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Website: The Conservative Party of Canada
Confirmed URL: https://www.conservative.ca/
Category: Politics
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 10:59:57 AM
Site Description:
The Conservative Party of Canada (or the Tories) is a federal political party in Canada. It was formed in 2003 by the merger of the two main right-leaning parties, the Progressive Conservative Party (PC Party) and the Canadian Alliance, the latter being the successor of the Western Canadian–based Reform Party.

Website: The Liberal Party of Canada
Confirmed URL: https://liberal.ca/
Category: Politics
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 10:55:30 AM
Site Description:
The Liberal Party of Canada, a federal political party in Canada, is the longest-serving and oldest active federal political party in the country, and has dominated federal politics of Canada for much of its history, holding power for almost 70 years of the 20th century.

Website: The Liberal Democrats
Confirmed URL: https://www.libdems.org.uk/
Category: Politics
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 10:50:34 AM
Site Description:
The Liberal Democrats (or the Lib Dems) are a liberal political party in the United Kingdom, founded in 1988. Since the 1992 general election, with the exception of the 2015 general election, they have been the third-largest UK political party by the number of votes cast.

Website: The Labour Party
Confirmed URL: https://labour.org.uk/
Category: Politics
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 10:47:12 AM
Site Description:
The Labour Party is a political party in the United Kingdom that has been described as an alliance of social democrats, democratic socialists, and trade unionists. The party was founded in 1900, having grown out of the trade union movement and socialist parties of the 19th century.

Website: The Conservative Party
Confirmed URL: https://www.conservatives.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 10:30:38 AM
Site Description:
The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party and colloquially known as the Tories, is one of the two main political parties in the United Kingdom, along with the Labour Party. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 from the Tory Party and was one of two dominant political parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party.

Website: Big News Network
Confirmed URL: https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:59:03 PM
Site Description:
Big News Network - Online news service, constantly updating around 400 categories of news on an hourly basis.

Website: Atlantic Monthly
Confirmed URL: https://www.theatlantic.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:57:38 PM
Site Description:
Atlantic Monthly - A general editorial magazine features contemporary social and cultural issues.

Website: Utne Reader
Confirmed URL: https://www.utne.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:56:27 PM
Site Description:
Utne Reader - Reprints articles from over 2,000 alternative media sources.

Website: Weekly Standard
Confirmed URL: https://www.weeklystandard.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:55:18 PM
Site Description:
Weekly Standard - A Rupert Murdoch's influential magazine features political viewpoint and neo-conservatives.

Website: American Spectator
Confirmed URL: https://www.spectator.org/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:53:28 PM
Site Description:
American Spectator - A right wing magazine features investigative reporting and political commentary.

Website: World Magazine
Confirmed URL: https://www.worldmag.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:52:04 PM
Site Description:
World Magazine - Features analysis of current events and society from a conservative Christian viewpoint.

Website: American Prospect
Confirmed URL: https://www.prospect.org/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:50:31 PM
Site Description:
American Prospect - A biweekly liberal magazine offers views of politics, policy and culture.

Website: World Politics Review
Confirmed URL: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:48:11 PM
Site Description:
World Politics Review - Offers geo-strategic analysis in a variety political subjects, and provides research and background information tools.

Website: American
Confirmed URL: https://www.american.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:46:53 PM
Site Description:
American - A magazine published by neo-conservatives' think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Website: World Tribune
Confirmed URL: https://www.worldtribune.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:44:23 PM
Site Description:
World Tribune - A daily online international newspaper features exclusive stories and links to the top news of the day.

Website: American Conservative
Confirmed URL: https://www.amconmag.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2013; 01:42:29 PM
Site Description:
American Conservative - Features journal of traditional conservatism from Pat Buchanan.

Website: Minnesota E-Democracy
Confirmed URL: https://www.e-democracy.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:34:58 PM
Site Description:
Minnesota E-Democracy - Provides directory and forum to harness the power of online tools to support participation in public life, strengthen communities, and build democracy.

Website: Elephant Educators
Confirmed URL: https://www.elephanteducators.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:32:53 PM
Site Description:
Elephant Educators - Improves American public education through increased cooperation and understanding between Republican Party Organizations and Teacher's Unions.

Website: OpEd.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.oped.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:31:45 PM
Site Description:
OpEd.com - Features editorials on current affairs written by journalists and members of the public.

Website: Network54
Confirmed URL: https://www.network54.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:30:26 PM
Site Description:
Network54 - Allows users to create their own FREE forums and message boards, chat rooms, votelets and other community resources.

Website: ForumsAmerica.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.ForumsAmerica.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:27:56 PM
Site Description:
ForumsAmerica.com - Offers access to professionally managed forums on a wide variety of topics. Features message boards and chat.

Website: Perspectives
Confirmed URL: https://www.perspectives.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:26:47 PM
Site Description:
Perspectives - Offers forums specializing in US politics and political news as well as society.

Website: VoxCap.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.voxcap.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:25:57 PM
Site Description:
VoxCap.com - Offers public policy and politics community hub, including creating clubs, writing newsletters, or distributing information to your own network of contacts, or fellow community members.

Website: U.S. Politics Online
Confirmed URL: https://www.USPoliticsOnline.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:24:33 PM
Site Description:
U.S. Politics Online - Features discussion forum focusing on politics, political issues, and political science.

Website: Vote Watch
Confirmed URL: https://www.votewatch.us
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:23:23 PM
Site Description:
Vote Watch - Offers a repository for voter complaints.

Website: Votelink
Confirmed URL: https://www.votelink.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:22:32 PM
Site Description:
Votelink - Offers weekly vote on world, USA, state and local issues.

Website: Drinking Liberally
Confirmed URL: https://www.drinkingliberally.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:21:08 PM
Site Description:
Drinking Liberally - An informal, inclusive progressive drinking club meeting in bars and pubs across the U.S. - Promotes democracy one pint at a time.

Website: Vote.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.vote.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:20:15 PM
Site Description:
Vote.com - Provides information about opinion on a variety of political issues.

Website: Lucianne.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.lucianne.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:19:01 PM
Site Description:
Lucianne.com - Comments on and posts responses to news stories.

Website: WebPetitions.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.webpetitions.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:15:56 PM
Site Description:
WebPetitions.com - Offers online creation, hosting, and signing of petitions.

Website: iPetitions
Confirmed URL: https://www.ipetitions.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:15:15 PM
Site Description:
iPetitions - Fosters online democracy by providing users with sophisticated and flexible campaign tools on the Web.

Website: ThePetitionSite.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.thepetitionsite.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:14:16 PM
Site Description:
ThePetitionSite.com - Provides variety of current petitions from nonprofit organizations and individuals. Topics include environment, entertainment, politics, and human rights.

Website: PetitionOnline.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.PetitionOnline.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:13:25 PM
Site Description:
PetitionOnline.com - Hosts a variety of petitions for responsible public advocacy, including "sign" petitions, or start a petition.

Website: IRCpolitics.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.ircpolitics.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:11:59 PM
Site Description:
IRCpolitics.org - Debate of politics and current events.

Website: Political Communication Lab at Stanford University
Confirmed URL: https://pcl.stanford.edu
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:10:19 PM
Site Description:
Political Communication Lab at Stanford University - Develops and administers experimental studies of public opinion and political behavior through the use of both online and traditional methods.

Website: New World Forum
Confirmed URL: https://www.newworldforum.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:09:29 PM
Site Description:
New World Forum - Presents an alternate view on political current events and world affairs.

Website: Civil Discourse
Confirmed URL: https://www.civildiscourse.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:08:53 PM
Site Description:
Civil Discourse - Features open forum for dignified, well reasoned discussions of politics, society, ethics, the arts and sports.

Website: Patriot Debate
Confirmed URL: https://www.patriotdebate.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:08:07 PM
Site Description:
Patriot Debate - Offers forums for discussing American politics, current affairs, and news.

Website: US Message Board
Confirmed URL: https://www.usmessageboard.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:07:24 PM
Site Description:
US Message Board - Features political forums focused on US and global politics.

Website: America.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.america.com
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:06:27 PM
Site Description:
America.com - Features a collective, non-partisan message board forum and active community of members.

Website: OpenDemocracy.net
Confirmed URL: https://www.opendemocracy.net
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:05:48 PM
Site Description:
OpenDemocracy.net - Offers an independent political forum for articles and debates dedicated to stimulating exchange and discussion across the globe.

Website: Natural Law Party of Indiana
Confirmed URL: https://www.nlp-indiana.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:03:37 PM
Site Description:
Natural Law Party of Indiana - Provides information about the Natural Law Party of Indiana.

Website: Natural Law Party of the United States
Confirmed URL: https://www.natural-law.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:02:30 PM
Site Description:
Natural Law Party of the United States - Provides information about the Natural Law Party of the United States.

Website: Hungarian Socialist Party
Confirmed URL: https://www.mszp.hu
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:01:11 PM
Site Description:
Hungarian Socialist Party - Provides information about the Hungarian Socialist Party.

Website: Social Democrats, USA
Confirmed URL: https://www.socialdemocratsusa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 03:00:07 PM
Site Description:
Social Democrats, USA - Successor to the Socialist Party, USA, the party of Eugene Debs, Norman Thomas, and Bayard Rustin and a member of the Socialist International.

Website: Socialist.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.socialist.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:59:27 PM
Site Description:
Socialist.org - Provides information about the democratic Socialist movement.

Website: Socialist Party of North Carolina
Confirmed URL: https://www.ncsocialist.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:57:17 PM
Site Description:
Socialist Party of North Carolina - Provides information about the Socialist Party of North Carolina

Website: Socialist Party of Greater New York
Confirmed URL: https://www.newyorksocialists.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:56:29 PM
Site Description:
Socialist Party of Greater New York - Provides information about Socialist Party of Greater New York.

Website: American Socialist Foundation
Confirmed URL: https://www.americansocialist.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:55:22 PM
Site Description:
American Socialist Foundation - Serves as an educational foundation and think tank for the party and the broader democratic socialist movement.

Website: The Socialist Party
Confirmed URL: https://www.thesocialistparty.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:54:46 PM
Site Description:
The Socialist Party - Provides information about American democratic socialism and the Socialist Party USA.

Website: Socialist Party U.S.A.
Confirmed URL: https://www.votesocialist.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:53:44 PM
Site Description:
Socialist Party U.S.A. - Offers a membership-based social, educational, and political organization.

Website: Maavak Sozialisti
Confirmed URL: https://www.maavak.org.il
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:53:06 PM
Site Description:
Maavak Sozialisti - Organization defending the rights of working people and youth and fighting for Socialism in Israel.

Website: SearchWarp
Confirmed URL: https://www.searchwarp.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:52:19 PM
Site Description:
SearchWarp - Foster intelligent discussion from diverse viewpoints while providing useful information to the World..

Website: Socialist.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.socialist.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:51:43 PM
Site Description:
Socialist.org - Dedicated to providing information about the democratic Socialist movement.

Website: Democratic Socialist Party - Australia
Confirmed URL: https://www.dsp.org.au
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:50:59 PM
Site Description:
Democratic Socialist Party - Australia - Socialism, for fundamental change in this rotten capitalist system, but a socialism organized on democratic lines, where people are able to take control of their own lives.

Website: Socialist Workers Party UK
Confirmed URL: https://www.swp.org.uk
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:49:56 PM
Site Description:
Socialist Workers Party UK - For workers power and international socialism in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.

Website: Party of European Socialists (PES)
Confirmed URL: https://www.pes.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:47:56 PM
Site Description:
Party of European Socialists (PES) - Brings together the Socialist, Social Democratic and Labour parties of the European Union, Cyprus and Norway and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Website: Young Communist League USA
Confirmed URL: https://www.yclusa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:47:00 PM
Site Description:
Young Communist League USA - Provides information about multi-racial, national youth organization struggling to defend the community and change the system.

Website: Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.cpusa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:45:52 PM
Site Description:
Communist Party USA (CPUSA) - Provides information about Marxist-Leninist working-class party.

Website: The Real Difference
Confirmed URL: https://www.therealdifference.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:44:21 PM
Site Description:
The Real Difference - Compares the Green party to the Republican and Democratic parties.

Website: The Greens/Green Party USA
Confirmed URL: https://www.greenparty.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:43:15 PM
Site Description:
The Greens/Green Party USA - Green Party affiliate organization dedicated to advancing key party values.

Website: Green Party
Confirmed URL: https://www.gp.org
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:42:05 PM
Site Description:
Green Party - Features candidate information, links to state parties, press releases, the Green Party platform, and more.

Website: Political Resources
Confirmed URL: https://www.politicalresources.net
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:41:03 PM
Site Description:
Political Resources - Links to parties, movements, organizations and governments grouped by country.

Website: Christian Democratic Union of Germany
Confirmed URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Democratic_Union_of_Germany
Category: Politics
Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2013; 02:39:32 PM
Site Description:
Christian Democratic Union of Germany - Hyperlinked article about the conservative Christian Democratic Party of Germany.

Website: America First Party
Confirmed URL: https://www.americafirstparty.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 05:06:10 PM
Site Description:
America First Party - Site includes mission statement and party platform.

Website: The Smoking Gun
Confirmed URL: https://www.thesmokinggun.com/
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 05:03:55 PM
Site Description:
The Smoking Gun - Provides documents obtained from government, law enforcement sources, and court files about the bad newsmakers.

Website: Green Information
Confirmed URL: https://www.greeninformation.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 05:03:05 PM
Site Description:
Green Information - To promote environmental awareness and party information.

Website: Andrew Sullivan
Confirmed URL: https://www.andrewsullivan.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 05:02:11 PM
Site Description:
Andrew Sullivan - Independent journalist Andrew Sullivan provides a daily dish on politics, and links to some of his more controversial pieces.

Website: Steven Milloy
Confirmed URL: www.junkscience.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 05:00:11 PM
Site Description:
Steven Milloy - Steven Milloy, Fox News columnist and author of Junk Science Judo: Self-Defense Against Health Scares, examines questionable "scientific developments" in the public health research arena..

Website: Socialist Workers Party UK
Confirmed URL: https://www.swp.org.uk
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:59:30 PM
Site Description:
Socialist Workers Party UK - For workers power and international socialism in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.

Website: Democratic Socialist Party - Australia
Confirmed URL: https://www.dsp.org.au
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:58:28 PM
Site Description:
Democratic Socialist Party - Australia Socialism, for fundamental change in this rotten capitalist system, but a socialism organized on democratic lines, where people are able to take control of their own lives.

Website: Michelle Malkin
Confirmed URL: https://www.michellemalkin.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:57:24 PM
Site Description:
Michelle Malkin - Provides the blog and newspaper columns of Michelle Malkin, the often controversial Asian American conservative who is a regular commentator on Fox News.

Website: OpinionJournal.com
Confirmed URL: www.opinionjournal.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:56:39 PM
Site Description:

Website: International Progress Organization (I.P.O.)
Confirmed URL: https://www.i-p-o.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:54:17 PM
Site Description:
International Progress Organization (I.P.O.) - Features publication lists, news releases, reports, research papers.

Website: Institute for Contemporary Studies
Confirmed URL: https://www.icspress.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:53:19 PM
Site Description:
Institute for Contemporary Studies - A nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research institute promoting self-governance and entrepreneurial ways of life.

Website: Netherlands Atlantic Commission
Confirmed URL: https://www.atlcom.nl
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:52:32 PM
Site Description:
Netherlands Atlantic Commission - (Atlantische Commissie) dedicated to providing information on transatlantic security issues. Mostly in Dutch.

Website: Partnership for Democratic Governance and Security
Confirmed URL: https://www.pdgs.org.ar
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:51:21 PM
Site Description:
Partnership for Democratic Governance and Security - International forum for civil-military relations and democratic governance. Created by the National Democratic Institute and funded by USAID.

Website: International Paneuropean Union
Confirmed URL: https://www.paneuropa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:49:41 PM
Site Description:
International Paneuropean Union - Europe's oldest unification movement.

Website: Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD)
Confirmed URL: https://www.cald.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:41:14 PM
Site Description:
Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) - Organization of Asian political parties which adhere to liberal democratic principles.

Website: European Marches
Confirmed URL: https://www.euromarches.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:40:32 PM
Site Description:
European Marches - Against unemployment, job insecurity, and exclusions.

Website: International Democrat Union
Confirmed URL: https://www.idu.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:39:59 PM
Site Description:
International Democrat Union Working association of Conservative, Christian Democrat, and like minded political parties of the center and center right.

Website: International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (IFLRY)
Confirmed URL: https://www.iflry.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:39:24 PM
Site Description:
International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (IFLRY) Association of young liberals, democrats, progressives, and radicals.

Website: Loesje International
Confirmed URL: https://www.loesje.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:38:57 PM
Site Description:
Loesje International - International poster organization with the goal to spread ideas and to stimulate creativity and initiative.

Website: International Republican Institute
Confirmed URL: https://www.iri.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:38:23 PM
Site Description:
International Republican Institute - Programs adhere to fundamental American principles such as individual liberty, rule of law, and entrepreneurial spirit that fosters economic development.

Website: Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO)
Confirmed URL: https://www.unpo.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:37:43 PM
Site Description:
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) - International forum for occupied nations, indigenous peoples, minorities, and even oppressed majorities struggling to regain lost countries, preserve their cultural identities, protect basic human and economic rights and safeguard the natural environment.

Website: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
Confirmed URL: https://www.ndi.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:37:08 PM
Site Description:
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs - Works with democrats in every region of the world to build political and civic organizations, safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.

Website: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.idea.int
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:36:27 PM
Site Description:
Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) - Seeks to promote and advance sustainable democracy and to improve and consolidate electoral processes worldwide.

Website: Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Confirmed URL: https://www.ipu.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:35:13 PM
Site Description:
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) - Works for peace and cooperation among peoples and for the firm establishment of representative democracy.

Website: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.rawa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011; 04:34:32 PM
Site Description:
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) - Political organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy, and women's rights in Afghanistan.

Website: CitizenSpeak
Confirmed URL: https://www.citizenspeak.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:43:31 PM
Site Description:
CitizenSpeak provides grassroots organizations and local activists with e-advocacy tools. State your cause, send it to supporters, then monitor results online.

Website: World Campaign
Confirmed URL: https://www.worldcampaign.net
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:42:36 PM
Site Description:
World Campaign creates global awareness and action on population, hunger, environment, poverty, disease, war, human rights, and personal growth.

Website: Boggscenter.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.boggscenter.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:41:50 PM
Site Description:
Boggscenter.org aims to help grassroots activists develop themselves into visionary leaders and critical thinkers.

Website: HotSalsa
Confirmed URL: https://www.hotsalsa.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:40:33 PM
Site Description:
HotSalsa - Social Action and Leadership School for Activists offers evening learning program providing classes in the Washington, D.C. area on topics in nonprofit management, communications, fundraising, direct action, and career development.

Website: Karma Banque
Confirmed URL: https://www.karmabanque.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:38:44 PM
Site Description:
KarmaBanque offers an online community for activists using hedge-funds and "smart boycotts" against socially irresponsible companies.

Website: Progressive Secretary Letter Writing Cooperative
Confirmed URL: https://www.progressivesecretary.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:37:41 PM
Site Description:
Progressive Secretary Letter Writing Cooperative sends out emails to Congress, the President, and elected officials on peace, ecology, civil rights, and other issues. Topics and messages are suggested and selected by participants.

Website: TakePart.com
Confirmed URL: http//www.takepart.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:35:29 PM
Site Description:
TakePart.com offers an online community focused on socially conscious media and issues. Netters can watch videos, read blogs, and meet friends committed to helping change the world through entertainment and social action.

Website: LiP Magazine
Confirmed URL: https://www.lipmagazine.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:34:09 PM
Site Description:
LiP Magazine is a not-for-profit print and electronic media project dedicated to the building of a sustainable society that values diversity.

Website: Youthink!
Confirmed URL: https://youthink.worldbank.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:33:35 PM
Site Description:
Youthink! discusses about global issues, shares your stories and experiences, and figures out what you can do in your community to help with issues like AIDS, education, disabilities, the environment, and political corruption. It includes information for kids and teacher's as well as a multimedia section.

Website: Grassroots.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.grassroots.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:31:55 PM
Site Description:
Grassroots.com provides news on issues and candidates, as well as communication-collaboration tools. Partners and advisers include organizations and individuals from government and business.

Website: Institute for Applied Autonomy
Confirmed URL: https://www.appliedautonomy.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:31:09 PM
Site Description:
Institute for Applied Autonomy researches and develops technologies of cultural insurrection, also known as Contestational Robots or Robotic Objectors.

Website: MediaRights
Confirmed URL: https://www.MediaRights.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:30:16 PM
Site Description:
MediaRights maximizes the impact of social-issue documentaries and shorts. By engaging with the MediaRights community, filmmakers reach audiences, educators and librarians bring films into their classroom, and nonprofits and activists integrate media into their campaigns.

Website: AnitaRoddick.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.anitaroddick.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:28:21 PM
Site Description:
AnitaRoddick.com is a grab-bag of ideas - outrage and celebration!

Website: Publiceye.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.publiceye.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:25:43 PM
Site Description:
Publiceye.org is a Political Research Associates Independent, not-for-profit research center which monitors and analyzes the organizations, leaders, ideas, and activities of the U.S. political right. Also offers a variety of resources for activists.

Website: Social Actions
Confirmed URL: https://www.socialactions.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:24:41 PM
Site Description:
Social Actions initiated and promoted social change in the world.

Website: Protest.Net
Confirmed URL: https://www.Protest.net
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:23:43 PM
Site Description:
Protest.Net provides worldwide calendar that offers locations, dates and information for activism, protests, pickets, strikes, demonstrations, meetings, and direct political action.

Website: DoWire
Confirmed URL: https://www.dowire.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:22:10 PM
Site Description:
DoWire is a primary source for what's important and happening with the convergence of democracy and the Internet around the world. It is a free, low volume, moderated blog and e-mail announcement list.

Website: National Issues Forums (NIF)
Confirmed URL: https://www.nifi.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:20:22 PM
Site Description:
National Issues Forums (NIF) provides forums that deliberate about nation-wide issues.

Website: VQTE
Confirmed URL: https://www.vqte.com
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday, May 08th, 2010; 03:16:46 PM
Site Description:
VQTE - Community for political talk and debate

Website: Salon Media Group
Confirmed URL: https://www.salon.com
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 04th of April 2007 12:43:01 AM
Site Description:
Salon Media Group, Inc. is an Internet media company that produces 7 original content sections as well as two online communities -- Table Talk and The WELL. The content sites, updated daily or more frequently, include News and Politics, Opinion, Technology & Business, Arts & Entertainment, Books, Life and Comics.

Website: ZNet
Confirmed URL: https://www.zmag.org
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 04th of April 2007 12:37:18 AM
Site Description:
ZNet is a website updated many times daily and designed to convey information and provide community. Over a quarter of a million people a week use ZNet. Founded in 1995, ZNet offers information through diverse watch areas and sub-sites, translations, archives, links to other progressive sites, a daily commentary program, and much more. The above link goes to the ZNet top page, and the rest, such as Iraq Watch, antiwar materials, debates, recent links, and much much more is all accessible from there.

Website: Antiwar.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.antiwar.com
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 04th of April 2007 12:30:35 AM
Site Description:
Antiwar.com is a program that provides a sounding board of interest to all who are concerned about US foreign policy and its implications.

Website: Rolling Stone Magazine
Confirmed URL: https://www.rollingstone.com
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 04th of April 2007 12:27:33 AM
Site Description:
The site is the online version of Rolling Stone Magazine, for music and politics. It is source for cutting edge political commentary, National Affairs Daily, and more.

Website: OpenDemocracy
Confirmed URL: https://www.opendemocracy.net
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 04th of April 2007 12:22:11 AM
Site Description:
OpenDemocracy is the leading independent website on global current affairs - free to read, free to participate, free to the world. The site offers stimulating, critical analysis, promoting dialogue and debate on issues of global importance and linking citizens from around the world.

Website: Green Party (US)
Confirmed URL: https://www.gp.org
Category: Politics
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:34:03 PM
Site Description:
The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green Parties. Committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing, Greens are renewing democracy without the support of corporate donors...

Website: Libertarian Party (US)
Confirmed URL: https://www.lp.org
Category: Politics
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:30:23 PM
Site Description:
The Libertarian Party is an American political party founded in 1971. It is one of the largest continuing third parties in the United States,...

Website: Republican Party (United States)
Confirmed URL: https://www.gop.com
Category: Politics
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:26:17 PM
Site Description:
The Republican Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States; the other being the Democratic Party. It is often referred to as the GOP...

Website: Democratic Party (US)
Confirmed URL: https://www.democrats.org
Category: Politics
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:21:28 PM
Site Description:
The Democratic Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being the Republican Party...

Website: Iraq War
Confirmed URL: https://www.defenselink.mil/news
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 07:18:22 PM
Site Description:
Information about U.S. military deaths and names of the U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war as announced by the Pentagon.

Website: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"
Confirmed URL: https://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/democrac/38.htm
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 06:51:21 PM
Site Description:
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together"

Website: Starr Report
Confirmed URL: https://icreport.access.gpo.gov/report/2toc.htm
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 06:46:02 PM
Site Description:
The contents of the following materials are verbatim as forwarded by the Office of the Independent Counsel. The conversion to HTML has altered the pagination and format. The original Table of Contents is not provided.

Website: Nature of President Clinton's Relationship with Monica Lewinsky
Confirmed URL: https://www.gooddocuments.com/icreport/nature.htm
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 06:44:40 PM
Site Description:
This Referral presents substantial and credible information that President Clinton criminally obstructed the judicial process, first in a sexual harassment lawsuit in which he was the defendant and then in a grand jury investigation...

Website: Bill Clinton & Lewinsky Affair
Confirmed URL:
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 06:43:02 PM
Site Description:
Most people who decry Clinton's lying under oath about adultery are, by and large, complete and utter hypocrites...

Website: United States Institute of Peace
Confirmed URL: https://www.usip.org
Category: Politics
Date: Wednesday 06th of December 2006 06:31:45 PM
Site Description:
United States Institute of Peace - Provides policy makers with non-partisan national security, defense and foreign policy analysis and expertise.

Website: CNN - Cable News Network
Confirmed URL: https://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday 02nd of December 2006 09:05:49 AM
Site Description:
CNN.com is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, CNN.com relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals. CNN.com features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.

Website: Rulers
Confirmed URL: https://www.rulers.org
Category: Politics
Date: Saturday 02nd of December 2006 08:59:50 AM
Site Description:
This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 in most cases.

Website: eMacromall.com - The largest eDirectory on the net!
Email: info@eMacromall.com
Category: Politics
Date: Monday 13th of November 2006 05:54:48 PM
Site Description:
eMacromall.com exclusively provides consumers with portal to 1000's of stores and sources while engaging content and entertainment throughout their visits. The stores and services are listed in almost every imaginable way under 40+ categories.

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