. ContentDetector.AI
    12. Copyleaks AI Detector
    13. Crossplag AI Content Detector
    14. Descript: AI Video Editor
    15. Detect GPT
    16. Detectortools
    18. GitHub Copilot
    19. Google BERT
    20. Google Speech-to-Text AI
    21. GPTKit: Detect AI Generated Text
    22. GPTZero
    23. Grammica AI Detector
    24. Helper kOS
    25. Honorlock
    26. H2O
    27. IBM Watsonx Assistant
    28. Iluminarty
    29. Intercom
    30. Jasper
    31. Kavout
    32. Leap AI Content Detector
    33. Maybe's AI Art Detector
    34. Microsoft Copilot
    35. Midjourney
    36. OpenAI GPT-4
    37. OpenAI DALL·E 3
    38. OpenArt AI
    39. OpenCV
    40. Plagiarism Checker and AI Detector
    41. Pandas
    42. PathAI
    43. PyTorch
    44. QuillBot AI Detector
    45. Sapling
    46. SciSpace Academic AI Detector
    47. Scribbr AI Content Detector
    48. Surfer AI Detector and AI Content Humanizer
    49. Synthesia AI
    50. Tableau
    51. Tabnine AI
    52. TensorFlow
    53. TheChecker.AI
    54. UiPath
    55. Undetectable AI
    56. Winston AI
    57. Writer AI Content Detector
    58. YOLO (You Only Look Once
    59. Zendesk
    60. ZeroGPT
    ▷ History & Timeline
    1. History of Invention
    2. History of Nuclear Weapons
    3. History of Nuclear Energy
    4. History of Argonne Reactor Operations
    5. History of Aerospace
    6. History of Artificial Intelligence
    7. History of Agriculture
    8. History of Agricultural Science
    9. History of Architecture, Timeline
    10. History of Biotechnology
    11. History of Cartography
    12. History of Chemical Engineering
    13. History of Communication
    14. History of Electrical Engineering
    15. History of Energy Development
    16. History of Engineering
    17. History of Semiconductors
    18. History of Genomics.
    19. History of Industry
    20. History of Library and Information Science
    21. History of Microscopy
    22. History of Manufacturing
    23. History of Materials Science, Timeline
    24. History of Measurement
    25. History of Medicine
    26. History of Motor and Engine Technology
    27. History of Military Science
    28. History of Transport, Timeline
    29. History of Biotechnology
    30. History of Gravity.
    31. History of the Search for Gravitational Waves.
    32. History of On-Orbit Satellite Fragmentations
    33. History of Drones (Drone History Timeline from 1849 to 2019).
    34. History of Drones in 10 Milestones.
    35. History of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
    36. History of Display Technology
    37. History of Film Technology
    38. History of Information Technology Auditing
    39. History of Military Technology
    40. History of Nanotechnology
    41. History of Science and Technology
    42. History of Web Syndication Technology
    43. History of Gravitational Lensing.
    44. History of DNA
    45. History of DNA Timeline
    46. History of Biochemistry
    47. History of the Periodic Table
    48. History of Genetics: Defining Experiments in Genetics.
    49. History and Structure of the Universe (Infographic).
    50. History of Science and Technology
    51. History of Satellites and Timeline | JPL
    52. History of Company Behind ChatGPT, Musk-Founded OpenAI
    53. The History of Artificial Intelligence | Harvard
    54. The History of Life on Earth
    55. The History of Car Technology.
    56. History of the Steam Engine
    57. The History of WiFi: 1971 to Today
    58. A Brief History of Entertainment Lighting Sources
    59. A Short History of the Discovery of Viruses
    60. A Short History of DNA Technology
    61. Introduction to History of Semiconductors
    62. "Moore's Law" Predicts the Future of Integrated Circuits - Oral History of Gordon Moore
    63. ChatGPT: History, Features, Uses, Benefits, Drawbacks
    64. E-commerce Defined: Types, History, and Examples
    65. The Deadliest Viruses in History
    66. Geologic Time Scale and Brief History of Life on Earth
    67. Geologic Time and Earth’s Biological History
    68. Gravitational Waves: A Brief History of Gravity and LIGO.
    69. 'Mummies of the World' Uncovers History
    70. Submarines: History, Facts and Operators
    71. Submarines in the United States Navy and History
    72. Navy Ships Classes, Galleries and Photographic History
    73. The Fascinating History of Drone Warfare.
    74. Elevator History - Facts and Information
    75. Fairchild Oral History Panel: “The Legacy of Fairchild”.
    76. A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges
    77. 5G Telecommunication Technology: History, Overview, Requirements and Use Case Scenario ...
    78. 19 Great Inventions That Revolutionized History.
    79. Timeline of Historic Inventions
    80. Timeline of the Evolutionary History of Life
    81. Timeline of Biotechnology
    82. Timeline of Agriculture and Food Technology
    83. Timeline of clothing and Textiles Technology
    84. Timeline of Communication Technology
    85. Timeline of Diving Technology
    86. Timeline of Heat Engine Technology
    87. Timeline of Hypertext Technology
    88. Timeline of Lighting Technology
    89. Timeline of Low-Temperature Technology
    90. Timeline of Materials Technology
    91. Timeline of Medicine and Medical Technology
    92. Timeline of Microscope Technology
    93. Timeline of Motor and Engine Technology
    94. Timeline of Particle Physics Technology
    95. Timeline of Photography Technology
    96. Timeline of Rocket and Missile Technology
    97. Timeline of Telescope Technology
    98. Timeline of Telescopes, Observatories, and Observing Technology
    99. Timeline of Temperature and Pressure Measurement Technology
    100. Timeline of Time Measurement Technology
    101. Timeline of Transportation Technology
    102. Inventors and Inventions: 19th Century Timeline
    103. Inventions of the 1800's Timeline
    ▷ How, Who, What, When, Where & Why
    1. How to Make a Black Hole.
    2. How to Build a Nuclear Bomb
    3. How to Build an Airplane
    4. How to Build a Ship.
    5. How to View the Source Code of an Open-Source Piece of Software
    6. How to Develop a Medical Device
    7. How to Build a Car by Hand (video)
    8. How to Build Your Own Custom ChatGPT Bot With Custom Knowledge Base
    9. How to Run a Successful Free Software Project.
    10. How to Create a Research Design
    11. How New Technologies Have Changed the Automotive Industry
    12. How Products Were Made
    13. How Nuclear Weapons
    14. How Entanglement Has Become a Powerful Tool - The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022
    15. How Are Elements Created in Stars in Nuclear Fusion?
    16. How Airplanes Are Made - The Process from Design to Flight
    17. How Satellites Have Changed the Modern World
    18. How Are Drugs Designed and Developed?
    19. How Area 51 Works.
    20. How Do Thermoelectric Coolers (TEC) Work
    21. How Do Nuclear Weapons Work?
    22. How Do Atomic Bombs Work? A Simple Overview
    23. How Do Cameras Work?
    24. How Do Drones Work and What Is Drone Technology?
    25. How Does Thermal Imaging Work?
    26. How Does Artificial Intelligence Work, Why Does It Matter, and What Can We Do About It?
    27. How Does Fusion Energy Work?
    28. How Does the Brain Work?
    29. How an Addicted Brain Works | Yale Medicine
    30. How the Brain Works | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    31. How Your Brain Works: A Simple Look at the Processes That Drive Behaviour
    32. How Capacitors Work.
    33. How Nuclear Bombs Work
    34. How Nuclear Power Works
    35. How Close Are Scientists to Developing Fusion Energy?
    36. How Big Is Pluto? New Horizons Settles Decades-Long Debate.
    37. How Google Is Building the Fastest Internet Cable to Cross the Atlantic.
    38. How Cloud Computing Works.
    39. How Submarines Work
    40. How Global Positioning System Works, Limitations, and Some Guidelines for Operation
    41. How China Could Beat the West in the Deadly Race for Artificial Intelligence Weapons
    42. How ChatGPT Kicked Off an A.I. Arms Race
    43. How ChatGPT Works: The Model Behind the Bot
    44. How Bots, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence Are Reshaping the Future of Corporate Support Functions
    45. How Satellites and Sensors Work
    46. How Trees Calm Us Down.
    47. How the Soil Remembers Plantation Slavery
    48. How Rubber Plantations Reshaped Vietnam
    49. How Modern Data Architecture Drives Real Business Results
    50. How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Help You in Your Everyday Life
    51. Who Invented Drones?
    52. What Is the Black Hole Firewall Paradox?
    53. What Are Black Holes? | NASA
    54. What Is the Big Bang Theory? | Space
    55. What Is The Evidence for the Big Bang?
    56. What Is Science?
    57. What Is Bioscience?
    58. What Is Solid State Physics?
    59. What Is the Anthropocene?
    60. What Is the Anthropocene? | EOS
    61. What Is the Anthropocene? Why Does It Matter?
    62. What Is the Anthropocene Epoch?
    63. What Is DARPA's Current Investment Portfolio?
    64. What Is Fusion, and Why Is It So Difficult to Achieve?
    65. What Is GPS? and How Does GPS Work?
    66. What Is a Satellite?
    67. What Is Robotics?
    68. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Everything You Need to Know About AI
    69. What Is Artificial Intelligence | MIT
    70. What Is Machine Learning? | IBM
    71. What Is Machine Learning? | Princeton University
    72. What Is MLOps? An Introduction to the World of Machine Learning Operations
    73. What Is RPA Blue Prism? A Beginner's Guide to Blue Prism.
    74. What Is Made in America?
    75. What Is Microsoft 365/Office 365?
    76. What Is the Difference Between Microsoft 365 and Office 2019?
    77. What Is Data Integration?
    78. What Is Quantum Computing? | IBM
    79. What Is Cloud Computing? | Oracle
    80. What Is Cloud Computing? | AWS
    81. What Is Cloud Computing? -
    82. What Is Cloud Computing & How Does 'The Cloud' Work?
    83. What Is Content Management System?.
    84. What Is DevOps?.
    85. What Is DevSecOps?.
    86. What Is DevSecOps? | IBM.
    87. What Is DevSecOps and Why Is It Important?
    88. What Is DevSecOps and How Does It Work?
    89. What Is the Difference Between DevSecOps and Agile Software
    90. What Is the Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps
    91. What Is the Difference Between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS and How to Choose It.
    92. What Is the Difference Between Agile and DevOps? |
    93. What Is the Difference Between DevOps vs Agile? |
    94. What Is the Difference between Classical Physics and Quantum Physics
    95. What Is a Cell, a Gene, DNA, Noncoding DNA, and a Chromosome (How Many)?.
    96. What Is the Universe Made of?.
    97. What Is OpenAI’s Chatbot and What Is It Used for?
    98. What Is ChatGPT and Why Does It Matter?
    99. What Is RPA? A Revolution in Business Process Automation.
    100. What Is Genealogy and How to Start?.
    101. What Is a No-Code Software?
    102. What Is No Code? A Review of 12+ Low Code and No Code Development Platforms
    103. What Is Open Source Code?.
    104. What Is Open Source Software?.
    105. What Is Digital Transformation? | IBM
    106. What Is Digital Transformation?
    107. What Is Encryption and How Does It Work?.
    108. What Is Cloud Computing? A Beginner's Guide | Microsoft Azure.
    109. What Is Ahead for Science?.
    110. What Is Data Governance and Why Does It Matter?.
    111. What Is B2B eCommerce? A Complete Guide
    112. What Is B2B Ecommerce? A Complete Guide| Salesforce
    113. What Is Ecommerce? The Complete Guide To Online Selling
    114. What Is B2B Ecommerce? Types + Examples
    115. What Are Change Management Techniques?
    116. What Are the 10 Greatest Inventions of Our Time?.
    117. What Are the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of All Time?
    118. What Are Drone Ethical Issues?
    119. What Would Happen If You Shot a Gun in Space?
    120. What Does Brain Size Have to Do with Intelligence?.
    121. What Drones Can Do and How They Can Do It
    122. What Has Chemistry Ever Done for You?
    123. What Screen Resolution Might the iPhone 6 Have?
    124. What, Why, How, Who, and Best Practices for Data Governance.
    125. When Low-Code/No-Code Development Works ...
    126. When Will We Have Nuclear Fusion Energy?
    127. Where Is Life Science Heading in the Future?
    128. Where Do Black Holes Lead? |
    129. Who Are the Winners of Nobel Physics Prize 2010?
    130. Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?.
    131. Why Americans Trust Technology But Not Science.
    132. Why "Free Software" Is Better than "Open Source".
    133. Why You Shouldn't Buy Apple iPhone X
    134. Why Are 'No Code' and 'Low Code' Platforms on the Rise?
    135. Why Connectivity Matters
    136. Why Use Containers and Cloud-Native Functions Anyway?
    137. Why Water Is Important to Life
    138. Why the Earth’s Past Has Scientists So Worried About Sea Level Rise
    139. Why Experts Are Skeptical About That Supposed Superconductor Breakthrough
    Internet of Things (IOT)
    Source: State of the Connected World 2020

    Technology Innovation
    1656: Pendulum Clock 1829: Typewriter
    1877: Telephone 1882: First Power Plant
    1889: Automatic Dishwasher 1897: Radio
    1906: Wristwatch 1926: "Transistor" Patented
    1928: Television 1946: Mobile Phone
    1943: Colossus Computer Unveiled 1947: Transistor Invented
    1953: 1st Transistor Built 1954: 1st Silicon Transistor Built
    1955: "Oxide Masking" Developed 1955: Silicon Valley Laid
    1956: Transistor Recognized 1957: Silicon Industry Take-off
    1958: First Integrated Circuit 1959: Planar Process Developed
    1965: Moores Law Published 1968: HP First PC Announced
    1971: Intel 4004 Microprocessor 1975: Altair 8800 PC Launched
    1975: Moores Law Revised 1976: Apple1 Computer Launched
    1980: Personal Computers 1981: IBM Business PC Launched
    1983: Cellular Technology 1988: Internet
    1989: Intel 80486 Microprocessor 1993: First Pentium Processor
    1993: Web Browser 1997: Blogs
    1998: Google 2000: Wikipedia
    2000: Chip Technology 2000: First GigaHertz Processor
    2001: IBM Multicore Chip 2005: Cell Processor
    2003: Social Network 2004: Podcast
    2005: YouTube 2006: Twitter

    Great Inventors
    Babbage, Charles
    Banneker, Benjamin
    Bell, Alexander Graham
    Bohr, Niels
    Bose, Satyendranath
    Braille, Louis
    Carver, GW
    Copernicus, Nicolaus
    Curie, Marie
    Curie, Pierre
    Dalton, John
    Eastman, George
    Edison, Thomas Alva
    Einstein, Albert
    Farnsworth, Philo
    Faraday, Michael
    Fermi, Enrico
    Franklin, Benjamin
    Galilei, Galileo
    Goddard, Robert
    Gutenberg, Johannes
    Hahn, Otto
    Hawking, Stephen
    Heisenberg, Werner
    Kamen, Dea
    Leeuwenhoek, Antony
    Mendel, Gregor
    Mendeleev, Dimitri
    Newton, Isaac
    Marconi, Guglielmo
    McCoy, Elijah
    Morgan, Garrett
    Nobel, Alfred
    Oppenheimer, Julius Robert
    Pascal, Blaise
    Pasteur, Louis
    Pauling, Linus
    Planck, Max
    Roentgen, Wilhelm
    Rutherford, Ernest
    Salk, Jonas
    Schrodinger, Erwin
    Watt, James
    Whitney, Eli
    Wright Brothers

    Nobel Prize in Physics

    1. 2024: John J. Hopfield & Geoffrey E. Hinton
    2. 2023: Anne L’Huillier, Ferenc Krausz & Anne L’Huillier
    3. 2022: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser & Anton Zeilinger
    4. 2021: Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann & Giorgio Parisi
    5. 2020: Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel & Andrea Ghez
    6. 2019: James Peebles, Michel Mayor & Didier Queloz
    7. 2018: Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou & Donna Strickland
    8. 2017: Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish & Kip S. Thorne
    9. 2016: David J. Thouless, F. Duncan M. Haldane, & J. Michael Kosterlitz
    10. 2015: Takaaki Kajita & Arthur B. McDonald
    11. 2014: Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano & Shuji Nakamura
    12. 2013: Francois Englert & Peter W. Higgs
    13. 2012: Serge Haroche & David J. Wineland
    14. 2011: Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt & Adam G. Riess
    15. 2010: Andre Geim & Konstantin Novoselov
    16. 2009: Charles K. Kao, Willard S. Boyle, & George E. Smith
    17. 2008: Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Maskawa
    18. 2007: Albert Fert, Peter Grünberg
    19. 2006: John C. Mather, George F. Smoot
    20. 2005: Roy J. Glauber, John L. Hall, & Theodor W. Hä
    21. 2004: David J. Gross, H. David Politzer, & Frank Wilczek
    22. 2003: Alexei A. Abrikosov, Vitaly L. Ginzburg, & Anthony J. Leggett
    23. 2002: Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, & Riccardo Giacconi
    24. 2001: Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, & Carl E. Wieman
    25. 2000: Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, & Jack S. Kilby
    26. 1999: Gerardus't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman
    27. 1998: Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui
    28. 1997: Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips
    29. 1996: David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson
    30. 1995: Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines
    31. 1994: Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull
    32. 1993: Russell A. Hulse, Joseph H. Taylor Jr.
    33. 1992: Georges Charpak
    34. 1991: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    35. 1990: Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor
    36. 1989: Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul
    37. 1988: Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger
    38. 1987: J. Georg Bednorz, K. Alex Müller
    39. 1986: Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer
    40. 1985: Klaus von Klitzing
    41. 1984: Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer
    42. 1983: Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, William A. Fowler
    43. 1982: Kenneth G. Wilson
    44. 1981: Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur L. Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn
    45. 1980: James Cronin, Val Fitch
    46. 1979: Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg
    47. 1978: Pyotr Kapitsa, Arno Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson
    48. 1977: Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott, John H. van Vleck
    49. 1976: Burton Richter, Samuel C.C. Ting
    50. 1975: Aage N. Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, James Rainwater
    51. 1974: Martin Ryle, Antony Hewish
    52. 1973: Leo Esaki, Ivar Giaever, Brian D. Josephson
    53. 1972: John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, Robert Schrieffer
    54. 1971: Dennis Gabor
    55. 1970: Hannes Alfvén, Louis Néel
    56. 1969: Murray Gell-Mann
    57. 1968: Luis Alvarez
    58. 1967: Hans Bethe
    59. 1966: Alfred Kastler
    60. 1965: Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, Richard P. Feynman
    61. 1964: Charles H. Townes, Nicolay G. Basov, Aleksandr M. Prokhorov
    62. 1963: Eugene Wigner, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, J. Hans D. Jensen
    63. 1962: Lev Landau
    64. 1961: Robert Hofstadter, Rudolf Mössbauer
    65. 1960: Donald A. Glaser
    66. 1959: Emilio Segrè, Owen Chamberlain
    67. 1958: Pavel A. Cherenkov, Il´ja M. Frank, Igor Y. Tamm
    68. 1957: Chen Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao Lee
    69. 1956: William B. Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain
    70. 1955: Willis E. Lamb, Polykarp Kusch
    71. 1954: Max Born, Walther Bothe
    72. 1953: Frits Zernike
    73. 1952: Felix Bloch, E. M. Purcell
    74. 1951: John Cockcroft, Ernest T.S. Walton
    75. 1950: Cecil Powell
    76. 1949: Hideki Yukawa
    77. 1948: Patrick M.S. Blackett
    78. 1947: Edward V. Appleton
    79. 1946: Percy W. Bridgman
    80. 1945: Wolfgang Pauli
    81. 1944: Isidor Isaac Rabi
    82. 1943: Otto Stern
    83. 1942 - No Given Prize
    84. 1941 - No Given Prize
    85. 1940 - No Given Prize
    86. 1939: Ernest Lawrence
    87. 1938: Enrico Fermi
    88. 1937: Clinton Davisson, George Paget Thomson
    89. 1936: Victor F. Hess, Carl D. Anderson
    90. 1935: James Chadwick
    91. 1934: No Given Prize
    92. 1933: Erwin Schrödinger, Paul A.M. Dirac
    93. 1932: Werner Heisenberg
    94. 1931: No Given Prize
    95. 1930: Sir Venkata Raman
    96. 1929: Louis de Broglie
    97. 1928: Owen Willans Richardson
    98. 1927: Arthur H. Compton, C.T.R. Wilson
    99. 1926: Jean Baptiste Perrin
    100. 1925: James Franck, Gustav Hertz
    101. 1924: Manne Siegbahn
    102. 1923: Robert A. Millikan
    103. 1922: Niels Bohr
    104. 1921: Albert Einstein
    105. 1920: Charles Edouard Guillaume
    106. 1919: Johannes Stark
    107. 1918: Max Planck
    108. 1917: Charles Glover Barkla
    109. 1916: No Given Prize
    110. 1915: William Bragg, Lawrence Bragg
    111. 1914: Max von Laue
    112. 1913: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
    113. 1912: Gustaf Dalén
    114. 1911: Wilhelm Wien
    115. 1910: Johannes Diderik van der Waals
    116. 1909: Guglielmo Marconi, Ferdinand Braun
    117. 1908: Gabriel Lippmann
    118. 1907: Albert A. Michelson
    119. 1906: J.J. Thomson
    120. 1905: Philipp Lenard
    121. 1904: Lord Rayleigh
    122. 1903: Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Marie Curie
    123. 1902: Hendrik A. Lorentz, Pieter Zeeman
    124. 1901: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry

    1. 2024 - David Baker, Demis Hassabis & John M. Jumper
    2. 2023 - Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus & Alexei I. Ekimov
    3. 2022 - Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal & K. Barry Sharpless
    4. 2021 - Benjamin List & David W.C. MacMillan
    5. 2020 - Emmanuelle Charpentier & Jennifer A. Doudna
    6. 2019 - John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham & Akira Yoshino
    7. 2018 - Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith & Gregory P. Winter
    8. 2017 - Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank & Richard Henderson
    9. 2016 - Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, Bernard L. Feringa
    10. 2015 - Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich & Aziz Sancar
    11. 2014 - Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell & William E. Moerner
    12. 2013 - Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt & Arieh Warshel
    13. 2012 - Robert J. Lefkowitz & Brian K. Kobilka
    14. 2011 - Dan Shechtman
    15. 2010 - Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki
    16. 2009 - Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz & Ada E.Yonath
    17. 2008 - Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien
    18. 2007 - Gerhard Ertl
    19. 2006 - Roger D. Kornberg
    20. 2005 - Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs, Richard R. Schrock
    21. 2004 - Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko, Irwin Rose
    22. 2003 - Peter Agre, Roderick MacKinnon
    23. 2002 - John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich
    24. 2001 - William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless
    25. 2000 - Alan Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa
    26. 1999 - Ahmed Zewail
    27. 1998 - Walter Kohn, John Pople
    28. 1997 - Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou
    29. 1996 - Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold Kroto, Richard E. Smalley
    30. 1995 - Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland
    31. 1994 - George A. Olah
    32. 1993 - Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith
    33. 1992 - Rudolph A. Marcus
    34. 1991 - Richard R. Ernst
    35. 1990 - Elias James Corey
    36. 1989 - Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech
    37. 1988 - Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel
    38. 1987 - Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen
    39. 1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi
    40. 1985 - Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle
    41. 1984 - Bruce Merrifield
    42. 1983 - Henry Taube
    43. 1982 - Aaron Klug
    44. 1981 - Kenichi Fukui, Roald Hoffmann
    45. 1980 - Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Frederick Sanger
    46. 1979 - Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig
    47. 1978 - Peter Mitchell
    48. 1977 - Ilya Prigogine
    49. 1976 - William Lipscomb
    50. 1975 - John Cornforth, Vladimir Prelog
    51. 1974 - Paul J. Flory
    52. 1973 - Ernst Otto Fischer, Geoffrey Wilkinson
    53. 1972 - Christian Anfinsen, Stanford Moore, William H. Stein
    54. 1971 - Gerhard Herzberg
    55. 1970 - Luis Leloir
    56. 1969 - Derek Barton, Odd Hassel
    57. 1968 - Lars Onsager
    58. 1967 - Manfred Eigen, Ronald G.W. Norrish, George Porter
    59. 1966 - Robert S. Mulliken
    60. 1965 - Robert B. Woodward
    61. 1964 - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    62. 1963 - Karl Ziegler, Giulio Natta
    63. 1962 - Max F. Perutz, John C. Kendrew
    64. 1961 - Melvin Calvin
    65. 1960 - Willard F. Libby
    66. 1959 - Jaroslav Heyrovsky
    67. 1958 - Frederick Sanger
    68. 1957 - Lord Todd
    69. 1956 - Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, Nikolay Semenov
    70. 1955 - Vincent du Vigneaud
    71. 1954 - Linus Pauling
    72. 1953 - Hermann Staudinger
    73. 1952 - Archer J.P. Martin, Richard L.M. Synge
    74. 1951 - Edwin M. McMillan, Glenn T. Seaborg
    75. 1950 - Otto Diels, Kurt Alder
    76. 1949 - William F. Giauque
    77. 1948 - Arne Tiselius
    78. 1947 - Sir Robert Robinson
    79. 1946 - James B. Sumner, John H. Northrop, Wendell M. Stanley
    80. 1945 - Artturi Virtanen
    81. 1944 - Otto Hahn
    82. 1943 - George de Hevesy
    83. 1942 - None
    84. 1941 - None
    85. 1940 - None
    86. 1939 - Adolf Butenandt, Leopold Ruzicka
    87. 1938 - Richard Kuhn
    88. 1937 - Norman Haworth, Paul Karrer
    89. 1936 - Peter Debye
    90. 1935 - Frédéric Joliot, Irène Joliot-Curie
    91. 1934 - Harold C. Urey
    92. 1933 - None
    93. 1932 - Irving Langmuir
    94. 1931 - Carl Bosch, Friedrich Bergius
    95. 1930 - Hans Fischer
    96. 1929 - Arthur Harden, Hans von Euler-Chelpin
    97. 1928 - Adolf Windaus
    98. 1927 - Heinrich Wieland
    99. 1926 - The Svedberg
    100. 1925 - Richard Zsigmondy
    101. 1924 - None
    102. 1923 - Fritz Pregl
    103. 1922 - Francis W. Aston
    104. 1921 - Frederick Soddy
    105. 1920 - Walther Nernst
    106. 1919 - None
    107. 1918 - Fritz Haber
    108. 1917 - None
    109. 1916 - None
    110. 1915 - Richard Willstätter
    111. 1914 - Theodore W. Richards
    112. 1913 - Alfred Werner
    113. 1912 - Victor Grignard, Paul Sabatier
    114. 1911 - Marie Curie
    115. 1910 - Otto Wallach
    116. 1909 - Wilhelm Ostwald
    117. 1908 - Ernest Rutherford
    118. 1907 - Eduard Buchner
    119. 1906 - Henri Moissan
    120. 1905 - Adolf von Baeyer
    121. 1904 - Sir William Ramsay
    122. 1903 - Svante Arrhenius
    123. 1902 - Emil Fischer
    124. 1901 - Jacobus H. van't Hoff

    Research & Development & Conference Listings

    Unsolved Problems
    AI Biology Chemistry Computer Sci
    Economics Linguistics Mathematics Medicine
    Neuroscience Philosophy Physics Statistics

    Unsolved Math Problems

    1. Are there infinitely many real quadratic number fields with unique factorization?
    2. Are there infinitely many perfect numbers?
    3. Brocard's problem: existence of integers, n,m, such that n!+1=m2 other than n=4,5,7
    4. Determine if any odd perfect numbers exist?
    5. Determine if any quasiperfect numbers exist?
    6. Determine if any Lychrel numbers exist?
    7. Determine if any odd weird numbers exist?
    8. Determine if the Euler-Mascheroni constant is irrational.
    9. Determine whether NP-problems are actually P-problems.
    10. Derive an analytic form for the square site percolation threshold.
    11. Find a formula for the probability that two elements chosen at random generate the symmetric group .
    12. Find an Euler brick whose space diagonal is also an integer.
    13. Find numbers that can be represented as a sum of three or four (positive or negative) cubic numbers.
    14. Lehmer's totient problem: if φ(n) divides n − 1, must n be prime?
    15. Prove that the 196-algorithm does not terminate when applied to the number 196.
    16. Prove that 10 is a solitary number.
    17. The Hadamard matrix - Prove that there exists a Hadamard matrix for every positive multiple of 4.
    18. The twin prime conjecture - Prove that there is an infinite number of twin primes.
    19. Solve the happy end problem for arbitrary n.v
    20. The Goldbach's Conjecture.- Prove that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes
    21. The Gilbreath's Conjecture.
    22. The Hilbert's sixteenth problem.
    23. The Riemann Hypothesis.
    24. The Diophantine Quintuple.
    25. The Collatz Conjecture .
    26. The Waring's problem.
    27. The Erdős conjecture on arithmetic progressions.

    U.S. Universities & Colleges
    | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

    Understanding of Things-- Time makes sense in small pieces. But when looking at huge stretches of time, it's almost impossible to wrap our head around things. The site provides videos to put things in perspective with some infographics!

    Physics World-- Features news, views and information for the global physics community from Institute of Physics Publishing...

    Popular Science-- A science magazine featuring up-to-the-minute news, gadget reviews, insightful commentary, and more.

    Popular Mechanics-- A service magazine covering a variety of information on home improvement, automotive needs, electronics, computers...

    Imaginova-- Imaginova is the preeminent online life science news. Its network includes,,, and Imaginova's original content is syndicated through major online portals and licensed by educational products available at,, and

    Chemistry: Periodic Table-- Web Elements aims to be a high quality source of chemistry information relating to the periodic table. Coverage is such that professional scientists and students at school interested in chemistry and other sciences will all find something useful.

    CISTI - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information-- One of the world's major sources for information in all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine,  CISTI began over 75 years ago as the library of the National Research Council of Canada, the leading agency for R&D in Canada, and became the National Science Library in 1957.

    Computer User - -  Techology Trends and Tools.-- Computer User has extensive information from archive sources to rich IT dictionary.

    George Mason University Echo’s Research Center-- Echo’s research center catalogues, annotates, and reviews sites on the history of technology, industry, and science. It incorporates the WWW Virtual Library for the History of Science, Technology, Medicine, and Industry - an index of more than 5,000 websites, many with excerpts and annotations.

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) -- A non-profit global membership organization, IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology. Its interest areas ranges from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics among others.

    The History of Computing Project -- Providing a repository where the knowledge of computing, past, contemporary and future, is and will be preserved, such as information on IT hardware/software and electronics among others.

    Infomine -- A virtual library of Internet resources.  It contains useful Internet resources such as databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, mailing lists, online library card catalogs, articles, directories of researchers, and many other types of information.

    Institute of Physics-- The Institute of Physics, a leading communicator of physics, promotes interest and participation in physics across society. Its publishing company, IOP Publishing, is a world leader in scientific publishing and the electronic dissemination of physics.

    IPL - The First Internet Library ...-- Are you trying to replace traditional libraries? - No, no, no! Far from it. What we are trying to do is explore what the rich history and intellectual traditions of librarianship have to offer the dynamic but, ...why not try to find out what we can do with digital media?

    The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)-- is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. It has gradually expanded to over 90 countries from 5 continents.

    Naked Scientists-- The Naked Scientists are a group of doctors and scientists who enjoy communicating science to the general public via radio shows.  This website contains archived editions of the previous shows in text and streamed audio formats, science articles by scientists from various fields, a lively science discussion forum, and reviews of the latest science books to hit the stores.

    National Science Foundation - . -- The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes the progress of science to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare, and secure the national defense… The NSF also provides the results of surveys and reports related to statistics on the sciences in the U.S.

    Nobel -- On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris, briefly outlining his vision of five prizes for those who during the past year have done humanity the greatest service.

    Nobel Channel -- A very informative web site that brings to life those that have won the Nobel Prize with movies and audio of speeches.

    Nobel Prize Internet Archive -- An impressive site that collects information about all of the past Nobel Laureates, organized by prize and year, brief biographical information and links.

    PSIGate -- An informative site that provides free online resources for students, researchers and practitioners in the physical sciences, including astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, physics, and science history and policy.

    Royal Society of Chemistry -- is the largest organization in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. It is for everyone interested in the chemical sciences - with events, features, links, educational materials plus the ever-popular Visual Elements Periodic Table and Timeline.

    SciCentral-- As the scientific Internet matured, online research news channels became more organized and powerful new sources arose that provided timely, extensive, and reliable information. Since the emergence of a strong, coherent, and organized scientific Internet had always been the anticipation of SciCentral.

    SciELO -- The Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The library provides full access to a collection of serial titles, a collection of issues from individual serial titles, as well as to the full text of articles.

    Scientific American-- Scientific American, the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., has been bringing its readers unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years.

    Scorecard -- Find out about the pollution problems in your community.  See which geographic areas and companies have the worst pollution records. Identify which racial/ethnic and income groups bear more than their share of environmental burdens.

    Visible Earth -- A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planets. These images produced by the SeaWiFS, QuickBird, and IKONOS instruments and managed by NASA. -- A place for "Fast Reference" and learning tools - is a knowledge exploration and self-education tool about information technology, especially about the Internet and computers. It contains over 4,500 individual encyclopedic definition/topics...

    VTIC'97 -- The Second Annual Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering, Technology and Sciences (VACETS) International Technical Conference is part of its on-going efforts to create an opportunity for overseas Vietnamese scientific and technical professionals to meet, exchange knowledge, and share their achievements.

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    22. An Exposition on Inflationary Cosmology
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    116. Gamma-Ray Bursts: Progress, Problems and Prospects
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    121. Gravitational Wave Experiments and Early Universe Cosmology
    122. Gravitational Waves, Sources, and Detectors
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    132. History of Astronomy
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    139. Inflation and String Theory
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    148. Introduction to Early Universe Cosmology
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    150. Introduction to Non-Baryonic Dark Matter
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    158. Lectures on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
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    218. Rockets and People, Volume 3: Hot Days of the Cold War
    219. Searching for Life Across Space and Time
    220. Short History of Astronomy
    221. Sky Surveys
    222. Solar Neutrinos
    223. Solar System
    224. Space Transport and Engineering Methods
    225. Space Handbook: Astronautics and Its Applications
    226. Space Nomads
    227. Spacecraft Dynamics
    228. Spacetime Warps and the Quantum: A Glimpse of the Future
    229. Spherical Astronomy
    230. Star-gazer's Hand-book; a Brief Guide for Amateur Students of Astronomy
    231. Stellar Atmospheres
    232. Stellar Astrophysics
    233. Stellar Structure and Evolution
    234. String Cosmology
    235. Supernova Cosmology: Legacy and Future
    236. Supernova Remnants: The X-ray Perspective
    237. Supernovae
    238. Superstring Cosmology
    239. Supply Chain
    240. Systems Theory
    241. Taming Liquid Hydrogen: The Centaur Upper Stage Rocket 1958-2002
    242. Techniques of Radio Astronomy
    243. Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings
    244. Textbook on Practical Astronomy
    245. The Astrobiology Primer: An Outline of General Knowledge
    246. The Astronomy of the Bible
    247. The Beginning and the End: The Meaning of Life in a Cosmological Perspective
    248. The Beginning and Evolution of the Universe
    249. The Birth and Death of Stars
    250. The Birth and Death of The Sun
    251. The Calculus for Engineers
    252. The Cosmic Web: Geometric Analysis
    253. The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Sun
    254. The Cosmological Constant
    255. The Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy
    256. The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere
    257. The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Intelligent Life
    258. The First Lunar Landing: As Told By The Astronauts
    259. The First Stars
    260. The Formation and Early Evolution of Planetary Systems
    261. The Formation and Evolution of the Solar System
    262. The Formation of Planets
    263. The Foundations of Celestial Mechanics
    264. The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
    265. The Future of Remote Sensing From Space
    266. The Galactic Habitable Zone I. Galactic Chemical Evolution
    267. The Geology of the Terrestrial Planets
    268. The History of Astrometry
    269. The Hubble Constant
    270. The Martian Landscape
    271. The New Engineering
    272. This New Ocean: The History of Space Flight
    273. The Practical Astronomer
    274. The Quantum Mechanics of Cosmology
    275. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI
    276. The Shape of the Universe
    277. The Solar Magnetic Field
    278. The Star Splitters: The High Energy Astronomy Observatories
    279. The Story of Eclipses
    280. The Story of the Aeroplane
    281. The Telescope
    282. The Universe in a Helium Droplet
    283. The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics
    284. The World According to the Hubble Space Telescope
    285. Thermal Energy (Lecture Notes)
    286. Thermodynamics (Lecture Notes)
    287. This New Ocean: The History of Space Flight
    288. Through the Telescope
    289. To a Rocky Moon: A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration
    290. To See the Unseen: A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy
    291. Traces of Catastrophe
    292. Trans-Neptunian Objects: An Overview
    293. Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution
    294. Views of the Solar System
    295. Viking Orbiter: Views of Mars
    296. Voyage to Jupiter
    297. Voyager 1 and 2: Atlas of Six Saturnian Satellites
    298. Voyager 1 Encounters Saturn
    299. Voyager Encounters Jupiter
    300. When Biospheres Collide: A History of NASA's Planetary Protection Programs
    301. Where Did The Moon Come From?
    302. Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions
    303. Why CMB Physics?
    304. Wind Tunnels
    305. Wingless Flight: The Lifting Body Story
    306. 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Inflation

    Popular Federal Contract Companies
    1. Lockheed Martin Corp.
    2. Boeing Co.
    3. Northrop Grumman Corp.
    4. General Dynamics Corp.
    5. Raytheon Co.
    6. KBR Inc.
    7. Science Applications International Corp.
    8. L-3 Communications Inc.
    9. Computer Sciences Corp.
    10. Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
    11. ITT Corp.
    12. Hewlett-Packard Co
    13. Harris Corp.
    14. BAE Systems
    15. Dell Computer Corp.
    16. Verizon Communications Inc.
    17. United Technologies Corp.
    18. IBM Corp.
    19. Microsoft Corp.
    20. Oracle Corp.
    21. Cisco Systems, Inc.
    22. Symantec Corp.
    23. BMC Software Inc.
    24. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
    25. CACI International Inc.
    26. Battelle Memorial Institute
    27. URS Corp.
    28. DRS Technologies
    29. General Electric Co.
    30. Accenture Ltd
    31. SRA International Inc.
    32. Sprint Corp.
    33. Serco Inc.
    34. Aerospace Corp.
    35. Honeywell Inc.
    36. VSE Corp.
    37. Unisys Corp.
    38. BearingPoint Inc.
    39. QinetiQ North America
    40. Rockwell Collins Inc.
    41. General Atomics
    42. Alliant Techsystems Inc.
    43. Perot Systems Inc.
    44. AT&T Inc.
    45. Mitre.
    46. Wyle Laboratories Inc.
    47. Arinc Inc.
    48. Stanley Inc.
    49. World Wide Technology
    50. NANA Regional Corp.
    51. ManTech International Corp.
    52. UNICOM Government.
    53. URS Corp.
    54. Deloitte & Touche LLP
    55. Vangent Inc.
    56. FLIR Systems Inc.
    57. CenturyLink, Inc.
    58. Tetra Tech Inc.
    59. MRIGlobal
    60. Arctic Slope Regional Corp.
    61. DAI.
    62. Telos Corp.
    63. Motorola Inc.

    Famous Mathematicians
    1. Terence Chi-Shen Tao (1975-)
    2. Andrew Wiles (1953-)
    3. Edward Witten (1951-)
    4. William Paul Thurston (1946-2012)
    5. Saharon Shelah (1945-)
    6. Pierre René Deligne (1944-)
    7. Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov (1943-)
    8. John Horton Conway (1937-)
    9. Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (1937-2010)
    10. Robert Phelan Langlands (1936-)
    11. John Griggs Thompson (1932-)
    12. John Willard Milnor (1931-)
    13. Michael Francis Atiyah (1929-)
    14. Lennart Axel Edvard Carleson (1928-)
    15. John Forbes Nash, Jr. (1928-2015)
    16. Alexandre Grothendieck (1928-2014)
    17. Jean-Pierre Serre (1926-)
    18. John Torrence Tate (1925-)
    19. Atle Selberg (1917-2007)
    20. Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001)
    21. Israel Moiseevich Gelfand (1913-2009)
    22. Samuel Eilenberg (1913-1998)
    23. Paul Erdös (1913-1996)
    24. Alan Turing (1912-1954)
    25. Shiing-Shen Chern (1911-2004)
    26. André Weil (1906-1998)
    27. Kurt Gödel (1906-1978)
    28. Henri Paul Cartan (1904-2008)
    29. Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-1987)
    30. John von Neumann (1903-1957)
    31. Alfred Tarski (1902-1983)
    32. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984)
    33. Emil Artin (1898-1962)
    34. Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov (1896-1962)
    35. Carl Ludwig Siegel (1896-1981)
    36. Norbert Wiener (1894-1964)
    37. Stefan Banach (1892-1945)
    38. George Pólya (1887-1985)
    39. Thoralf Albert Skolem (1887-1963)
    40. Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920)
    41. John Edensor Littlewood (1885-1977)
    42. Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl (1885-1955)
    43. George David Birkhoff (1884-1984)
    44. Solomon Lefschetz (1884-1972)
    45. Waclaw Sierpinski (1882-1969)
    46. Amalie Emmy Noether (1882-1935)
    47. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (1881-1966)
    48. Oswald Veblen (1880-1960)
    49. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
    50. René Maurice Fréchet (1878-1973)
    51. Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
    52. Edmund Landau (1877-1938)
    53. Henri Léon Lebesgue (1875-1941)
    54. Tullio Levi-Civita (1873-1941)
    55. Émile Borel (1871-1956)
    56. Élie Joseph Cartan (1869-1951)
    57. Felix Hausdorff (1868-1942)
    58. Jacques Salomon Hadamard (1865-1963)
    59. Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909)
    60. David Hilbert (1862-1943)
    61. Vito Volterra (1860-1946)
    62. Georg Cantor (1845-1918)

    Technical Paper: The Beauty of Internet

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    • Amazon Kindle Fire - The Kindle Fire is a 7-inch tablet that has a sharp, bright, hi-res screen, and a small storage with an affordable price. There are around 10,000 applications for Amazon's Kindle Fire.

    • Barnes & Noble Nook Table - The Nook tablet features a 7-inch, touch-sensitive with an extended battery life up to 11.5 hours of reading, or 9 hours of video, a faster processor and more memory for software operations (i.e.; faster Web browsing and magazine page-flipping when comparing with Amazon's Kindle Fire). There are around 1,000 applications for the Nook tablet.

    • Nikon D300s (Digital Camera) - Nikon D300s is the first digital camera that includes high-definition video capture with high quality built-in microphone, takes excellent photos and provides video output containing impressively smooth images.

    • Canon PowerShot SX200 IS (Digital Camera) - The camera creates gorgeous image quality and point-and-shoot convenience of Smart Auto, along with enhanced operability and an intuitive new menu. It provides wide-angle shots with stunning 12x optical zoom, HD shooting at 1280 x 720 pixels with HDMI output lets you see all the beauty of your HD images and movies on your HDTV.

    • Dell Latitude Z (Laptop) - Dell Latitude Z is the world's thinnest, lightest 16" laptop (a 16-inch screen, 0.57 inch thick, about 4.5 pounds with the standard 4-cell battery), featuring a premium design and innovative wireless and touch-sensor technology.

    • PlayStation- PlayStation 3is a popular graphical game conslole produced by Sony, with a cutting-edge Cell processor and a customized Nvidia graphics chip that could melt most gaming PCs. The PlayStation 3 is currently behind its competitor systems, the Wii and the Xbox 360, in total worldwide sales.

    • Xbox 360 - The Xbox 360 is the second video game console produced by Microsoft, and was developed in cooperation with IBM, AMD, and SiS. The integrated Xbox Live service allows players to compete online and download content from TV shows and movies.

    • Pioneer Kuro HDTV Plasma TV - Pioneer Plasma TV offers a perfect picture quality. It’s a world built on uncompromising attention to detail in an extraordinary, beautiful new way with deep, intense blacks for unmatched contrast.

    • iPhone - The Apple iPhone, which uses the GSM standard, has a stunning display, a sleek design, and an innovative multitouch user interface. The iPhone's functions include those of a camera phone, text messages, visual voicemail, and a portable media player ("iPod"). It also offers Internet services including e-mail, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity.

    • LG BH-100 Super Blu-ray- The Blu-ray Player BH-100 is essentially a Blu-ray Disc Player that can also play HD-DVDs with up–convert to 1080i via HDMI output. Combine it with a compatible 1080p HDTV and your senses will be enthralled by the ultimate in sound and picture quality.

    • iPod - The Apple iPod nano media player was introduced on September 7, 2005. It's the first Nano to play back video displayed on a colorful, 2-inch screen wih a combination of features of both the iPod shuffle and iPod classic.

    • Vudu - Vudu delivers instant access to HD films, TV shows, and approximately 5,000 movies, from blockbusters to independent films, with more added every week. This set-top box gives you instant access to thousands of movies--including brand-new DVD releases--for $1 to $4 for rental or $5 to $20 to buy.

    • Nintendo Wii - Nintendo Wii is a successor to the Nintendo GameCube targeted a broader demographic than that of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. Since its November 2006 release, the Wii has become a runaway hit, so popular that it remains difficult to find it in stock.

    • Nintendo DSi - Nintendo DSi, the third iteration of the Nintendo DS handheld, is about 12% thinner and with a larger screen (17%) than the Nintendo DS Lite. It has a CPU that is twice as fast as the one in the DS and DS Lite, 256 MB of internal flash memory, and digital cameras (16MB). The DSi was first released in Japan on November 1, 2008, and it is expected to be released in the US in Spring 2009.

    • Microsoft Zune MP3 Player - The Zune 120GB MP3, with a unique focus on music discovery, is a fierce competitor to the iPod Classic. It has great Wi-Fi and social music-discovery features supported for games and audio-books with friendly interface, good navigation control, high audio quality, audio-and video-podcast support, superlative FM radio, wireless syncing, and a built-in composite-video output.

    • Onkyo TX-SR875 A/V Receiver - Exceeding even the highest expectations, the TX-SR875 A/V surround sound receiver deserves all the accolades it gets.The foundations of the TX-SR875 are its isolated power amplifier block (which supports a dual push-pull amplification design) and preamplifier.

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