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  1. During a campaign rally on July 13, 2024 for his re-election near Butler, Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump was shot and ducked to the ground as several Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and surrounded him on all sides, and took him to safety. A 20-year-old gunman, who fired multiple shots, injuring Trump’s right ear, killing one spectator, and critically injuring two others; Secret Service agents neutralized the shooter who the FBI identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. Trump said the motive wasn't clear. The incident has marked one of the most serious acts of political violence in the U.S.
  2. Since 7 June 1967, Israel, a country established in 1948, has captured and occupied the Palestinian land, which covers the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip. Israel has been accused of major violations of international human rights law, including collective punishment, some amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, in its administration of the occupied Palestinian territories. These include illegal or random killings, random or unwarranted detention, punishment of family members for alleged offenses by a relative, targeted killings of Palestinians, and labor rights abuses against Palestinian workers. On July 19, 2024 the United Nations' top court ruled that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal, and ordered Israel to end its decades-long occupation of territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state.
  3. As a result of the Israel-Palestine conflict, on October 7, 2023 Israeli authorities said 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals, including more than 300 soldiers, were killed, and 248 persons were taken hostage (not all are still alive) when Hamas militants burst across the border into southern Israel. It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. Since the October 7, 2023 attack, Israel’s bombardment and offensive in Gaza killed around 39,000 Palestinians (as of 7/20/2024) without mercy, including over 14,500 children and 13,000 women, and 500 medical personnel, with more than 86,030 injured and over 1,000 missing.
  4. After Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, Israeli military has carried out a large Israeli ground incursion into the Gaza Strip and tightened a years-long blockade to halt entry of most food, water and medical supplies to Gaza; as of May 2024, over 85% of Gaza’s people have been displaced, and Gaza has plunged into a humanitarian crisis with shortages of food, a quarter face starvation, and medical services. Especially, in the February 1, 2024 incident, Israeli military directly fired at civilians crowded around aid lorries of the south-western edge of Gaza city, asking for food, 112 people were killed and more than 760 injured by Israel; the White House called the deaths “tremendously alarming”, and people around the world were shocked by this crime against humanity incident. In the April 1, 2024 incident, 7 aid workers from the food aid charity World Central Kitchen were terribly killed in Gaza by Israeli military, this puts the death toll among humanitarian aid workers at over 200. In the June 8, 2024 raid to rescue 4 hostages, Israel killed 274 Palestinians, including 64 children and 57 women, and 153 children and 161 women were among the nearly 700 wounded.
  5. The Biden administration said  that it is “reasonable to assess” that Israeli forces used US weapons in Gaza in ways that are “inconsistent” with international humanitarian law. Biden administration officials have for months called on Israel to stop killing civilians and allow more aid into Gaza. There is an increasing friction between Israel and the United States; the U.S. President, Biden, called Israel’s military operations in Gaza “over the top" and said the suffering of innocent people has “got to stop.” There were “missteps” by the Biden administration and expressed regret that the administration may have left a “a very damaging impression” early in the war.
  6. Israel captured east Jerusalem, and seized the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war, which was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (former United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria, and later annexed east Jerusalem in a move not-recognized internationally Israel internationally.
  7. After the World War II, the majority of Jews in Arab countries immigrated to Israel. Of the nearly 900,000 Jewish emigrants, approximately 680,000 emigrated to Israel and 235,000 to France; the remainder went to other countries in Europe as well as to the Americas. About two thirds of the exodus was from the North Africa region, of which Morocco's Jews went mostly to Israel, Algeria's Jews went mostly to France, and Tunisia's Jews departed for both countries. It is estimated that between 1956 and 1967, about 235,000 North African Jews from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco immigrated to France. The United States was a destination of many Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian Jews.
  8. From 1941 to 1945, six million Jews were killed by the Nazi Germany and its collaborators. Nazi Germany also killed over 5 million non-Jews, which include Gypsies, Poles, communists, homosexuals, Soviet POWs, and the mentally and physically disabled people.
  9. In Afghanistan women and girls are being deprived of their dignity, rights and status at home and in the society. The Taliban has enforced punitive laws restricting women's lives, and the government has been institutionalizing large-scale and systematic gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls and limiting their education and rights. Women have no rights to movement, no rights to education, and no rights to work. Women must cover their faces in public, and they are not allowed to go to parks and gyms; the government issued orders for girls aged 12-18 to stay home, and prohibited them to go to high school.
  11. The Saudi government has been accused of and denounced by various international organizations and governments for violating human rights within the country. For example, Ali al-Nimr was arrested at the age of 17 for his participation in the 2011 Arab Spring protests, and was sentenced to death by beheading at the age of 18. Saudi Arabia sentenced the Saudi scholar Hassan al-Maliki to death; Al-Maliki has been behind bars since 2017 on multiple "charges", including “conducting interviews with western news outlets” and “owning books” that are unauthorized by the Saudi government. Working conditions for the large expatriate labor force are often exploitative; racism in Saudi Arabia extends to allegations of imprisonment, physical abuse, rape, overwork and wage theft, especially of foreign workers who are given little protections under the law. Saudi women face discrimination in many aspects of their lives; for example, they cannot file police reports without the permission of a male guardian, and may end up being imprisoned by the government for complaining. Men are free to abuse women in Saudi Arabia, with reports of women being locked in their rooms for months or threatened with starvation or shooting for offenses such as getting the wrong kind of haircut or being in a relationship with a man the family has not approved. Although women make up 70% of those enrolled in universities, they only make up 5% of the workforce in Saudi Arabia, the lowest proportion in the world.
  12. Saudi Arabia (the largest economy in the Middle East and the 18th largest in the world) restricts almost all political rights and civil liberties. The king combines legislative, executive, and judicial function, and also serves as the prime minister, and presides over the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia. The royal family dominates the political system. No officials at the national level are elected. Women and religious minorities are mostly excluded from leadership positions in the government, and face extensive discrimination. Saudi Arabia has judicial corporal punishment systems that include amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and flogging for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness. It was reported that women were sentenced to lashes for adultery even they were actually victims of rape. Companies operating or planning to invest in Saudi Arabia face a moderate to high risk of corruption. In 2018, the government charged 126 local government employees across the country with corruption, abuse of power and other crimes as part of a controversial anti-corruption campaign that started in 2017, and it has ended this sweeping crackdown on corruption recovered more than $106bn through settlements with scores of senior princes, ministers and top businessmen.
  13. Saudi Arabia has been called an epicenter of sex segregation, stemming partially from its conservative Sunni Islamic practices and partially from its monarchy's legal constraints. Women experience widespread discrimination in Saudi politics, economy and society. For example, in Saudi Arabia, the law allows a man to control a Saudi woman's life from her birth until her death; if a woman is seen socializing with a man who is not a relative, the government will charge her with committing adultery, fornication, or prostitution; the government does not allow women to have the right to unilaterally end a marriage, only men have the unconditional right to initiate a divorce.
  14. In addition to expressing growing concern over the Chinese government’s human rights violations in China and its repression in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, many countries around the world have criticized China for its partnership with Russia. China, Russia's most valuable ally, has repeatedly criticized Western sanctions against Russia, refused to follow other nations in leveling stiff economic sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, rejected to condemn the Russian invasion, routinely amplifies Russian disinformation about the Ukraine-Russia's conflict, and does not refer to it as an invasion or a war in keeping with Russian practice.
  15. The Myanmar (Burma) military staged a coup on February 1, 2021, nullifying the results of the November 2020 elections and arbitrarily detaining hundreds of politicians, activists, and civil servants. Myanmar has been in chaos since the Army seized power and detained elected government leader Aung San Suu Kyi and much of her party leadership after the coup alleging fraud in the election her party won in a landslide. Hundreds of thousands of people in Myanmar have marched against the military junta to protest the coup. The military coup forces have confronted peaceful demonstrations, arrested thousands of people, and used lethal weapons to shoot demonstrators. They have fired on protesters around the country, including Lashio in the northeast, Myeik in the deep south and Hpa-An in the east; as of March 20, 2021 Myanmar’s security forces have killed at least 235 people, wounded hundreds of others, and arrested  more than 2,330 people, in violent crackdowns against opposition to the coup.
  16. On 1/19/2021 the US has officially determined that China is committing genocide and crimes against Uyghur people and religious minority groups. In China, since early 2017 the government has imprisoned more than 1 million people in the western Xinjiang region, including Uighurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups, in a vast network of concentration camps. China authorities have discriminated against these people by restricting their freedom to travel, emigrating, and attending schools, and denying other basic human rights of assembly, speech, and worship, and forcing men, women and children into at least 380 concentration camps, where they have been subjected to torture, sterilization and political indoctrination in addition to forced labor as part of an assimilation campaign in a region whose inhabitants are ethnically and culturally distinct from the Han Chinese majority. While China has encouraged Han majority in Xinjiang to have more children, the government has slashed birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities by forcing intrauterine devices, sterilization and even abortion on hundreds of thousands as part of a sweeping campaign to curb the Uighurs population; having more than children is a major reason Uighurs and minor people are sent to prison camps in Xinjiang. China's actions and policies developed to discriminate against Muslim Uighurs and ethnic minorities constitute “crimes against humanity” and a “genocide.”
  17. More than 1 million people - mostly from the Muslim Uighur community in China - are though to have been detailed without trial. These people literally do not know how long they are kept in the prison. A leak document reveals how every aspect of a detainee's life is monitored and controlled: "The students should have a fixed bed position, fixed queue position, fixed classroom seat, and fixed station during skills work, and it is strictly forbidden for this to be changed". The Chinese government has consistently claimed the camps in the far western Xinjiang region offer voluntary education and training. But official documents show how inmates are locked up, and indoctrinated and punished. "It's a total transformation that is designed specifically to wipe the Muslim Uighurs of Xinjiang as a separate cultural group off the face of the Earth." China has sought for years to assimilate the Muslim Uighur population into the majority Han Chinese, partially by flooding Xinjiang province with migrants from elsewhere. But the effort to crush the population has recently picked up speed. This is an actionable piece of evidence, documenting a gross human rights violation.
  18. The Chinese government has described its efforts in Xinjiang as a benevolent campaign to curb extremism by training people to find better jobs. But the documents reveal the party’s efforts to organize a ruthless campaign of mass detention in the name of curbing terrorism, a program whose consequences they discussed with cool detachment. When children asked the Chinese government about the disappearance of their parents and families detained in camps built to hold Muslim minorities "Since it’s just training, why can’t they come home?", they were told ". It seems that you’re still misunderstanding how concentrated education is run. Usually, you would return home for winter or summer vacation without any problem. But if you were careless and caught an infectious virus like SARS, you’d have to undergo enclosed, isolated treatment, because it’s an infectious illness. If you weren’t thoroughly cured, as soon as you returned home you would infect your family with this virus, and your whole family would fall ill."
  19. Xinjiang is officially designated an autonomous region within China, like Tibet to its south. Uighurs, who are ethnically Turkic Muslims, make up about 45% of the Xinjiang region's population; 40% are Han Chinese. Uyghurs in Xinjiang suffer under a "fully-fledged police state" with extensive controls and restrictions upon their religious, cultural and social life because the Chinese government tightly controls religious expression and freedom in Xinjiang by imposing rules on the Uighur community. More than 1 million Uighurs are being tortured and “politically brainwashed” in camps and prisons in China while China insisted that the camps are voluntary education centers that help purge “ideological diseases". Despite growing evidence of forced labor and torture in custody, indoctrination and other abuses in Xinjiang, Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan have remained relatively silent on the issue while the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey have voiced concerns about the Uighurs.
  20. The third person most associated with mass deaths in the bloodiest of human centuries after Germany's Adolf Hitler and Soviet's Joseph Stalin is China's Mao Zedong. During the period of 1949 and ended with his death in 1976, Mao Zedong was in some way responsible for 80 million deaths or more, including 1.2 million Tibetan people. In comparison, Hitler is blamed for 12 million concentration camp deaths and at least 30 million other deaths associated with World War II, while Stalin is believed responsible for between 30 million and 40 million "unnatural deaths".
  21. As a result of an investigation, on July 21, 2020 the US ordered to close the Chinese Houston (TX) Consulate, which was part of a large Chinese espionage effort using diplomatic facilities around the US. The consulate was a nest of Chinese spies who tried to steal research data, science and technology from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston. The consulate, which was directed to close in order to protect American intellectual property and Americans' private information, was the first (consulate) established in 1979 after the US and China established diplomatic relations. Relations between the US and China have plummeted, amid an ongoing trade war, the coronavirus pandemic, and US criticism of China's human rights abuses in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.
  22. In the US, China has engaged for years in massive illegal spying and influence operations and that those activities have increased markedly in scale and scope over the past few years. China spends a widespread effort to steal U.S. military technology and classified information and the trade secrets of U.S. companies. US prosecutors charged two Chinese hackers working for the China government, both nationals and residents of the People’s Republic of China (China), with stealing coronavirus treatment and vaccine research in the US. They are hacking into the computer systems of hundreds of victim companies, governments, non-governmental organizations, and individual dissidents, clergy, and democratic and human rights activists in the US and abroad, including Hong Kong and China. They began as early as 2009 and are still going on, stole intellectual property and trade secrets worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
  23. China has a long history of propaganda and efforts to cajole the world into following its own narrative on geopolitical and conflict issues like Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South China Sea. Its newest propaganda is COVID-19, a new SARS coronavirus disease, first reported in Hubei, a city in central China of 11 million, in late December 2019, by suppressing information about the coronavirus’ origin, downplaying by a factor of 15 to 40 times of the number of cases of coronavirus and its seriousness to the rest of the world, and maintaining through mid-January 2020 that this coronavirus wasn't even contagious. China has been lying since early December 2019 about the nature of the new coronavirus by firmly telling the world that it couldn’t be transmitted between humans, and continually reported wrongly low number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the country. Its propaganda resulted in causing or contributing over 1,192,025 coronavirus cases and 64,085+ deaths worldwide (as of April 4, 2020). Taking advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak, the country has increased exerting military pressure on Taiwan, coercing and bullying its neighbors, and seriously violating sovereignty in the South China Sea.
  24. China's underreporting of its pandemic totals was unsurprising, and official statistics from the country are often lies. Unlike South Korea, China did not test vast amounts of people so those who may have died and not tested for COVID-19 were unlikely to be counted in the official tally. For the Hubei province, including Wuhan, on January 25, 2020 the official figure was only nearly 6,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and just over 200 deaths. However, the University of Hong Kong reported in The Lancet, they estimated that 75,815 individuals have been infected in Wuhan as of that day. As of March 31, 2020 China’s government has reported only 3,000 deaths in the Hubei province, where Wuhan is located — a number that Wuhan’s residents have rejected as a full order of magnitude too small. Unlike China, in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo admitted in March 2020, the government had filtered information about the spread of the virus saying "we don't want to make the public panic, we don't want to cause unrest in the society". A study by the London-based Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases released in late March estimates that as few as 2% of Indonesia's coronavirus infections have been reported. That would bring the true number to more than 89,000 but a serious lack of testing, as with many other nations, means we will never be sure.
  25. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the US was determined to retaliate. On March 10, 1945 over 100,000 Japanese people were killed and another million injured, most of them civilians, when more than 300 American B-29 bombers dropped 1,500 tons of firebombs on the Japanese capital, Tokyo, that night. The human toll that night exceeded that of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki later that year, where the initial blasts killed about 70,000 people and 46,000 people respectively. The US B29 bombers were the culmination of 20 years of aviation advances leading up to World War II and were the first to have pressurized, heated fuselages, enabling them to operate above 18,000 feet without crews having to don special gear or use oxygen masks. Several weeks before attacking Tokyo, Allied bombing raids on February 13–15, 1945, that almost completely destroyed the German city of Dresden. On the night of February 13, the British Bomber Command hit Dresden with an 800-bomber air raid, dropping some 2,700 tons of bombs, including large numbers of incendiaries. Aided by weather conditions, a firestorm developed, incinerating tens of thousands of people. The U.S. Eighth Air Force followed the next day with another 400 tons of bombs and carried out yet another raid by 210 bombers on February 15. It is thought that some 25,000–35,000 civilians died in Dresden in the air attacks, though some estimates are as high as 250,000, given the influx of undocumented refugees that had fled to Dresden from the Eastern Front. Most of the victims were women, children, and the elderly.
  26. ToTok is most popular in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), but also serves millions of users in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. The company that created ToTok, Breej Holding, is believed to be a front group for an Abu Dhabi-based hacking firm called DarkMatter. But the service, ToTok, is actually a spying tool. It is used by the government of the U.A.E. to try to track every conversation, movement, relationship, appointment, sound and image of those who install it on their phones. Google removed it from its store on 12/19/2019, and Apple followed suit on 12/20/2019.
  27. In today's Hong Kong, people can be arrested for publishing children's books. The Hong Kong government has found five people guilty of publishing children's books telling about a village of sheep trying to fight back against a group of wolves who are trying to take over their settlement. These cartoon e-books have been interpreted by authorities as having an overtly political message. The Hong Kong government has been worried that the books' young readers would be led to believe that Chinese authorities were coming to Hong Kong with the "wicked intentions" of ruining the lives of the city's inhabitants. Hong Kong police and prosecutors regularly use the national security law to clamp down on political speech and views.
  28. In Hong Kong people can be caught for carrying zip tie (also known as a hose tie, cable tie, or tie wrap), which a type of short plastic fastener for holding items together, primarily electrical cables and wires. They can be punishable by up to 2 years in jail under the Summary Offences Ordinance, and the new charge carries a maximum jail sentence of 10 years under the Crimes Ordinance of "National Security Law". This strange law can be interpreted so broadly that people can be arrested and kept in jail for carrying a pen to "forge signatures".
  29. Hong Kong authorities have rapidly begun to apply the new National Security Law to prosecute peaceful speech, curtail academic freedom, and generate a chilling effect on fundamental freedoms in the city. The law, which China’s government imposed on June 30, 2020, include creating specialized secret security agencies, denying fair trial rights, providing sweeping new powers to the police, increasing restraints on civil society and the media, and weakening judicial oversight. It's Beijing’s most aggressive assault on Hong Kong people’s freedoms since Britain handed over its former colony, Hong Kong, in 1997. China pledged to preserve the “one country, two systems” framework through 2047; however, China has seen Hong Kong as part of its territory and applied vague laws against Hong Kong people. These include the use of intimidation, covert surveillance, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, and torture and deaths in custody of activists, rights lawyers, and journalists. Hong Kong people face the prospect of lengthy prison terms for possessing banners or chanting slogans that the authorities dislike. As a result, the United States and many countries no longer treat Hong Kong and China separately on several major issues, including trade and extradition. Hong Kong became just like another Chinese city.
  30. Until 1997, Hong Kong was ruled by Britain as a colony but then returned to China under the "one country, two systems" arrangement. Unlike other cities in China, which are tightly governed by the authoritarian central government, Hong Kong is a semi-autonomous city with its own legal and political systems, and its people have more rights. However, the Chinese government actively interfered in Hong Kong's affairs and created bills to control and take away Hong Kong people's rights. As of today, almost no Hong Kong youth identified themselves as Chinese. Since the summer of 2019, Hong Kong protesters (driven by a sense of desperation rather than hope) began fighting these bills to protect Hong Kong’s autonomy from China. Protesters feared the bills would allow China to encroach on these rare freedoms. As the protests have continued, they are posing a challenge to the city's government and Beijing. The "special" relationship of Hong Kong's leadership with mainland China is a key element in untangling this mess.
  31. In Hong Kong, China demands to implement a law that would criminalize secession, subversion of state power, terrorist activities and colluding with foreign forces to endanger national security. Critics say Hong Kong’s legal statutes already account for such matters and that Beijing is determined to use the law to pursue political opponents. China has long demanded such a law for Hong Kong, but efforts were shelved in the face of massive protests in 2003.
  32. In order to take a firm rhetorical stance, saying the protests "showed signs of terrorism", China and Hong Hong government are using threats and pressure to get business to back its increasingly hard-line stance toward Hong Kong, leading companies to warn and intimidate workers who speak out in protest. For example, HSBC, the London bank, was threatened because it has slowly backed Beijing’s push to enact a new national security law covering the territory, and two Chinese banks, Chiyu Banking and Wing Lung Bank, had pressured their employees to sign a petition supporting the law, by forcing them to sign a petition and taking screenshot of their signature and share it publicly.
  33. China and Hong Kong government have pressured various companies, including railway operator MTR Corporation, airline Cathay Pacific, and the Big Four accounting firms (KPMG, Ernst & Young (EY), Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) - in Hong Kong) to take a hard-line approach against employees who took part in the protests. Cathay Pacific witnessed a huge managerial reshuffling and fired pro-democratic employees after the Civil Aviation Administration of China threatened to block Cathay's access to Chinese airspace while the MTR has closed stations and has ended its service early after being criticized for transporting protesters. The world's "Big 4" accounting firms have confirmed they stand with China by distancing themselves from a newspaper advertisement in which their employees expressed support for Hong Kong protesters. Chinese state media outlets largely ignored the Hong Kong protests, which were also mostly censored from Mainland Chinese social media.
  34. As China tightens its grip on Hong Kong over which British rule ended 20 years ago, pro-democracy activists are still fighting against erosion of freedoms. Since May 2019, thousands of people in Hong Kong gathered and peacefully marched for pro-democracy protests, which had seen numerous clashes between protesters and police with police firing tear gas at demonstrators as the city's protests enter their 13th weekend to demand some basic freedom requests, such as the full withdrawal of the suspended extradition bill and implementation of open and free elections. The Hong Kong public’s response to police violence shows that people are willing to put their bodies on the line for freedom. More than one million people being drawn to the streets twice in a week in June, only to have many of their demands ignored, is a sign of a serious democratic deficit. On September 2, tens of thousands students boycotted the first day of classes as part of a citywide strike.
  35. The Chinese Communist Party has in effect controlled the Hong Kong government, and infringed on freedom of speech and movement. For example, after Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union organized for its members and students to join the general strike on August 5, 2019, the Government's Regional Education Offices asked all schools for names of the teachers and pupils who participated in the strike, hinting at possible future retribution. The Government installed lampposts used for carrying facial recognition function and infringing upon personal privacy of citizens, and protesters attempted to tear down or dismantle them. Hong Kong leader, Carrie Lam, was sorry for causing “unforgivable havoc” by igniting the political crisis engulfing the city and she would quit if she had a choice!.
  36. In 2019 million people in Hong Kong protested to demand a full withdrawal of the extradition bill, dismissal of charges against arrested protesters, a government retraction regarding the term "riot", an independent investigation into police brutality, and universal suffrage. Beijing imposed a sweeping national security law, under which the government has had all but wiped out formal opposition. Authorities have raided and closed down newsrooms, jailed activists and protesters, unseated elected lawmakers, heightened censorship both online and in printed publications, and changed school curricula. The city has been transformed beyond recognition since.
  37. Hong Kong’s human rights record took a dark turn. Civil liberties in Hong Kong are increasingly being undermined by the growing interference of the central government, 20 years after the city returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. In April 2018, Hong Kong police arrested 11 pro-democracy advocates on charges including “unlawful assembly” and “obstructing police.” The charges stem from the advocates’ protest against a decision by China’s top legislative body forcing Hong Kong courts to disqualify two pro-independence legislators. In July 2018 a Hong Kong court disqualified four more pro-democracy lawmakers for modifying their oaths swearing allegiance to China in a 2016 ceremony.
  38. Until 22 May 2014 the politics of Thailand were conducted within the framework of a constitutional monarchy, whereby the prime minister is the head of government and a hereditary monarch is head of state. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislative branches. Since the coup d'état of 22 May 2014, Thailand revoked its 2007 constitution. The 2007 Constitution was annulled by the 2014 coup-makers who run the country as a military dictatorship. The country has been under the rule of a military organization called National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), which has taken control of the national administration, and abolished the national assembly and assumed the responsibilities of the legislative branch. Military courts have been tasked to be responsible for most cases that are normally under the civilian courts. The NCPO has repeatedly postponed promised elections, fearing that the pro-Thaksin Pheu Thai Party would do well despite the junta’s election laws and rules that are expressly designed to disadvantage Pheu Thai.
  39. The politics of Italy are conducted through a parliamentary republic with a multi-party system. Italy has been a democratic republic since 2 June 1946, when the monarchy was abolished by popular referendum and a constituent assembly was elected to draft a constitution, which was promulgated on 1 January 1948. Italy has had more than 50 governments and more than 20 Prime Ministers since 1945.
  40. Saudis close to Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, discussed killing other enemies a year before Khashoggi’s death, and used coercion and abuse to seize billions.
  41. The Turkish lira tumbled more than 16 percent on August 10, 2018 - a record low against the dollar - after the US announced the punitive doubling of steel and aluminum tariffs, to compel it to turn over a jailed American pastor in Turkey; the US is the biggest destination for Turkish steel exports with 11 percent of the Turkish export volume. Mr Erdogan, the Turkey president, who has consolidated unprecedented power through a series of referendums, framed Turkey's crisis as a “national battle” against economic enemies, including the US.
  42. The Cambodia government under the Prime Minister Hun Sen’s leadership arrested the leader of Cambodia’s political opposition on dubious charges of treason; dissolved the main opposition party and banned over 100 members from political activity; intensified the misuse of the justice system to prosecute political opposition and human rights activists; and forced several independent media outlets to close; he ordered internet service providers to block independent news websites, including Radio Free Asia, Voice of America and Voice of Democracy, in the days leading up to and during the election. Prime Minister Hun Sen, one of the world’s longest serving leaders – is seeking to prolong his 33-year grip on power in the national vote set for July 29, 2018 and has used the courts to cripple his opponents, warned that people who curses or insults him would eventually die without a plot of land to bury their bodies. After voting, Prime Minister Hun Sen said his party won every seat in Parliament. The Chinese Foreign Ministry, which sent observers to Cambodia even as Western monitors stayed away for fear of legitimizing the polls, deemed the elections a "success".
  43. A Laos hydroelectric dam that was under construction collapsed on July 23, 2018, sending flash floods through six villages, and killing many people and flooding villages in the southern province of Attapeu. Over 7,000 people were displaced and hundreds more were missing. Laos, a landlocked, communist state that is largely isolated from the rest of the world, is one of Asia’s poorest countries. China, Laos and Cambodia have begun massive hydroelectric development programs, with more than a dozen dams planned, under construction or completed on the main river and many more dams on tributaries. The dam that collapsed is part of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydroelectric power project, which involves Laotian, Thai and South Korean firms.
  44. Vietnam issued a contentious cybersecurity law, which requires global tech companies such as Google and Facebook to store user data in Vietnam, open offices in the country and remove offending contents within 24 hours at the request of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the specialized cybersecurity task-force under the Ministry of Public Security. Around 57% of Vietnam’s 93 million people have Facebook accounts and about 65 million people are online, the new policy has potentially devastating consequences for freedom of expression.
  45. An intricate network of companies controlled by the family of longtime Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the world’s sixth-longest-serving premier, has amassed a secret fortune with a value of at least $200 million and possibly between “$500 million and $4 billion”. Hun Sen's financial links into 114 domestic, private companies controlled or owned outright by members of Hun Sen’s family and their links to big international brands, such as Apple, Nokia, Visa, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Durex and Honda, and many others. Wealth is a sensitive issue for Hun Sen, who has said he makes a wage of just $1,150 a month after 30 years in the job. While Hun Sen’s wealth is vast, on a regional level his family effort pales when comparing with Malaysia’s Taib Mahmud, who is by far the richest; Taib ruled the East Malaysian state of Sarawak for 33 years and retired with a family fortune valued at more than $20 billion and held through a network of 400 companies. In 2015, Malaysia's Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, was accused of channelling over RM 2.67 billion (USD $681 million) from 1MDB, a government-run strategic development company, to his personal bank accounts; he declared that the "money was a personal donation from Saudi Arabia’s royal family". More than $1 billion entered Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak's personal bank accounts, much of it from state investment fund 1MDB.
  46. Effective October 8, 2017 the U.S. has suspended all non-immigrant visa services at all U.S. diplomatic facilities in Turkey following the arrest of a consulate employee, and Turkish markets slammed after the U.S. suspended visa.
  47. In July 2017 China quickly cremated its only Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo, the country's most famous political prisoner. Liu was a Chinese literary critic, writer, poet, anti-communist, human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who called for political reforms and was involved in campaigns to end Communist single-party rule. He championed non-violent resistance as a way of overcoming “forceful tyranny”, and had been serving an 11-year jail sentence for demanding an end to one-party rule when he was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer in May 2017. On 8 December 2008, Liu was detained due to his participation with the Charter 08 manifesto, and was formally arrested on 23 June 2009 on suspicion of "inciting subversion of state power". Like Liu Xiaobo, many Chinese political activists have been detained, jailed or exiled for their pro-democracy or rights defending activities in China.
  48. Although the 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the Chinese government often uses the "subversion of state power" and "protection of state secrets" clauses in their law system to imprison those who criticize the government. The government controls the media and Internet censorship very tighhly. The government maintains censorship over all media capable of reaching a wide audience. This includes television, print media, radio, film, theater, text messaging, instant messaging, video games, literature, and the Internet. At least 40 Chinese journalists and 74 Netizens were reportedly imprisoned in China since 2014. China’s prisons held more than 100 journalists, citizen-journalists and bloggers, including a Nobel peace laureate and three winners of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF)-TV5 Monde Press Freedom Prize, as of June 2017.
  49. China wants its minorities, Tibetans and Uyghurs, to sing and dance on TV – but do little else, the government exoticises, and marginalises, its non-Han Chinese ethnic groups. Since February 2009, at least 122 Tibetans have set themselves on fire as a grimin protest China and most have died from their wounds.
  50. Little is publicly known of identity of the man who stood in front of a column of tanks on June 5, 1989, the morning after the Chinese military had suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 by force. The British tabloid Sunday Express named him as Wang Weilin (王维林), a 19-year-old student, who was later charged with "political hooliganism" and "attempting to subvert members of the People's Liberation Army. However, this claim has been rejected by an internal Communist Party of China, which reported that they could not find the man based on statements made by a reliable party member, "We can’t find him, we got his name from journalists, we have checked through computers but can’t find him among the dead or among those in prison,". There were at least 300, and perhaps thousands, of the protesters had been killed and as many as 10,000 were arrested after Chinese troops and security police stormed through Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into the crowds of protesters. There are several conflicting stories about what happened to this young man after the demonstration; among these sources he was arrested and executed by a firing squad. However, in a 1990 interview with Barbara Walters, then-CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin was asked what became of the man, Jiang stated "I can't confirm whether this young man you mentioned was arrested or not.".
  51. One of Richard McGregor's books, "The Party", describes a relationship between the Communist Party and the Chinese government. The Chinese Communist Party, the country's sole political party governing China, let Chinese people know that they are using the "model of the US government" that "appoints the entire U.S. cabinet and the heads of federal regulatory commissions, the justices of the Supreme Court, state governors and their deputies, the mayors of major cities, the chief executives of GE, Exxon-Mobil, Wal-Mart and about fifty of the remaining largest U.S. companies, the editors of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, the bosses of the TV networks (e.g.; ABC, CBS, and NBC) and cable stations (HBO, ShowTime, and CNN), the presidents of MIT, Yale and Harvard and other big universities, and the heads of think-tanks (eg.; Brookings Institute, Rand, and the Heritage Foundation)", and the vetting process is secret, and the appointments are announced without any accompanying explanations why they had been made; most Chinese people know these are not true, but no one dares to speak up. Interestingly, in March 2008 the Chinese Communist Party ordered to "establish a store Communist Party committee" within one Wal-Mart store located in the north-east of China.
  52. China is made up of 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. The 23 provinces are Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang; the five autonomous regions are Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang, and Tibet; the four municipalities are Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Tianjin. The interesting and fun fact is that Taiwan is not belonging to China, which has consistently claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and asserted Taiwan is no longer in legitimate existence.
  53. China is a socialist republic ruled by a single party, the Communist Party of China. Power in China is divided between the National People's Congress (NPC), the President, and the State Council. The NPC is the single legislative body, whose members are selected by the Communist Party. The State Council, headed by the Premier, is the administrative branch. The People's Liberation Army (PLA), which includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Second Artillery Force, also wields considerable political power, the President is chairman of the Central Military Commission of China, the country's top military organ and commander of its armed forces. The President, the Premier and all government officials are selected by the Communist Party.
  54. Roughly half (47%) of China’s current population were born under the country’s one-child policy (ages 0 to 34 today), and they lived through a very different China, the world’s most populous nation, than the half who were born before.
  55. President Trump defeated Clinton in the Electoral College in the 2016 presidential election, collecting 304 votes to her 227; however, Clinton won the popular vote by 2,864,974 ballots cast. Trump tells Congressional leaders 3-5-million "illegals" cost him popular vote.
  56. One of 11 members of Germany’s parliament (622 members) with Turkish roots; about 3 millions people of Turkish descent live in Germany; half of them retain Turkish citizenship, making Germany in effect Turkey’s fourth-largest electoral district. Some 2,000 of the country’s 3,000 mosques are Turkish, and 900 of those are financed by DITIB, an arm of the Turkish government, which sends the imams from Turkey.
  57. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's president, tightened his grip on Turkey in July 2016, by shutting down 16 television channels, 23 radio stations, 45 newspapers, 15 universities, 934 other schools, 109 student dormitories, 19 unions, 35 medical institutions as well as over 1,100 other charities and foundations, in his decree since imposing a state of emergency after the failed military coup. He has suspended, detained or placed under investigation more than 60,000 soldiers, police, judges, teachers, civil servants, journalists and others for “complicity in the attempted coup”. The dismissed 2,400 military personnel included 1,200 commissioned officers from the navy, air and land forces.
  58. In "Hostile Takeover: The Corporate Empire of Cambodia’s Ruling Family" Prime Minister Hun Sen (who is already one of the world’s longest-serving leaders) and his family have interests in at least 114 local companies with a combined share capital over $200 million. “The Huns are renowned as one of the richest, if not the richest, and most powerful families in Cambodia, with a combined wealth estimated by experts to total between $500 million and $1 billion.” The report was released just a week in July 2016 after the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee in Washington approved a spending bill that makes foreign aid to Cambodia (one of the world's poorest countries) worth $77.8 million contingent upon an end to government harassment of opposition politicians.
  59. Corruption is deeply embedded in Thailand for numerous reasons, including the tradition that officials were entitled to 10 to 30 percent of expenditures for rendering their services, rather than a salary; a tradition of giving gifts to high officials also persists, and while these practices are not directly corrupting, the continuation of gift-giving during a period when officials receive salaries is a major basis of corruption. Businesses indicate that irregular payments and bribes are commonly made in order to obtain favorable judicial decisions; almost four out of five Thai believe most or all of the police to be corrupt.
  60. Malaysia's then-Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail linked a donation of $681m (£478m) made to the account of Mr. Najib Razak, Malaysia's prime minister, with companies and bodies which had ties to 1MDB. In 7/2015 Mr Najib fired Mr Patail and replaced him with Mr Naji, and also canned the deputy prime minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, who had criticized his handling of the crisis. Mr Naji cleared Mr Najib of corruption in 1/2016. Mr. Razak said that a Saudi royal family member gave him $681 million!
  61. Malaysia's prime minister, Najib Razak, who founded and is the chair of 1MDB, was accused of siphoning money from the investment fund after $681 million was transferred into his personal accounts while $4 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB.
  62. In April 2016 Thailand’s coup leaders gave military officers broad police-like powers to arrest and detain, further eroding the capabilities of civilian authorities in the junta-run state. The military is authorized to seize assets, suspend financial transactions, ban suspects from traveling and arrest people involved with against public peace, defamation, gambling, extortion, and labor abuses.
  63. As of 2012 around 70,000 Christians were imprisoned in North Korea’s concentration camps
  64. The level of corruption in Cambodia exceeds most countries in the world. Despite adopting an 'Anti-Corruption Law' in 2010, corruption prevails throughout the country. The 2010 Anti-Corruption Law provided no protection to whistle-blowers, and whistle-blowers can be jailed for up to 6 months if they report corruption that cannot be proven.
  65. Around 200,000 Timorese were killed by Indonesia during the period the country occupied East Timor from December 1975 to October 1999.
  66. An investigation conducted by United Nations showed that in the first 10 months of 1982, Thai pirates attacked 289 Vietnamese refugee boats - with, on average, more than three attacks per boat; there were 484 known deaths or murders and 583 identified rape victims.
  67. Thai pirates killed nearly 1,450 refugees and raped more than 2,300 people in the south China Sea in 1980's, and the Thai government did not take any actions.
  68. An estimated 70 million deaths in China through starvation, forced labor, and executions when Mao Zedong governed as Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.
  69. Around 2 million people, an estimated 25 percent of the total population, were killed in Cambodia during the brutal regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979. The genocide was ended following the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.
  70. At least 67% of 2,709,918 Americans military personnel served in uniform in Vietnam were volunteers, and the last American troops departed Vietnam on 29 March 1973. The fall of South Vietnam happened 30 April 1975, two years after the American military left Vietnam.
  71. In 1971, during the nine-month-long Bangladesh war for independence, the Pakistani military and its supporting militias killed around 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000–400,000 Bangladeshi women in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.
  72. In 1915, Turkey set in motion a plan to expel and massacre Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire; by the early 1920s, when the massacres and deportations finally ended, around 1.5 million Armenians, an estimated 75 percent of the total population, were dead; the Turkish government has denied that a genocide took place.
  73. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the first ruler of an independent Haiti, ordered the killing of the white population of French creoles on Haiti which culminated in the 1804 Haiti Massacre
  74. An estimated 2 million deaths in Vietnam through starvation during the Japanese occupation of Vietnam from October 1944 to May 1945.

World Politics, Analysis & Outlook

▷ Politics & Issues Discussion Forum
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▷ Asia
  1. The Return of Military Rule in South and Southeast Asia
  2. A Short History of South East Asia
  3. CPI 2021 for Asia Pacific: Grand Corruption and Lack of Holding Back Progress
  4. Asia Pacific: Little to No Progress on Anti-Corruption
  5. "Asian Values" and Democracy in Asia
  6. Dictatorship versus Democracy in Southeast Asia
  7. U.N. Calls for Investigation After Report of more than 30 Massacred by Myanmar Military
  8. Save the Children Workers Missing After 30 Villagers Reportedly Massacred by Myanmar Troops
  9. Myanmar Junta and Armed Rebels Agree Ceasefire
  10. Myanmar Civil War: Opponents Vow ‘Beginning of the End’ for Junta as Resistance Fighters Launch Nationwide Offensive
  11. Myanmar Junta Executes Leading Democracy Activists Ko Jimmy and Phyo Zayar Thaw
  12. Myanmar Junta Extends State of Emergency by Six Months
  13. Myanmar: Military Executes Four Democracy Activists Including Ex-MP
  14. Myanmar’s Coup and Its Aftermath, Explained
  15. The Built-In Brutality of Myanmar’s Military
  16. The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, 2 Years After the Coup
  17. Two Years on from Myanmar Coup: What’s the Plan?
  18. Activist, Ex-Lawmaker Among Detainees Executed in Myanmar
  19. As Myanmar Suffers, the Military Junta Is Desperate, Isolated and Running out of Options
  20. Dictatorship, Disorder and Decline in Myanmar
  21. Myanmar/Burma: Repression of Religious Freedom and Fundamental Human Rights
  22. Junta Approves $2.5bn Power Plant Project Backed by Chinese Companies
  23. Myanmar: Coup Leads to Crimes Against Humanity
  24. The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Transition
  25. In Myanmar Jungle, Civilians Prepare to Battle Military Rulers
  26. Myanmar Coup Highlights Autocracy's Rise in Southeast Asia
  27. Rebels Seize Myanmar Military Post Along Thai Border
  28. Allies of Myanmar Coup Resisters Capture Military Base
  29. Myanmar Under the Military Rule 1962-1988
  30. Human Rights Watch World Report: on Myanmar: 2022 - 2021
  31. Military Rule in Myanmar
  32. To Understand Post-Coup Myanmar, Look to Its History of Popular Resistance not Sanctions
  33. Myanmar Is Still at War, More Than a Year After Military Coup
  34. Myanmar Civil War: Opponents Vow ‘Beginning of the End’ for Junta as Resistance Fighters Launch Nationwide Offensive
  35. Myanmar Civil War (2021–Present)
  36. Myanmar Opposition Announces ‘Defensive War’ Against Junta
  37. Death Toll Rises as Protests in Myanmar Continue
  38. Myanmar Protests, and Killings, Continue
  39. Myanmar: Protesters Defy Rising Death Toll
  40. Myanmar's Military Ruler Declares Himself Prime Minister ...
  41. Deaths Rise as Myanmar Police Step up Brutality Against Coup
  42. Myanmar: Over 100 Killed in Deadliest Day Since Military Coup
  43. Thai Army Denies Supplying Rice to Myanmar Forces
  44. Deaths Rise as Myanmar Police Step up Brutality Against Coup ...
  45. Protests in Myanmar Continue in Face of Military Junta Killings.
  46. The Thai Playbook for Myanmar's Coup Leaders.
  47. The Myanmar Public Fights Not to End Up Like Thailand.
  48. Myanmar Junta Leader Asks Thai Counterpart for Help on ...
  49. Myanmar Police and Military Kill at Least 18 People after Opening Fire on Protesters.
  50. 'Myanmar Is Like a Battlefield': UN Says at least 18 Dead as Security Forces Fire on Protesters
  51. U.S. Warns Myanmar's Military It'll be Punished for Coup
  52. Myanmar’s Troubled History: Coups, Military Rule, and Ethnic Conflict
  53. Myanmar: Military Coup Kills Fragile Democracy
  54. Glaring Glimpse into Myanmar Military’s Self-delusion
  55. Myanmar's Military Takes Power in Coup, Detains Suu Kyi
  56. Myanmar Coup: Calls for Aung San Suu Kyi Release
  57. Myanmar Coup: What Is Happening and Why?
  58. Myanmar: China, the Coup and the Future
  59. Myanmar Coup: China Blocks UN Condemnation as Protest Grow
  60. Beijing's Position on the Myanmar Coup
  61. China's Role in Myanmar Coup
  62. Myanmar Coup Response by China, Thailand more Muted
  63. As Myanmar Protesters Torch Chinese Factories, Workers Are Caught in Spiraling Crisis
  64. Anti-China Outrage Pulls Beijing into Myanmar Coup Crisis
  65. Recurring Coups in Myanmar and Thailand: Military as Monarchy and the Military-Monarchy Nexus.
  66. Rohingya Refugees, Workers Raise Funds to Help Ethnic Rakhines Displaced by War
  67. Myanmar Rohingya Crisis
  68. Myanmar’s Military Is Losing the Post-Coup Civil War
  69. Burma: Widespread Rape of Rohingya Women, Girls
  70. The Mass Rape of Rohingya Muslim Women: An All-Out War Against All Women
  71. Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar
  72. The Rohingya Crisis, Explained
  73. Myanmar's Rohingya Refugee Crisis Explained
  74. The Rohingya Crisis | CNN
  75. Rohingya Crisis and Emergency
  76. Rohingya Genocide
  77. Politics of Myanmar
  78. Political, Economic and Social Challenges for Myanmar
  79. Myanmar Has Blazed a Path to Democracy Without Rights
  80. Myanmar: A Political Economy Analysis
  81. Myanmar: The Military Regime's View of the World
  82. World Report 2020: Myanmar | Human Rights Watch
  83. U.S. Policy Towards Burma
  84. U.S. Sanctions on Burma
  85. Burma's April Parliamentary By-Elections
  86. U.S. Sanctions on Burma
  87. Aung San Suu Kyi, Long a Symbol of Dignified Defiance, Sounds a Provocative Note
  88. U.S. Senator Meets Suu Kyi, Myanmar Junta Leader
  89. The Untold Love Story of Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi
  90. The Lady & the General - Meet the Political Odd Couple Driving Democratic Reform in Burma.
  91. Burma's Political Prisoners and U.S. Sanctions
  92. Burma's 2010 Election Campaign: Issues for Congress
  93. Burma's 2010 Elections: Implications of the New Constitution and Election Laws
  94. Burma and Transnational Crime
  95. Burma - U.S. Relations
  96. Burma: Economic Sanctions
  97. Aung San Suu Kyi: The Democracy Icon Who Fell from Grace.
  98. Myanmar: Thai State-Owned Company Funds Junta
  99. Thai PM Tells UN Envoy He Won't Push Back Myanmar Refugees
  100. Myanmar’s Junta Tries to Follow the Thailand Model for Legitimizing Its Rule — But Is Unlikely to Succeed
  101. The Thai Playbook for Myanmar's Coup Leaders
  102. The Myanmar Public Fights Not to End Up Like Thailand
  103. Thailand and Myanmar: A Bond in Dictatorship and Dissent
  104. Thai Opposition Party Struggles to Take Power After Election Win
  105. Thailand in Limbo as Move Forward’s Electoral Impetus Hits Political Roadblocks
  106. Snares and Traps: Thai Politics After the May 2023 Election
  107. Intrigue, Uncertainty in Thailand After Opposition's Election Win
  108. Thailand Election Results 2023: Voters Back Pro-Democracy Parties in Major Blow to Military Rule
  109. Thailand Targets Pro-Democracy Protesters in Sweeping Legal Dragnet (2/1/2021)
  110. Human Rights Watch World Report: Thailand 2020 - 2018
  111. Demands for Democratic Reform Surge in Thailand
  112. American Hotel Guest in Thailand Arrested & Jailed for Defamation After Posting Bad Online Reviews.
  113. Police in Bangkok Use Water Cannon to Break Up Anti-Government Protests.
  114. US Man Faces Jail in Thailand over Hotel Review.
  115. Thailand: Authorities Using Repressive Laws to Intensify Crackdown on Online Critics
  116. Thailand: 3 Junta Critics Charged with Sedition over Facebook Posts
  117. Protests Take on Thailand's Monarchy.
  118. Militarization of Politics in Myanmar and Thailand
  119. Thailand: Visit of King's Estranged Sons Comes at a Delicate Time for Monarchy
  120. Thailand Protests: The Monarchy Was Long Considered God
  121. Thailand Protests: Risking It All to Challenge the Monarchy
  122. Thailand Protests: Unprecedented Revolt Pits the People Against the King
  123. Thailand Protests: Scores Injured as Police Clash with Pro-Democracy Activists in 2021
  124. Thailand: Is Royal Reform a Far-fetched Dream?
  125. Thailand Doles Out Longest-Ever Sentence for Criticizing Royalty
  126. Thailand Revives Law Banning Criticism of King in Bid to Curb Protests
  127. Thai Man Jailed for Record 50 Years for Royal Insult
  128. Man Jailed for Record 50 Years for Criticising Thai Monarchy
  129. Court in Thailand Sentences Woman to 43 Years for Criticizing Monarchy
  130. Thai Woman Jailed for Record 43 Years for Criticising Monarchy
  131. Thai Lawyer Who Called for Monarchy Reform Sentenced to More Jail Time
  132. The Crisis of the Thai Monarchy
  133. The Playboy King of Thailand Isn’t Playing Around
  134. Unprecedented Open Criticism of King Aired at Thai Protest
  135. Everything We Know About Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn
  136. The King and His Cult: Thailand's Monarch and the Religious Culture
  137. The History of Thailand's Royal Family
  138. Meet the Thai Royal Family Today
  139. Chaiyo! King Vajiravudh and the Development of Thai Nationalism
  140. The Future of the Monarchy in Thailand
  141. The Monarchy in Thailand: At the Critical Royal Transition
  142. To Speak Out Is Dangerous: Criminalization of Peaceful Expression in Thailand
  143. The Thai King Is Consolidating Power — and It Could Backfire
  144. Asian Democracies and Thailand’s Military Takeover
  145. Militarization of Politics in Myanmar and Thailand
  146. Thailand: from Coup to Crisis
  147. Thai Students Protest Military, Monarchy.
  148. Thai Students Protest the Military.
  149. Wanchalearm Satsaksit: The Thai Satirist Abducted in Broad Daylight.
  150. COVID-19 and a Possible Political Reckoning in Thailand
  151. Politics in Thailand and Its Military Strength
  152. Thai Protests in 2020.
  153. “To Speak Out is Dangerous” - The Criminalization of Peaceful Expression in Thailand.
  154. Thailand: The State of Conflict and Violence in Asia
  155. Thailand Human Rights| Human Rights Watch.
  156. Thailand: Never Saw It Coming.
  157. Thailand and the Coup Trap.
  158. Coup Politics in Thailand - Twentieth Time Lucky?.
  159. Protests Against Thailand Coup.
  160. Thailand in Crisis.
  161. Are Thais Getting the Dictators They Deserve?
  162. Understanding Thailand's Monarchy Problem
  163. Thai Junta Leader Seeks to Replace Martial Law With Sweeping New Powers.
  164. Thailand's Military Junta Impeaches and Bans Former Prime Minister Yingluck.
  165. Thailand and the Coup Trap.
  166. Thai Junta Shows No Signs of Halting Assault on Human Rights.
  167. Crucial Facts About Human Rights in Thailand.
  168. Political Turmoil in Thailand and U.S. Interests
  169. Thailand: Background and U.S. Relations
  170. Thailand's Junta's 'Reforms' May Herald a Return to Older Ways.
  171. Thailand's Political Future - Changing of the Garb.
  172. In Junta-Ruled Thailand, Reading Is Now Resistance.
  173. Thai Junta Moves to Tighten Its Grip over the Country.
  174. Thai Army Detains Former PM Yingluck.
  175. Thailand's Army Criticized for 'De Facto Coup'.
  176. Thailand Coup: A Cheat Sheet to Get You up to Speed.
  177. Thailand's Military Seizes Power in Coup.
  178. Thai Military Leader: Junta Will Hold Power ‘Indefinitely’
  179. Behind Thailand’s Coup Is a Fight Over the King and his Successor. But It’s Hush-hush.
  180. Thai Anti-Government Protesters Call for Fair Process to Replace Ousted Prime Minister
  181. Amnesty International Thailand Chair and Other Activists Face Jail for Exposing Torture
  182. Confined to a Thai Fishing Boat, for Three Years
  183. Vietnamese Refugees Brave Seas and Thai Pirates ...
  184. Thai Pirates Plaguing Vietnamese Refugees
  185. Thai Fishermen Again Brutalizing Vietnam Refugees ...
  186. Thai Pirates Continuing Brutal Attacks on Vietnamese Boat People
  187. Pirates in Southeast Asia: The World's Most Dangerous Waters
  188. Was Your Seafood Caught By Slaves (in Thailand)? AP Uncovers Unsavory Trade
  189. AP Investigation Prompts Emergency Rescue of 300 Plus Slaves (in Thailand)
  190. AP Investigation (in Thailand): Are Slaves Catching the Fish You Buy?
  191. Thailand Country Report (2020)
  192. Thai Workers Against Dictatorship?
  193. Thailand 'Run Against Dictatorship' Draws Thousands
  194. Thailand: Modern Slavery Industry!
  195. Criminalization of Peaceful Expression in Thailand
  196. Thailand's Military Dictatorship Lives On
  197. Military Coup and Democracy in Thailand
  198. Thailand: "They Are Always Watching" - Restricting freedom of Expression Online
  199. Thailand: Freedom on the Net
  200. Timeline: Thailand's Coups, Kings and Protests
  201. Democracy Dreams: A Pedagogy of Struggle in Thailand
  202. Dictatorship, Monarchy, and Freedom of Expression in Thailand
  203. Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's First Female Prime Minister
  204. Brutal Pirates Increasingly Plague Vietnamese Refugees at Sea
  205. Horrible Statistics of Thai Pirates vs Vietnamese Refugees
  206. Pirates in the Gulf of Siam
  207. Asia’s Great Powers and Regional Stability: A New Trilateral Dynamic Between the U.S, China, and Japan.
  208. Contingency Planning Memorandum - A China-Vietnam Military Clash.
  209. Troubles on the Mekong
  210. Will China Turn Off the Mekong Tap?
  211. Damming the Mekong Basin to Environmental Hell
  212. Philippines Places Buoys in Parts of S.China Sea to Assert Sovereignty
  213. World Report 2023: Philippines | Human Rights Watch
  214. Journalists, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, Known for Taking on Governments of Philippines and Russia Win Nobel Peace Prize
  215. Philippines’ "War on Drugs".
  216. Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte and the Culture of Impunity.
  217. Philippine Politics Under Duterte: A Midterm Assessment.
  218. The Republic of the Philippines and U.S. Interests
  219. The Bloody Business of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.
  220. In the Philippines, Poverty and Corruption Fuel the Drug Trade.
  221. An Analysis of Philippine Political Economy under Duterte.
  222. Things to Know About Rodrigo Duterte.
  223. Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda): U.S. and International Response to Philippines Disaster
  224. Politics and Policing in the Philippines: Challenges to Police Reform
  225. Participation of Women in Philippine Politics and Society: A Situationer
  226. Democratic Deficits in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges
  227. Sri Lanka: Background and U.S. Relations
  228. Politics of Singapore
  229. Singapore: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report
  230. Singapore’s First Election Under the Fake News Law
  231. Singapore's Stubborn Authoritarianism | Harvard Politics
  232. The Puzzle of Singapore
  233. Is Singapore a Democracy or Dictatorship?
  234. Singapore Challenges the Idea That Democracy Is the Best Form of Governance
  235. Is Singapore’s Prime Minister Really Overpaid? (USD $1.6 million/Year).
  236. Singapore's PM Ranks World’s Highest-paid Leader.
  237. Singapore: Background and U.S. Relations
  238. The US - Singapore Free Trade Agreement
  239. Singapore Fake News Law a 'Disaster' for Freedom of Speech.
  240. Human Rights in Singapore
  241. Freedom of Expression and the Media in Singapore
  242. Suppression of Free Expression and Assembly in Singapore.
  243. Singapore Human Rights and Freedom of Expression Issues.
  244. Van Gogh and Monet Paintings Seized in 1MDB Corruption Investigation.
  245. 1MDB Scandal: Singapore Uncovers Lapses at DBS, UBS, Standard Chartered.
  246. UBS, Standard Chartered Targeted by Singapore for 1MDB Lapses.
  247. 1MDB: The Inside Story of the World's Biggest Financial Scandal.
  248. Malaysia Corruption Scandal, 1MDB & Najib Razak Latest News.
  249. Malaysia Invokes British Colonial-era Law to Silence Critics.
  250. Political Corruption in Malaysia.
  251. Malaysia Premier Najib Under Fire: What You Need to Know.
  252. Arrests at Rally Calling for Najib's Resignation.
  253. Saudi Royals Gave Malaysia's PM $681 Million
  254. Saudi Gift ($681M) to Malaysia PM Najib Razak 'for Election Campaign'
  255. Malaysia Attorney General: Saudi Royal Family Gave Najib $681M 'Personal Donation'
  256. Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry.
  257. Malaysian Prime Minister Engulfed by Multi-billion Dollar Scandal.
  258. A Study of Democracy and the Political Change in Malaysia
  259. Malaysia: Political Transition and Implications for U.S. Policy
  260. China and India Border Crisis.
  261. Timor-Leste: Political Dynamics, Development, and International Involvement
  262. Political Outlook for Cambodia.
  263. Cambodia: Hun Sen and His Abusive Generals | Human Rights Watch.
  264. Cambodia Corruption Report
  265. Exiles Seek Global Scrutiny of Cambodia Political Crackdown.
  266. From Khmer Rouge to Khmer Riche: Is Hun Sen ... Grip on Cambodia’s Corrupt Politics?
  267. Corruption and Cambodia's Governance System
  268. Threats and Corruption: Behind the Scenes of Cambodia's ...
  269. In Cambodia, Dissenting Voters Find Ways to Say ‘None of the Above’.
  270. Cambodian Mass Trial Against Government Opponents Reopens.
  271. Cambodia’s Political Succession Could Get Messy.
  272. US Envoy Conveys Concerns to Cambodia About Myanmar, China.
  273. The Belt and Road in Cambodia: Successes and Challenges
  274. Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen Challenges U.S. to Cut all Aid to Cambodia.
  275. Cambodian Opposition Party Dissolved by Supreme Court Amid Calls for Australia to Act.
  276. Cambodia Accused of 'Killing Off Democracy' After Opposition Party.
  277. Cambodia PM Threatens Facebook Ban After Posts Ruled Violent
  278. Is Cambodia Really Becoming a Dictatorship?
  279. Cambodia Top Court Dissolves main Opposition CNRP Party
  280. 'Death of Democracy' in Cambodia as Court Dissolves Opposition.
  281. Cambodia: The Birth of a Dictator.
  282. 'Stranglehold': Hun Sen Rules Cambodia and His Family Own It.
  283. Hun Sen, Cambodian Prime Minister, Amassed Huge Secret Fortune.
  284. The Cambodia Conundrum: What Is Wrong With Hun Sen?.
  285. Cambodia, a Nominal Democracy, Lurches Toward Full-Blown Dictatorship
  286. Cambodia Completes Its Slide from Democracy to Dictatorship
  287. Cambodian Dictatorship Propped Up by 12 Ruthless Generals
  288. Cambodian PM Now 'Fully Fledged Military Dictator'
  289. Cambodia Opposition: Democracy Replaced by 'Dictatorship'
  290. Cambodia’s Descent: Policies to Support Democracy and Human Rights”
  291. Cambodia: Freedom of Expression and the Case of Rap Artist Kea Sokun
  292. Cambodia Should End Threats, Arrests of Activists Who Marked Anniversary of Paris Accords
  293. China Supports Cambodia's Crackdown on Political Opposition
  294. Cambodia: 30 Years of Hun Sen Violence, Repression.
  295. Cambodia's Foreign Relations Losing the Limelight.
  296. Is Cambodia Overly Dependent on China?
  297. Cambodia’s Disastrous Dependence on China: A History Lesson
  298. US Orders Arms Embargo on Cambodia, Cites Chinese Influence.
  299. New US Embargo on Cambodia Over Friendship with China.
  300. Underwater: Human Rights Impacts of a China Belt and Road Project in Cambodia
  301. U.S.-Cambodia Relations: Issues for the 113th Congress
  302. Cambodia: Background and U.S. Relations
  303. Henry Kissinger’s Central Role in the U.S. Carpet Bombing of Cambodia
  304. Hostile Takeover: Cambodia’s Hun Sen, in Power for 30 Years and Vast Personal Fortunes with Extreme Consequences for the Population.
  305. Cambodian Opposition Figure’s Killing Recalls Darker Times
  306. Cambodia Is a Deadly Political Mess That the World Completely Ignores
  307. Strongman Hun Sen Has Cambodia’s Economy ‘Sewn Up,’ Says Report
  308. The Rise and Fall of Democratic Kampuchea
  309. The Killing of Cambodia
  310. Surviving the Killing Fields - The Long-term Consequences of the Khmer Rouge
  311. The Cambodian Genocide, 1975-1979
  312. Cambodian Genocide and Killing Fields
  313. Inside the 'Living Hell' of Cambodia's Scam Operations
  314. Foreign Casinos Have Been a Disaster for Cambodia
  315. Dams, Casinos and Concessions - Chinese Mega-projects in Laos and Cambodia
  316. Gambling on the Future: Casino Enclaves, Development, and Poverty Alleviation in Laos
  317. China’s Promise of Prosperity Brought Laos Debt — and Distress
  318. Laos Is Not in a Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ – But It Is in Trouble
  319. 'I feel hopeless': Living in Laos on the Brink
  320. Laos Economic Crisis Intensifies Amid Massive Debt
  321. The Political Economy of Transition in Laos
  322. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  323. Politics of Laos
  324. Thai Protests Inspire Rare Online Government Criticism in Neighboring Laos
  325. UN Finally Tells the Truth About Laos
  326. Human Rights in Laos.
  327. Laos: Freedom in the World Country Report
  328. Laos: Background and U.S. Relations
  329. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Laos
  330. Politics and Reform in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
  331. Lao Christians Arrested, Held in Jail for Planning Funeral Rites
  332. Laos Grilled on Disappearances, Speech Curbs at UN Rights Meeting
  333. Laos: An Overview of Human Rights Violations
  334. Shinzo Abe, Former Prime Minister of Japan, Dies After Being Shot at Campaign Event
  335. July 8, 2022 Shinzo Abe Shot Dead in Nara, Japan
  336. Shinzo Abe's Assassin Used a Handmade Firearm
  337. Japan's Former PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated at Campaign Event.
  338. Japan-China Tensions Rise, the Remote Yonaguni Island Ramps up Defenses
  339. Shangri-La Dialogue: Japan PM Abe Urges Security Role.
  340. The Japanese Surprise Attack They Didn’t Teach You in School
  341. Emerging Trends in the Security Architecture in Asia: Bilateral and Multilateral Ties Among the United States, Japan, Australia, and India
  342. Japan Joins the Trans-Pacific Partnership: What Are the Implications?
  343. The Coming Conflict Between China and Japan
  344. Japan's Currency Intervention: Policy Issues
  345. Japan's Defense Minister Draws Red Line Around Disputed Islands
  346. Is China Escalating Tensions With Japan in the East China Sea?
  347. U.S.-Japan Economic Relations: Significance, Prospects, and Policy Options
  348. Japan - U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
  349. Second Sino-Japanese War: Summary, Combatants, Facts, & Map
  350. Japan's 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami: Food and Agriculture Implications
  351. Japan's 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami: Economic Effects and Implications for the United States
  352. Japan 2011 Earthquake: U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Response
  353. Japan's Historic 2009 Elections: Implications for U.S. Interests
  354. Japan's Political Turmoil in 2008: Background and Implications for the United States
  355. Japan Steps Out of US' Shadow as China Threat Grows
  356. The US - Japan Alliance
  357. Brief Historical Overview of Japanese Emigration, 1868-1998
  358. Japan’s Self-Destructive Immigration Policy
  359. As Its Population Ages, Japan Quietly Turns to Immigration
  360. Political Corruption in Japan
  361. Corruption, Leadership, and the Limits of Political Reform in Japan
  362. Power and Money in Japanese Politics
  363. Japan: Bribery & Corruption Laws and Regulations
  364. Resolved: Japan Is Entering a Period of Political Instability
  365. Japan - Political Developments
  366. Politics of Japan and Its Military Strength
  367. Women in Afghanistan | Wikipedia
  368. Women in Afghanistan
  369. Treatment of Women by the Taliban
  370. Taliban Order Afghanistan's Hair and Beauty Salons to Shut
  371. Taliban Ban Women from Parks and Funfairs in Afghan Capital
  372. Taliban Ban Women from Parks and Gyms in Afghanistan
  373. Taliban’s Ban on Girls’ Education in Afghanistan
  374. Taliban Ban Girls from Secondary Education in Afghanistan
  375. Banned from Schools, Afghan Girls Fear for Their Future
  376. Taliban Suspend University Education for Women in Afghanistan
  377. Afghanistan: Toll of Ban on Girls’ Secondary Education
  378. Taliban Begins to Enforce Education Ban, Leaving Afghan Women With Tears and Anger
  379. Fighting the Taliban’s Ban on Girls’ Education: What Is Lost When We Shut Girls out of School?
  380. Taliban to Impose Their Interpretation of Sharia Law in Afghanistan
  381. Afghan Supreme Leader Orders Full Implementation of Sharia Law
  382. Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy
  383. Afghanistan: Politics, Elections, and Government Performance
  384. Afghanistan: U.S. Rule of Law and Justice Sector Assistance
  385. Taliban
  386. Taliban, Northern Alliance Agree Not to Attack each Other: Sources
  387. War in Afghanistan: Strategy, Military Operations, and Issues for Congress
  388. United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan: Background and Policy Issues
  389. Understanding the Taliban’s Military Victory
  390. War in Afghanistan (2001–2021) | Wikipedia
  391. United States Invasion of Afghanistan | Wikipedia
  392. The War In Afghanistan
  393. Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
  394. NATO and Afghanistan
  395. EU Involvement in Afghanistan
  396. Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
  397. A Timeline of US Involvement in Afghanistan
  398. Afghanistan: Demographic Consequences of War, 1978-1987
  399. Countries Participating in the War in Afghanistan
  400. Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan ...
  401. Human and Budgetary Costs of Afghan War, 2001-2021.
  402. Afghanistan Video: Key Scenes from the Taliban's Swift Victory.
  403. Afghanistan: Iran Pays $1,000 for each U.S. Soldier Killed by the Taliban
  404. Afghanistan: Operation Enduring Freedom Fast Facts
  405. In Afghanistan, al-Qaeda Is Working more Closely with the Taliban, Pentagon Says
  406. Red on Red: Analyzing Afghanistan's Intra-Insurgency Violence – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
  407. Recently Publicized Ties Between Iran and the Taliban Could Affect U.S.-Taliban Talks
  408. Afghanistan: Top Pentagon Officials Say Russian Bounty Program Not Corroborated
  409. China Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Attack US Soldiers
  410. Afghanistan: U.S. Foreign Assistance
  411. Afghanistan Conflict (1978–Present)
  412. The U.S. and Democratization in Afghanistan
  413. Afghanistan, the United States, and the Legacy of Afghanistan’s Civil War
  414. An American Provocation: U.S. Foreign Policy during the Soviet-Afghanistan War
  415. Afghanistan Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict Reports
  416. Afghan Refugees: Current Status and Future Prospects
  417. New Offer on Bin Laden
  418. Afghanistan: Narcotics and U.S. Policy
  419. The Afghanistan War and the Breakdown of the Soviet Union
  420. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the U.S. Response, 1978–1980
  421. Afghanistan and Pakistan Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs), H.R. 1318/H.R. 1886/H.R. 2410 and S. 496: Issues and Arguments
  422. Pervez Musharraf’s Pro-Taliban Afghan Policy Proved Double-edged Sword for Pakistan
  423. Islamist Militancy in the Pakistan-Afghanistan Border Region and U.S. Policy
  424. The Afghan-Pakistan Conflict
  425. The Afghanistan-Pakistan War
  426. East Asia's Foreign Exchange Rate Policies
  427. East Asian Regional Architecture: New Economic and Security Arrangements and U.S. Policy
  428. Bangladesh Apparel Factory Collapse: Background in Brief
  429. Bangladesh Military (Thief): A History of Coup, Corruption, Rape And Torture
  430. Bangladesh: Political and Strategic Developments and U.S. Interests
  431. Bangladesh: Background and U.S. Relations
  432. Bangladesh Turns 50 as Fears Grow over State of Democracy
  433. Military Coups in Bangladesh
  434. Is Bangladesh Heading Towards Disaster?
  435. Bangladesh Deadly Polls
  436. Violent Bangladesh Elections
  437. Democracy and Political Parties in Bangladesh
  438. Bangladeshi Political Crisis: 2006–2008
  439. Bangladesh: The Coup that Dare Not Speak Its Name
  440. Bangladesh: General Moeen Purge 1/11 Key Players in Power Struggle to Regain Supremacy
  441. Renewed Violence Hits Bangladesh - 12 Killed, 2,000 Hurt
  442. Political Conflict, Extremism and Criminal Justice in Bangladesh
  443. Bangladesh Election Crackdown on Political Opponents
  444. Islam in Bangladesh Politics
  445. Bangladesh Politics: Confrontation, Monopoly and Crisis in Governance
  446. Bangladesh | Human Rights Watch
  447. Islamist Extremism in Bangladesh
  448. Bangladesh: Politics, Economy and Civil Society
  449. Politics of Bangladesh and Its Military Strength
  450. Bangladesh Profile - Timeline
  451. Bangladesh - Government and Society
  452. Central Asia: Regional Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests
  453. Central Asia's Security: Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests
  454. East Timorese Politics in Flux
  455. List of Political Parties in East Timor
  456. East Timor Political Parties and Groupings
  457. East Timor: Political Dynamics, Development, and International Involvement
  458. East Timor: Potential Issues for Congress
  459. Extent of Public Corruption in Timor-Leste
  460. The Alarming Nature of Corruption in Timor-Leste
  461. Politics of East Timor
  462. Fighting Corruption With Spiritual Power in East Timor
  463. East Timor Profile - Timeline
  464. East Timor: History, Independence, Flag, & Facts
  465. Guam: U.S. Defense Deployments
  466. The Curse that No Pakistan Ruler Has Ever Escaped
  467. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's Ex-president, Dies Aged 79
  468. Military Coups in Pakistan
  469. Major Islamist Militant Groups in Pakistan
  470. Pakistan's Domestic Political Setting
  471. Pakistan’s Narrative Problem
  472. Current Political Scenario in Pakistan
  473. Political Instability: A Case Study of Pakistan
  474. Pakistani Mullah Accused of Trying to Frame Young Girl in Blasphemy Case.
  475. U.S.-Pakistan Relations Are at a Crossroads
  476. Flooding in Pakistan: Overview and Issues for Congress
  477. Under Biden, Pakistan and the US Face a Dilemma About the Breadth of their Relationship
  478. Security and the Environment in Pakistan
  479. The Current Situation in Pakistan
  480. Pakistan and Russia Are Shaping New Era of Strategic Relationship
  481. Pakistan-Russia Relations and Its Importance in the Region
  482. History of Relationship Between Russia and Pakistan
  483. Pakistan's Capital Crisis: Implications for U.S. Policy
  484. Pakistan's Scheduled 2008 Election: Background
  485. Pakistan's Political Crises
  486. Pakistan: Key Current Issues and Developments
  487. Pakistan-U.S. Relations
  488. Pakistan: U.S.-Pakistan Relations
  489. Pakistan: U.S. Foreign Assistance
  490. Pakistan: U.S. Foreign Aid Conditions, Restrictions, and Reporting Requirements
  491. Pakistan: Significant Recent Events, March 26 - June 21, 2007
  492. Major U.S. Arms Sales and Grants to Pakistan Since 2001
  493. Direct Overt U.S. Aid Appropriations for and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2015
  494. Pakistan and Terrorism: A Summary
  495. Pakistan: Chronology of Recent Events
  496. Pakistan: A Political History and Its Military Strength
  497. Pakistan's Domestic Political Developments
  498. Pakistan-U.S. Anti-Terrorism Cooperation
  499. Nuclear Threat Reduction Measures for India and Pakistan
  500. Amnesty International to Cease Work in India, Citing Government Harassment
  501. Shared Honor Rekindles Hope for India-Pakistan Peace.
  502. As World Rebukes Russia, India Tries to Stay Above the Fray
  503. U.S. Charges Indian National in Alleged Murder-for-Hire Plot of Sikh Separatist
  504. U.S. Intelligence Officials Push India to Prosecute Those Behind Sikh Assassination plot in U.S.
  505. U.S. Indictment Alleges Multiple Indian Assassination Plots Across North America
  506. India Faces Questions About Another Reported Foreign Assassination Plot
  507. Canada and India Are Enmeshed in an Unprecedented Diplomatic Row. Here’s How It Happened
  508. Canada Is Seeking More Cooperation from India in Light of US Allegations
  509. Canada Has Indian Diplomats' Communications in Bombshell Murder Probe
  510. Western Intelligence Led to Canada Accusing India of Sikh Activist’s Assassination
  511. India: Arrests of Activists Politically Motivated
  512. India: End Bias in Prosecuting Delhi Violence
  513. World Report 2020: India | Human Rights Watch
  514. India: Growing Crackdown on Activists, Critics
  515. India: Mounting Human Rights Abuses
  516. Caste Discrimination in India
  517. U.S.-India Security Relations: Strategic Issues
  518. India - U.S. Security Relations: Current Engagement
  519. Social Issues in India
  520. India-China Dispute: The Border Row ...
  521. The Challenge of a Two-Front War: India’s China-Pakistan Dilemma
  522. Emerging Global Issues: The China-India Boundary Crisis and Its Implications
  523. China vs India: 16 Major Differences (Which is Better?)
  524. India’s Relations with China: The Good, the Bad and the (Potentially) Ugly
  525. Economic Impact of India-China Conflict: Why There Won't Be Just One Loser
  526. Social Problems in India and China - A Comparison
  527. India's Domestic Political Setting
  528. India–Russia Relations | Wikipedia
  529. India-Russia Relations
  530. Top Indian Diplomat Explains Russia’s Importance to India
  531. India-Russia Relations and Implications for U.S. Interests
  532. India - U.S. Economic and Trade Relations
  533. India - U.S. Economic Relations
  534. India: Chronology of Recent Events
  535. Indian Politics and Society Since Independence: Events, Processes and Ideology
  536. India: Domestic Issues, Strategic Dynamics, and U.S. Relations
  537. Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunamis: Food Aid Needs and the U.S. Response
  538. Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami: Humanitarian Assistance and Relief Operations
  539. Overview of Corruption and Anti-Corruption Efforts in India
  540. Political Governance System and Corruption in India
  541. Corruption in India.
  542. Corruption in India: A Violation of Human Rights Promoting Transparency and the Right to Good Governance
  543. Corruption in India: Bridging Research Evidence and Policy Options
  544. Corruption in India: Nature, Causes, Consequences and Cure
  545. Corruption in India: Bridging Research Evidence and Policy Options
  546. Human Rights and India's Struggle Against Corruption
  547. Understanding Political Corruption in Indian Politics
  548. Corruption in India: 'All Your Life You Pay for Things that Should Be Free'.
  549. U.S.-India Security Relations: Strategic Issues
  550. India and Canada Relations: The Long Road to Recovery
  551. India Shocked After Canada Removes Khalistan from Its Report on Terror Threats
  552. India-U.S. Security Relations: Current Engagement
  553. India: Society and Politics
  554. India's Domestic Political Setting
  555. India-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations
  556. India-U.S. Economic Relations
  557. A Sampling of Public Opinion in India
  558. India: Chronology of Recent Events
  559. Political Corruption In India
  560. Politics of India and Its Military Strength
  561. India: Domestic Issues, Strategic Dynamics, and U.S. Relations
  562. India - Government and Politics
  563. Indonesia: Domestic Politics, Strategic Dynamics, and American Interests
  564. Indonesia in ‘3D’. Development, Dictatorship and Democracy
  565. Indonesia-Russia Strategic Partnership in Southeast Asia Region
  566. Indonesian Elections
  567. As Russia Faces Colder Relations With West, Indonesia Opens a Door
  568. Russian-Indonesian Relations Grow Stronger Amid Geopolitical Instability
  569. Indonesia-Russia Relationship Increase in Various Fields
  570. Russia Indonesia Relations
  571. Corruption in Indonesia.
  572. Corruption Challenges Indonesia's Government.
  573. Indonesia: Domestic Politics, Strategic Dynamics, and American Interests
  574. Indonesia: 4 Years in Jail for Singing.
  575. Indonesia in ‘3D’. Development, Dictatorship and Democracy.
  576. Indonesia Executions: Brazil and Dutch Envoys Recalled.
  577. Indonesia’s Execution of Foreigners Prompts Diplomatic Storm.
  578. Politics in Indonesia: Resilient Elections, Defective Democracy
  579. Politics of Indonesia and Its Military Strength
  580. Mongolia: Freedom in the World 2022 Country Report
  581. Mongolia: Politics and Protests in 2023
  582. Politics of Mongolia and Its Military Strength
  583. U.S. Relations With Mongolia
  584. In Mongolia, Proposed Legislation Endangers Civil Society
  585. Mongolia - Reform and the Birth of Democracy
  586. Political Culture of Mongolia: Tradition & Modernity
  587. Mongolia - Government and Society
  588. Mongolia: Issues for Congress
  589. Mongolia and U.S. Policy: Political and Economic Relations
  590. Nepal Plunges into Crisis
  591. Nepal Politics and Its Military Strength
  592. Nepali Politics - 20 Mysterious Things Happened Ever in Politics of Nepal
  593. China Wades Into Nepal’s Political Crisis
  594. Politics of Nepal - Reasons Why People Hate Nepali Politicians
  595. Nepal: Political Developments and Bilateral Relations with the United States
  596. Nepal: Background and U.S. Relations
  597. The All-Natural Death of Sri Lanka
  598. Sri Lanka's Economic Crisis, Explained
  599. Sri Lanka Opposition Meets to Install New Gov't Amid Turmoil
  600. Sri Lanka’s President Has Not Surfaced After Report of Resignation
  601. Sri Lankan PM Agrees to Quit Amid Biggest Political Turmoil
  602. Turmoil in Sri Lanka as Thousands Protest
  603. Sri Lanka Protesters Break into President's House as Thousands Rally
  604. Sri Lanka: Justice Under Attack
  605. Sri Lanka Is in Chaos and Its President Has Fled
  606. Sri Lanka Extends State of Emergency as Police Round up Protest Leaders
  607. US, Sri Lanka Discuss Human Rights Issue
  608. Sri Lanka Jails Former Minister for Saying Judges Are Corrupt
  609. Sri Lanka Seeks Negotiated Settlement with India
  610. Work Begins Railways Connecting North and South Korea.
  611. U.S.-South Korea Relations
  612. Politics of South Korea
  613. South Korean Politics
  614. Electoral Politics in South Korea
  615. After an Electoral Loss, Will South Korea's President Change His Policies
  616. The Politics of South Korea's 'China Threat'
  617. Liberal Forces Strengthen Grip on South Korean Politics
  618. Young South Korean Men Turn Against Moon Ahead of 2022
  619. Economic and Political Outline South Korea
  620. South Korea Politics & Policy and and Its Military Strength
  621. South Korea and Singapore: Economic and Political Freedom
  622. U.S. and South Korean Cooperation in the World Nuclear Energy Market: Major Policy Considerations
  623. Trade Promotion Authority and the Korea Free Trade Agreement
  624. Imports from North Korea: Existing Rules, Implications of the KORUS FTA, and the Kaesong Industrial Complex
  625. The EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement and Its Implications for the United States
  626. Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: Potential National Sector-Specific and State Export Effects
  627. The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Automobile Rules of Origin
  628. Dispute Settlement in the Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA)
  629. Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement and Potential Employment Effects: Analysis of Studies
  630. The U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Provisions and Implications
  631. The Proposed South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA)
  632. Korea - U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
  633. Non-Governmental Organizations' Activities in North Korea
  634. North Korea: Legislative Basis for U.S. Economic Sanctions
  635. Congress and U.S. Policy on North Korean Human Rights and Refugees: Recent Legislation and Implementation
  636. North Korea's Abduction of Japanese Citizens and the Six-Party Talks
  637. The Kaesong North-South Korean Industrial Complex
  638. North Korean Crime-for-Profit Activities
  639. Kim Jong-il's Death: Implications for North Korea's Stability and U.S. Policy
  640. North Korea: Back on the Terrorism List?
  641. North Korean Counterfeiting of U.S. Currency
  642. Foreign Assistance to North Korea
  643. U.S. Assistance to North Korea
  644. Drug Trafficking and North Korea: Issues for U.S. Policy
  645. The Problems of Human Rights in North Korea
  646. North Korea: Economic Leverage and Policy Analysis
  647. North Korea: A Chronology of Events, October 2002-December 2004
  648. North Korean Provocative Actions, 1950-2007
  649. North Korea: Economic Sanctions
  650. Korea: U.S.-Korean Relations -- Issues for Congress
  651. Understanding the North Korean Regime.
  652. North Korea Facts.
  653. World Report 2023: North Korea | Human Rights Watch
  654. The Collapse of North Korea: A Prospect to Celebrate or Fear?
  655. The North Korea Crisis and Regional Responses.
  656. Marked for Life: Songbun - Human Rights in North Korea
  657. Korea Ranks 39th in Global Corruption Index.
  658. Google Releases Detailed Map of North Korea, Gulags and All.
  659. Life Under Kim Jong Un
  660. North Korea: A Nation Built on Lies.
  661. Beijing Keeps Up Rhetoric Amid Regional Tension.
  662. Ahead of Key Court Ruling, Beijing in Propaganda Overdrive.
  663. American and Chinese Warships Narrowly Avoid High-Seas Collision.
  664. Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea.
  665. South China Sea Photos Suggest a Military Building Spree by Beijing.
  666. China, Vietnam, Philippines Collide Amid Escalating South China Sea Tensions.
  667. China Withdraws Oil Rig from Waters Disputed with Vietnam, but Warns It Could Return.
  668. China’s Rise and Asian Tensions Send U.S. Relations Into Downward Spiral.
  669. China Building Aircraft Runway in Disputed Spratly Islands.
  670. Vietnam-China Row Over South China Sea Plane Landing.
  671. The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War
  672. G7 Warns China Not to 'Escalate Tensions' with Taiwan Amid Military Threats.
  673. Keep an Eye on Taiwan.
  674. U.S. Warns of China's Growing Threat to Taiwan.
  675. China Issues New Threats to Taiwan: ‘The Island’s Military Won’t Stand a Chance’.
  676. Is There a Solution to the China-Taiwan Quarrel?
  677. The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
  678. The China-Taiwan Conflict - Ethics vs Economics
  679. China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities - Background and Issues for Congress
  680. The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War.
  681. U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues
  682. Unpacking the China-Taiwan Relationship
  683. Managing the China-Taiwan Conflict: Preventing the Taiwan Strait From Becoming a Dire Strait
  684. Taiwan Voices Support for Uyghurs in China.
  685. Taiwan, USA Proceed with F-16V Deal.
  686. Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990
  687. Taiwan, Nationalism and Democratization.
  688. Taiwan: Political and Security Issues.
  689. Taiwan: A Risk Analysis through the Lens of Hong Kong.
  690. Taiwan and Diplomatic Allies.
  691. Taiwan's Democracy and the China Challenge.
  692. Taiwan: Recent Developments and US Policy Choices
  693. Taiwan, China, and United States Pivot
  694. Taiwan Elects Its First Female President; China Warns of 'Grave Challenges'
  695. Taiwan’s Presidential Election: What to Know.
  696. Taiwan's 2008 Presidential Election
  697. Taiwan's Political Status: Historical Background and Ongoing Implications
  698. Taiwan’s Ruling Democratic Progressive Party Wins Third Consecutive Presidential Term as Voters Dismiss China Warnings
  699. Taiwan-U.S. Relations: Developments and Policy Implications
  700. Taiwan Plans to Invest in Advanced Arms as China Flexes Its Muscles.
  701. Taiwan News and Reports | Rand.
  702. Taiwan’s New President Lai in His Inauguration Speech Urges China to Stop its Military Intimidation
  703. Taiwan’s New President Calls on China to Stop its ‘Intimidation’ After Being Sworn into Office
  704. In Taiwan, Views of Mainland China Mostly Negative.
  705. In Taiwan, Another Former President Is Sentenced to Prison.
  706. The Taiwan Issue and the Normalization of US-China Relations
  707. China-Taiwan Relations.
  708. China and Taiwan: A Future of Peace?
  709. China and Taiwan: A Really Simple Guide
  710. China and Taiwan: From Flashpoint to Redefining One China.
  711. China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: A Quantitative Assessment of Real and Financial Integration
  712. China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei.
  713. Tsai Ing-wen Elected Taiwan's First Female President
  714. Conflict of Law Rules Between China and Taiwan and Their Significance Significance.
  715. The Looming Taiwan Crisis.
  716. Rising Tension Between China and Taiwan, Explained
  717. The Economic Integration of Taiwan and China and Its Implications for Cross-strait Relations
  718. The Ambitious Dragon: Beijing’s Calculus for Invading Taiwan by 2030
  719. Security Implications of Taiwan's Presidential Election
  720. The Precarious Triangle: China, Taiwan, and United States.
  721. Biden Says US Does Not Support Taiwan’s Independence Following Election
  722. Ruling-Party's Lai Ching-te Wins Taiwan's Presidential Election.
  723. Political Status of Taiwan and Its Military Strength
  724. Understanding Beijing's Motives Regarding Taiwan, and America's Role
  725. Democratic Reforms in Taiwan: Issues for Congress
  726. ASEAN Finally Pushes Back on China's Sea Claims.
  727. International Court Issues Unanimous Award in Philippines v. China Case on South China Sea (7/12/2016).
  728. The Problems in the South China Sea.
  729. Weighing the Consequences of China's Control Over the South China Sea.
  730. South China Sea: The Dispute that Could Start a Military Conflict.
  731. South China Sea on Brink of War After World Warned 'China and US Planning for Conflict'.
  732. South China Sea Warning: China's Weapons 'Pointed at Enemies' Amid Conflict Fears.
  733. South China Sea Once Again Becomes a Dangerous Military Flashpoint.
  734. US UN Ambassador Pushes Back on Chinese South China Sea Claims
  735. US Could Attack China, Seize Disputed Islands in South China Sea.
  736. U.S.-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress
  737. US-China Cold War & The South China Sea.

  738. Everything You Need to Know About Human Rights in China
  739. China: The People’s Liberation Army Navy - New Capabilities and Missions for the 21st Century.
  740. China and the Mekong River Disputes: Can a New Framework Bring New Compromises?
  741. Is China Taking Advantage of COVID-19 to Pursue South China Sea Ambitions?
  742. Are China and Vietnam on the Verge of Another War?
  743. Beijing Advances 'Code of Conduct' for South China Sea
  744. Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea | CFR
  745. Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea | AF.edu
  746. China Criticizes US Sanctions over South China Sea Buildup
  747. US Sanctions Chinese Companies Over South China Sea
  748. South China Sea Dispute: China's Pursuit of Resources 'Unlawful', Says US
  749. China's Claims in South China Sea 'Completely Unlawful', Says US
  750. China, Vietnam, and the South China Sea: Disputes and Dispute Management
  751. Philippines Summons China Envoy After Water Cannon Incident in Disputed Sea
  752. Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia Reject China's latest South China Sea Map
  753. Vietnam Joins ASEAN Neighbors in Denouncing Chinese Map
  754. Beijing Defiant as Vietnam, Taiwan Join Asian Countries in Rejecting China's New Map
  755. Vietnam, China Embroiled in South China Sea Standoff
  756. Vietnam Rebukes China, Philippines over South China Sea Conduct
  757. Vietnam’s Strange Ally in Its Fight With China
  758. Rough Waters Ahead for Vietnam-China Relations
  759. Vietnamese Protest an Opening for Chinese Territorial Interests.
  760. Vietnamese See Special Economic Zones as Assault from China.
  761. Biden to Sign Strategic Partnership Deal with Vietnam in Latest Bid to Counter China in the Region
  762. Has Vietnam Changed Its Tune on a Diplomatic Upgrade With the US?
  763. With Wary Eye on China, U.S. Moves Closer to Former Foe
  764. A Window of Opportunity to Upgrade US-Vietnam Relations | Brookings
  765. The US-Vietnam Relations in 2020 and Prospects in 2021
  766. Vietnam Human Rights Watch Report
  767. Formosa Steel Owns Up to Toxic Spill, Agrees to Pay Vietnam $500 Million
  768. Vietnam President Resigns Following Blame for Officials' 'Wrongdoing'
  769. Vietnam President Quits Amid Anti-corruption Drive
  770. Vietnam President Nguyen Xuan Phuc Quits Amid Communist Party Corruption Crackdown
  771. China Moves Controversial Oil Rig Back Towards Vietnam Coast (June 26, 2015).
  772. Xi Jinping Meets with Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh
  773. US, Vietnam to Elevate Ties During Biden Visit, With Eye on China
  774. Vietnam Chases Secret Russian Arms Deal, Even as It Deepens U.S. Ties | The New York Times
  775. Analysis: Vietnam Shifts Gears on Arms Trade as It Loosens Ties with Russia
  776. U.S., Russia Vie to Sell Arms to Vietnam at First Hanoi Fair
  777. Vietnam Eyes Purchase of Israeli Air-defense System
  778. Vietnam Accuses Beijing of 'Seriously Violating' Sovereignty in South China Sea.
  779. Vietnamese Protest Amid Fear of Chinese Investment in Special Economic Zones.
  780. Vietnamese Woman Self-Immolates in Anti-China Protest.
  781. Vietnam Clamps Down On Anti-China Protests After Deadly Riots; China Sends Evacuation Ships.
  782. Vietnam's Anti-China Protests Reflect Grievances Far Beyond China's Rig in South China Sea.
  783. Chinese and Soviet Involvement in Vietnam
  784. China's Involvement in the Vietnam War, 1964–69.
  785. In 1979, China Was Crushed in a War with Vietnam. What Happened?
  786. Oil and Gas Fueling South China Sea Tensions.
  787. Anti-China Protests in Vietnam Set to Aggravate Tensions with China.
  788. Barbie Movie Gets Vietnam Ban Over South China Sea Map
  789. Pentagon Unsure Whether China Has Stopped Spratlys Work.
  790. Vietnam Opposes Taiwanese Leader’s Visit to Truong Sa (Spratlys).
  791. A China-Vietnam Military Clash.
  792. Vietnam Says China Landed Plane on Disputed Island.
  793. Vietnam’s Hidden Debts to China Expose Its Political Risks.
  794. Achievements and Problems in Vietnam: China Relations from 1991 to the Present
  795. Vietnam and China – Challenges for the Current Relationship
  796. Chinese FDI in Vietnam: Trends, Status and Challenges
  797. China and Vietnam
  798. Is Vietnam Sliding Deeper Into Authoritarianism?.
  799. America and Vietnam: The Unending War
  800. Vietnam: Investigate Police Response to Mass Protests.
  801. Politics of Vietnam and Its Military Strength
  802. Vietnam Politics | The Diplomat
  803. The Truth About ‘Democracy’ in Vietnam Today.
  804. Facebook Bowed to Vietnam Government's Censorship Demands
  805. World Report 2021: Vietnam | Human Rights Watch.
  806. Vietnam: Rights Abuses in the Spotlight.
  807. Vietnam: Free Prominent Blogger | Human Rights Watch
  808. Vietnam Irked by 'Unsuitable' U.S. Prize for Jailed Dissident
  809. Vietnam: Release Journalist and Human Rights Defender Pham Doan Trang
  810. Viet Nam: Crackdown on Dissent Continues with ‘Egregious’ Nine-Year Sentence for Pham Doan Trang.
  811. Vietnam Upholds 9-year Jail Term for Dissident Journalist
  812. Vietnamese Activist Pham Doan Trang Sentenced to Nine Years in Jail
  813. Vietnam Jails Pham Doan Trang, Its 'Most Famous Activist' | The Washington Post
  814. Vietnam's Political Prisoners 'Suffer Inhumane Treatment'
  815. Vietnam Hands Down Long Jail Terms to 'Anti-State' Facebook Users
  816. Rights Lawyer Dang Dinh Manh to Defend Vietnamese Blogger in Anti-State Crimes Trial.
  817. Mother Mushroom: Vietnamese Blogger Released and Exiled
  818. Vietnam: Ex-Political Prisoner Faces New Charges
  819. Vietnamese Rights Activist Arrested in Hanoi, Charged Under Article 117
  820. Vietnamese Rights Activists - July 2021 Arrests Mark Turn for the Worse
  821. Harris Says She Urged Vietnam to Free Political Dissidents
  822. Vietnam: Torture, Forced Labor in Drug Detention.
  823. Forced Labor and Other Abuses in Drug Detention Centers in Southern Vietnam
  824. Communist Party of Vietnam Concludes Congress, Says Will Stick to Marxism-Leninism in Reforms.
  825. In Vietnam, Message of Equality Is Challenged by Widening Wealth Gap.
  826. Corruption in Vietnam.
  827. Vietnam’s Banks: Tiger Tamed.
  828. Is Thanh the Man? - A Scandal-Ridden Party Lashes Out at Dissent and Tries to Tackle Corruption.
  829. U.S.-Vietnam Economic and Trade Relations: Issues for the 112th Congress & the 111th Congress
  830. U.S.-Vietnam Relations in 2013: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy
  831. Strengthening the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership
  832. In Vietnam, Henry Kissinger Was Worse than a Fraud
  833. Henry Kissinger's Controversial Role in the Vietnam War
  834. Henry Kissinger and the Vietnam War
  835. The Dark Side of Henry Kissinger's Legacy: Secret Bombings During Vietnam War
  836. Henry Kissinger Begins Secret Negotiations with North Vietnamese
  837. Kissinger’s Legacy Still Ripples Through Vietnam and Cambodia
  838. U.S. Assistance to Vietnam
  839. U.S. Relations With Vietnam
  840. The Evolution of U.S.–Vietnam Ties
  841. U.S.-Vietnam Relations: Background and Issues for Congress
  842. The Vietnam-U.S. Normalization Process
  843. Vietnam PNTR Status and WTO Accession: Issues and Implications for the United States
  844. Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange and U.S.-Vietnam Relations
  845. The Lethal Legacy of the Vietnam War.
  846. Anti-War Movements, from Vietnam to Today
  847. Hundred Flowers in Vietnam: 1955-1957
  848. Nhân Văn–Giai Phẩm Affair | Wikipedia
  849. The War's Consequences.
  850. Battlefield: Vietnam.
  851. Vietnam War Fast Facts.
  852. Vietnam War Facts.
  853. Reflections on the Vietnam War.
  854. Vietnam War (1960 - 1975).
  855. Lessons Learned: The Tet Offensive.
  856. Vietnam War.
  857. The Psychological Effects of the Vietnam War.
  858. The Toxic Effects of Agent Orange Persist 51 Years After the Vietnam War.
  859. Generation Orange in Vietnam: Effects of Toxic Herbicide Sprayed by US Army 40 Years Ago.
  860. Trends in Southeast Asia.
  861. The Third Wave in East Asia: Comparative and Dynamic Perspectives.
  862. 3 Years on, a Look at the Rohingya Crisis
  863. 3 Reasons India Isn't the 'Next China'
  864. 4 Decades on, U.S. Starts Cleanup of Agent Orange in Vietnam.
  865. 27 Days of Hell: When China and Vietnam Went to War.
  866. 31 Problems and Issues of The Philippines About Politics.
  867. $4 billion 'Misappropriated' from Malaysia.
▷ Asia-Pacific: Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Islands
  1. Australia and U.S.-China Relations: Bandwagoned and Unbalancing
  2. Australia-China Relations: The Great Unravelling
  3. Australia's Relations with China: What's the Problem?
  4. A Look Back at Australia-China Tensions (2020)
  5. Contemporary Politics in Australia
  6. The Politics of the Australian Federal System.
  7. Australian Politics
  8. Australia: Background and U.S. Relations.
  9. Trends in Australian Political Opinion 1987-2019.
  10. Issues in Australian Foreign Policy (2015)
  11. Indigenous Affairs in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Norway and Sweden – Parliament of Australia
  12. Australia and New Zealand in the Asia Pacific
  13. Comparative Politics of Australia and New Zealand
  14. New Zealand Is a Five Eyes Outlier on China
  15. New Zealand’s Conflicted China Strategy
  16. New Chinese Immigration to New Zealand: Policies, Immigration Patterns, Mobility and Perception
  17. Australia, New Zealand Face China’s Influence
  18. New Zealand's-China Policy Building a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
  19. New Zealand Government and Politics
  20. New Zealand Politics
  21. New Zealand Politics | The Guardian
  22. New Zealand: U.S. Security Cooperation and the U.S. Rebalancing to Asia Strategy
  23. New Zealand: Background and Bilateral Relations with the United States
  24. Rivalry Between Australia and China in the Pacific Islands
  25. China, Pacific Islands Unable to Agree on Security Pact
  26. The Risks of China’s Ambitions in the South Pacific
  27. China's Ambition in the Pacific: Worldwide Geopolitical Issues
  28. China in Pacific Regional Politics
  29. China and the Geopolitics of the Pacific Islands
  30. The Pacific Islands in Chinese Geo‐strategic Thinking
  31. Some Pacific Island Nations Are Turning to China. Climate Change Is a Factor
  32. Perceiving China’s Influence in the Pacific: The Case of Solomon Islands
  33. A New Era for Japan and the Pacific Islands: The Tokyo Summit
  34. Evaluation of Japan’s Assistance for Pacific Island Countries
  35. The Problems and Potential of the Pacific Islands Forum
  36. Government and Public Policy in the Pacific Islands
  37. Political Parties in the Pacific Islands
  38. Instability in the Pacific Islands
  39. The Pacific Islands: Policy Issues
  40. Pacific Ways: Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands
  41. The Pacific Islands
  42. The Political, Security, and Climate Landscape in Oceania
▷ Asia: How, What, Who, Why
  1. How India Can Buy Russian Oil, ...
  2. How Does Corruption Shape Asia?
  3. How Dams and China’s Might Imperil the Mekong
  4. How an Oil Rig Sparked Anti-China Riots in Vietnam.
  5. How US and Taiwan Are Strengthening Military Ties Amid Rising China Tensions
  6. How Singapore Married Dictatorship with a Market Economy.
  7. How Generals Plot Together, in Myanmar and Thailand.
  8. How China Views the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
  9. How Can Communist Vietnam Be Friendlier to the US than China?
  10. How Facebook Censorship Helps Suppress Dissent in Vietnam.
  11. How Thailand Became the World’s Last Military Dictatorship.
  12. How Pro-Democracy Movement Gained ... Thai Protests
  13. How Many Military Coups Has Thailand Had? Is It the #1 Country for Coups D’état?.
  14. What We Know About the Shinzo Abe Assassination.
  15. What the Turmoil in Thailand Reveals About the Thai Monarchy
  16. What Really Happened in Vietnam?
  17. What Happened and What's Next After South China Sea Arbitration Ruling
  18. What Is Happening in Myanmar?.
  19. What Is Happening in Thailand?
  20. What Is Happening in Sri Lanka?
  21. What Is Happening in Pakistan’s Continuing Crisis?
  22. What Is Happening to the People of Myanmar - A Descent Back to Military Dictatorship?.
  23. What Is Behind Malaysia's '1MDB' Scandal?.
  24. What Is Behind China and Vietnam's Latest Standoff in South China Sea.
  25. What Are the Social Issues in the Philippines?
  26. What Does Vietnam Want from the US in the South China Sea?
  27. What Does Beijing Want from the Pacific Islands?
  28. What Caused Sri Lanka's Economic Collapse?
  29. What You Need to Know About China-Taiwan Tensions
  30. What Forces Are Fueling Myanmar's Rohingya Crisis?
  31. What Afghans Want the Rest of the World to Know
  32. What Myanmar's Coup Means for China
  33. What Filipinos Think of Philippine President Duterte.
  34. What You Need to Know About China-Taiwan Tensions
  35. What US Agents Knew Before a Sikh Separatist Was Killed in Canada
  36. Why China and Vietnam Can't Stop Clashing With Each Other.
  37. Who Is Lashkar-e-Jhangvi?
  38. Why the U.S Went to war in Vietnam
  39. Who Is the New Leader of Islamic State-Khorasan Province?
  40. Why Bangladeshi Politics Is Man′s Domain
  41. Why Bangladesh's Politics Are Broken
  42. Why Thailand's New Military-Monarchy Alliance Is a Bad Sign
  43. Why Are Thai Students Protesting?
  44. Why Does Thailand Have So Many Coups?
  45. Why a New Generation of Thais Are Protesting Against the Government
  46. Why Are Thailand's Citizens Protesting Against Their Government and Monarchy?
  47. Why Thailand's Pro-democracy Protests Are Spreading Beyond the Campus
  48. Why Did the 3 Finger Salute Become the Symbol for Thai Protesters?
  49. Why Are Thai People Protesting and What Is the Significance?
  50. Why One Party Dominates Singapore Politics
  51. Why China Supports Burma’s Dictators
  52. Why Is Populism So Unpopular in Japan?
  53. Why People Are Protesting and the Military Is Killing Peaceful Protesters in Myanmar
  54. Why US Friends India and UAE Won't Back Biden Against Russia on Ukraine
  55. Why India Is Not Criticizing Russia over Ukraine Invasion
  56. Why India Is Buying More Russian Oil during Ukraine Crisis
  57. Why India Isn’t Denouncing Russia’s Ukraine War
  58. Why India Does Not Want to Buy Most Advanced 'Stealth' F-35 Aircraft?
  59. Why Is India Standing with Putin’s Russia?
  60. Why India and Russia Will Be Best Friends Forever
  61. Why India’s Relationship With Russia Is So Special
  62. Why India and Russia Are Going to Stay Friends
  63. Why India Has Been Soft on Russia Over Ukraine
  64. Why Is India Standing With Putin’s Russia? - Russia-Ukraine War
  65. Why Russia Is Getting Closer to Pakistan and Abandoning India?
  66. Why India Abstained on UN Vote Against Russia
  67. Why Has East Timor Built the Strongest Democracy in Southeast Asia?
  68. Why Have Southeast Asian Governments Stayed Silent Over Ukraine?
  69. Why These Nations, India, China, United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, Won't Criticize Russia's Invasion and Won't Support Ukraine
  70. Why Myanmar’s Desperate Generals Executed Prominent Pro-Democracy Figures
  71. Why Australia’s Chief Spy Rebuked Its Prime Minister Over China
  72. Why China Is Challenging Australia for Influence over the Pacific Islands
  73. Why Afghanistan Is Still the Worst Place to Be a Woman
  74. Why the 2022 Philippines Election Is So Significant
  75. Why the Military Intervened in Bangladesh Politics
  76. Why Japan Is Gearing Up for Possible War With China Over Taiwan
  77. Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense
  78. Why China Can't Let Laos Default
▷ China - Hong Kong - Macau - Tibet - Xinjiang (Uighur)
  1. Protest and Dissent in China
  2. Growing Pains: Challenges for a Rising China
  3. The Future of China | IMF
  4. The Elements of the China Challenge
  5. China Steps Up Intimidation, Harassment of Chinese Dissidents in US
  6. China: World Report 2023 - 2022 - 2021
  7. | Human Rights Watch
  8. China: Social Issues in China
  9. China Took Her Husband. She Was Left to Uncover His Secret Cause
  10. China Tightens Xi Jinping's Powers Against the West With New Law
  11. China's Loans Pushing World’s Poorest Countries to Brink of Collapse
  12. China and the ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’
  13. China Sentences a U.S. Citizen to Life in Prison for Espionage
  14. China Sentences 78-year-old US Citizen to Life in Prison for Espionage
  15. China's Xi Accuses Washington of Trying to Block Its Development
  16. China Protests As US Fighter Jets Shoot Down Suspected Spy Balloon
  17. China’s Anger Over Downed Balloon Shows Xi’s Challenges
  18. China Finds Itself With Limited Options After U.S. Shoots Down Balloon
  19. China COVID: Protests Erupt in Unprecedented Challenge to Xi Jinping's Zero-Covid Policy
  20. China COVID Protests: Authorities Call for Crackdown on ‘Hostile Forces’
  21. China Threatens Crackdown on ‘Hostile Forces’ as COVID Protests Continue
  22. China Could have 1,500 Nuclear Warheads by 2035: Pentagon Report
  23. China's Lockdown Protests and Rising COVID Leave Xi Jinping With '2 Bad Options'
  24. China Poses 'Existential' Threat to Human Rights: Report | Time
  25. Lee Meng-chu: Taiwan Businessman Accused of Spying in China Is Freed (After Holding for 1,400 days in China for Taking Photos)
  26. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Widespread Persecution in China: Prevalence of Political and Religious Prisoners in China, and Recommendations to Hold the CCP Accountable
  27. Woman in China Learned About Her Husband's Secret Identity After Police Grabbed Him
  28. Dissidents in China Detained and Harassed as Beijing Prepares for Party Congress
  29. To China’s Fury, UN Accuses Beijing of Uyghur Rights Abuses
  30. To Understand China’s Aggressive Foreign Policy, Look at Its Domestic Politics
  31. OHCHR Assessment of Human Rights Concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China
  32. Fury at UN Human Rights Chief Over ‘Whitewash’ of Uyghur Repression
  33. China’s Uyghur Abuses ‘May Constitute Crimes Against Humanity,’ UN Finds
  34. EU, US, UK, Canada Target China Officials over Uyghur Abuses
  35. The Geopolitics of China
  36. US Concerned at China's 'Alignment' with Russia ...
  37. Biden Warns Xi of Global Backlash if China Helps Russia's Attack on Ukraine
  38. China Is About to Make a Big Mistake by Supporting Russia
  39. China Will Support Russia on Security, Xi Tells Putin in Birthday Call
  40. China Pounces on Russia's Ukraine Invasion to Launch Propaganda Blitz
  41. Russia and China: Axis of Revisionists?
  42. Russia and China Are Leading A New ‘World Order,’ Russian Foreign Minister Says
  43. China's Promotion of Russian Disinformation Indicates Where Its Loyalties Lie
  44. China’s Ukraine Crisis
  45. Russia and China
  46. Is China Stepping Up Its Support for Russia?
  47. Year of War in Ukraine Tests China’s ‘No Limits’ Relationship with Russia
  48. Russia Highlights China's Support as Its Forces Retreat in Ukraine
  49. Xi Jinping's Grip on Power in China Is Still Strong
  50. China's Xi Jinping Consolidates Power With New Ideology
  51. Xi Jinping Says China to Become Dominant World Power Within 30 Years
  52. Xi’s Power Is Cracking Under the Pressure of China’s ‘Polycrisis’
  53. Xi Jinping Has Been Good for China’s Communist Party; Less so for China
  54. Xi Jinping and the Party’s “Guiding Ideology”
  55. Xi Jinping Cements Grip on Power With Third Term with China's New Politburo Standing Committee
  56. China's Xi Jinping 'More Dangerous' Than Putin: 'Not Even Close,' Says Pompeo
  57. The Rise of ‘Everyday Freedoms’ in China
  58. A Chronology of Dissent in China in Recent Decades
  59. Protest and Dissent in China
  60. Human Rights in China - China’s Global Threat to Human Rights (2020)
  61. The Chinese Communist Party’s Plot to Destroy America and a Company's Fight to Keep USA Strong
  62. The Perfect Dictatorship China in the 21st Century
  63. The Elements of the China Challenge
  64. China-US Relations in the Eyes of the Chinese Communist Party
  65. From Competition to Confrontation with China: The Major Shift in U.S. Policy
  66. World Report 2020: China’s Global Threat to Human Rights
  67. US Congressional-Executive Commission on China:
  68. Freedom of Expression in China: A Privilege, Not a Right
  69. The Damaging Dictatorship of Xi Jinping
  70. Facing Up to the China Threat
  71. China, Genocide and the Olympics
  72. China: Business and Human Rights
  73. Penal System in China
  74. Is China Totalitarian?
  75. 'Setback for the Free World': EU Deal with China Draws Criticism
  76. Partial Decoupling from China
  77. China Committed Genocide Against Uyghurs, Independent Tribunal Rules
  78. Independent UK Body Says China Committed Genocide Against Uighurs in Xinjiang
  79. China Guilty of Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity Against Uyghurs, Watchdog Finds
  80. Uyghur Tribunal: China Commits Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture Against the Uyghurs
  81. China Commits ‘Genocide’ Against Uighurs
  82. Surviving the Crackdown in Xinjiang
  83. Break Their Roots: Evidence for China’s Parent-Child Separation Campaign in Xinjiang
  84. Uyghur Genocide (in China)
  85. China Primer: Uyghurs
  86. China's Repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
  87. China Targets Prominent Uighur Intellectuals to Erase an Ethnic Identity.
  88. China Is Expanding Detention Sites in Muslim Region of ....
  89. China Has Built 380 Internment Camps in Xinjiang.
  90. Xinjiang: Large Numbers of New Detention Camps Uncovered ...
  91. China's Repression of Uighur Muslims: Concentration Camps ...
  92. China Suppression of Uighur Minorities Meets U.N. Definition of Genocide, Report Says
  93. Xinjiang: China's Muslim Camp Spending 'Revealed'.
  94. Xinjiang Re-education Camps.
  95. China Defends Uighur 'Education Centres'
  96. China Bans Beards and Veils in Xinjiang
  97. Leaked Files Claim to Reveal Details of China's Muslim Camps
  98. Revealed: New Videos Expose China’s Forced Migration of Uyghurs During the Pandemic
  99. More Evidence of China's Horrific Abuses in Xinjiang
  100. The Pain of a Nation: The Invisibility of Uyghurs in China Proper.
  101. China: Xinjiang Official Figures Reveal Higher Prisoner Count
  102. Uighurs in Xinjiang: A General Assessment of the Roots of Unrest.
  103. Making States, Displacing Peoples - A Comparative Perspective of Xinjiang and Tibet in China.
  104. The Muslim Emperor of China.
  105. Supply Chains Associated with Human Rights Abuses in China's Western Xinjiang Province
  106. Devastating Blows: Religious Repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang
  107. New Evidence of China's Arbitrary Oppression of the Uighurs
  108. China's Systematic Tracking, Arrests of Uighurs Exposed in New Xinjiang Leak
  109. China Rebuked by 22 Nations Over Xinjiang Repression.
  110. ‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims
  111. China Is Brainwashing Uighur Children.
  112. The Xinjiang Conflict: Uyghur Identity, Language Policy, and Political Discourse
  113. Beijing's Treatment of Muslim Minorities.
  114. China's Repression of Uighur Muslims: Concentration Camps.
  115. ‘Cultural Genocide’: China Separating Thousands of Muslim Children from Parents for ‘Thought Education’
  116. China’s Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang
  117. Xinjiang Internment Camps.
  118. China's Surveillance State: An Open-air Prison in Xinjiang
  119. 'Illegal Superstition': China Jails Muslims for Practicing Islam.
  120. Xinjiang Police Open Fire at Protest Against Clampdown on Islamic Dress.
  121. China Launches "Terrorism" Crackdown After Xinjiang Region Attack.
  122. China’s Own Documents Show Potentially Genocidal Sterilization Plans in Xinjiang.
  123. Nationalism, Tibetans and Uighurs in Today's China.
  124. China Targets Prominent Uighur Intellectuals to Erase an Ethnic Identity
  125. From Cover-up to Propaganda Blitz: China's Attempts to Control the Narrative on Xinjiang
  126. China Committing 'Crimes Against Humanity' in Xinjiang: Report
  127. Human Rights in China
  128. Ethnic Issues in China.
  129. The Xinjiang-Uyghur Issue
  130. The Xinjiang Problem
  131. China Responsible for ‘Serious Human Rights Violations’ in Xinjiang Province: UN Human Rights Report
  132. OHCHR Assessment of Human Rights Concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China
  133. Global Supply Chains, Forced Labor, and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
  134. China's Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang
  135. Combating Human Rights Abuses in Xinjiang
  136. Surviving the Crackdown in Xinjiang
  137. People in China Left Wondering, 'What Happened in Xinjiang?'
  138. Responding to the Crisis in Xinjiang
  139. Against Their Will: The Situation in Xinjiang
  140. US Prohibiting Imports from China's Xinjiang over Force Labor
  141. Nike Statement on Xinjiang
  142. China in Darkest Period for Human Rights Since Tiananmen, says Rights Group
  143. China: Baseless Imprisonments Surge in Xinjiang
  144. Fact Check: Lies on Xinjiang-related Issues vs. the Truth
  145. Is China Changing Its Policy Towards Uighur Muslims?
  146. Understanding China's 'Preventive Repression' in Xinjiang
  147. Uighur Woman Living in France Speaks out About Alleged Chinese ‘Re-Education’ Camp Horrors
  148. "U.S. Says China Is Committing 'Genocide' Against Uighur Muslims
  149. China Conducting Mass Sterilization on Muslim Minorities that Could Amount to Renocide: Report
  150. US Calls China's Abuses of Muslim Minorities 'Genocide' and 'Crimes Against Humanity'
  151. U.S. Declares China's Human Rights Abuses Against Muslim
  152. Uighurs: 'Credible Case' China Carrying out Genocide | BBC
  153. As Genocide Accusations Grow, China Hits Back
  154. Uighur Camp Detainees Allege Systematic Rape
  155. History of Islam in China
  156. 'Their Goal Is to Destroy Everyone': Uighur Camp Detainees Allege Systematic Rape
  157. China's 'Re-education Camps' Where Women Are 'Raped and Sterilised'
  158. "China's Treatment of Uighurs Is Cultural Genocide
  159. China Created a New Terrorist Threat by Repressing This Ethnic Minority
  160. "China's Attacks on Uighur Women Are Crimes Against Humanity
  161. China's Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang
  162. China Putting Minority Muslims in 'Concentration Camps'
  163. One Million Muslim Uighurs Held in Secret China Camps
  164. A Chinese Citizen Journalist Who Shined a Light on Wuhan's Plight May Die in Prison in China
  165. China Cuts Uighur Births with IUDs, Abortion, Sterilization.
  166. China's Repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
  167. China's 'Re-Education' / Concentration Camps in Xinjiang, China.
  168. China's Repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
  169. Responding to the Crisis in Xinjiang.
  170. ‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims
  171. Case Study of the Uyghur Muslims in China.
  172. UN Inaction on China Abuses 'Huge Disappointment': Uyghur Campaigner
  173. The Long Shadow of Xinjiang: Anger Grows in Muslim Countries at China’s Treatment of the Uighurs.
  174. Is the World Watching as China Brutally Suppresses the Freedom of Uighurs and Tibetans?.
  175. A Comparison of China's Ethnicity Policies in Xinjiang and Tibet.
  176. China Uighurs: Xinjiang Legalises 'Re-education' Camps.
  177. China Locks Up Ethnic Minorities in Camps.
  178. China's Repression and Internment of Uyghurs.
  179. Religious Minorities and China.
  180. We Must Stand up to China's Abuse of Its Muslim Minorities
  181. U.S. Views of China Increasingly Negative Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
  182. Most Americans Support Tough Stance Toward China on Human Rights, Economic Issues
  183. 'Fundamentally at Odds': Blinken, China Meeting Got Heated in Alaska
  184. China Blocks UN Condemnation of Myanmar Coup as Protest Grows
  185. China's Vision for a New World Order
  186. China Has Two Paths to Global Domination
  187. World Report 2020: China's Global Threat to Human Rights
  188. China Has 1 Trillion Reasons to Pray Trump Is Defeated.
  189. China’s ‘Manipulation’ of Mekong Is an ‘Urgent Challenge’ for Southeast Asia.
  190. China's Drain on Mekong
  191. Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams on Fisheries and Agriculture in Lower Mekong Basin
  192. Dam Projects and Disputes in the Mekong River Basin
  193. The Mekong and the Water Politics of China and Southeast Asia
  194. Dams in China Turn the Mekong into a River of Discord
  195. UN Human Rights Committee Issues Findings on Hong Kong, Macao, ...
  196. China, Hong Kong, and the Future of Human Rights
  197. Minnie Chan: Media Groups Raise Concerns Following Report of ‘Missing’ Hong Kong Journalist in China
  198. MPs Call for Sanctions on Hong Kong Officials Targeting UK-Based Activists
  199. Daughter of Hong Kong Exiled Activist Detained by National Security Police
  200. Beijing Demands Hong Kong Consulates Hand Over Local Staff Data
  201. Wanted Hong Kong Activist's Relatives Taken for Questioning by Police
  202. Police in Hong Kong Raid Family Home of UK-Based Exile Nathan Law
  203. Agnes Chow: Hong Kong Democracy Activist Reveals She Has Moved to Canada and Plans to Skip Bail
  204. National Security Trial Opens in Hong Kong for Prominent Publisher Jimmy Lai
  205. Arrested in 2020, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Tycoon Gets His Day in Court
  206. Beneath the Calm, Hong Kong's New Security Law Drives Deeper, Quieter Changes
  207. Hong Kong: Freedom in the World 2024 Country Report
  208. Hong Kong Denies Entry to Press Freedom Advocate
  209. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai's Trial Highlights Rule of Law Concerns
  210. Hong Kong Journalist Vanished After Assignment in Beijing
  211. Hong Kong Arrests 3 Activists Under National Security Law
  212. Hong Kong Arrests 53 Activists Under National Security Law
  213. Hong Kong Arrest 53, Including U.S. Citizen, in Massive National Security Law Sweep
  214. Hong Kong Arrest 5 for Allegedly Aiding Dissidents Abroad
  215. Hong Kong Police Arrest 45 in Clashes.
  216. Hong Kong Police Charged 47 Democracy Activists Under Hong Kong 'Subversion' Law
  217. Hong Kong Police Raid Homes of Relatives of Two Exiled Activists
  218. Hong Kong Police Widen Questioning of Relatives of Wanted Activists
  219. Hong Kong Police Condemned for Issuing Cash Bounty for Exiled Democracy Activists
  220. Hong Kong Police Fire Tear Gas as Protesters Decry China Security Law Plan
  221. Hong Kong National Security Police Issue HK$1 Million Bounty Each for 8 Self-Exiled Activists
  222. Hong Kong: Activist Will 'Never Back Down' Despite Bounty on Her Head (video)
  223. Hong Kong and China: One Country, Two Systems, Two Identities
  224. Hong Kong Unrecognizable, UN Rights Chief Visit, Search Engines Manipulated Globally
  225. Hong Kong Security Law: Chinese "Dictatorship"?
  226. Hong Kong Passes Second National Security Law (Article 23) Aligning City More Closely With China
  227. Hong Kong Government Seeks Court Injunction to Ban Protest Anthem "Glory to Hong Kong"
  228. Hong Kong in the Shadow of China: Living with the Leviathan
  229. Hong Kong Questions More Families of Wanted Activists
  230. Hong Kong Targets Exiles’ Loved Ones as Crackdown Turns to Old CCP Playbook
  231. Hong Kong Universities in the Shadow of the National Security Law
  232. Hong Kong's Future on Edge: Countering China’s National Security Law
  233. Hong Kong and Taiwan Are Bonding Over China
  234. Hong Kong, Xinjiang and the Insecurity of China's Leadership
  235. Hong Kong: Children’s Book Authors Convicted
  236. Hong Kong Deems Children’s Books About Sheep ‘Seditious’
  237. Hong Kong Judge Finds Five Guilty over Children's Books
  238. Hong Kong: The Rise and Fall of “One Country, Two Systems”
  239. Hong Kong Falls Off the Economic Freedom Index
  240. Hong Kong Dumped from Economic Freedom List It Had Used to Dominate
  241. Hong Kong Democracy Leaders Given Jail Terms Amid Crackdown
  242. Hong Kong Democracy Backers Win Big as Voters Flock to Polls.
  243. Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Resign After China Ruling
  244. Hong Kong Pro-democracy Lawmakers Resign en Masse.
  245. Hong Kong Security Law: Life Sentences for Breaking China Imposed Laws
  246. Hong Kong: Mass Arrests of Pro-Democracy Politicians
  247. Hong Kong vs. Mainland China: Understanding the Differences
  248. Hong Kong Teacher Removed for 'Unlawful' Lesson.
  249. Hong Kong, Changed Overnight, Navigates Its New Reality.
  250. Hong Kong Postpones Elections for a Year 'Over Virus Concerns!'.
  251. Hong Kong Is Setting Up a Postponed Election Without a Real Opposition.
  252. Hong Kong Protester 'Grandma Wong': I Was Held in Mainland for 14 Months
  253. Hong Kong Issues Arrest Warrant for US Citizen ...
  254. Hong Kong Politics
  255. Hong Kong: Key Issues
  256. Hong Kong Policy Act Reports: 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021
  257. Hong Kong SAR, China’s Story
  258. Hong Kong: Recent Developments and U.S. Relations
  259. Hong Kong: The Canary in the Coal Mine
  260. Hong Kong Financial Sector Assessment Program | IMF
  261. Hong Kong vs. Mainland China: Differences Explained
  262. Hong Kong: A Brief Overview of the Modern Slavery Bill
  263. Hong Kong Voters Turn Out for Biggest Election in City's History.
  264. Hong Kong Being Watched 'Closely' Over Activist Arrests, Says UN.
  265. Hong Kong Protests Continue ...
  266. Hong Kong: Protest Leader Agnes Chow Jumps Bail
  267. Hong Kong Protests: Students Boycott Class on First Day Back.
  268. Hong Kong Elections (Nov 24, 2019): Pro-Democracy Group Makes Big Gains.
  269. Hong Kong Government Vows to Probe Alleged Police Beating at Protest (Photos).
  270. Hong Kong Mass Arrests Crush Opposition as China Tightens Control
  271. Hong Kong Police Clear Protesters Out of Tunnel.
  272. Hong Kong’s Strategic Importance Under Chinese Sovereignty
  273. Hong Kong Chief Says Protesters Are Making ‘Impossible’ Demands: "Freedom!"
  274. Hong Kong: Ten Years After the Handover
  275. Hong Kong and the Transfer to China: Issues and Prospects
  276. Hong Kong and China: One Country, Two Systems, Two Identities
  277. Hong Kong: Missing Truth, Missing Justice
  278. Hong Kong Between the U.S. and China
  279. Hong Kong in the Shadow of China: Living with the Leviathan
  280. Hong Kong Bookseller Sentenced by China to 10 Years for Passing 'Intelligence'
  281. Hong Kong Police Arrest over 50 Opposition Figures, including American Lawyer, in National Security Crackdown
  282. Hong Kong: Freedom in the World Country Reports: 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021
  283. Hong Kong 2023 Human Right Report
  284. Hong Kong Human Rights Report 2023 | hkchr.org
  285. Human Rights in Hong Kong
  286. National Security Law: Hong Kong Rounds up 53 Pro-democracy Activists
  287. Politics of Hong Kong
  288. The Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong: 1 January to 30 June 2023
  289. The Tale of Hong Kong: From Freedom to Crackdown
  290. The Jarring Reality Hong Kong's Dissidents See from Jail
  291. Antisemitism Surges Online, Asian Games Censorship, Hong Kong Protester Arrests
  292. Dictatorship and Responsibility in Hong Kong
  293. Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong: China's December 2007 Decision
  294. Violent Clashes Between Police and Demonstrators Erupt in Hong Kong.
  295. Gov't Seeks to Ban Protest Song 'Glory to Hong Kong', Including from Internet
  296. China v Jimmy Lai: A Tycoon, a Trial and the Erosion of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law
  297. China Accuses UK of Protecting ‘Fugitives’ After Bounty Put on Hong Kong Democracy Activists
  298. China Plans Overhaul of Hong Kong's Elections
  299. China Is Committing Human Rights Abuses in Hong Kong
  300. China Is 'Trampling on Hong Kong's Democracy'
  301. China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong: Issues for U.S. Congress
  302. China Uses Hong Kong Security Law Against US and UK ...
  303. China's National Security Law for Hong Kong, Explained.
  304. China Passes National Security Law for Hong Kong | Time
  305. China Is Making Support for Democracy a Crime in Hong Kong
  306. China Calls Hong Kong Protesters a 'Political Virus'
  307. China: New Hong Kong Law a Roadmap for Repression
  308. China Transformed Hong Kong into a Typical Mainland City.
  309. China's Policies Toward Hong Kong and Taiwan Are Driving a Slow Motion Catastrophe
  310. China's Relations With Hong Kong and Taiwan
  311. China's Choice: Hong Kong Names a New Leader.
  312. China’s Campaign to Crush Democracy in Hong Kong Is Working
  313. China's Internet Firewall Censors Hong Kong Protest News.
  314. China's Underground Bank Crackdown Risks Headaches in Hong Kong.
  315. China's Great Firewall Descends on Hong Kong Internet Users
  316. China's Crackdown in Hong Kong.
  317. China to Impose Sweeping National Security Law in Hong Kong
  318. Chinese Tortured Hong Kong Activist for Messi Photo Sending to Liu Xiaobo's Window.
  319. Chinese Virologist Accuses Beijing of Coronavirus Cover-up, Flees Hong Kong
  320. Chinese Court Sentences 10 Hong Kong Democracy Activists
  321. Chinese Consulate in Houston Closed Following US Order.
  322. Chinese Communist Dictatorship Shuts Down Last Opposition Newspaper in Hong Kong
  323. Australia, UK, US Condemn Hong Kong Bounty for Exiled Activists
  324. The U.S President's Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization
  325. US Criticises China's Hong Kong Move, Set to Raise
  326. U.S. Sanctions Branded 'Clowning Actions' as Hong Kong Vows Not to be Intimidated
  327. As China Pushes in, Hong Kong’s First Ethnic Minority Social Worker Wants a Future for Everyone
  328. Nearly Half of Foreign Businesses in Hong Kong Are Planning to Relocate
  329. The Mainland Chinese Left in the Shadow of Hong Kong's Democracy Movement
  330. Understanding the Relationship Between Hong Kong and China
  331. On Tiananmen Anniversary, Hong Kong Criminalizes Mocking China's National Anthem
  332. Demonstrations Mark Second Anniversary of Hong Kong
  333. Pillar of Shame Commemorating Tiananmen Crackdown Faces Removal in Hong Kong
  334. Mainland China and Hong Kong - IPOs and other Market Trends Review (2020)
  335. Six-Monthly Report on Hong Kong 1 July to 31 December 2020
  336. Beijing Won Total Control over Hong Kong. Now, the ‘Brainwashing’ Begins.
  337. Close Loopholes So Only 'Patriots' Can Run Hong Kong
  338. CCP's Police State in Hong Kong
  339. Outspoken Hong Kong Publisher and China Critic Jimmy Lai Is Arrested
  340. Missing Hong Kong Protester Alexandra Wong 'Was Held in Mainland China'.
  341. Jail for Publishing Picture Books - China Continues Hong Kong Free Speech Assault
  342. Protests in Hong Kong (2019–2020): A Perspective Based on Quality of Life and Well-Being
  343. Police Tackle 12-Year-Old to the Ground in Hong Kong.
  344. Chengdu: US Leaves Consulate Amid Row with China
  345. Under Red China, Democracy Is Dead in Hong Kong.
  346. The Chilling Effect of Hong Kong's New National Security Law
  347. 'Night Fell': Hong Kong's First Month Under China Security Law.
  348. Understanding the Relationship Between Hong Kong and China
  349. Contending on the Periphery: Taiwan and Hong Kong
  350. Democracy in Hong Kong.
  351. Democratic Crisis in Hong Kong.
  352. The Struggle for Hong Kong.
  353. From a British-Style Administrative State to a Chinese-Style Political State: Civil Service Reforms in Hong Kong After the Transfer of Sovereignty
  354. A Year of Creeping Darkness Under the National Security Law in Hong Kong
  355. Thousands of Hong Kongers Defy Police Ban to Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre
  356. The Tiananmen Square Massacre: From China's Authoritarian Roots to the Iconic "Tank Man"
  357. On the 31st Anniversary, Remembering the Tiananmen
  358. U.S. Moves Toward Ending Hong Kong Privileges.
  359. A Widening Wealth Gap in Hong Kong.
  360. China: Hong Kong Residents Are "Dogs and Thieves".
  361. The U.S. Is Treating Hong Kong as Mainland China - Business Is Starting to Do the Same.
  362. Amid Pandemic, Hong Kong Arrests Major Pro-Democracy ...
  363. One Country, One System: The Week that China Shredded its Promise on Hong Kong.
  364. Deng Xiaoping on Hong Kong: The Relevance of Contradiction Analysis.
  365. In Hong Kong, Protesters Fight to Stay Anonymous.
  366. 'Society Is Suffering': Hong Kong Protests Spark mental Health.
  367. Leveling Criticism at China’s Elite, Some Borrow Words From the Past.
  368. Four Hong Kong Publishers Known for Books Critical of Chinese Regime Missing
  369. China Sentences Hong Kong Journalists to up to 5 years in Prison.
  370. The Economic Roots of Hong Kong’s Fight with China.
  371. The Case of Hong Kong's Missing Booksellers.
  372. History of Hong Kong - From British Colony to Special Administrative Region of China (video)
  373. History, Ambition, and Technology: The Chinese Communist ...
  374. U.S. Relations With Hong Kong
  375. Democracy for Hong Kong and Taiwan
  376. The External Relations and International Status of Hong Kong
  377. The Unpredictable Rise of China.
  378. Mapping China's Global Governance Ambitions
  379. The Past, Present, and Future of Freedom of Speech and Expression in China.
  380. Freedom of Information Returns to China | Yale
  381. China: Minority Exclusion, Marginalization and Rising Tensions.
  382. Observations on the State of Indigenous Human Rights in China.
  383. List of Massacres in China - Wikipedia.
  384. Human Rights in China - University of Denver.
  385. Observations on the State of Indigenous Human Rights in China.
  386. China Bringing Xinjiang-Style Forced Labor Camps to Tibet ...
  387. China 'Coercing' Thousands of Tibetans into Mass Labour Camps.
  388. China Reportedly Forced 500K Tibetan Farmers into Labor Camps.
  389. China Sending Tibetans to Military-Style Labor Training Camps.
  390. China Sharply Expands Mass Labor Program in Tibet.
  391. China's Ambitions and Chinese Anxieties.
  392. India-China Border Dispute: A Conflict Explained.
  393. China, India Standoff More than a War over Rocks.
  394. Battle in the Himalayas.
  395. China Tries to Forget, But Its War with Vietnam Ended with ...
  396. U.S. Warns Citizens of Heightened Detention Risks in China.
  397. U.S China Relations.
  398. China's Expanding Strategic Ambitions.
  399. China, Internet Freedom, and U.S. Policy.
  400. Media Censorship in China. | CFR
  401. Media Censorship in China.
  402. The Constitution Law of People's Republic of China.
  403. One Country, One Censor: How China Undermines Media ....
  404. China Argues Over How Much Corruption Is Best.
  405. China’s Cultural Revolution, Explained.
  406. Chinese Newspaper Breaks Silence on Cultural Revolution.
  407. China's Ambition in the Pacific: Worldwide Geopolitical Issues.
  408. China Inclusive Human Rights Report
  409. China | Human Rights Watch.
  410. Political Imprisonment in the People's Republic of China.
  411. Reassessing Reeducation Through Labor.
  412. A History of Massacres in China.
  413. The Routine of Mass Murder in China.
  414. List of Massacres in China.
  415. China's Bloody Century.
  416. Mao's Great Leap Forward 'Killed 45 million in Four years'.
  417. Genocide in Tibet.
  418. China Is Guilty of Mass Genocide Against 1.2 Million People of Tibet
  419. Mao in Tibetan Disguise: History, Ethnography, and Excess
  420. The Global Implications of “Re-education” Technologies in China.
  421. Comparative Analysis of Honor Killing Phenomena in China and Pakistan.
  422. War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable.
  423. Chinese Homicide Law, Irrationality, and Incremental Change.
  424. China Military Power Report.
  425. China Military Power.
  426. Political Reform and the Fragility of Communist Rule in China.
  427. From Tiananmen to Neo-Stalinism.
  428. Tiananmen: China's Struggle for Democracy.
  429. Tiananmen Square, Leipzig, and the "Chinese Solution".
  430. The “Three Reforms” in China: Progress and Outlook.
  431. U.S. Accuses China of Pushing Territorial Ambitions.
  432. US Accuses Beijing of Using Coronavirus as Cover for South China Sea.
  433. Timeline of China's Possible Coronavirus Cover-up.
  434. The Coronavirus Cover-Up: A Timeline - Victims of Communism.
  435. Many Wonder if China's Coronavirus Recovery Can Be Trusted.
  436. Can We Believe Any of China's Coronavirus Numbers?
  437. Freedom and Human Rights in China.
  438. China Must Pay for Its Brutal Human Rights Record.
  439. China: Citizens Monitored With Police App
  440. Undermining Freedom of Expression in China - The Role of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google
  441. China: 'Deepfake' App Sparks Privacy Concerns
  442. China's All-Seeing Surveillance State Is Reading Its Citizens
  443. China: Is Your Face on a Watch List?
  444. Behind the Rise of China's Facial-Recognition Giants
  445. China Social Mmedia: WeChat and the Surveillance State.
  446. China to Curb Facial Recognition and Apps in Schools.
  447. China’s Algorithms of Repression.
  448. Inside China's Crackdown On Human Rights Advocates.
  449. Understanding China's Crackdown on Rights Advocates.
  450. China's Attack on Human Rights and the Rule of Law.
  451. Chinese Politics, Economy, and Rule of Law.
  452. China Politics & Policy.
  453. China Naval Modernization.
  454. Amid China's Threat in South China Sea, Taiwan Deploys Submarine near Spratly Islands.
  455. Aggressive Posturing by China in the South China Sea.
  456. April Fools “Inconsistent with Core Socialist Values”.
  457. Chinese Website Publishes, then Pulls, Explosive Letter Calling for President Xi’s Resignation.
  458. China’s Censors Denounced in Online Attack.
  459. Former Top China Military Official 'Took Huge Bribes'.
  460. It's Time for the World to Adjust to China's Global Ambition.
  461. Chinese Journalist Jailed for 'Sharing Secrets'.
  462. China Attacks VPNs, Cutting Business off from Internet.
  463. Undermining Freedom of Expression in China - The Role of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google
  464. China: Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xiaobo's Famous Opinion.
  465. China Pulls out of UN Process Over Territorial Dispute with Philippines.
  466. China: Reforms Under Deng Xiaoping
  467. Economic Reform and Higher Education in China
  468. The Political Economy of Decollectivization in China
  469. China Struggles to Bridge Gap Between Rich, Poor.
  470. Economic Reform and Growth in China
  471. China Is Doubling Down on Its Territorial Claims ...
  472. Corruption in the People's Republic of China.
  473. Corruption in Military Poses a Test for China.
  474. The Role of Corruption in China's Speedy, Risky Boom.
  475. Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Reform China
  476. Corruption Threatens China’s Future
  477. China's Corruption Crackdown: Progress or Politics?
  478. Corruption in China - Wikipedia
  479. Healthcare Is So Corrupt in China That Patients Have to Bribe Doctors
  480. In China, Parents Bribe to Get Students into Top Schools, Despite Campaign Against Corruption
  481. China to Close Notorious Re-education-Through-Labor Camps.
  482. Labor Camps Reinforce China's Totalitarian Rule.
  483. New York Times Blocked by China After Report on Wealth of Wen Jiabao's Family.
  484. Wen Jiabao's $2.7bn Family Wealth: China Furious at US Exposé.
  485. Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader.
  486. China's Corrupt Food Chain.
  487. A Chinese Education, for a Price.
  488. An Investor's Guide to Buying Influence in China.
  489. Urban Life in China.
  490. Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Held for 'Economic Crimes'
  491. China Cracks Down on Christians at Outdoor Service
  492. China Arrests Dissident as Crackdown Continues
  493. The 2011 Crackdown on Dissidents in China
  494. The 2002–2003 Chinese Protest Movement
  495. The 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre
  496. Tiananmen Square, 1989: The Declassified History
  497. 纪录片天安門 六四事件 Tiananmen Square Protests (video)
  498. Transcript - The Tank Man
  499. Tiananmen Square Protest Death Toll 'Was 10,000'.
  500. Chinese Official Said 10,000 Died in 1989
  501. Tiananmen at 31: US Congress Introduced Bipartisan Resolution and Condemn Imposition of National Security Law in Hong Kong.
  502. Tiananmen at 30: Examining the Evolution of Repression in China.
  503. Assignment: China - Tiananmen Square
  504. Assignment: China - USCI's Series on American Reporting on China
  505. Timeline: China Milestones Since 1978
  506. China Since 1949, the Mao Years and Post-Mao China
  507. China: Trade, Politics & Culture 1793-1980
  508. China - Life Expectancy at Birth
  509. Tensions Flare in the South China Sea.
  510. If China Is Doing So Well, Why Do So Many Chinese Think of Moving to USA?
  511. Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress
  512. China-U.S. Trade Issues
  513. China's Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States
  514. China's Political Institutions and Leaders in Charts
  515. China's Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy
  516. U.S.-Chinese Motor Vehicle Trade: Overview and Issues
  517. U.S.-China Relations: An Overview of Policy Issues
  518. U.S.-China Relations: COVID-19 Issues
  519. My Secret Life as a Forbidden Second Child in China
  520. China in My Life — A Personal Journey: The 1980s
  521. China's Currency Policy: An Analysis of the Economic Issues
  522. Human Rights in China and U.S. Policy: Issues for the 113th Congress
  523. U.S. Assistance Programs in China
  524. Understanding China’s Political System
  525. China: Surviving the Camps
  526. Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia: Issues for Congress
  527. South China Sea Tensions
  528. A Guide to China's Upcoming Leadership Transitions
  529. China’s Global Threat to Human Rights
  530. The Cultural Revolution: All You Need to Know About China's Political Convulsion
  531. Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong: Results of the 2012 Elections
  532. Publishers Under Pressure as China's Censors Reach for Red Pen
  533. China, Internet Freedom, and U.S. Policy
  534. Religious Suppression in China
  535. Was Mao Successful in Stamping Out Religion in China?
  536. 'Dangerous Dynamic': Coronavirus Threatens New 'Cold War' Between US and China
  537. China: Health, Poverty, and Economic Development
  538. The Dark Side of Labor in China
  539. China's Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction | IMF
  540. U.S.-China Diplomacy Over Chinese Legal Advocate Chen Guangcheng
  541. China's Rare Earth Industry and Export Regime: Economic and Trade Implications for the United States
  542. Growth and Corruption in China
  543. China's Banking System: Issues for Congress
  544. Xi Jinping and the Party’s “Guiding Ideology”
  545. China's Vice President Xi Jinping Visits the United States: What Is at Stake?
  546. Human Rights in China and U.S. Policy
  547. Human Rights in China
  548. In China, They’re Closing Churches, Jailing Pastors – and Even Rewriting Scripture
  549. A History of China
  550. China - After Mao Zedong
  551. Is China Totalitarian? | The Heritage Foundation
  552. China's Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Policies
  553. Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong: The 2012 Election Reforms
  554. China-North Korea Relations
  555. China's Sovereign Wealth Fund: Developments and Policy Implications
  556. China's Steel Industry and Its Impact on the United States: Issues for Congress
  557. China and the United States - A Comparison of Green Energy Programs and Policies
  558. China's Assistance and Government-Sponsored Investment Activities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
  559. The Rise of China's Auto Industry and Its Impact on the U.S. Motor Vehicle Industry
  560. China-U.S. Relations: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy
  561. China and the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the United States
  562. The Tibetan Policy Act of 2002: Background and Implementation
  563. Tibetan Re-Education Camp Journal Tells of China's Tactics.
  564. Tibet: Problems, Prospects, and U.S. Policy
  565. China's Foreign Aid Activities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
  566. Health and Safety Concerns Over U.S. Imports of Chinese Products: An Overview
  567. Sino-Japanese Relations: Issues for U.S. Policy
  568. China's Space Program: Options for U.S.-China Cooperation
  569. Food and Agricultural Imports from China
  570. China's Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Policies
  571. Comparing Global Influence: China's and U.S. Diplomacy, Foreign Aid, Trade, and Investment in the Developing World
  572. Cultural Genocide in Tibet
  573. China's "Hot Money" Problems
  574. Understanding China's Political System
  575. China Forcefully Harvests Organs from Detainees, Tribunal Concludes
  576. The Palace of Shame that Makes China Angry
  577. China's Foreign Policy: What Does It Mean for U.S. Global Interests?
  578. China's Foreign Policy and "Soft Power" in South America, Asia, and Africa
  579. China's Sovereign Wealth Fund
  580. China's Currency: Economic Issues and Options for U.S. Trade Policy
  581. China's "Soft Power" in Southeast Asia
  582. China's 17th Communist Party Congress, 2007: Leadership and Policy Implications
  583. North Korean Refugees in China and Human Rights Issues: International Response and U.S. Policy Options
  584. U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
  585. U.S. Clothing and Textile Trade with China and the World: Trends Since the End of Quotas
  586. The Southwest Pacific: U.S. Interests and China's Growing Influence
  587. China's Anti-Satellite Weapon Test
  588. Is China a Threat to the U.S. Economy?
  589. China-U.S. Relations: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy
  590. Social Unrest in China
  591. Politics of China
  592. The Collapse of One China
  593. China-Southeast Asia Relations: Trends, Issues, and Implications for the United States
  594. Internet Development and Information Control in the People's Republic of China
  595. Internet Freedom in China
  596. Restrictions on Online Freedom of Expression in China
  597. China: Economic Sanctions
  598. Changing China: Xi Jinping's Effort to Return to Socialism
  599. The Divided China Problem: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution
  600. The Rise of China and Its Effect on Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea: U.S. Policy Choices
  601. China's Space Program: An Overview
  602. China's Trade with the United States and the World
  603. China's Growing Interest in Latin America
  604. China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement
  605. China-U.S. Relations During the 108th Congress
  606. China's Foreign Conventional Arms Acquisitions: Background and Analysis
  607. Underlying Strains in Taiwan-U.S. Political Relations
  608. Taiwan in 2004: Elections, Referenda, and Other Democratic Challenges
  609. China-U.S. Aircraft Collision Incident of April 2001: Assessments and Policy Implications
  610. China Has Tried to Erase the Tiananmen Crackdown, But in the Work of Dissident Artists, It Lives on.
  611. China's Democide and War and Bloody Century | University of Hawaii.
  612. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet) 2020 & 2019
  613. China Inclusive 2019 Human Rights Report
  614. China Inclusive Human Rights Report.
  615. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: China (Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Tibet)
  616. New Report Confirms China Continues to Kill Innocent People.
  617. Timeline: China Under Communist Rule.
  618. The Chinese Communist Party: 100 Years that Shook the World
  619. The Chinese Communist Party's Ideology and Global Ambitions.
  620. The Chinese Communist Party
  621. China's Communist Party Congress: A Really Simple Guide
  622. Communist Dictatorship in China (1949 - Present).
  623. Mao's Great Leap Forward 'Killed 45 Million in Four Years'.
  624. Chronology of Mass Killings During the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
  625. China's Ultimate Hypocrisy Is the Killing of Its Own People
  626. Undermining Freedom of Expression in China
  627. Remembering the Biggest Mass Murder in the History
  628. Understanding China's Political System
  629. The 6th Press conference by Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous ...
  630. 4 Facts About Life Under Chairman Mao's Rule
  631. 5 Takeaways from China's Hong Kong National Security Law
  632. 7 Hong Kong Democracy Leaders Convicted as China Clamps Down
  633. 7 Simple Questions and Answers to Understand China and the U.S.
  634. 8 Things You Need to Know About China's Economy
  635. 9 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists Sentenced for 2019 Protests
  636. 10 Ways China Has Changed Under Xi Jinping
  637. 10 Things You Need to know About Hong Kong’s National Security Law
  638. 15% of Tibet's Population Transferred to Chinese Training Centers as Mass Labor Program Expands
  639. 17 Facts About China.
  640. 65 Years of Communism and One Red Hot Hong Kong.
  641. 70 Years of Communist Rule in China.
  642. 100 Years of Suppression: The CCP's Strategies in Tibet, the Uyghur Region, and Hong Kong
▷ China: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom Is a Global Battle.
  2. How Hong Kong Came Under 'One Country, Two Systems' Rule
  3. How Hong Kong Is Stifling Dissent from Protester to Prisoner.
  4. How Hong Kong Has Changed Since the 1997 Handover.
  5. How China Has Crushed Hong Kong’s Democracy
  6. How China′s National Security Law Threatens Hong Kong′s Internet Freedom.
  7. How China's Actions in the South China Sea Undermine the Rule of Laws.
  8. How China Could Force Biden’s Hand on Defending Taiwan
  9. How China 'Brainwashes' Uighurs in Prison
  10. How China Corralled 1 Million People into Concentration Camps.
  11. How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority
  12. How China Distorts Its Minorities through Propaganda
  13. How China Mass Detention Camps Work
  14. How China 'Brainwashes' Uighurs in Prison
  15. How China Became Capitalist
  16. How China Is Ruled: Communist Party.
  17. How China Attacks Religion: Muslims, Christians, Buddhists Vulnerable.
  18. How China's Belt and Road Initiative Is Choking the Mekong River Basin Under Threat
  19. How China Combined Authoritarianism With Capitalism to Create a New Communism
  20. How the China Communist Party Runs the Country
  21. How Dissent Grows in China
  22. How Serious Is China's Economic Slowdown?
  23. How Press Freedom Is Being Eroded in Hong Kong
  24. How Life in Hong Kong Has Changed Under China's National Security Law
  25. How Many Died in 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre?
  26. How Did China's Communist Regime Survive Tiananmen?.
  27. How the Communist Party in China Runs the Country
  28. How the Tiananmen Square Massacre Changed China Forever.
  29. How China's Neighbors Have Reacted to Map Claiming Their Land
  30. How Long Can the Communist Party Survive in China?
  31. How Does China Censor the Internet?.
  32. How Xi Jinping's 10 Years in Power Changed China
  33. How Protesters in China Bypass Online Censorship to Express Dissent
  34. How Large Is China's Economy? Does it Matter?
  35. What Is Xinjiang Like?
  36. What Is Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill?
  37. What Is Happening in Hong Kong?.
  38. What Is Happened to the Vanished Uighurs of Xinjiang?.
  39. What Is Happening with the Uighurs in China?
  40. What Is Been Happening in China's Xinjiang.
  41. What Is the Essence of Issues Related to Xinjiang? (video)
  42. What Is Behind the China-Taiwan Divide?
  43. What Is the Relationship Between China and Hong Kong?
  44. What Are the Implications of China's Anti-Sedition Laws in Hong Kong?
  45. What Chinese Officials Told Children Whose Families Were Put in Camps
  46. What Was Life Like in China (Mainland) in the 1980s?
  47. What Will the Youth Vote Mean for Taiwan’s Elections?.
  48. What If the US Removes Hong Kong's Special Status?
  49. What the 'Hong Kong Narrative' Gets Wrong
  50. What the West Gets Wrong About China
  51. What China Does to People Who Speak Out Against Them
  52. What China Promised Hong Kong’s Freedoms and How It’s Cracking Down
  53. What China Has Been Building in the South China Sea.
  54. What You Need to Know About South China Sea.
  55. What You Need to Know About China's Lockdown Protests
  56. What Happened to Hong Kong?
  57. What Type of Government Does China Have?
  58. What Does Xi Jinping’s Power Move Mean for China?
  59. What Does China Want from the Ukraine Crisis with Russia?
  60. Who Killed More: Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?.
  61. Who Are the Uighurs, and Why Was China Accused of Genocide?
  62. Who Are China's Political Prisoners?
  63. Who’s Who in Xi Jinping’s China as Leader Cements Power
  64. Why the South China Sea Fuels U.S.-China Tensions.
  65. Why It Is So Hard to Keep the World Focused on Tibet.
  66. Why Is Hong Kong Worried About China's New Law?
  67. Why Is Hong Kong Erupting?
  68. Why Is the Hong Kong COVID Death Rate So High?
  69. Why Are People Protesting in Hong Kong?
  70. Why Are There Protests in Hong Kong?.
  71. Why Are People Protesting in Hong Kong?
  72. Why Are the Young People of Hong Kong Angry and Deeply Unhappy?
  73. Why Are UK and China Relations Getting Worse?
  74. Why Many in China Oppose Hong Kong’s Protests
  75. Why Protestors Are Demonstrating in Hong Kong
  76. Why Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Aren’t Getting Along.
  77. Why Hong Kong Is Important to China.
  78. Why Hong Kong Can Never Copy Singapore's 'Dictatorship'
  79. Why Does the United States Care About Taiwan?.
  80. Why Do Many Chinese Sympathize With Russia in the Ukraine Conflict?
  81. Why Do Muslim States Stay Silent over China’s Abuse of the Uighurs?
  82. Why Now? Understanding Beijing's New Assertiveness in Hong Kong.
  83. Why Taiwan Is the Biggest Risk for a U.S.-China Clash?
  84. Why U.S.-China Relations Are Locked in a Stalemate
  85. Why US Believes China Will Send ‘Lethal Support’ to Russia
  86. Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion
  87. Why Chinese President Xi Jinping Must Stay in Power for His Survival
  88. Why China Supports Burma’s Dictators
  89. Why China Is So Obsessed with Hong Kong and Taiwan?
  90. Why China Is Picking a Fight with Vietnam?
  91. Why China Is Far from Ready to Meet the U.S. on a Global Battlefront.
  92. Why China’s Move to Rein In Hong Kong Is Just the Start
  93. Why China's Ukraine Balancing Act Might Be Tilting in Putin's Favor
  94. Why China's Stand on Russia and Ukraine Is Raising Concerns | AP
  95. Why China Tells the World It’s Prospering as Economic Problems Deepen
▷ Middle East
  1. Arab and Muslim Leaders
  2. Meet to Condemn Israeli Aggression in Gaza
  3. Crisis in the Middle East
  4. European Views and Policies Toward the Middle East
  5. Conflicts in the Middle East: Explanation & Causes
  6. Conflict and Diplomacy in the Middle East - External Actors and Regional Rivalries
  7. List of Modern Conflicts in the Middle East
  8. Current Issues in the Middle East
  9. Crisis in Middle East
  10. Issues Transcending Regional Boundaries: The Middle East
  11. U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East and Implications for the Army
  12. U.S. Democracy Promotion Policy in the Middle East: The Islamist Dilemma
  13. The Middle East, War on Terror, and other Affair
  14. The Middle East Television Network: An Overview
  15. The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview
  16. The Middle East: Selected Key Issues and Options for the 112th Congress
  17. Middle East Security Issues in the Shadow of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation
  18. Middle East Free Trade Area: Progress Report
  19. Middle East Security Issues and Solutions: Conflicts Arena
  20. Middle East Elections 2009: Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq
  21. Middle East Security Issues in the Shadow of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation
  22. Middle East Conflict and COVID-19 – A View from 2025.
  23. Change in the Middle East: Implications for U.S. Policy
  24. The Impact of War on the People of the Middle East
  25. U.S. Foreign Assistance to the Middle East: Historical Background, Recent Trends, and the FY2011 Request
  26. Apple Once Threatened Facebook Ban over Mideast Maid Abuse
  27. Human Rights in the Middle East | Wikipedia
  28. Human Rights in the Middle East
  29. Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa
  30. The Middle East, Old and New | Harvard
  31. Myths & Facts - Human Rights in Arab Countries
  32. Criticism of Islam | Wikipedia.
  33. The New Politics of Human Rights in the Middle East
  34. Problems Faced by Saudi Arabia
  35. Retired U.S. Generals, Admirals Take Top Jobs With Saudi Crown Prince
  36. Nourah al-Qahtani: Saudi Woman Jailed for 45 Years for Social Media Posts.
  37. Salma al-Shehab: Concern for Saudi Student Jailed for 34 Years over Tweets.
  38. “They Fired on Us Like Rain”: Saudi Arabian Mass Killings of Ethiopian Migrants at the Yemen-Saudi Border
  39. Freedom in Saudi Arabia Report
  40. U.S. Intelligence: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Approved Operation to Kill Jamal Khashoggi
  41. Crown Prince’s Wings Clipped as Khashoggi Death Rattles Riyadh.
  42. Jamal Khashoggi: All You Need to Know about Saudi Journalist's Death
  43. Reform and Repression Go Hand-in-Hand in Saudi Arabia.
  44. Trump Ignores the Saudis' Awful Record on Religious Freedom.
  45. The 2022 Country Report on Human Rights Practices: Saudi Arabia | United States Department of State
  46. Everything You Need to Know About Human Rights in Saudi Arabia
  47. Women's Education in Saudi Arabia
  48. Restrictions of Women in Saudi Arabia
  49. Human Rights: Saudi Arabia | Human Rights Watch.
  50. Human Rights in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  51. Human Rights in Saudi Arabia.
  52. Saudi Court Jails US Citizen for 16 Years over Critical Tweets.
  53. Saudis Warned of Jail Time for Posting Rumours After Harassment Claims.
  54. Saudi Rapper Faces Arrest for Mecca Girl Music Video.
  55. Saudi Arabia’s Religious Reforms Are Touching Nothing but Changing Everything.
  56. Saudi Arabia: Unrelenting Repression.
  57. Saudi Arabia Report 2020 Human Rights Report | United States Department of State
  58. Saudi Arabia: Critics Slam Human Trafficking of Moroccan ′Maids for Sale′
  59. Saudi Solutions for Political Reform
  60. Saudi Women Can Drive. Just Let Them.
  61. Saudi Arabia Ends Major Anti-Corruption Campaign
  62. Saudi Arabia: Reports of Torture and Sexual Harassment of Detained Activists
  63. Saudi Arabia: Terrorist Financing Issues
  64. Saudi Arabia's Economic Crisis.
  65. Saudi Arabia Creating a Total Mess in Lebanon
  66. Saudi Arabia: Background and U.S. Relations
  67. Saudi Arabia: Terrorist Financing Issues
  68. Saudi Arabia's Today's Latest News | Al Jazeera
  69. Saudi Is Wild Card in Middle East’s New Turmoil
  70. Saudi Arabia to Enforce January Deadline to Move Regional HQs to Riyadh
  71. Saudi Arabia in Ten Brutal Facts | amnesty.org
  72. Saudi Arabia Warns U.S.: Israeli Invasion of Gaza Could Be Catastrophic
  73. Saudi Arabia's Brutal Punishment of a Dissident.
  74. Saudi Arabia Looks for Security Assurances from US as Condition for Normalizing Ties with Israel
  75. Saudi Deal with Iran Worries Israel, Shakes up Middle East
  76. UN Accuses Saudi Arabia of Using Terror Laws to Suppress Free Speech
  77. Syrian Army Deploys to Manbij Area After Kurdish Calls to Deter Turkey.
  78. Syria: Overview of the Humanitarian Response
  79. Syria: Political Conditions and Relations with the United States After the Iraq War
  80. Syria: U.S. Relations and Bilateral Issues
  81. Timeline of the Syrian Civil War (2023)
  82. Syrian Civil War
  83. Syria: The Story of the Conflict
  84. Conflict in Syria
  85. Syria Conflict Overview: 2011-2021
  86. The Current Situation in Syria
  87. Possible U.S. Intervention in Syria: Issues for Congress
  88. Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S. Response
  89. In Trying to Help Syria, an Intervention Would Destroy It
  90. Questions About Syria
  91. Obama’s Syria Choice: Good for Politics, Good for the Constitution, Bad for Syria
  92. Russia's Vladimir Putin Challenges U.S. on Syria Claims
  93. Obama Announced Military Action Against Syria (video)
  94. US 'Has Evidence of Syrian Sarin Use'
  95. The Real Reasons Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Wanted Khashoggi ‘Dead or Alive’.
  96. Mohammed bin Salman's Inner Circle Takes the Blame for Khashoggi's Death.
  97. Flashpoints in U.S.-Turkey Relations
  98. Kurdish–Turkish Conflict (1978–Present).
  99. Turkey Syria Offensive: Erdogan and Putin Strike Deal Over Kurds.
  100. Turkey, Syria, the Kurds, and Trump's Abandonment.
  101. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Turkey.
  102. Tensions Between Turkey and U.S. Soar as Trump Orders New Sanctions.
  103. Tensions Between Turkey and U.S. over Detained American Pastor.
  104. Women in Turkey.
  105. Women’s Struggle in Turkey and a New Transnational Declaration.
  106. Insulted Erdogan on NATO 'Impudence' over Enemy-Chart Scandal.
  107. Foreign Relations of Turkey.
  108. Is Turkey's Democracy Dying?.
  109. U.S. Suspends Visa Services in Turkey.
  110. Will Turkey Be Expelled from NATO.
  111. US-Turkey Tensions Boil Over After Arrest of Consulate Employee.
  112. Inside Turkey: The Crackdown, and the Loyalist.
  113. Erdogan's Turkey: The End Of Democracy?.
  114. Erdoğan's Turkey and the Problem of the 30 Million.
  115. Erdogan’s Economic Hail Mary Won't Work.
  116. Erdogan's March to Dictatorship in Turkey.
  117. Failed Turkish Coup Accelerated a Purge Years in the Making.
  118. Turkey Urges China to End Mass Detention of Muslims.
  119. Turkey Violence: How Dangerous Is Turkey's Instability?.
  120. Turkey Human Rights Watch .
  121. Turkey Pulls Troops Out of NATO Exercise Over 'Enemy' List.
  122. Turkey Demands China Close Camps After Reports of Musician's Death.
  123. Turkey's Thirty-Year Coup.
  124. Turkey Slammed for Quitting Treaty Protecting Women's Rights.
  125. Turkey Raises Uighur Issue with China as Hundreds Protest
  126. Turkey Withdraws from European Treaty Protecting Women.
  127. Turkey Withdraws from E.U. Treaty on Violence Against Women.
  128. Turkey's Currency Slumps on US Visa Spat.
  129. Turkish President Erdogan Blames US Ambassador for Visa Row.
  130. Turkey Sacks 3,900 Public Officials, bans TV Dating Shows.
  131. Turkey Sentences 40 to Life in Coup Attempt Against Erdogan.
  132. Turkey's Democracy Is Dying – But This Brutal Crackdown Can't Last.
  133. Turkey's Attacks on Women Wearing Shorts.
  134. Turkey's New Constitution Would End Its Democracy.
  135. Turkey Orders 400 Arrests in Continuing Post-Coup Crackdown.
  136. Turkey: Selected Foreign Policy Issues and U.S. Views
  137. Turkey Is Not the Country It Once Was.
  138. Turkey Is a Dictatorship Masquerading as a NATO Democracy.
  139. Turkey-U.S. Defense Cooperation: Prospects and Challenges
  140. Turkey: Problems, Policies, Parties.
  141. Turkey's President Erdoğan Is Losing Ground at Home.
  142. Turkey's Erdogan Shuts Schools, Charities in First State of Emergency Decree.
  143. Turkey Military Coup Attempt (7/16/2016): Turkey Coup Arrests Hit 6,000 as Erdogan Roots Out 'Virus'.
  144. Turkey: Background and U.S. Relations
  145. Turkey: Update on Crisis of Identity and Power
  146. Turkey's 2007 Elections: Crisis of Identity and Power
  147. Turkey: Issues for U.S. Policy (May 22, 2002)
  148. Struggling to Starve ISIS of Oil Revenue, U.S. Seeks Assistance from Turkey.
  149. Human Rights in Egypt
  150. Implications of Egypt's Turmoil on Global Oil and Natural Gas Supply
  151. Egypt's High Court Suspends Work, Ruling on Charter As Political Crisis Deepens.
  152. Egypt: Gen Abdulfattah al-Sisi Says US 'Turned Its Back'.
  153. Egypt Timeline: from Revolution to the Current Crisis.
  154. Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations
  155. Egypt’s Political Prisoners Recount Horrific Conditions
  156. Egypt in Crisis: Issues for Congress
  157. Egypt and the IMF: Overview and Issues for Congress
  158. Egypt: Revolution and Aftermath.
  159. Nile Countries Agree to Restart Talks Over Disputed Dam.
  160. EU Parliament Calls for Action over Egypt’s Human Rights Abuses
  161. Army Ousts Egypt’s President; Morsi Is Taken Into Military Custody.
  162. The Constant Violation of Human Rights in the UAE
  163. The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy
  164. UAE: Enforced Disappearance and Torture
  165. UAE: Migrant Worker Abuses Linked to Broader Climate Harms
  166. UAE: Greater Progress Needed on Women's Rights
  167. UAE: Political Issues and Security Dilemmas
  168. UAE Beat Foreign Prisoners and Gave Them Electric Shocks, Evidence Shows
  169. (UAE) Dubai: Alleged Victim of Gang Rape Sentenced to One Year in Prison - Los Angeles Times
  170. UAE: Adulterer to Be Lashed, Jailed in Sharjah
  171. UN Raises Concern Over Human Rights in United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  172. Americans and Canadian Held in UAE Acquitted – But 'Nightmare' Continues
  173. Human Rights, Democracy, and the Changing Middle East: A Status Report
  174. Human Rights Abuses & Corruption Threaten RAK Fitch Rating
  175. Human Rights in United Arab Emirates | Amnesty
  176. Human Rights in the United Arab Emirates
  177. Human Rights Watch Warns Expat Women About the UAE.
  178. Survivors Call for Action to Stop UAE Torture
  179. Woman Sentenced to Death by Stoning in Abu Dhabi
  180. United Arab Emirates | Human Rights Watch .
  181. Holding Hands, Drinking Wine and Other Ways to Go to Jail in Dubai
  182. United Arab Emirates Bribery & Corruption
  183. Modern Slavery in United Arab Emirates.
  184. A Princess Raced to Escape Dubai’s Powerful Ruler, then Her Phone Appeared on the List.
  185. A Threshold Crossed Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution | Human Rights Watch
  186. Israel and the UAE Establish 'Full Normalization of Relations'.
  187. The 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: United Arab Emirates
  188. Over 200 Organizations Demand Action on UAE Human Rights Abuses Before COP28 Climate Talks
  189. Overseas Business Risk: United Arab Emirates
  190. Washington Needs to Do Something About the UAE's Dirty Money
  191. Inside the UAE's Secret Hacking Team of U.S. Mercenaries
  192. Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations
  193. Politics of Qatar
  194. Human Rights in Qatar
  195. Qatar: Migrant Construction Workers Face Abuse
  196. Qatar: Freedom in the World Country Report
  197. Qatar’s Regional Relations and Foreign Policy After Al Ula
  198. Asian Housemaid Gets Death for Adultery in Abu Dhabi (Qatar)
  199. Filipino Woman Gets 100 Lashes for Giving Birth in Qatar
  200. Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations
  201. Politics of Jordan
  202. World Report 2022: Jordan | Human Rights Watch
  203. Jordan's Royal Rift: A Family Feud Erupts - But Who's Actually Involved?
  204. List of Wars Involving Jordan
  205. Israel–Jordan Relations
  206. Jordan–Palestine Relations
  207. Pro-Palestine Protests in Jordan: What Do They Mean for Ties With the U.S. and Israel?
  208. Human Rights in Jordan
  209. Oman: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy
  210. List of Wars Involving Oman
  211. Is Oman’s Hard Work With Yemen and Saudi Arabia Paying Off?
  212. Oman’s Interests and Role in the Conflict in Yemen
  213. Iran–Oman Relations
  214. Oman–Saudi Arabia Relations
  215. Arab League Boycott of Israel
  216. U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians
  217. U.S. Vetoes U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution; Aid System in Gaza Near Collapse
  218. Protesters Block Roads, Clash With Cops in Tel Aviv as Anger Over Overhaul Swells
  219. White House Calls Iran Complicit in Conflict; Biden Says Aid Isn't Getting to Gaza Fast Enough
  220. White House Laments Unilateral Passage of Overhaul Bill, as Democrats Echo Alarm
  221. International Reactions to the 2023 Israel–Hamas War
  222. Is Israeli Bombing of Gaza a Violation of International Laws?
  223. Casualties of the 2023 Israel–Hamas War
  224. Hundreds Killed as Israel Battles Hamas Forces Amid Worries over Hezbollah Role
  225. 'Hell on Earth': Israel Launches 10,000th Airstrike in Gaza, 700 People Reported Killed in Past 24 hours
  226. "Hundreds & Hundreds of Children Have Been Killed and Injured" in Gaza, UNICEF Says
  227. Damning Evidence of War Crimes as Israeli Attacks Wipe out Entire Families in Gaza
  228. Have War Crimes Been Committed in Israel and Gaza and What International Laws Apply?
  229. Commission of Inquiry Collecting Evidence of War Crimes committed by All Sides in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories Since 7 October 2023
  230. Experts say Hamas and Israel Are Committing War Crimes in Their Fight
  231. A Look at Gaza, the 140-Square-Mile Strip at the Core of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  232. The Spring Terror Wave in Israel
  233. The World Is Turning Against Israel's War in Gaza – and Many Israelis Don’t Understand Why
  234. The Global War on the Jews
  235. Open Hatred of Jews Surges Globally, Inflamed by Gaza War
  236. Jewish People Were Targets of Anti-semitic Harassment in 94 Countries ...
  237. Anti-Semitism and Jewish Views on Discrimination
  238. Attitude of the Dutch Towards the Jews Before and After WWII
  239. Jews Faced Most Religious Hate Crimes in 2022, Updated FBI Data Shows
  240. Antisemitism Is on the Rise Again. Here's Why
  241. Tensions at the United Nations Continue as Gaza Faces 'Very Critical' Hours
  242. Released Palestinians Allege Abuse in Israeli Jails
  243. Residents Fleeing Areas of Central Gaza
  244. World Court to Hear Genocide Case Against Israel
  245. Read the Full Application Bringing Genocide Charges Against Israel at UN Top Court
  246. War Crimes in the 2023 Israel–Hamas War
  247. United Nations Report Says 70% of Deaths in Gaza Are Women and Children
  248. Two Thirds of Gaza War Dead Are Women and Children, ..., as Security Council Debates Their Plight
  249. Facts and Figures: Women and Girls during the War in Gaza | UN Women
  250. Scores of Palestinians Killed, Hundreds more Injured Trying to Access Aid in Gaza
  251. UN Chief Urges Probe into Gaza Aid Convoy Tragedy
  252. U.N. Expert on Torture Examines Treatment of Palestinian Detainees
  253. First Thing: UN Report Condemns Israeli Treatment of Palestinians in West Bank
  254. Devastation in Gaza as Israel Wages War on Hamas
  255. Pelosi Joins Call for Biden to Stop to Halt Arms Sales to Israel
  256. Biden 'Outraged' by Israeli Airstrike That Killed Aid Workers in Gaza
  257. Netanyahu Admits Israel Killed 7 Aid Workers in Gaza Airstrike
  258. Hungry, Thirsty and Humiliated: Israel’s Mass Arrest Campaign Sows Fear in Northern Gaza
  259. Student Protesters Call for Divestment from Israel. What That Means.
  260. US University Protests at USC, UVA, Michigan Campuses Amid Israel's War in Gaza
  261. A Timeline of How the Israel-Hamas War Has Roiled US College Campuses
  262. Genocide Case Against Israel: Where Does the Rest of the World Stand?
  263. Egypt Joined South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at ICJ
  264. World Reacts to ICC Prosecutor Seeking Israel, Hamas Arrest Warrants
  265. ICC Prosecutor Seeks Arrest of Israeli and Hamas Leaders
  266. ICC Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Israel's Netanyahu and Hamas Leaders
  267. Israel's Use of Weapons Provided by US Likely Violated International Law
  268. Israel/OPT: Investigate War Crimes During August Offensive on Gaza
  269. Israel/OPT: Horrifying Cases of Torture and Degrading Treatment of Palestinian Detainees Amid Spike in Arbitrary Arrests - Occupied Palestinian Territory
  270. Israel Denies Genocide Accusations at Top UN Court, ...
  271. Israel and Hamas Agree Gaza Truce, Biden Pledges ...
  272. Israel Faces Allegations of Genocide in Gaza at International Court of Justice
  273. Israel: ICJ, Not ICC, Set Hearings in Gaza Strip Genocide Case
  274. Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza
  275. Israel Pushes Deeper into Rafah and Fights Hamas Militants
  276. Israel Appears Set to Reinvade a City in Gaza Filled with Displaced Civilians
  277. Israel Is Committing War Crimes in Gaza ...
  278. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | CFR
  279. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  280. Israel-Palestinian Conflict Marks Deadliest Day as ...
  281. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Today's Latest
  282. Israel–Palestine Crisis
  283. Israel-Palestine: Political Solution Only Way to End 'Senseless ...
  284. Israel-Palestinians: Prospects for a Two-State Solution
  285. Israeli-Palestinian Violence Is Spiraling in the Occupied West Bank
  286. Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: The Annapolis Conference
  287. Israel-Hamas War: 7 World Central Kitchen Aid Workers Killed in Gaza Strike
  288. Israel-Hamas Conflict: Timeline and Key Developments
  289. Israel-Hamas: Conflict in Gaza (2008-2009)
  290. Israel-Hamas War (as of 12/23/2023): 20,424 Palestinians Killed, 54,036 People Injured by Israeli Attacks ...
  291. Israel-Hamas War Live Updates on Gaza Conflict and Latest Death Toll
  292. Israel-Hamas War: Casualties, Injuries and People Displaced
  293. Israel-Hamas War: Israeli Attacks on Gaza ... ‘Ongoing War on Children’
  294. Israel-Hamas War: Israeli Forces Step Up Bombardment and Make Another Incursion Into Gaza | NYT
  295. Israel-Hamas War: Israel Intensifies Airstrikes on Southern Gaza
  296. Israel-Hamas War: Israel Intensifies Assault on Gaza, Renewing Concern About Civilians
  297. Israel-Hamas War: 'We Were Treated Like Dogs' - Released Palestinian Prisoners Complain of Mistreatment
  298. Israel-Gaza: Londoner Loses 42 Family Members
  299. Israel-Gaza War: History of the Conflict Explained
  300. Israel-Gaza War: More than 100 Reported Killed in Crowd Near Gaza Aid Convoy
  301. Israel Bombards Gaza, Prepares Invasion as Biden Urges 'Path to Peace'
  302. Israel Is at War with Hamas | CNN
  303. Israel Vows 'Mighty Vengeance' After Deadliest Day in 50 Years Following Surprise Hamas Attack
  304. Israel Declares War, Bombards Gaza and Battles to Dislodge Hamas Fighters
  305. Israel in the Middle East: The Next Two Decades
  306. Israel and Strategic Stability in the Middle East
  307. Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses
  308. Israel Holds over 1,200 Detainees Without Charge. That's the Most in 3 Decades, a Rights Group Says
  309. Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance
  310. Israel: Background and U.S. Relations
  311. Israel: Possible Military Strike Against Iran's Nuclear Facilities
  312. Israel Blocked Sale of Pegasus Spyware to Ukraine and Estonia.
  313. Israel Judicial Reform: Key Bill Becomes Law Amid Mass Protests
  314. Israel Removes Supreme Court Power to Oppose Government Action with Law Criticised as Threat to Democracy
  315. Israel and the Changing Middle East
  316. Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories | Amnesty International
  317. Israel-Palestine Is a State of Permanent Conflict Punctuated by Periodic Carnage. Only the Watching World Can Stop It
  318. Israel's Blockade of Gaza and the Incident
  319. Israel's Proposal to Withdraw from Gaza
  320. Israel's Offshore Natural Gas Discoveries Enhance Its Economic and Energy Outlook
  321. Israel’s Relations in the Middle East, Explained
  322. Israeli War Crimes | Wikipedia
  323. Israeli Doctor Says Detained Palestinians Are Undergoing ‘Routine’ Amputations for Handcuff Injuries
  324. Israeli Strikes in Gaza Kill 48 as Fears Mount Over Humanitarian Crisis and West Bank Violence
  325. Israeli Military Says 99% of Drones and Missiles Launched by Iran Were Intercepted
  326. Israeli Images Showing Palestinian Detainees in Underwear Spark Outrage
  327. Israeli-Arab Negotiations: Background, Conflicts, and U.S. Policy
  328. Israeli Criticism Sparks Anti-Jewish Remarks in Polish Media.
  329. Israeli Opposition Nears Deal to Oust Netanyahu
  330. Israeli President Suggests that Civilians in Gaza Are Legitimate Targets
  331. Israelis Aren't Happy With Trump's Syria Withdrawal.
  332. Israeli Officials Say Latest Hamas Response Workable, But Allege PM Harming Talks (July 3, 2024)
  333. Israel and Hamas Appear on Brink of Framework Agreement for Ceasefire and Hostage Deal
  334. IDF Soldiers Film Themselves Abusing, Humiliating West Bank Palestinians | The Times of Israel
  335. The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel
  336. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967 | un.org
  337. Human Rights in Israel
  338. Criticism of Israel
  339. Eurovision 2019: The Israeli-Palestinian Situation Explained
  340. U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel
  341. History of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict | Wikipedia
  342. History of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and What's Behind the Latest Clashes
  343. The History Behind Tensions Between Israelis and Palestinians
  344. A Historical Timeline of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  345. Thousands Flee in Gaza as Israel Orders More Evacuations
  346. An Airstrike Kills 20 in Central Gaza as Israel's Leaders Air Wartime Divisions
  347. Gaza War: Palestinians Flee Shejaiya Amid Israeli Bombardment
  348. Gaza Death Toll Tops 30,000 as over 100 Killed in Aid Convoy Violence
  349. Gaza Death Toll Surpasses 30,000 But It's an Incomplete Count
  350. Gaza Hospitals in Crisis, Says WHO – as It Happened
  351. Gaza Strip Conflict: Long History Behind Protest at Border
  352. Gaza: The History That Fuels the Conflict
  353. Gaza: UN Warns of Full-scale War Between Israel and Palestinians
  354. Hundreds Die and Hostages Held as Hamas Assault Shocks Israel
  355. Hamas: Hezbollah and Iran Will Join War If Israel Tries to 'Break Resistance'
  356. Hamas: Background and Issues for Congress
  357. Hamas Fighters Trained in Iran Before Oct. 7, 2023 Attacks
  358. The Hamas Hostage Crisis: New Front in Iran’s Proxy War
  359. After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. Why Now?
  360. Celebrations in Gaza as Ceasefire Takes Hold
  361. 'A War Declaration': Palestinians in Israel Decry Mass Arrests ...
  362. World Report 2021: Israel and Palestine | Human Rights Watch
  363. Lebanon and Saudi Arabia's Love and Hate Relationship.
  364. In a Third Lebanon War, Israel Will Have to Contend With Increasingly Lethal Hezbollah Missiles
  365. Hezbollah Dragging Lebanon Closer to New Civil War.
  366. Hezbollah: Background and Issues for Congress
  367. World Report 2020: Israel and Palestine
  368. Accountability for International Crimes in Palestine
  369. The United Nations' Cultural Agency Granted the Palestinians Full Membership on 10/31/2011.
  370. Fatah and Hamas: the New Palestinian Factional Reality
  371. Full List of US Universities Staging Pro-Palestinian Protests
  372. Young Palestinian Prisoners Describe Harsh Treatment in Israeli Jails
  373. Palestinian Women Detained by Israel Allege Abuse in Israeli Custody
  374. Palestinian Detainees Report Israeli Beatings, Mistreatment as West Bank Arrests Surge
  375. Palestinian Boys and Men Detained Without Charge by Israeli Military Describe 5 Days of Alleged Abuse
  376. Palestinians and Middle East Peace: Issues for the United States
  377. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: Overview of Internal and External Challenges
  378. Palestinian Elections
  379. Palestinian Factions
  380. Palestinian Education and the Debate Over Textbooks
  381. Palestinian Initiatives at the United Nations
  382. The Palestinians: Background and U.S. Relations
  383. U.S. Security Assistance to the Palestinian Authority
  384. International Reaction to the Palestinian Unity Government
  385. United States Aid to the Palestinians
  386. The Origins of Hezbollah and Its Role in the Israel-Hamas Conflict
  387. Broken Lebanon Cannot Afford War Between Hezbollah and Israel
  388. Lebanon and the Uprising in Syria: Issue for Congress
  389. Lebanon: The Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah Conflict
  390. Lebanon: Background and U.S. Relations
  391. Lebanon: Background and U.S. Policy
  392. U.S. Security Assistance to Lebanon
  393. Cyprus: Status of U.N. Negotiations
  394. At Least 488 killed in Iran Protests
  395. At Least 326 Killed in Iran Protests
  396. US Foreign Policy and the Future of Democracy in Iran
  397. Democracy in Iran: History and the Quest for Liberty
  398. Democracy in Iran? Will We Ever See the Day?
  399. The Crisis in Iran: What Now?
  400. The Islamic Republic of Iran: A Dangerous Regime
  401. The World Bank and Iran
  402. The US-Iran Conflict: A Timeline of How We Got Here
  403. Iran's President Raisi killed in Helicopter Crash
  404. Iran Helicopter Crash: President Raisi, the Supreme Leader's Protege, Dies at 63
  405. Iranian General Acknowledges over 300 Dead in Unrest
  406. Iranian Man, 27, Shot Dead for Celebrating Team’s World Cup Exit
  407. Iranian Democracy: A Century of Struggle, Setback ...
  408. Iran's Threat to the Strait of Hormuz
  409. Iran Attacks Israel With over 300 Drones, Missiles: What You Need to Know
  410. Iran Sanctions
  411. Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses
  412. Iran: U.S. Economic Sanctions and the Authority to Lift Restrictions
  413. Iran-Iraq Relations
  414. Iran Protests: Identifies Many more People Killed
  415. Iran and Democracy
  416. Iran Is the Middle East's Most Dangerous Tinderbox
  417. Iranian Revolution
  418. Iran: Ethnic and Religious Minorities
  419. Iran's 2009 Presidential Elections
  420. Iran’s Protests ... and the Afghan Sisters Next Door
  421. Iran: Profile of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  422. Iran's Nuclear Program: Status
  423. Iran's Foreign Minister: Armed Groups Are Poised With 'Their Finger on the Trigger'
  424. Iran Threatens to 'bury' Israel, US If IDF Invades of Gaza in Retaliation for Hamas Attack
  425. Iran Is the Middle East's Most Dangerous Tinderbox
  426. Iran Sanctions Act (ISA)
  427. Iran's Economic Conditions: U.S. Policy Issues
  428. Iran: Regional Perspectives and U.S. Policy
  429. Iran’s Rulers, Shaken by Protests, Now Face Currency Crisis
  430. Whither Iran on the Revolution’s Anniversary?
  431. World Report 2022: Iran | Human Rights Watch
  432. The Looming Threat of a Nuclear Crisis with Iran
  433. The 13 Crises Facing Iran
  434. Smoldering Iran Nuclear Crisis Risks Catching Fire
  435. Terror and Tehran
  436. The US-Iran Conflict: A Timeline of How We Got Here
  437. Iraq, Iran Act Against Sweden After Koran Protests
  438. Outrage Over Man Who Desecrated Quran Prompts Protesters to Set Swedish Embassy in Iraq on Fire
  439. Protesters Angry Over Quran Burning Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad
  440. Iraq Expels Sweden's Ambassador Over Quran Burning, After Protests at Swedish Embassy
  441. Thousands Protest in Iraq for a Second Day Over Burning of Quran in Sweden
  442. Denmark's Latest Quran Burning Sparks More Outrage in Iraq and other Muslim Nations
  443. US Warns Iraq It Could Shutter Embassy in Baghdad
  444. US Embassy in Baghdad Cleared of Protesters After Second Day of Demonstrations
  445. Middle East and North Africa Unrest: Implications for Oil and Natural Gas Markets
  446. The Egypt-Gaza Border and its Effect on Israeli-Egyptian Relations
  447. The Middle East: Selected Key Issues and Options for the 112th Congress
  448. The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq
  449. Has Democratization in Iraq Failed?
  450. U.S. Treatment of Prisoners in Iraq: Selected Legal Issues
  451. U.S. Forces in Iraq
  452. The "Red-Dead" Canal: Israeli-Arab Efforts to Restore the Dead Sea
  453. Issues Concerning the Prospective Security Agreement Between the United States and Iraq
  454. Operation Iraqi Freedom: Strategies, Approaches, Results, and Issues for Congress
  455. U.S. Embassy in Iraq
  456. Women in Iraq: Background and Issues for U.S. Policy
  457. Post-War Iraq: Foreign Contributions to Training, Peacekeeping, and Reconstruction
  458. Iraq: Summary of U.S. Forces
  459. Iraq: Tribal Structure, Social, and Political Activities
  460. Iraq's Sadr Flexes His Muscles with Swedish Embassy Torching
  461. Iraq: Map Sources
  462. Iraq: Politics, Governance, and Human Rights
  463. Iraqi Civilian, Police, and Security Forces Casualty Estimates
  464. Iraqi Police and Security Forces Casualty Estimates
  465. Iraqi Casualties: U.S. Military Forces and Iraqi Civilians, Police, and Security Forces
  466. Iraq's Debt Relief: Procedure and Potential Implications for International Debt Relief
  467. Iraq: Oil and Gas Legislation, Revenue Sharing, and U.S. Policy
  468. Iraq: Post-Saddam Governance and Security
  469. Iraq: Regional Perspectives and U.S. Policy
  470. Iraq: Reconstruction Assistance
  471. Iraq: Former Regime Weapons Programs and Outstanding U.N. Issues
  472. Iraq: U.S. Casualties
  473. Iraqi Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: A Deepening Humanitarian Crisis?
  474. Iraqi Civilian Deaths Estimates
  475. Iraq: Milestones Since the Ouster of Saddam Hussein
  476. Iraq: Debt Relief
  477. Iraq Oil: Reserves, Production, and Potential Revenues
  478. Iraq's New Security Forces: The Challenge of Sectarian and Ethnic Influences
  479. Iraq: Frequently Asked Questions About Contracting
  480. Iraq: Transition to Sovereignty
  481. Iraq's Trade with the World: Data and Analysis
  482. Iraq War: Background and Issues Overview
  483. Iraq: U.N. Inspections for Weapons of Mass Destruction
  484. Iraq: U.S. Military Operations
  485. Iraq: A Compilation of Legislation Enacted and Resolutions Adopted by Congress, 1990-2003
  486. Iraq: United Nations and Humanitarian Aid Organizations
  487. Iraq: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Capable Missiles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
  488. Iraq: Weapons Programs, U.N. Requirements, and U.S. Policy
  489. Iraq: Former and Recent Military Confrontations with the United States
  490. Iraq: Oil for Food Program, International Sanctions, and Illicit Trade
  491. Iraq: The Turkish Factor
  492. Iraq: Divergent Views on Military Action
  493. Iraq: Post-War Challenges and U.S. Responses, 1991-1998
  494. The United Nations Security Council Its Role in the Iraq Crisis: A Brief Overview
  495. War in Yemen News
  496. Biden: US Delivered Private Message to Iran About Houthi Attacks
  497. Yemen's Houthis Vow Strong Response After New US Strike
  498. US and Britain Strike Yemen in Reprisal for Houthi Attacks on Shipping
  499. Yemen War: Facts, FAQs, ...
  500. War in Yemen
  501. Yemen’s Tragedy: War, Stalemate, and Suffering
  502. Yemeni Civil War (2014–Present)
  503. Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations
  504. Yemen: Current Conditions and U.S. Relations
  505. US Warship Intercepts Missiles Fired from Yemen 'Potentially Towards Israel'
  506. Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy
  507. Bahrain 2020 Human Rights Report | state.gov)
  508. You Can’t Call Bahrain a Democracy: Bahrain’s Political Isolation Laws
  509. Human Rights Watch World Reports on Bahrain: 2023 & 2022
  510. Human Rights in Bahrain
  511. Kuwait: Security, Reform, and U.S. Policy
  512. Human Rights in Kuwait
  513. Kuwait: Human Rights Report
  514. The American Public and the Arab Awakening.
  515. The Persian Gulf States: Post-War Issues for U.S. Policy
  516. 5 Countries Ask International Criminal Court to Investigate the Situation in Palestinian Territories | CNN
  517. 6 Days War that Changed the Middle East
  518. 10 Shocking Facts About Human Rights in Saudi Arabia
  519. 10 Ways that Saudi Arabia Violates Human Rights
  520. 15,000 Iranian Protesters Face Death Following Bloody Friday Massacre
▷ Middle East: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How Israel Jails Hundreds of Palestinians Without Charge
  2. How Israel Holds Thousands of Palestinian Prisoners in Jail Without Charge
  3. How Israel's Judicial System Handles the Estimated 7,000 Palestinians in Its Prisons
  4. How Hamas and Hezbollah Are Different and Why They Might Cooperate Against Israel
  5. How the Israel-Hamas Conflict Has Unfolded in Maps, Graphics and Videos
  6. How Free Expression Is Suppressed in Saudi Arabia, and Ways the Government Violates Human Rights.
  7. How Trump's Phone Call Changed the War - Syrian Surprise.
  8. How the US-Turkey Relationship Fell Apart
  9. How Deep Are Saudi Arabia's Troubles?.
  10. How Iran May Figure Into This New War in the Middle East
  11. How Iran Became an Undemocratic Democracy.
  12. How Iranian Women Fight Surveillance With Sanitary Pads
  13. How China, Russia and Iran Are Profiting from the Information Chaos Around the Israel-Hamas War
  14. How the 'Law of War' Could Apply to an Israeli Ground Invasion of Gaza
  15. How Many Palestinians Have Died in Gaza? (as of 12/6/2023)
  16. How Many Palestinians Has Israel's Campaign Killed? (as of 5/14/2024)
  17. How to Think Through Allegations of Genocide in Gaza
  18. What to Know About Hamas, Whose Militants Attacked Israel from Gaza
  19. What to Know About the Hajj Pilgrimage and Why It Matters to Muslims
  20. What You Need to Know About the Fight over Israel’s Court System
  21. What You Need to Know About
  22. China’s Saudi-Iran Deal
  23. What We Know About Palestinians Detained in Israel
  24. What We Know About the War Between Israel and Hamas
  25. What We Know About the Death Toll in Gaza
  26. What We Know About the Killing of over 100 Palestinians Near Aid Trucks
  27. What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal?.
  28. What Is the Greatest Problem in Turkish Politics?.
  29. What Is Next for Israel’s Judicial Overhaul?
  30. What Is South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel at the ICJ?
  31. What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
  32. What Is Hezbollah, and How Will It Influence the Israel-Hamas War?
  33. What Is the History of the Conflict Between Israel and Palestine in the Middle East.
  34. What Is the Real Net Worth of the Saudi Royal Family?
  35. What Is Happening and Why Does Gaza-Israel Conflict Matter?
  36. What Is Fueling Clashes that Originated Israel-Palestine Conflict in Jerusalem
  37. What Is Going on in Turkey?.
  38. What Is Going on Between Sweden and Iraq, and Why Are Copies of the Koran Being Desecrated?
  39. What Is the Israel-Palestinian Conflict About and How Did It Start?
  40. What Is the Israel-Palestine Conflict About? A Simple Guide
  41. What Is Hamas and Why Is It Fighting with Israel in Gaza?
  42. What Is Behind the Relationship Between Israel and Arab Gulf States?
  43. What Is Behind US College Protests over Israel-Gaza War?
  44. What Are the Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict?.
  45. What Are Women Banned from Doing in Saudi Arabia?
  46. What Are the Issues Facing Palestinians Today?
  47. What Are the Palestinians Saying About Israel’s Judicial Reform Crisis?
  48. What Has Happened and What Has Caused the Israel-Hamas War and the Conflict?
  49. What Did Hamas Aim to Gain by Its Brazen Attack on Israel? What to Know
  50. What Relationship Can the US and Turkey Have After 2020
  51. What Israel-Palestine Conflict Is All About and Why Both Want West Bank & Gaza Strip
  52. What Caused Yemen’s Crisis?
  53. What Women Can and Can’t Do in Saudi Arabia
  54. What International Law Has to Say About the Israel-Hamas War
  55. Who Is Fighting in Yemen's War?
  56. Who Are Hamas and why Did the Militant Group Attack Israel in 2023?
  57. Who Are Yemen’s Houthis? Can They Strike Israel?
  58. Who Are the Kurds, and Why Is Turkey Attacking Them?.
  59. Why Are Israel and the Palestinians Fighting over Gaza
  60. Why Is the Yemen War There Getting more Violent?
  61. Why Is There a Civil War in Syria?
  62. Why Is Ireland the Most Anti-Israel Country in Europe?
  63. Why Is South Korea So Anti-Semitic?
  64. Why Does the US Still Have Forces in Syria?
  65. Why Does Antisemitism Persist?
  66. Why Does Sweden Allow Quran Burnings? Like Much of West, It Has No Blasphemy Laws
  67. Why Does Israel Have So Many Palestinians in Detention and Available to Swap?
  68. Why Do People Hate Jews and Judaism? | The Washington Post
  69. Why Do People Hate Israel?
  70. Why Do So Many Young Americans Hate Israel?
  71. Why Did the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Explode Now?
  72. Why Has Radical Islam Sprung from Egypt and Saudi Arabia?
  73. Why Has the Syrian War Lasted 12 Years?
  74. Why Women Flee from Saudi Arabia
  75. Why Democracy in Iran Failed and How It Might Succeed
  76. Why the UAE Made Peace with Israel?
  77. Why the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is Escalating
  78. Why the 2023 Israeli-Palestinian Fighting Is Among the Most Brutal in Years - Timeline of Conflict
  79. Why the Specter of Hezbollah in the Israel-Hamas War Endangers the World
  80. Why the Jewish People Have Always Faced Hate
  81. Why Hamas Atrocities Lead the Left to Hate Israel More
  82. Why Middle East Muslims Are Taught to Hate Jews
  83. Why Israel's Push into Gaza Is Killing So Many Children
  84. Why Israel Hates the Palestinians So Much
  85. Why Arabs and Muslims Will Not Accept Israel as the Jewish State
  86. Why Hamas Attacked When It Did
  87. Why They Hate the Jews
  88. Why (Almost) Everyone Hates Israel
▷ Europe
  1. China Relationship Will Be Determined by Beijing's Behaviour, EU Policy Chief Says
  2. Europe Presses Tough Taiwan Stance After Backlash Against Macron Comments
  3. Dutch Government to Restrict Sales of Processor Chip Tech
  4. The EU’s Response to the War in Ukraine
  5. Member States of NATO
  6. Europe, the US and China: A Love-Hate Triangle?
  7. Russia-Ukraine Tensions Add to Europe’s Economic Worries
  8. The Russia-Ukraine War, European Financial Integration, and Crises
  9. Europe After the Ukraine War
  10. After Russia Invaded Ukraine, Europe Changed Its Entire Foreign Policy
  11. Russia–European Union Relations
  12. Russia-EU Relations: The End of a Strategic Partnership
  13. Ukraine: Conflict at the Crossroads of Europe and Russia
  14. Finland–NATO Relations
  15. Finland Is on the Verge of Asking to Join NATO, Why that's Bad News for Putin
  16. Sweden and Finland Are on the Cusp of Joining NATO ...
  17. Poland to Expel 45 Russians Accused of Spying
  18. EU Agrees to Freeze Assets of Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov | AP News
  19. Peace in Europe 'shattered' as Russia Invades Ukraine | CNN
  20. A Soft Alliance Russia-China Relations After the Ukraine Crisis
  21. Political Developments in Europe 1450-1750
  22. Switzerland Government Structure and Political Parties
  23. Political System in Switzerland
  24. Switzerland's Government and Politics
  25. Switzerland Politics, Relations & Current Affairs
  26. Economic and Political Overview in Switzerland
  27. The Swiss Political System and Local Government
  28. Switzerland Remains an Island of Political Stability
  29. Swiss Leaks: Murky Cash Sheltered by Bank Secrecy
  30. The Dutch Political System in a Nutshell
  31. Politics in the Netherlands
  32. “The Biggest Problem in the Netherlands”: Understanding the Party for Freedom’s Politicization of Islam
  33. Economic and Political Overview in the Netherlands
  34. The Netherlands: Political Development and Data for 2017
  35. "True Freedom" and the Dutch Tradition of Republicanism
  36. Gender Equality in the Netherlands
  37. The Parliamentary System of Denmark
  38. Power and Democracy in Denmark: Still a Viable Democracy
  39. Democratisation of Denmark – The Inclusion of Women in Political Citizenship
  40. The Danish Cultural Heritage: Economics and Politics
  41. Open Access in Denmark – New Politics and Demands
  42. Greenland, Denmark, and U.S. Relations
  43. Swedish Embassy in Iraq Relocates After Attack over Quran Burning
  44. US Condemns Attack in Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Criticizes Iraq Security
  45. Iraqi Security Forces Disband Protests at Swedish Embassy in Baghdad over Quran Burning
  46. Political Understanding Between Socialdemokratiet, Radikale Venstre, SF and Enhedslisten: A Fair Direction for Denmark
  47. Swedish Politics: Past and Present
  48. The Changing Political Landscape in Sweden
  49. Media and Politics in Sweden
  50. White Ignorance, Race, and Feminist Politics in Sweden
  51. The Surprising Ingredients of Swedish Success – Free Markets and Social Cohesion
  52. Women’s Political Representation and Gender Quotas - The Swedish Case
  53. The Rise of Sweden Democrats: Islam, Populism and the End of Swedish Exceptionalism
  54. Political System of Norway
  55. The Norwegian Study on Power and Democracy
  56. The Norwegian Experience with Gender Quotas
  57. Norwegian Politics for Dummies
  58. Education Policy Outlook Norway
  59. An Introduction to Norway - Life in Norway
  60. Norway's Left Wing Opposition Wins General Election, PM Solberg Concedes
  61. Norway’s Foreign Politics During the Union with Sweden, 1814-1905: A Reconsideration
  62. Norway - Government and Society
  63. Political Participation and Representation in Norway
  64. Media and Politics in Norway
  65. Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation in Norway
  66. Education Reform in Norway: Looking Beyond Politics to Bring Sustained Change
  67. Political System of Germany
  68. Germany and Politics of Eurozone
  69. Overview: Political Education in Germany
  70. Germany′s Political Parties
  71. Germany - Politics, 1890–1914
  72. The German Government and Political System
  73. The German Economy and U.S.-German Economic Relations, January 27, 2010
  74. Political Economics and the Weimar Disaster
  75. German Foreign and Security Policy: Trends and Transatlantic Implications
  76. Germany's Relations with Israel: Background and Implications for German Middle East Policy
  77. Has Historian Finally Found Real Reason for Hitler's Obsessive Hatred of Jews?
  78. Hitler’s Antisemitism – The Coming Storm
  79. Nazi Policy Towards Women - Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939
  80. Nazi Indoctrination and Anti-Semitic Beliefs in Germany
  81. Anti-Semitism in European and German History
  82. Germany Refuses Turkey’s Request to Spy on Opponents of Erdogan.
  83. Sibelius, the Nazis and the Political Culture of Finland
  84. The Finnish Political System
  85. Contesting Gender Equality Politics in Finland: The Finns Party Effect
  86. Gender Equality Policies in Finland
  87. Economic and Political Overview in Finland
  88. Finland and the 2030 Agenda
  89. Europe's Big Problems (2020)
  90. Anti-France Protests Draw Tens of Thousands Across Muslim ...
  91. Muslims Protest Against French Rhetoric Following Knife Attack ...
  92. Islam in France | Wikipedia.
  93. Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West.
  94. Europe: Refugees & Migrants’ Rights.
  95. France Tells Italy 'Playtime Is Over' in Diplomatic Row.
  96. France Recalls Ambassador to Italy, Revealing Strains at Europe’s Core.
  97. Italy Blames France for ‘Migrant Problem’.
  98. If Italian Corruption Were Its Own Country, It Would Be the World’s 76th Largest Economy.
  99. The Government and Politics of France.
  100. Guide to the French Government
  101. The French Government and Political System
  102. The Political System of the United Kingdom
  103. UK PM Urges EU Action to Ease Brexit Tensions in NI
  104. June 23, 2016 - Brexit: The UK's EU Referendum: All You Need to Know
  105. Brexit: David Cameron to Quit After UK Votes to Leave EU
  106. Northern Ireland: The Peace Process
  107. Winston S. Churchill - Biography, Death & Speeches
  108. Europe's New Politics of Fear of Turkey.
  109. The EU Moves to Counter Russian Disinformation Campaign.
  110. "EU Parliament Urges Fight Against Russia's 'Fake News'.
  111. It’s Time to Fix Europe — or Lose It.
  112. The Quran's Deadly Role in Inspiring Belgian Slaughter.
  113. Is Poland Taking an Authoritarian Turn? Its New President Explains..
  114. Vatican Signs First Treaty With 'the State of Palestine'.
  115. EU- U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude.
  116. European Union Enlargement.
  117. The European Union: Questions and Answers.
  118. U.S.- EU Cooperation Against Terrorism.
  119. The European Union: Ongoing Challenges and Future ...
  120. The European Union's Coming Challenges
  121. In a Ban, a Measure of European Tolerance.
  122. Europe's Energy Security: Options and Challenges to Natural Gas Supply Diversification.
  123. European Union Wind and Solar Electricity Policies: Overview and Considerations.
  124. European Union Enlargement: A Status Report on Turkey's Accession Negotiations.
  125. The European Parliament.
  126. Cyprus: Reunification Proving Elusive.
  127. The United Kingdom and U.S.-UK Relations.
  128. The European Union: Foreign and Security Policy.
  129. The United States and Europe: Current Issues
  130. The U.S. Congress and the European Parliament: Evolving Transatlantic Legislative Cooperation.
  131. The Eurozone Crisis: Overview and Issues for Congress.
  132. Aviation and the European Union's Emission Trading Scheme
  133. Chemical Regulation in the European Union: Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (2013).
  134. U.S.- EU Trade and Economic Relations: Key Policy Issues for the 112th Congress.
  135. The Future of the Eurozone and U.S. Interests.
  136. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Current Issues and U.S. Policy.
  137. Europe's Preferential Trade Agreements: Status, Content, and Implications.
  138. Missile Defense and NATO's Lisbon Summit.
  139. U.S.-EU Poultry Dispute.
  140. The U.S.- EU Beef Hormone Dispute.
  141. Frequently Asked Questions About IMF Involvement in the Eurozone Debt Crisis.
  142. The European Union's Response to the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis
  143. Greece's Debt Crisis: Overview, Policy Responses, and Implications
  144. Future of the Balkans and U.S. Policy Concerns
  145. U.S.-French Commercial Ties
  146. Greece and Italy Are Listed Among Corrupt in Europe.
  147. Poland's New Government: Background and Issues for the United States
  148. European Union - U.S. Trade and Investment Relations: Key Issues
  149. U.S.-European Union Relations and the 2007 Summit
  150. The European Union's Energy Security Challenges
  151. Cyprus: Status of U.N. Negotiations and Related Issues
  152. Balkan Cooperation on War Crimes Issues
  153. Europe's New Trade Agenda
  154. Bosnia and the European Union Military Force (EUFOR): Post-NATO Peacekeeping
  155. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Issues for U.S. Policy
  156. Bosnia War Crimes: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and U.S. Policy
  157. The European Union in 2005 and Beyond
  158. European Union's Arms Control Regime and Arms Exports to China: Background and Legal Analysis
  159. European Union's Arms Embargo on China: Implications and Options for U.S. Policy
  160. France: Factors Shaping Foreign Policy, and Issues in U.S.-French Relations
  161. Greece Update
  162. Kosovo and U.S. Policy: Background to Independence
  163. Kosovo: Current Issues and U.S. Policy
  164. Macedonia (FYROM): Post-Conflict Situation and U.S. Policy
  165. Moldova: Background and U.S. Policy
  166. Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism
  167. Conditions on U.S. Aid to Serbia
  168. Serbia: Current Issues and U.S. Policy
  169. Serbia and Montenegro Union: Prospects and Policy Implications
  170. The United States and Europe: Possible Options for U.S. Policy
  171. 5 Challenges for the European Union
  172. 6 Issues that Will Shape the EU (2017)
  173. 7 Brexit Things Changing on 1 January 2021
  174. 9 People Detained over Beheading of Teacher in Paris Suburb.
  175. 10 Things You Need to Know About the Swiss Political System.
  176. 1000's Attend Anti-Nazi Rally in Hungary to Protest Lawmaker’s Call to Screen Jews
▷ Europe: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How Helpless Is Europe?
  2. How Russia's Relationship with Europe Has Evolved
  3. How a Russian Invasion of Ukraine Could Spill Over into Europe
  4. How Switzerland’s Direct Democracy Works
  5. How Sweden Is Governed
  6. How Not to Fight Terrorism: Lessons from Belgium, Turkey, and Maybe the USA.
  7. What Issues Are Europeans Most Concerned About?
  8. What Are Europe's Top Three Challenges? Not Brexit, Not ...
  9. When Will Sweden and Finland Join NATO?
  10. Who Runs Switzerland's Government?
  11. Who Is Theresa May: UK's Next Prime Minister - Brexit
  12. Why Did Hitler Hate the Jews?
  13. Why Did Hitler Hate Jews?
  14. Why Did Adolf Hitler Hate the Jews?
  15. Why Hitler Wanted to Exterminate Jews
  16. Why Hitler Blamed the Jews and the Communists for Germany’s Economic Troubles
  17. Why France Incites Such Anger in Muslim World
  18. Why Russia's Putin Uses WWII to Justify Attacks in Ukraine
  19. Why Are Sweden and Finland Not Yet in Nato and Does the Alliance Want Them?
  20. Why Europe Has No Say in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
  21. Why Europe Will Choose the US over China
▷ East Europe: Russia - Ukraine - Armenia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Georgia - Kyrgyzstan - Turkmenistan
  1. US Had Warned Russia ISIS Was Determined to Attack
  2. Alexei Navalny's Wife Says She'll Continue Fight Against Putin, Russia
  3. Alexei Navalny, Fierce Putin Critic, Dies in Custody
  4. Yulia Navalnaya: Russian Opposition Leader's 'Principled and Fearless' Widow
  5. Get the Latest Ukraine News Today - KyivPost
  6. War in Ukraine | BBC
  7. European Parliament Declares Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism
  8. After a Quarter Century in Power, Russian President Putin Isn't Going Anywhere
  9. With New Six-Year Term, Putin Cements Hold on Russian Leadership
  10. Putin Issues Alert after Drones Hit Russia
  11. Putin Killed Mercenary Boss Prigozhin, Zelenskyy Says
  12. Putin May Still Seek Revenge on Wagner Boss – CIA Chief
  13. Putin Loses 6,000 Troops in 2 Weeks as Russia's Weaknesses Exposed: Ukraine
  14. Putin Has Made America Great Again
  15. Putin's Russia Looks Increasingly Desperate as Ukraine War Drags: Analysts
  16. Putin Describes Secret Operation to Seize Crimea
  17. Putin, Kremlin Critic Navalny Set Battle Plans for Next Phase
  18. Putin’s Dictatorship
  19. Putin Waves Nuclear Sword in Confrontation with the West
  20. Putin's War in Ukraine
  21. Putin’s Obsession with Ukraine as a ‘Russian Land’
  22. Vladimir Putin 'Corruption': Five Things We Learned About the Russian President's Secret Wealth.
  23. Vladimir Putin Is Mentally Unstable, Majority of Americans Believe: Poll
  24. Has Putin’s Assault on Ukraine’s Power Grid Failed?
  25. A Crisis Erupts in Russia
  26. G7 to Announce Long-Term Ukraine Security Package at Nato Summit
  27. Reports of Putin's Problems Are Mounting
  28. Is Vladimir Putin a Dictator?
  29. Inside the Stunning Growth of Russia’s Wagner Group
  30. Inside the Wagner Group, Russia’s Mercenary Force
  31. Ally of Wagner Group Boss Hurt in ‘Assassination Attempt’ in Central Africa
  32. Pope Francis Calls Chechens and Buryats "The Cruellest" Russian Troops Fighting in Ukraine
  33. More Russian Troops Were Killed in Ukraine in 2 Weeks than U.S. Troops in Entire Iraq War
  34. World Leaders Mourn Death of Last Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev
  35. Mikhail Gorbachev, Who Oversaw the End of the Soviet Union, Is Dead at 91
  36. Mikhail Gorbachev, Last Leader of the Soviet Union, Dies at 91
  37. U.S. Supplemental Funding for Ukraine: In Brief
  38. November 30, 2022 Russia-Ukraine News | CNN
  39. The 2022 Ukraine Conflict
  40. Russian Presidential Election 2024: Putin Extends One-man Rule After Stage-managed Election Devoid of Credible Opposition
  41. Russia’s War in Ukraine - U.S. Sanctions on Russia
  42. Russia’s War in Ukraine | RAND
  43. Russia Is in Agony, But Putin's Dictatorship Is Going Down
  44. Russia's Problems Go Far Beyond Putin
  45. Russia Issues Dire Warning About Nuclear War
  46. Russia Protests to Armenia as Tensions Rise over Disputed Caucasus Region
  47. Russia-Ukraine War: List of Key Events, Day 516 | Al Jazeera
  48. Russia-Ukraine War News & Latest Pictures | Newsweek
  49. Russia-Ukraine: Breaking News & Live Updates | AP News
  50. Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Latest News, Analysis and Videos | CNN
  51. Russia's Problems with Military Professionalization
  52. Russia’s Latest Sanctions on U.S. Officials Turn to Trump Enemies
  53. Russia-Ukraine War at a Glance: What We Know on Day 347 of the Invasion
  54. Russia’s War in Ukraine: Military and Intelligence Aspects
  55. Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Overview of U.S. Sanctions and Other Responses
  56. Russian Families Grieve War Deaths as Kremlin Conceals the True Toll
  57. Russia Military Deaths Pass 36k, Ukraine Says, as Putin's Gains Exact Heavy Toll
  58. Russian Soldier Death Toll Reaches 30,000 in Ukraine War
  59. Russia-Ukraine: War Without an End?
  60. Russia Has Become a Classic Dictatorship
  61. Russia's 'Dictatorship-of-the-Law' Approach to Internet Policy
  62. Russian Invasion of Ukraine
  63. Russia Invades Ukraine | CNN
  64. Russia Invades Ukraine | NPR
  65. Russian Forces Invade Ukraine
  66. Russian Invasion of Ukraine
  67. Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Has Changed the World
  68. Russia's War in Ukraine Has Already Changed the Global Economy
  69. Russia's Garzprom Suspends Gas Transit Through Poland to Europe After Putin's Order
  70. Russia-Ukraine War: Insights and Analysis | Harvard Kennedy School
  71. Russia Puts U.S. Top of 'Unfriendly Countries' List
  72. Russia in Latin America
  73. Russia in Africa
  74. Russia: A Postmodern Dictatorship?
  75. Russia: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  76. Russia: The Eternal Great Power
  77. Russia Under Vladimir Putin
  78. Russia–Ukraine Relations and War
  79. Russia and the “Color Revolution”
  80. Russia’s War in Ukraine: Identity, History, and Conflict
  81. Russian Soldiers Raped Dozens, Impregnated 9 in Bucha Basement — Ukraine Says
  82. Russian Political, Economic, and Security Issues and U.S. Interests.
  83. Russian Capital Flight, Economic Reforms, and U.S. Interests: An Analysis.
  84. Russian Fighter Aircraft Industrial Base: Parallels with the United States?
  85. Russia's March 2012 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications
  86. Russia's December 2011 Legislative Election: Outcome and Implications
  87. Russian Military Reform and Defense Policy
  88. Russia's December 2007 Legislative Election: Outcome and Implications
  89. Russia's Assault on Freedom of Expression
  90. Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Sentenced to Prison
  91. Russian Court Sentences Kremlin Critic Alexei Navalny to Three and Half Years in Jail
  92. Russian Energy Policy Toward Neighboring Countries
  93. Russia's Economic Performance and Policies and Their Implications for the United States
  94. Russia-Georgia Conflict in August 2008: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests
  95. Russia's 2008 Presidential Succession
  96. Russia's Accession to the WTO and Its Implications for the United States.
  97. Russian Opposition Politician Blasts 'Two Dictatorships'
  98. Russia: The Political Outlook.
  99. Russia: Domestic Politics and Economy
  100. Russia: Foreign Policy and U.S. Relations
  101. Russia and China: Axis of Revisionists?
  102. Russian Oil and Gas Challenges.
  103. Russian Intelligence Officers Offered Cash Rewards to Taliban Fighters to Kill US, UK Troops in Afghanistan.
  104. The Russian Invasion of the Crimean Peninsula, 2014–2015: A Post–Cold War Nuclear Crisis Case Study.
  105. The Russian Revolution: The Problem of Dictatorship
  106. The Russia-Ukraine War and Its Legal and Political Implications
  107. Sanctions War: Russia Cuts Off Gas Supply to Latvia
  108. The War in Ukraine Will End, and That’s When We’ll See the True Tensions in Europe
  109. Fact-Checking Putin’s Claims that Ukraine and Russia Are ‘One People’
  110. The Ripple Effects of Russia's War in Ukraine Are Changing the World
  111. The War on Ukraine: The Beginning of the End of Putin’s Russia
  112. Timeline of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
  113. Eighth Russian General Killed in Ukraine
  114. Biden Calls Russian Atrocities 'Genocide'
  115. Images of Russia-Ukraine War
  116. Pentagon Accuses Russia of 'War Crimes,' Vows to Assist With Evidence Collection
  117. Pentagon Says 'Clear Evidence' Russia Is Committing War Crimes. Could Putin Be Prosecuted?
  118. NATO's Relations with Russia and Ukraine
  119. Decision to Invade Ukraine Raises Questions over Putin’s ‘Sense of Reality’
  120. The Wagner Group, the Brutal Private Army of Russian Mercenaries.
  121. Amid Ukraine Crisis, China and Russia's Bond Alarms U.S. and Europe
  122. Xi Jinping Backs Vladimir Putin Against US, NATO on Ukraine
  123. Britain Warns Putin and Xi: West Will Stand up to 'Dictatorship'
  124. China and Russia Biggest Cyber Offenders Since 2006, Report Shows
  125. China and Russia: Economic Unequals
  126. From Gorbachev to Putin
  127. On the Putin System: How a Dictator Maintains His Power
  128. A Vision for Russia
  129. Lessons from Russia's Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine
  130. The Dictatorship of Law in Russia
  131. Are Russia and China the Best of Friends Now? It’s Complicated, Analysts Say
  132. Democracy in Russia: Trends and Implications for U.S. Interests
  133. U.S. 'Deeply Concerned' by Navalny Sentence: Blinken
  134. EU Calls for Immediate Release of Navalny
  135. Germany Condemns Jail Sentence Handed to Kremlin Critic Navalny
  136. Kremlin Critic Alexey Navalny Handed Jail Term, Prompting Protests Across Russia.
  137. Protests Swell in Russia's Far East in a Stark New Challenge.
  138. Protesters in Russia's Far East Challenge Putin's Authority.
  139. Putin Looks to Cement Power.
  140. Spies and Commandos Warned Months Ago of Russian.
  141. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Russia .
  142. Israeli Spies 'Watched Russian Agents Breach Kaspersky Software.
  143. Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) Status for Russia and U.S.-Russian Economic Ties.
  144. Democracy in Russia: Trends and Implications for U.S. Interests.
  145. The Dictatorship of Law in Russia: Neither Dictatorship, Nor Rule of Law
  146. Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence.
  147. The Real Paranoia-Inducing Purpose of Russian Hacks
  148. Concern Over Barrage of Fake Russian news in Sweden.
  149. The Reality Behind Russia's Fake News.
  150. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict
  151. War in Ukraine: A Geopolitical Analysis
  152. Politics of Ukraine.
  153. Pro-Russian Insurgents Retreat in Ukraine's East.
  154. Failing Ukraine State Plays in to Russia's Hands.
  155. A New Day in Ukraine: Political Uncertainty Sweeps Divided Nation.
  156. The Ukrainian Crisis - A Disputed Past and Present (2014)
  157. Anti-Protest Laws in Ukraine.
  158. Ukraine News Headlines | Reuters
  159. Ukraine Expects Renewed Russian Offensive Later in February 2023
  160. Ukraine War: 80% of Troops Killed or Injured in Elite Military Unit
  161. Ukraine: Background, Conflict with Russia, and U.S. Policy (2021)
  162. Ukraine: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report.
  163. Ukraine's Orange Revolution and U.S. Policy.
  164. Ukraine Crisis - News on Russia's Military Aggression in Ukraine
  165. Ukraine-Russia Crisis: As Tensions Rise on the Border ...
  166. Ukraine: Military Report Says Russia Boosted Troops to 120,000 near Border
  167. Ukraine's Political Crisis and U.S. Policy Issues.
  168. Ukraine Parliament Boss Takes Presidential Powers.
  169. Ukrainian Protesters Take Control of Presidential Offices in Kiev.
  170. Ukraine's Revolution: Making Sense of a Year of Chaos.
  171. Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy.
  172. Ukraine and Russia: People, Politics, Propaganda and Perspectives
  173. The Ukraine-Russia War
  174. The Ukraine-Russia Conflict - Signals and Scenarios for the Broader Region
  175. Dictatorship Sows Division in Nagorno-Karabakh
  176. Ruling by Fear: Armenia's Descent into Dictatorship and the Rise of Resistance
  177. Protests in Armenia: Democratic Death Throes or a New Dawn.
  178. Politics of Armenia.
  179. Armenia's Legislative Election: Outcome and Implications for U.S. Interests.
  180. Armenia Political Party Assessment
  181. Armenia's Struggle for Democracy and Rights
  182. Armenia: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report.
  183. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests.
  184. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Security Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests
  185. Azerbaijan's October 2008 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications
  186. Human Rights in Azerbaijan
  187. Azerbaijan: Freedom in the World Report (2020)
  188. Azerbaijan: Nations in Transit 2020 Country Report.
  189. World Report 2019: Azerbaijan
  190. 'Azerbaijan Is Turning into a Dictatorship
  191. Azerbaijan - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (2019)
  192. Azerbaijan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests.
  193. Politics of Belarus.
  194. Human Rights in Belarus.
  195. Explained: The Role of Belarus in the Russia-Ukraine War
  196. Deep Unease in Belarus over Country's Role in Russian Invasion of Ukraine
  197. Belarusian Foreign Policy in a Time of Crisis
  198. Belarusian Political Parties: Organizational Structures and Practices
  199. Belarus-Russia Relations After the Ukraine Conflict
  200. Belarus: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report.
  201. Belarus's Role in War on Ukraine
  202. Belarus' Fight for a Democratic Future
  203. Belarus: 20 Years Under Dictatorship and a Revolution Behind
  204. Belarus: Mass Protest Eclipses Defiant Belarus Leader's Rally (8/2020).
  205. Belarus: Tens of Thousands Protest in Minsk.
  206. Belarus Protests: 'We Can Breathe for the First Time in Our Lives'.
  207. Belarus: Background and U.S. Policy Concerns.
  208. The House That Lukashenko Built - The Foundation, Evolution, and Future of the Belarusian Regime
  209. Tensions Are Rising on the Poland-Belarus Border. What You Need to Know
  210. The Poland-Belarus Border Crisis Is a Harbinger of Migration's Future
  211. Politics of Estonia
  212. Estonia: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report
  213. Estonia: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  214. Estonia Keeps Its Freedom Score Despite Far-Right Gains
  215. Estonia: Current Issues and U.S. Policy.
  216. Georgia [Republic]: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests.
  217. Politics of Georgia (Country).
  218. Georgia: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report.
  219. Georgia: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report.
  220. Georgia's October 2013 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications.
  221. Georgia's October 2012 Legislative Election: Outcome and Implications.
  222. Georgia's January 2008 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications
  223. Kyrgyzstan's Japarov Calls for Unity
  224. Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan.
  225. Kyrgyzstan Politics
  226. Kyrgyzstan: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report
  227. Kyrgyzstan: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  228. Democracy in Kyrgyzstan
  229. Civil Society, Religion and Development in Kyrgyzstan
  230. Kazakhstan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests.
  231. Kyrgyzstan's Constitutional Crisis: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests.
  232. Coup in Kyrgyzstan: Developments and Implications.
  233. Kyrgyzstan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests
  234. The April 2010 Coup in Kyrgyzstan: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests
  235. Kyrgyzstan and the Status of the U.S. Manas Airbase: Context and Implications/li>
  236. Coup in Kyrgyzstan (2005)
  237. Current Political, Economic, and Social Challenges in Tajikistan
  238. Tajikistan: The Country that Just Voted to Allow its President to Rule Forever
  239. Repression and Persecution Under Tajikistan's Authoritarian Regime
  240. Tajikistan: Nations in Transit 2020 Country Report
  241. Tajikistan: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  242. Tajikistan Moves to Institutionalize Dictatorship
  243. Tajik Autocrat Mints 'Democracy' Medal Bearing His Own Image
  244. Tajikistan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests
  245. Tajikistan's Constitutional Referendum: Legitimating de Facto Dictatorship
  246. Politics of Turkmenistan.
  247. Totalitarianism: The Case of Turkmenistan
  248. Turkmenistan: Nations in Transit 2020 Country Report.
  249. Turkmenistan: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report.
  250. World Report 2019: Turkmenistan.
  251. Cracks in the Marble: Turkmenistan's Failing Dictatorship
  252. Turkmenistan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests.
  253. Turkmenistan's Political Succession: Developments and Implications.
  254. Turkmenistan at Twenty-Five: The High Price of Authoritarianism
  255. Politics of Uzbekistan.
  256. There Won't be Political Reform in Uzbekistan
  257. Uzbekistan Holds a Semi-Serious Election
  258. Human Rights in Uzbekistan.
  259. Uzbekistan: 16-Year Sentence in Autonomous Region Protests
  260. Uzbekistan's Freedoms Are Slowly Expanding
  261. Uzbekistan: Nations in Transit 2020 Country Report
  262. Uzbekistan: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  263. Questions Over Uzbekistan's New Era of 'Openness'
  264. Unrest in Uzbekistan: Context and Implications.
  265. Uzbekistan: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests.
  266. Chechnya, Russia and 20 Years of Conflict
  267. The Forgotten War: Chechnya and Russia’s Future
  268. Chechnya: The Causes of a Protracted Post-Soviet Conflict
  269. Russian-Chechnya Ethnic Conflict
  270. Russia, Iran, and the Conflict in Chechnya
  271. Vladimir Putin and the Chechen War
  272. Armed Conflicts Report - Russia (Chechnya)
  273. Russia in Afghanistan and Chechnya: Military …
  274. Stability in Russia's Chechnya and Other Regions of the North Caucasus: Recent Developments
  275. The Use of Force in Chechnya: An Exploration through Track-Two Diplomacy
  276. Bringing Peace to Chechnya? Assessments and Implications.
  277. Constitutional/Political Reform Process in Georgia, in Armenia and Azerbaijan: Political Elite and Voices of the People
  278. The Changing Face of Eurasia
  279. 10's of Thousands Protest Against Putin in Russian Far East
  280. 10 ways the Russia-Ukraine War Will Change the World
▷ East Europe: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How Does Russia's War in Ukraine End?.
  2. How Ukraine Is Innovating Soviet-era Weapons for a 21st Century Battleground.
  3. How the War in Ukraine Could Change the World Forever.
  4. How 50 Days of Russia’s War in Ukraine Changed the World.
  5. How Vladimir Putin Became the World’s Favorite Dictator.
  6. How Vladimir Putin Controls Russia
  7. How Putin’s War Weakens Russia
  8. How Rich Is Russian Leader Vladimir Putin?
  9. How America Helped Make Vladimir Putin Dictator for Life
  10. How Russian Hackers Used Popular Kaspersky Antivirus to Steal U.S Secrets.
  11. How Ukraine's Orange Revolution Shaped Twenty-first Century
  12. How Real Is the Russian Threat to the Baltic States?
  13. What to Know About Why Russia Attacked
  14. What to Know About the Wagner Group, a 'Brutal' Russian Military Group Fighting in Ukraine
  15. What Type of Government Does Russia Have?
  16. What Is Behind Ukraine's Political Crisis?
  17. What Is the Wagner Group?
  18. What Is Russia's Wagner Group of Mercenaries in Ukraine?
  19. What Is Behind the Belarus Protests?.
  20. What Is Behind Russian Support for Putin's War in Ukraine?
  21. What Is Happening in Belarus?
  22. What Is the F-16 Fighter Jet and Why Does Ukraine Want It?
  23. What Are the Sanctions on Russia and Are They Hurting Its Economy?
  24. What Are Putin's Intentions in Ukraine?
  25. What Does Navalny's Jail Sentence Mean?
  26. What Do Average Russians Think of Putin?
  27. What Does Russia Want With Ukraine?
  28. What the U.S. Military Is Doing in Response to Russia’s Actions in Ukraine
  29. What Russia Wants in Ukraine
  30. What We Know About Alexei Navalny's Death in Arctic Circle Prison
  31. What You Need to Know About Tensions Between Ukraine and Russia
  32. What Effects Have Sanctions Had on the Russian Economy?
  33. When Will the War in Ukraine End? and How?
  34. Where Do India, China, and the US Stand on Ukraine-Russia War?
  35. Which Countries Are Russia's Allies During Russia-Ukraine War?
  36. Which Countries Buy the Most Russian Weapons?
  37. Who Would Win If Russia Invaded Ukraine
  38. Who Is Mr. Putin?
  39. Who Are Russia's Mercenary Wagner Group?
  40. Who Are Russia’s Supporters?
  41. Why Democracy Didn't Work in Russia
  42. Why Russians Love Putin
  43. Why Russia Wants Crimea
  44. Why the Russia-Iran Alliance Will Backfire: Whither Iran?
  45. Why Ukraine Is Such a Big Deal for Russia
  46. Why Russia Wants to Keep Ukraine All to Itself
  47. Why Russia Could Be Trying to Invade Ukraine — and How Biden Could Stop It
  48. Why Russia Will Invade Ukraine
  49. Why Russia’s Troop Surge Near Ukraine May Really Be a Message to the West
  50. Why Are Russia and Ukraine Fighting?
  51. Why Are Tensions Between Russia and Ukraine Ratcheting Up?
  52. Why Are US-Russia Relations So Challenging?
  53. Why Many in Russia Are Reluctant to Have Sputnik Vaccine
  54. Why Russia's Economy Is Headed for Trouble
  55. Why So Many Russians Like the Soviet Dictator, Joseph Stalin
  56. Why Poison Is the Weapon of Choice in Putin’s Russia
  57. Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault - The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin (2014)
  58. Why Russia Is Attacking Ukraine: Putin's Justifications for Invasion (2022)
  59. Why Has Russia Invaded Ukraine and What Does Putin Want?
  60. Why Putin Invaded Ukraine: Russia's Leader Goes to War after Stoking Conflict
  61. Why Russia's Putin Uses WWII to Justify Attacks in Ukraine
  62. Why Does Russia Want Ukraine?
  63. Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?
  64. Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? The Conflict Explained in 10 Points
  65. Why Russia Attacks Ukraine?
  66. Why Belarus Is So Involved in Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
  67. Why Is Belarus Supporting Russia and How Is It Involved in Ukraine?
  68. Why Belarus Matters for the Russia-Ukraine War
  69. Why the Russian Military Is Bogged Down by Logistics in Ukraine
  70. Why Would Islamic State Attack Russia and What Does This Mean for the Terrorism Threat Globally?
▷ North America
  1. Is the U.S. Getting Involved in the Israel-Gaza War? What to Know
  2. The Roots of the U.S.-Israel Relationship: How the Cold War Tensions Played a Role in U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East
  3. Republicans Try to Reframe January 6 as a Sightseeing Tour – Will It Work? - US Capitol Attack
  4. Singin’ The Coups: Donald Trump Releases Single with January 6 Prisoners
  5. Now the Chinese ‘Spy Balloon’ Is Down, the Question Is: What Was It for? - Surveillance
  6. Ukraine War: US to Provide Long-Range Missiles in Latest Aid Package
  7. America’s Biggest Issues
  8. America’s Most Popular Political Issues
  9. Americans See China as the Biggest Threat to the United States, Not Russia
  10. American Government and Politics in the Information Age
  11. Contemporary Issues in US Politics
  12. The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA): Origin, Characteristics, and Institutional Authorities
  13. Niskanen Center, the Most Interesting Think Tank in Politics
  14. Politics in the USA
  15. Understanding American Politics and Government
  16. Introducing Government in America
  17. Basics of American Government
  18. The Future of US Policy Toward China: Recommendations for the Biden Administration
  19. Secret Service Faces Questions
  20. After Trump Assassination Attempt
  21. Donald Trump Shot in Assassination Attempt at Rally; Gunman Killed
  22. Trump and Democracy in America
  23. Trump Will Continue to Punish China for Its Horrifying Anti-Uighur Campaign.
  24. The Trump Presidency and the Structure of Modern American Politics
  25. Trump's Foreign Policy: A Victory for the Deep State
  26. Trump's Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide.
  27. Trump's Move on China Counterfeiting, Piracy Aimed at Protecting ...
  28. Trump Opens Door to Investigating China's 'Theft' of U.S. Intellectual ...
  29. Trump White House to Look Into China's Trade Practices.
  30. Trust in Government in the Trump Era
  31. The Economic State of Black America
  32. These Countries Are Surprisingly Anti-American -- and Here's Why
  33. African American Inequality in the United States
  34. Racism in America | Harvard
  35. Race in America
  36. Race and Policing
  37. Gen Z: Most Important Political Issues U.S.
  38. History of Gun Control in U.S.
  39. The History of American Police Brutality
  40. Police Brutality in the United States
  41. A Look at Police Brutality in America
  42. Racial Reconciliation, Truth-telling, and Police Legitimacy
  43. Law Enforcement and Violence: The Divide between Black and White Americans
  44. Police Violence Against Afro-descendants in the United States
  45. Racial Inequality
  46. The Evolving Strategy of Police: A Minority View
  47. Race, Power and Policy: Dismantling Structural Racism
  48. The World Is Trapped in America's Culture War.
  49. C.I.A. Hunts for Authentic Virus Totals in China.
  50. Women's March (Jan 21, 2017) on Washington DC - Crowd Size & Movement.
  51. Can the United States and China De-conflict in Cyberspace?.
  52. Reducing and Managing U.S.-China Conflict in Cyberspace.
  53. The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and ...
  54. A Quick Guide to the US-China Trade War.
  55. Mississippi House Passes Bill to Change State Flag.
  56. Timeline: U.S. Relations With China 1949–2020.
  57. The US-China Chip War Is Spilling Over to Europe
  58. U.S. Downs Chinese Spy Balloon, Ending Chapter in a Diplomatic Crisis
  59. U.S. Downs Chinese Spy balloon Off Carolinas Coast
  60. US Expected to Announce $2.2 Billion Ukraine Aid Package that Includes Longer-Range Missiles
  61. US-China Chip War: America Is Winning
  62. US Chip Controls Threaten China's Technology Ambitions
  63. US Consulate in Chengdu (China) Officially Closes.
  64. U.S. Policy Toward China.
  65. U.S. Foreign Policy Under Biden
  66. U.S. Policy Towards Africa Under Trump
  67. U.S. Global Food Security Funding, FY2010-FY2012
  68. U.S. Public Diplomacy: Background and Current Issues
  69. U.S. Foreign Aid to East and South Asia: Selected Recipients
  70. U.S. Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Coronavirus Badly
  71. U.S. Leaves W.H.O., and Moves to Strip Hong Kong of Special U.S. Relationship.
  72. U.S. Withdraws from World Health Organization and Announces New Broadsides Against Beijing.
  73. U.S. Annual Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China.
  74. US Goes After More Than $1B Taken from Malaysian Fund.
  75. U.S. Withdrawal from Syria Hands a Victory to Iran.
  76. U.S. Senators to Obama: Do Something About Hong Kong.
  77. U.S., China Differences Over Asia Territorial Disputes on Sharp Display.
  78. U.S. Flies Two Warplanes over East China Sea, Ignoring new Chinese Air Defense Zone.
  79. U.S., China Differences Over Asia Territorial Disputes on Sharp Display.
  80. U.S. Accuses China of Cyber Spying on American Companies.
  81. U.S. Navy Alarmed at Beijing’s ‘Great Wall of Sand’ in South China Sea.
  82. U.S. Third Fleet Expands East Asia Role as Tensions Rise with China.
  83. U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union.
  84. U.S. Intelligence Chief: China Top Suspect in Government Agency Hacks.
  85. U.S. International Investment Agreements: Issues for Congress
  86. U.S. Global Health Assistance: Background and Issues for the 113th Congress
  87. U.S. Refugee Resettlement Assistance
  88. U.S. Initiatives to Promote Global Internet Freedom: Issues, Policy, and Technology
  89. U.S. International Trade: Data and Forecasts
  90. U.S. Textile Manufacturing and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
  91. U.S. Strategic and Defense Relationships in the Asia-Pacific Region
  92. U.S. Role in the World: Background and Issues for Congress
  93. U.S. Accession to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC)
  94. United States Politics and Government
  95. The United States and Europe: Responding to Change in the Middle East and North Africa
  96. Fact Checking President Trumps Inaugural Address (1/20/2017).
  97. The Genetics of Politics - Body Politic.
  98. Feeling Typecast, Madam Secretary?
  99. Everything We Know About How the NSA Tracks People's Physical Location.
  100. Stop and Seize in the United States (Under the federal Equitable Sharing Program, police have seized $2.5 billion since 2001 from people who were not charged with a crime and without a warrant being issued).
  101. Members of U.S. Congress Press D.C. to Rename Street by Chinese Embassy After Jailed Activist.
  102. South China Sea: US Warship Sails Near Disputed Island.
  103. China Stalls Move to Quell Asia Disputes Over Territory.
  104. China Tells Tech Manufacturers to Stop Using Micron Chips, Stepping up Feud With United States
  105. Previewing the U.S.- EU Dialogue on China
  106. Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate from China, Russia, and Ukraine
  107. Hono­lulu After Pearl Harbor.
  108. In Asia, Obama Takes Softer Tone on Human Rights, Corruption.
  109. The Politics of Health Reform (in the US): Friend or Foe?
  110. GOP's Problem With Hispanics.
  111. Cheney Criticizes Former Boss: Disappointed With Final Years in White House.
  112. Federal Political Scandals in the United States
  113. Securing U.S. Diplomatic Facilities and Personnel Abroad: Legislative and Executive Branch Initiatives
  114. Free Trade Agreements: Impact on U.S. Trade and Implications for U.S. Trade Policy
  115. State, Foreign Operations Appropriations: A Guide to Component Accounts
  116. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations
  117. Abortion and Family Planning-Related Provisions in U.S. Foreign Assistance Law and Policy
  118. "Leahy Law" Human Rights Provisions and Security Assistance: Issue Overview
  119. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2014 Budget and Appropriations
  120. Millennium Challenge Corporation
  121. The Budget Control Act, Sequestration, and the Foreign Affairs Budget: Background and Possible Impacts
  122. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress
  123. Multilateral Development Banks: Overview and Issues for Congress
  124. Securing U.S. Diplomatic Facilities and Personnel Abroad: Background and Policy Issues
  125. The G-20 and International Economic Cooperation: Background and Implications for Congress
  126. Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology
  127. International Drug Control Policy: Background and U.S. Responses
  128. International Crises and Disasters: U.S. Humanitarian Assistance Response Mechanisms
  129. International Family Planning Programs: Issues for Congress
  130. International Financial Institutions: Funding U.S. Participation
  131. International Trade: Rules of Origin
  132. International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute: 2010 Review Conference
  133. The International Whaling Convention (IWC) and Legal Issues Related to Aboriginal Rights
  134. Trafficking in Persons: International Dimensions and Foreign Policy Issues for Congress
  135. Proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): In Brief
  136. Hague Convention Treaty on Recovery of International Child Support and H.R. 1896
  137. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis
  138. The Berne Union: An Overview
  139. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  140. NAFTA at 20: Overview and Trade Effects
  141. Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Policy and Issues for Congress
  142. Does Foreign Aid Work? Efforts to Evaluate U.S. Foreign Assistance
  143. Foreign Aid: International Donor Coordination of Development Assistance
  144. Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations
  145. The UNESCO World Heritage Convention: Congressional Issues
  146. Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF): Summary and Issue Overview
  147. United Nations System Funding: Congressional Issues
  148. United Nations Peacekeeping: Issues for Congress
  149. United Nations Regular Budget Contributions: Members Compared, 1990-2010
  150. United Nations System Efforts to Address Violence Against Women
  151. United Nations Reform: U.S. Policy and International Perspectives
  152. The United Nations Human Rights Council: Issues for Congress
  153. U.N. System Development Assistance: Issues for Congress
  154. U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea: Living Resources Provisions
  155. The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW): Issues in the U.S. Ratification Debate
  156. The U.N. Law of the Sea Convention and the United States: Developments Since October 2003
  157. Rising Economic Powers and U.S. Trade Policy
  158. In Brief: State Department Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO)
  159. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meetings in Vladivostok, Russia: Postscript & A Preview
  160. The Jackson-Vanik Amendment and Candidate Countries for WTO Accession: Issues for Congress
  161. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2013 Budget and Appropriations
  162. Rio+20: The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, June 2012
  163. The Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
  164. Fact Sheet: The FY2013 State and Foreign Operations Budget Request
  165. Building Civilian Interagency Capacity for Missions Abroad: Key Proposals and Issues for Congress
  166. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2012 Budget and Appropriations
  167. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
  168. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meetings in Honolulu: A Preview
  169. Foreign Operations Appropriations: General Provisions
  170. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961: Authorizations and Corresponding Appropriations
  171. Foreign Aid Reform, National Strategy, and the Quadrennial Review
  172. Foreign Aid: An Introduction to U.S. Programs and Policy
  173. Foreign Assistance: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  174. Foreign Operations (House)/State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (Senate): FY2006 Appropriations
  175. Foreign Aid: Understanding Data Used to Compare Donors
  176. Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S. Programs and Policy
  177. Foreign Aid Reform: Issues for Congress and Policy Options
  178. Foreign Aid Reform: Agency Coordination
  179. Foreign Aid Reform: Studies and Recommendations
  180. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2011 Budget and Appropriations
  181. Fact Sheet: The FY2012 State and Foreign Operations Budget Request
  182. The Future of U.S. Trade Policy: An Analysis of Issues and Options for the 112th Congress
  183. The Millenium Development Goals: The September 2010 U.N. High-level Meeting
  184. A New United Nations Entity for Women: Issues for Congress
  185. The 2009 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meetings and U.S. Trade Policy in Asia
  186. Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: a Possible Role for Congress
  187. Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: Background and Analysis
  188. The Global Peace Operations Initiative: Background and Issues for Congress
  189. USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives After 15 Years: Issues for Congress
  190. The 2009 U.N. Durban Review Conference: Follow-Up to the 2001 U.N. World Conference Against Racism
  191. Proposals for a New Foreign Service Compensation System in the 110th Congress
  192. Weak and Failing States: Evolving Security Threats and U.S. Policy
  193. FY2008 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for International Affairs
  194. Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?
  195. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2008 Appropriations
  196. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2009 Appropriations
  197. State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2010 Budget and Appropriations
  198. State Department and Related Agencies: FY2006 Appropriations and FY2007 Request
  199. Diplomacy for the 21st Century: Transformational Diplomacy
  200. Restructuring U.S. Foreign Aid: The Role of the Director of Foreign Assistance
  201. The Jackson-Vanik Amendment: A Survey
  202. Republic of the Marshall Islands "Changed Circumstances Petition" to Congress
  203. Rising Energy Competition and Energy Security in Northeast Asia: Issues for U.S. Policy
  204. Hardeep Singh Nijjar: Canada Expels Indian Diplomat over 'Credible Allegations' Linking India's Government to Killing on Canadian Soli
  205. Ng postpones Canada Trade Mission to India Amid Strained Relations
  206. Chinese 'Influence' and 'Intelligence Threat' (Canada) Outlined in Declassified 25-year-old CSIS-RCMP Report
  207. Pierre Poilievre Is the Man Who Could Beat Trudeau.
  208. Court Orders Review of Former Informant's Human Rights Complaint Against Spy Agency
  209. Politics of Canada.
  210. Canada: Federalism, Multiculturalism, Provinces
  211. Canada: Political System.
  212. Canada Polls.
  213. Canada Told Allies Before Sharing Allegations About India over B.C. Killing: Trudeau
  214. Canada: History, Population, Immigration, Capital, & Currency
  215. Canada’s Bombshell Political Deal Is Impossible to Predict ...
  216. Canadian Democracy Is Broken.
  217. Canada Calls Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference.
  218. Canada’s Startling Claim Punctuates Tension With India Over Separatists
  219. Canada Commits $33 Million to Buy Air Defence Equipment for Ukraine
  220. MPs Say Democracy Is Fraying in Canada — But There's Hope
  221. Politics of Mexico.
  222. Self-Control in Politics Is a Boring Virtue — and an Absolutely Necessary One
  223. Mexico Is on Course to Elect Its First Woman President.
  224. Mexico President Defends Russia Participation in Military Parade
  225. Mexico: Federalism, Constitution, Autonomy
  226. Mexico's Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO.
  227. Mexico and the Gods of Corruption
  228. Mexico: Freedom in the World 2022 Country Report
  229. Mexico Takes Another Step Toward Its Authoritarian Past
  230. Mexico: The Slippery Road to Stability
  231. Mexico’s President Leads Supporters in March Through Capital
  232. Democracy in Mexico: The Past, Present, and Future
  233. Economic and Political Overview of Mexico.
  234. Data Leak Exposes Mexico Military Corruption, Including Collusion with Drug Cartels
  235. Corruption in Mexico
  236. At Least 88 Politicians Have Been Killed in Mexico Since September 2020
  237. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Overview of U.S. Implementation and International Court of Justice (ICJ) Interpretation of Consular Notification Requirements
  238. Restructuring Inequality Intergroup Race Relations Report.
  239. 5 Top Countries That Don't Like the U.S.A. & the Top 5 Countries That Do.
  240. 7 Top Issues Impacting Canada in 2022.
  241. 10 Countries That Hate the United States the Most.
  242. 20 Countries That Hate Tourists from the United States.
  243. 21 Greatest Moments of Barack Obama as US President.
  244. 44th President » Second 100 Days.
  245. 47 Interesting Facts about U.S. Presidential Elections.
  246. 56 Interesting Facts About the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.
  247. 75 Years of US Support for Israel, Briefly Explained
  248. ~1,000 Instances of Police Brutality Recorded in the U.S. Anti-racism Protests
▷ South America
  1. Migration Policies and Human Rights in Latin America. Progressive Practices, Old Challenges, Worrying Setbacks and New Threats
  2. Operation Condor on Trial: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Crimes in South America
  3. The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America
  4. The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America - Francesca Lessa | Google Books
  5. South American Leaders Rebuke Israel's Anti-Hamas Offensive in Gaza
  6. Behind Latin America’s Protests, a Fading Faith in Democracy .
  7. Divisive Politics and Democratic Dangers in Latin America.
  8. Latin American Democracy May Be in Trouble. The Protests Are ....
  9. Latin America’s New Turbulence.
  10. Politics and Development: Lessons from Latin America.
  11. The Quality of Democracies in Latin America.
  12. Free Politics and Free Markets in Latin America.
  13. Political Change in Latin America.
  14. Democracy in Latin America.
  15. State and Political Reforms in Latin America.
  16. Timeline of US-Latin American Relations Since 1823.
  17. The U.S. Policy of Democracy Promotion in Latin America.
  18. Dictatorship in Latin America.
  19. Dictatorship and Democracy in Latin America.
  20. Global Banks and Latin American Dictators, 1974–1982
  21. Key Dictators from 20th Century Latin America.
  22. The Past, Present, and Future of Corruption in Latin America.
  23. Corruption in South America.
  24. Corruption and Corrosion in Latin America.
  25. Controlling Political Corruption in Latin America.
  26. Police Misconduct and Democracy in Latin America.
  27. The Politics of Corruption in Latin America.
  28. The Fight Against Corruption in Latin America.
  29. The Growing Divide Between the Least and Most Corrupt Latin American Countries.
  30. Ringing the Changes: Combating Corruption in South America.
  31. The State of Corruption in Latin America.
  32. Latin American Democracy Is Crumbling Under Corruption.
  33. New Challenges to Growth in Latin America & the Caribbean.
  34. Charges of Autocratic Rule in Bolivia.
  35. U.S.-Latin America Relations.
  36. Challenges to Political Representation in Contemporary Chile.
  37. The Geography of Dictatorship and Support for Democracy.
  38. Chile's Crisis: A Legacy of Pinochet.
  39. Freedom of Expression and the Public Debate in Chile.
  40. Transitioning to Democracy: The Role of the Right in Chile and Argentina.
  41. Life or Death Choices for Women Living Under Honduras’ Abortion Ban.
  42. The Transition to Democracy in Paraguay.
  43. Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca Leak Reveals Elite's Tax Havens.
  44. Latin America's Relationship With China.
  45. Politics of Venezuela
  46. Colombia Protests: UN Calls for Investigation into Cali Deaths.
  47. Violent Protests Erupt in Colombia Anew Over 'Egregious Abuses'
  48. Thousands of Colombians Protest Petro's Economic, Social Reforms
  49. Huge Crowds Protest Colombian President’s Planned Reforms
  50. In Colombia, a Leftist and a Right-Wing Populist Move on to June Runoff
  51. Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez: A New Era for Colombia
  52. The Politics of Corruption in Venezuela
  53. Political Corruption in Venezuela
  54. Political Culture of Democracy in Venezuela
  55. Corruption in Venezuela
  56. The Corruption of Democracy in Venezuela
  57. The Devastating Venezuelan Crisis
  58. Venezuela in Crisis: A Way Forward
  59. Venezuela: Popular Sovereignty versus Democracy
  60. Venezuela: A Path out of Misery
  61. Venezuela and the Challenge of a New Democratic Transition
  62. Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate
  63. Venezuela: Political Changes in the Chávez Era
  64. Venezuela's Shortages Could Lead to a Humanitarian Crisis.
  65. The Fall of Democracy and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Venezuela
  66. Can Venezuela's Socialist Government Survive Wave of Protests?
  67. Political Corruption and Democracy in Contemporary Brazil
  68. The Political Economy of Corruption in Brazil
  69. Corruption: Brazil's Everlasting Parasite
  70. Corona Crisis and Political Confrontation in Brazil
  71. Lula Sworn in as Brazil President as Predecessor Bolsonaro Flies to US
  72. Brazil Election: Brazil Elects Lula, a Leftist Former Leader, in a Rebuke of Bolsonaro
  73. Brazil: Democracy and Corruption
  74. Brazil: Democracy at Stake
  75. Democracy and Growth in Brazil
  76. Democratization in Brazil
  77. Democratic Consolidation and Human Rights in Brazil
  78. Impeachment, Political Crisis and Democracy in Brazil
  79. The Perfect Dictatorship? Comparing Authoritarian Rule in South Korea and in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico
  80. Democratization, Political Performance, and Income Distribution in Argentina and Brazil Distribution in Argentina and Brazil
  81. Civil Engagement in Argentina After the Last Dictatorship
  82. Introduction to Argentine Exceptionalism
  83. Far-right Populist Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina
  84. Corruption in Argentina.
  85. The Political Dynamics of Corruption Scandals in Argentina.
  86. The Argentina of the 20th Century in the Hoover Archives.
  87. Corruption Scandals and Anti-Corruption Policies in Argentina
  88. The Radicalization of President Alberto Fernández in Argentina
  89. Is Argentina's Democracy in Danger?.
  90. Human Rights in Argentina.
  91. Neoliberalism in Argentina and Chile
  92. The Rise and Fall of Argentina
  93. Argentina to Dissolve Intelligence Body after Prosecutor Death.
  94. Argentina: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report
  95. Argentina's Delegative Democracy: A Case Study
  96. Argentina's Quarter Century Experiment with Neoliberalism
  97. Argentina and the New Pattern of Political Instability in Latin America
  98. History of Latin America - Impact of the Cuban Revolution.
  99. Corruption in Cuba.
  100. Politics of Cuba.
  101. Cuba: The Dictatorship and the ‘Blockade’ Lie
  102. Cuba: Fidel Castro's Record of Repression
  103. Cuba: Freedom in the World 2020 Country Report.
  104. Background to Revolution: The Batista Dictatorship and the Decline of Democracy in Cuba
  105. The Lasting Effects of U.S. Intervention in Guatemala.
  106. Against the Odds CICIG in Guatemala.
  107. Elites, Criminal Networks and Institutional Reform in Guatemala.
  108. World Report 2019: Guatemala.
  109. Political Culture of Democracy in Guatemala.
  110. The Guatemalan Presidential Election (2019).
  111. Guatemala's Rios Montt Found Guilty of Genocide.
  112. Guatemala: Political, Security, and Socio-Economic.
  113. Background on the Guatemalan Coup of 1954.
  114. Ecuador Trial Over Presidential Candidate's Murder Gets Underway
  115. Ecuador Country Report (2020).
  116. Ecuador: An Overview.
  117. Ecuador: Trials with Democracy.
  118. Ecuador's Coup Alerts Region to a Resurgent Military
  119. Ecuador Coup Shifts Control to No. 2 Man
  120. The 2024 Ecuadorian Conflict
  121. The 2000 Ecuadorian Coup d'état
  122. Democratic Legitimacy in the Americas and in Ecuador.
  123. Political Culture of Democracy in Ecuador (2010).
  124. 10 Countries, 10 Challenges in South America.
  125. 20 Pictures of Cuba Through My Lens.
  126. 31 Countries That Hate Americans.
  127. 60 Years of Revolution, 60 Years of Oppression in Cuba.
▷ North & South America: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How a Russian Invasion of Ukraine Could Affect Americans | NPR
  2. How NRA’s True Believers Converted a Marksmanship Group into a Mighty Gun Lobby.
  3. How Americans See the State of Race Relations
  4. How Socialism Failed Venezuela.
  5. How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine?
  6. How Ecuador Went from Being Latin America’s Model of Stability to a Nation in Crisis
  7. How the Assassination Attempt on Trump Unfolded
  8. What to Know About the Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump
  9. What to Know About the Assassination Attempt on Trump
  10. What Happened on 6 January 2021? - US Capitol Riots Timeline
  11. What Is Happening in Ecuador?
  12. What People Think: Corruption in Latin America & the Caribbean.
  13. What Is the Difference? - Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data
  14. What Is Canada's Political System?
  15. What Is Going on in South America? Understanding the Wave of Protests.
  16. What Is Behind the ‘Apocalyptic’ Violence in Ecuador
  17. What Are the Most Corrupt Countries in Latin America?.
  18. What Are the Biggest Problems Affecting Ecuador in 2023?
  19. What Went Right (and Wrong) in Latin America’s Anti-Corruption Fight.
  20. What the Ecuadorian Anti-Corruption Agency Can Learn from International Good Practice.
  21. When It Comes to China, Americans Think Like Trump.
  22. Which Countries Don’t Like America and Which Do (2014)
  23. 'Why Not Have Universal Background Checks for All Gun Sales?'
  24. Why Is South America in Turmoil? An Overview.
  25. Why Colombia's Protests Are Unlikely to Fizzle Out.
  26. Why Uruguay Finished First in Our Anti-Corruption Ranking.
  27. Why US Friends India and UAE Won't Back Biden Against Russia on Ukraine.
  28. Why American Companies Choose China Over Everyone Else.
  29. Why the US Delayed China Sanctions After Shooting Down a Spy Balloon.
▷ Africa
  1. African Leaders Criticize Israel’s Military Campaign in Gaza and Call for an Immediate Cease-Fire
  2. African Leaders Condemn Israel's Offensive in Gaza
  3. African Nations Recall Diplomats from Israel, Calling for Immediate Ceasefire
  4. Africans Think Their Governments Aren’t Fighting Corruption Hard Enough
  5. Women’s Rights in Uganda: Gaps Between Policy and Practice
  6. The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: An Instrument for Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Rights
  7. West Africa's Ultimatum to Niger Coup Leaders Nears Deadline
  8. West Africa Threatens Force on Niger Coup Leaders, French Embassy Attacked
  9. The 2023 Nigerien Coup D'état
  10. Mohamed Bazoum: Niger's Ousted President Warns of 'Devastating' Coup Impact, Growing Russian Influence
  11. Niger Coup: Simple Guide to What's Happening
  12. Niger Revokes Military Accord With US, Junta Spokesperson Says
  13. Niger Orders American Troops to Leave Its Territory
  14. Niger Ends Military Agreement with US, Calls It ‘Profoundly Unfair’
  15. Pentagon Orders Withdrawal of all 1,000 US Troops from Niger
  16. As US Pulls Troops from Niger and Chad, What Happens to Counterterrorism?
  17. US Withdraws Troops from Base in Chad Following Government Demand
  18. U.S. Says Chad Rebels Heading Towards Capital from North
  19. Chad Asks US to Cease Operations at Strategic Army Base
  20. Chad Crisis: Army Refuses to Negotiate With Rebel 'Outlaws'
  21. Sudan Crisis
  22. Sudan's Political Turmoil
  23. Sudan Coup: A Really Simple Guide
  24. Sudan Military Coup
  25. Conflict and Politics of Identity in Sudan
  26. Corruption in African Politics
  27. Putting Sudan’s Political Transition Back on Track
  28. Demystifying the' Root Causes of Conflict in Old "Greater" Sudan: Ethnicity and Tribalism?
  29. Russia’s Wagner Group in Africa
  30. China’s Presence in Africa Is at Heart Political
  31. China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions
  32. China Taking Over Africa: 'China's Second Continent'
  33. China in Africa
  34. Africa’s Relationship with China: Where are We Now?
  35. Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa
  36. Peacebuilding, Power, and Politics in Africa; Introduction: The Contested Politics of Peacebuilding in Africa
  37. Africa’s ‘Leaders for Life’
  38. African Dictators Have Been Losing Power—Some to ...
  39. The African Dictators
  40. Dictatorships in Africa.
  41. End of the Line for Africa's Dictators?
  42. The Main Problems Affecting African Politics
  43. Africa: Aid and Corruption
  44. Corruption in Africa: 75 Million People Pay Bribes …
  45. Corruption in Africa: Overview, Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  46. Corruption in Africa – The Crisis of Our Time?
  47. The Rise of Africa’s ‘Old Men’ and How to Stop It
  48. CPI 2021 for Sub-Saharan Africa: Amid Democratic Turbulence, Deep-Seated Corruption Exacerbates Threats to Freedoms
  49. Understanding the Nature and Origins of Violent Conflict in Africa
  50. Resource Based Conflicts and Political Instability in Africa: Major Trends, Challenges and Prospects
  51. Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Africa as a Process ...
  52. The Roots of African Conflicts: The Causes and Costs - Introduction
  53. Political Fragility in Africa: Are Military Coups d’Etat a Never-Ending Phenomenon?.
  54. Combating Coups D’état in Africa, 1950–2014.
  55. Explaining African Military Coups d'Etat, 1960-1982.
  56. Debunking the Myth of the “Good” Coup d’État in Africa.
  57. Political Instability in Africa.
  58. Democracy in Africa | Harvard.
  59. Democracy in Africa | Afrobarometer.
  60. Democratization in Africa | FAS
  61. Democracy in Africa | Cambridge University.
  62. The Challenges of Democracy and Democratisation in Africa and Middle East.
  63. The Challenge of Democracy in Africa.
  64. Is Democracy a Failed Project in Africa?.
  65. Dilemmas of Democracy and State Power in Africa.
  66. Is Liberal Democracy Failing in Africa or Is Africa Failing under Liberal Democracy?.
  67. The Movement Toward Democracy in Africa.
  68. The Democratic Challenge in Africa.
  69. Demand for Democracy Is Rising in Africa, But Most Political ....
  70. South Africa: Democracy, Poverty and Inclusive Growth.
  71. Is Africa Going Backwards on Democracy?.
  72. The African Military in a Democratic Age.
  73. List of Conflicts in Africa.
  74. The Political Economy of Development in Africa
  75. Africa’s ‘Civil Wars’ Are Regional Nightmares.
  76. Threats to Democracy in Africa: The Rise of the Constitutional Coup.
  77. On the Economic Motivation for Conflict in Africa.
  78. The Causes of Conflict in Africa.
  79. Transitions to Democracy in Africa.
  80. A Redefining Moment for Africa.
  81. Democracy and Dictatorship in Uganda: A Politics of Dispensation?.
  82. The Rise of Africa's 'Old Men' and How to Stop It.
  83. Bad Governance and Corruption in Africa.
  84. The First World War and Its Consequences in Africa.
  85. The State of Poverty in 10 Dictatorship Countries
  86. Is Democracy in Africa a 'Dictatorship of the Majority'?
  87. Are Poor Societies Stuck with Dictators?
  88. Poverty 'Stalls' Further Spread of Democracy
  89. The Politics of Poverty: Elites, Citizens and States
  90. Africa: The Last Frontier for Eradicating Extreme Poverty
  91. Poverty in Africa
  92. In Whose Interest? Political Integrity and Corruption in Africa
  93. South Africa Again Asks the ICJ to Order Israel to Withdraw From Rafah
  94. South Africa Again Requests Emergency Measures From World Court to Restrain Israel's Actions in Gaza
  95. South Africans Fighting for Israel in Gaza: What Does the Law Say?
  96. South Africa Heading Towards Becoming a Failed State Report
  97. South Africa: A Sophisticated Failing State
  98. South Africa’s Social and Political Challenges
  99. South Africa: Current Issues, Economy, and U.S. Relations
  100. Things Are Bad and Getting Worse for South Africa. Or Are They?
  101. A Critical Analysis of South Africa's System of Government: From a Disjunctive System to a Synergistic System of Government
  102. Theory, Change and Southern Africa’s Future
  103. Violent Conflicts and Civil Strife in West Africa: Causes, Challenges and Prospects
  104. Change in the Middle East and North Africa.
  105. The Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative: An Overview
  106. Democratic Backsliding in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  107. Morocco-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
  108. Politics of Morocco - The Government of Morocco
  109. Could Morocco See the Next Uprising, After Sudan and Algeria?
  110. Morocco: Current Issues
  111. World Report 2022: Morocco and Western Sahara | Human Rights Watch
  112. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf First Female President of Liberia
  113. Tanzania Swears in First Female President.
  114. Death of Tanzania's Magufuli Draws Sorrow but Ire from Some.
  115. Tanzania's Failure in Consolidating a Strong Democracy.
  116. Tanzania's Populist President John Magufuli Has Died at 61.
  117. Libya - Baby Steps.
  118. Origins of the Libyan Conflict and Options for Its Resolution
  119. Ethiopia: Deteriorating Human Rights Situation
  120. World Report 2023: Ethiopia | Human Rights Watch
  121. Briefing: Five Challenges Facing Ethiopia’s Abiy
  122. Major Problems Facing Ethiopia Today
  123. Ethiopia: Social and Political Issues
  124. Vicious Circle of Ethiopian Politics: Prospects and Challenges of Current Political Reform
  125. The Politics of Conflict in Northern Ethiopia, 2020-2021: A Study of War-Making, Media Bias and Policy Struggle
  126. Ethiopia News
  127. State Failure, Democracy and Development in Sierra Leone.
  128. Ethiopia: UN says 20,000 Refugees Missing in Tigray.
  129. In Pictures: Eritrean Refugees Caught in Crossfire in Ethiopia.
  130. Conflict in Ethiopia
  131. Ethiopian Air Force Strikes Hit Tigray Region
  132. Ethiopia: Middle Passage to the Middle East
  133. Human Rights Watch World Reports on Ethiopia: 2022 - 2023
  134. Facebook Accused of 'Fanning Ethnic Violence' in Ethiopian Civil War
  135. At Least 800 Ethiopians Killed After Defending 'Ark of the Covenant'
  136. Sudan's Military Takes Power in Coup, Arrests Prime Minister.
  137. Sudan Coup Has Official Detained, Internet Down.
  138. Sudan Warns Ethiopia Against Second Filling of Dam without Deal.
  139. Hope and Fear as Somalia Marks 30 years of Civil War.
  140. The Impact of Democracy in Zimbabwe.
  141. Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.
  142. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe Removed as Ruling Party Chief.
  143. President Mugabe Shocks Zimbabwe By Not Resigning in Speech.
  144. Chaos in Zimbabwe After Mugabe Fails to Announce Expected Resignation.
  145. Zimbabwe Crisis: 'Moment of Hope' as Robert Mugabe's Iron Grip on Power Evaporates.
  146. Zimbabwe Ran out of U.S. Dollars. So, It Will Print Its Own.
  147. Zimbabwe: Breaking the Silence.
  148. Hundreds of South African Miners Were Charged with the Murder of their 34 Colleagues ...
  149. Fulfilling the Legacy of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
  150. African Politics: A Very Short Introduction.
  151. Introduction: Understanding African Politics: Bringing the State Back in
  152. 10 Most Corrupt African Dictators & Worst Leaders in Modern History.
▷ Africa: How, What, Who & Why
  1. How the International Community Can Help Restore Sudan’s Democracy
  2. How China's Taking over Africa, and Why the West Should Be Very Worried
  3. How US Nurtured Dictators to Africa’s Detriment
  4. How Africa’s Corrupt Leaders Stay in Power
  5. What Caused the Coup in Niger?
  6. What Is Happening to Democracy in Africa?
  7. What China Is Really Up to in Africa
  8. Why Is China Building Africa?
  9. What to Know About the Crisis in Sudan
  10. What Is Happening in Sudan, and How Does it Affect Global Politics?
  11. What Is Happening to Democracy in Africa?
  12. What Africans Really Think About China's Role in Africa
  13. ‘Coup attempt’ in Niger: Here’s What We Know ABout ‘Coup Attempt’ in Niger
  14. Why Africa's Rebels Become Dictators
  15. Why Is Africa Poor
  16. Why Is Africa Poor? - Maddison Lecture
  17. Why Africa Is Poor
  18. Why Most African Countries Are Poor
  19. Why Can't Nigeria Protect Its Children from Boko Haram?.
  20. Why Is Africa So Poor While Europe and North America Are So Wealthy
  21. Why Is Africa So Poor? You Asked Google – Here’s the Answer
  22. Why Democracy Will Never Succeed in Africa
  23. Why Are Coups Making a Comeback in Africa?
  24. Why Are There So Many Civil Wars in Africa?
  25. Why African Countries Back China on Human Rights
  26. Why Africa Loves China - Poverty and Development
  27. Why Coups in Africa Don’t Spell the End of Democracy
  28. Why Is There Fighting in Sudan?
  29. Why Niger's Coup Matters to the U.S.

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