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Website: Health.gov
Confirmed URL: https://health.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Saturday, January 13th, 2024; 11:05:29 PM
Site Description:
The site provides resources and information about healthy and active lives.

Website: Data.gov
Confirmed URL: https://data.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Saturday, January 13th, 2024; 11:03:23 PM
Site Description:
The site provides information on data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.

Website: National Archives Foundation
Confirmed URL: https://www.archivesfoundation.org/
Category: Government
Date: Monday, February 21st, 2022; 01:01:56 PM
Site Description:
The National Archives Foundation is an independent nonprofit that increases public awareness of the National Archives, inspires a deeper appreciation of our country’s heritage, and encourages citizen engagement in our democracy. As the National Archives’ nonprofit partner, the Foundation generates financial and creative support for National Archives exhibitions, public programs, and educational initiatives, introducing America’s records to people around the U.S. and the world.

Website: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.archives.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Monday, February 21st, 2022; 01:00:26 PM
Site Description:
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever.

Website: Rural Development (RD)
Confirmed URL: https://www.rd.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 03:38:05 PM
Site Description:
Rural Development (RD) - RD helps rural areas to develop and grow by offering Federal assistance that improves quality of life. RD targets communities in need and then empowers them with financial and technical resources.

Website: Risk Management Agency (RMA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.rma.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 03:36:08 PM
Site Description:
Risk Management Agency (RMA) - RMA helps to ensure that farmers have the financial tools necessary to manage their agricultural risks. RMA provides coverage through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, which promotes national welfare by improving the economic stability of agriculture.

Website: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 03:35:14 PM
Site Description:
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - NRCS provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources and environment.

Website: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.csrees.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:32:59 PM
Site Description:
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) - NIFA's unique mission is to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities by supporting research, education, and extension programs in the Land-Grant University System and other partner organizations. NIFA doesn't perform actual research, education, and extension but rather helps fund it at the state and local level and provides program leadership in these areas.

Website: National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.nal.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:25:40 PM
Site Description:
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) - NASS serves the basic agricultural and rural data needs of the country by providing objective, important and accurate statistical information and services to farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and public officials. This data is vital to monitoring the ever-changing agricultural sector and carrying out farm policy.

Website: National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Confirmed URL: https://www.nal.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:09:52 PM
Site Description:
National Agricultural Library (NAL) - NAL ensures and enhances access to agricultural information for a better quality of life.

Website: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.gipsa.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:08:36 PM
Site Description:
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) - GIPSA facilitates the marketing of livestock, poultry, meat, cereals, oilseeds, and related agricultural products. It also promotes fair and competitive trading practices for the overall benefit of consumers and American agriculture. GIPSA ensures open and competitive markets for livestock, poultry, and meat by investigating and monitoring industry trade practices.

Website: Forest Service (FS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.fs.fed.us/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:07:07 PM
Site Description:
Forest Service (FS) - FS sustains the health, diversity and productivity of the Nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.

Website: Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.fas.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:02:28 PM
Site Description:
Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)- FAS works to improve foreign market access for U.S. products. This USDA agency operates programs designed to build new markets and improve the competitive position of U.S. agriculture in the global marketplace.

Website: Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:01:33 PM
Site Description:
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) - FSIS enhances public health and well-being by protecting the public from foodborne illness and ensuring that the nation's meat, poultry and egg products are safe, wholesome, and correctly packaged.

Website: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.fns.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 02:00:25 PM
Site Description:
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)- FNS increases food security and reduces hunger in partnership with cooperating organizations by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthy diet, and nutrition education in a manner that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence.

Website: Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.fsa.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:58:48 PM
Site Description:
Farm Service Agency (FSA) - The Farm Service Agency implements agricultural policy, administers credit and loan programs, and manages conservation, commodity, disaster and farm marketing programs through a national network of offices.

Website: Economic Research Service (ERS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.ers.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:57:02 PM
Site Description:
Economic Research Service (ERS) - ERS is USDA's principal social science research agency. Each year, ERS communicates research results and socioeconomic indicators via briefings, analyses for policymakers and their staffs, market analysis updates, and major reports.

Website: Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)
Confirmed URL: https://www.cnpp.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:55:55 PM
Site Description:
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) - CNPP works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers.

Website: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Confirmed URL: https://www.aphis.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:54:00 PM
Site Description:
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) - APHIS provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. The agency improves agricultural productivity and competitiveness and contributes to the national economy and the public health.

Website: Agricultural Research Service
Confirmed URL: https://www.ars.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:52:22 PM
Site Description:
Agricultural Research Service - ARS is USDA's principal in-house research agency. ARS leads America towards a better future through agricultural research and information.

Website: Agricultural Marketing Service
Confirmed URL: https://www.ams.usda.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:50:53 PM
Site Description:
Agricultural Marketing Service - AMS facilitates the strategic marketing of agricultural products in domestic and international markets while ensuring fair trading practices and promoting a competitive and efficient marketplace. AMS constantly works to develop new marketing services to increase customer satisfaction.

Website: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Confirmed URL: https://www.usda.gov
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014; 01:49:07 PM
Site Description:
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management; and enhances the quality of life for the American people by supporting production of agriculture.

Website: Municipal Treasurers' Association of the US & Canada
Confirmed URL: https://www.mtausc.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:32:18 PM
Site Description:
Municipal Treasurers' Association of the US & Canada - Serves local, county, and state/provincial government treasury officials throughout the United States and Canada.

Website: American Association of Code Enforcement
Confirmed URL: https://www.aace1.com
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:31:17 PM
Site Description:
American Association of Code Enforcement - Develops the profession of code enforcement through certification, training, education, and the exchange of ideas, information and technology.

Website: US - Cuba Sister Cities Association
Confirmed URL: https://www.uscsca.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:30:01 PM
Site Description:
US - Cuba Sister Cities Association - Forms sister city partnerships with their counterparts in Cuba.

Website: National Association of County Recorders
Confirmed URL: https://www.nacrc.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:28:14 PM
Site Description:
National Association of County Recorders - Professional organization of elected and appointed county officials who recognize the advantages of networking on a national level to improve their performance on the county level.

Website: Association of Inspectors General
Confirmed URL: https://www.inspectorsgeneral.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:27:28 PM
Site Description:
Association of Inspectors General - Foster and promote public accountability and integrity in the general areas of prevention, examination, investigation, audit, detection, elimination and prosecution of fraud, waste and abuse, through policy research and analysis; standardization of practices, policies, conduct and ethics; encouragement of professional development by providing and sponsoring educational programs; and the establishment of professional qualifications, certifications, and licensing

Website: National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED)
Confirmed URL: https://www.nacced.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:25:33 PM
Site Description:
National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCE) - A nonprofit national organization composed of county government agencies that administer community development, economic development, and affordable housing programs.

Website: Energy Communities Alliance
Confirmed URL: https://www.energyca.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:24:53 PM
Site Description:
Energy Communities Alliance - Organization of local governments that host or are significantly impacted by Department of Energy weapons production or national laboratory facilities.

Website: Innovation Groups
Confirmed URL: https://www.ig.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:24:13 PM
Site Description:
Innovation Groups - Provides networking and information sharing among local government professionals online.

Website: U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance
Confirmed URL: https://www.uscommunities.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:23:16 PM
Site Description:
U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance - Provides volume discounts on selected products based on the collective purchasing power of local government agencies nationwide.

Website: National Association of Regional Councils
Confirmed URL: https://www.narc.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:22:33 PM
Site Description:
National Association of Regional Councils - Includes the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), the Institute for the Regional Community, and Clean Air Clearinghouse.

Website: Local Government Commission
Confirmed URL: https://www.lgc.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:21:41 PM
Site Description:
Local Government Commission - Provides a forum and technical assistance to enhance the ability of local governments to create and sustain healthy environments, healthy economies, and social equity.

Website: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
Confirmed URL: https://www.nahro.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:21:01 PM
Site Description:
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials - Membership organization working for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and viable communities for all Americans, particularly those with low and moderate incomes.

Website: National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
Confirmed URL: https://www.naccho.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:20:10 PM
Site Description:
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) - A nonprofit association serving 3,000 local health departments. The site provides information and resources for those interested in public health and the work of local health agencies.

Website: Sister Cities International
Confirmed URL: https://www.sister-cities.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:19:12 PM
Site Description:
Sister Cities International - The National office for the Sister Cities program, building community partnerships world-wide.

Website: Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.gfoa.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:17:56 PM
Site Description:
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) - Professional association of state/provincial and local finance officers dedicated to the sound management of government financial resources. The site provides information that includes programs, events, and publications.

Website: U.S. Conference of Mayors
Confirmed URL: https://www.usmayors.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:15:55 PM
Site Description:
U.S. Conference of Mayors - The official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more.

Website: Statelocalgov.net
Confirmed URL: https://www.statelocalgov.net/
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:14:22 PM
Site Description:
Statelocalgov.net - Provides information about state and local governments in the U.S.

Website: Official City Sites
Confirmed URL: https://www.officialcitysites.org
Category: Government
Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011; 05:11:00 PM
Site Description:
Official City Sites - Provides short descriptions and links to city, county, and state government pages.

Website: U.S. Embassy in Libreville, Gabon
Confirmed URL: https://libreville.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:36:07 AM
Site Description:
United States: US Embassy in Libreville, Gabon

Website: Embassy of France in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://ambafrance-us.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:34:23 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of France in Washington, DC.

Website: Embassy of Finland in Washington DC.
Confirmed URL: https://www.finland.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:32:42 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Finland in Washington DC.

Website: Fiji Embassy in Washington DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.fijiembassydc.com/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:31:24 AM
Site Description:
United States: Fiji Embassy in Washington DC.

Website: Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.ethiopianembassy.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:30:14 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Estonia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.estemb.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:29:09 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Estonia in Washington, D.C.

Website: The Embassy of Eritrea in Washington D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassyeritrea.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:28:18 AM
Site Description:
United States: The Embassy of Eritrea in Washington D.C. The Embassy of Eritrea in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of the United States in Yaounde, Equatorial Guinea
Confirmed URL: https://malabo.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:26:29 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Yaounde, Equatorial Guinea

Website: Embassy of El Salvador in Washington DC.
Confirmed URL: https://www.elsalvador.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:25:21 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of El Salvador in Washington DC.

Website: Embassy of Egypt in Washington DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.egyptembassy.net/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:21:28 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Egypt in Washington DC

Website: Embassy of Ecuador in Wasington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.ecuador.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:20:17 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Ecuador in Wasington, DC

Website: The Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.domrep.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:18:32 AM
Site Description:
United States: The Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington, DC

Website: The US Embassy in Djibouti
Confirmed URL: https://djibouti.usembassy.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:13:16 AM
Site Description:
The US Embassy in Djibouti.

Website: Embassy of Denmark in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.ambwashington.um.dk/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:11:36 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Denmark in Washington, DC.

Website: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.mzv.cz/washington/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:10:04 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of the in United States in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Confirmed URL: https://www.americanembassy.org.cy
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:08:06 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Website: Embassy of Cyprus in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.cyprusembassy.net
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:06:09 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Cyprus in Washington, D.C.

Website: Cuban Interests Section, Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://afrocubaweb.com/cubaseccion.htm
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:05:31 AM
Site Description:
United States: Cuban Interests Section, Washington, DC

Website: United States Interest Section Havana, Cuba
Confirmed URL: https://havana.usint.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:04:09 AM
Site Description:
United States Interest Section Havana, Cuba

Website: Embassy of Croatia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.croatiaemb.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:02:11 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Croatia in Washington, D.C.

Website: Côte d'Ivoire Embassy in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.ambaci.us/fr/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 11:00:32 AM
Site Description:
United States: Côte d'Ivoire embassy in Washington, DC

Website: Embassy of Costa Rica in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.costarica-embassy.org
Category: Governmen
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:58:18 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Costa Rica in Washington, DC

Website: D. R. Congo Embassy Washington DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.ambardcusa.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:57:23 AM
Site Description:
United States: D. R. Congo Embassy Washington DC

Website: Embassy of Colombia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.colombiaemb.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:54:14 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Colombia in Washington, D.C.

Website: United States Embassy Beijing, China U.S. Embassy Beijing, China
Confirmed URL: https://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:53:24 AM
Site Description:
United States Embassy Beijing, China U.S. Embassy Beijing, China

Website: Embassy of China in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.china-embassy.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:50:49 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of China in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Chile in Washington D.C
Confirmed URL: https://www.chile-usa.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:50:03 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Chile in Washington D.C.

Website: Embassy of Chad in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.chadembassy.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:49:22 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Chad in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/washington/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:48:14 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC

Website: Embassy of the United States Yaounde, Cameroon
Confirmed URL: https://yaounde.usembassy.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:45:40 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of the United States Yaounde, Cameroon (though accredited to both Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea)

Website: Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.ambacam-usa.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:44:15 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, Washington, DC

Website: The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Confirmed URL: https://cambodia.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:42:40 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Website: Embassy of Cambodia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassyofcambodia.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:40:59 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Cambodia in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of the United States in Sofia, Bulgaria
Confirmed URL: https://bulgaria.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:40:14 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of the United States in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Website: Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bulgaria-embassy.org
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:38:40 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Washington, D.C

Website: Embassy of Brunei in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bruneiembassy.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:36:22 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Brunei in Washington, D.C.

Website: Brazil Embassy in Washington DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.brasilemb.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:35:12 AM
Site Description:
United States: Brazil Embassy in Washington DC.

Website: Embassy of the United States in Gaborone
Confirmed URL: https://botswana.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:32:06 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Gaborone, Botswana

Website: Embassy of the Republic Botswana in Washington D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.botswanaembassy.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:30:05 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the Republic Botswana in Washington D.C.

Website: Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bhembassy.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:27:43 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington D.C.

Website: Embassy of the US in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Confirmed URL: https://sarajevo.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:26:06 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Website: Embassy of Bolivia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bolivia-usa.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:24:35 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Bolivia in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Benin in Washington, DC
Confirmed URL: https://www.beninembassy.us/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:23:40 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of Benin in the United States.

Website: Embassy of Belgium in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.diplobel.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:20:59 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Belgium in Washington, D.C.

Website: United States: Embassy of the U.S. in Minsk, Belarus.
Confirmed URL: https://minsk.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:18:53 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the U.S. in Minsk, Belarus.

Website: Embassy of Belarus in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.belarusembassy.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:17:26 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Belarus in Washington, D.C.

Website: Bangladesh Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bangladoot.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:16:31 AM
Site Description:
United States: Bangladesh Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of the United States in Manama, Bahrain.
Confirmed URL: https://bahrain.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:15:54 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of the United States in Manama, Bahrain.

Website: Embassy of Bahrain in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.bahrainembassy.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:14:30 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Bahrain in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.azembassy.com
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:13:36 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Washington, D.C.

Website: Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.austria.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:13:00 AM
Site Description:
United States: Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Australia in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.usa.embassy.gov.au
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:11:28 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Australia in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Armenia in Washington D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.armeniaemb.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:09:05 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Armenia in Washington D.C.

Website: Embassy of Argentina in the US.
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassyofargentina.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:08:26 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of Argentina in the US.

Website: Embassy of Angola in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.angola.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:04:13 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Angola in Washington, D.C.

Website: Embassy of Algeria in Washington, D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.algeria-us.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:02:50 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Algeria in Washington, D.C.

Website: Websites of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions
Confirmed URL: https://www.usembassy.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 10:00:41 AM
Site Description:
Websites of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions.

Website: British Embassy in the United States
Confirmed URL: https://ukinusa.fco.gov.uk/en/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:58:30 AM
Site Description:
British Embassy in the United States

Website: Embassy of the U.S. London
Confirmed URL: https://london.usembassy.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:55:41 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of the U.S. London, United Kingdom.

Website: Washington D.C. Embassies
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassy.org/embassies/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:53:43 AM
Site Description:
The site provides information on each of the embassies in Washington D.C., with links to Web-based resources where available.

Website: Government
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassyofalbania.org/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:49:49 AM
Site Description:
Embassy of Albania in Washington, DC

Website: United States: Embassy in Tiriana, Albania
Confirmed URL: https://tirana.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:48:08 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Tiriana, Albania.

Website: United States: Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington D.C.
Confirmed URL: https://www.embassyofafghanistan.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:46:02 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington D.C.

Website: United States: Embassy in Kabul
Confirmed URL: https://kabul.usembassy.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:43:57 AM
Site Description:
United States: Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Website: Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Confirmed URL: https://bensguide.gpo.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:41:13 AM
Site Description:
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids is brought to the World Wide Web as a service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). Ben's Guide serves as the educational component of GPO Access, GPO's service to provide the official online version of legislative and regulatory information. This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities. And, just as GPO Access provides locator services to U.S. Government sites, Ben's Guide provides a similar service to U.S. Government Web sites developed for kids.

Website: USA.Gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.usa.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday, April 25th, 2010; 09:39:22 AM
Site Description:
USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal.

Website: National Governors Association
Confirmed URL: https://www.nga.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:57:51 PM
Site Description:
National Governors Association - The site provides news, activities and information on the U.S. governors and dozens of U.S. domestic policy issues.

Website: Wyoming State
Confirmed URL: https://www.wyoming.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:55:58 PM
Site Description:
Wyoming State - Official site provides information about state agencies and services.

Website: Wisconsin State
Confirmed URL: https://www.wisconsin.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:54:13 PM
Site Description:
Wisconsin State provides information about state agencies and services.

Website: State of West Virginia
Confirmed URL: https://www.wv.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:52:55 PM
Site Description:
State of West Virginia - Official site provides information for visitors, businesses and residents.

Website: Washington, District of Columbia
Confirmed URL: https://www.dc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:52:11 PM
Site Description:
Washington, District of Columbia - The official web site of the Government of the District of Columbia. Includes news, web links, and information about the city and about local government services.

Website: Washington State
Confirmed URL: https://www.wa.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:51:39 PM
Site Description:
Washington State - Official site provides information about state agencies and services .

Website: Commonwealth of Virginia
Confirmed URL: https://www.virginia.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:49:53 PM
Site Description:
Commonwealth of Virginia - Official site provides information on arts, sciences, education, business and professional, government, family services, jobs and training, travel and tourism, press releases, and more.

Website: State of Vermont
Confirmed URL: https://www.vermont.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:48:37 PM
Site Description:
State of Vermont - Official site provides information about state agencies and services.

Website: State of Utah
Confirmed URL: https://www.utah.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:47:27 PM
Site Description:
State of Utah - Official website provides links to various government information sites and departments.

Website: State of Texas
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.tx.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:46:30 PM
Site Description:
State of Texas - Office web site provides resources for citizens, visitors, business and government.

Website: State of Tennessee
Confirmed URL: https://www.tennessee.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:45:32 PM
Site Description:
State of Tennessee - Official site provides gateway to state government internet resources.

Website: South Dakota State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.sd.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:43:04 PM
Site Description:
South Dakota State - Official site provides information about the state, along with services and point of contacts.

Website: State of South Carolina
Confirmed URL: https://www.myscgov.com
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:40:32 PM
Site Description:
State of South Carolina - Official site provides state-related information on/from state agencies, elected officials, local governments, education, business, tourism and jobs.

Website: Rhode Island State
Confirmed URL: https://www.info.ri.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:39:40 PM
Site Description:
Rhode Island State - Official site provides directories of state agency websites, elected and appointed officials, and other information resources.

Website: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.pa.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:38:32 PM
Site Description:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Official site provides state-related news and information for citizens, visitors, and businesses about and available from state executive, judicial and legislative divisions.

Website: Oregon State
Confirmed URL: https://www.oregon.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:37:54 PM
Site Description:
Oregon Online - Official site provides information about state agencies and services.

Website: Oklahoma State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.ok.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:35:56 PM
Site Description:
Oklahoma State - Office site provides information about state agencies, and point of contacts.

Website: State of Ohio
Confirmed URL: https://www.ohio.gov/
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:34:20 PM
Site Description:
State of Ohio - Official site for state government information and services.

Website: State of North Dakota
Confirmed URL: https://www.nd.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:33:24 PM
Site Description:
State of North Dakota - Official state guides to government officials, departments, education, employment, and more.

Website: North Carolina State
Confirmed URL: https://www.ncgov.com
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:32:25 PM
Site Description:
North Carolina State - Official State web site provides state-related information for citizens, visitors, and businesses about and available from state executive, judicial and legislative divisions, and elected officials and local governments.

Website: New York State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.ny.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:31:07 PM
Site Description:
New York State - Official site provides information state services, including department and office listings, and basic state information.

Website: State of New Mexico
Confirmed URL: https://www.newmexico.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:30:08 PM
Site Description:
State of New Mexico - Official state governmental web site provides information about state services, news, and more.

Website: State of New Jersey
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.nj.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:28:50 PM
Site Description:
State of New Jersey - Official site provides information about state services, and travel and tourism.

Website: New Hampshire State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.nh.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:27:44 PM
Site Description:
New Hampshire State - Official state website provides links to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the state government, plus facts about the state, directory of cities and towns, business, education, and visitor information links, and an agency telephone directory.

Website: State of Nevada
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.nv.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:26:08 PM
Site Description:
State of Nevada - The official state site provides news, facts, and tourist and business information.

Website: State of Nebraska
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.ne.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:25:21 PM
Site Description:
State of Nebraska - Official website provides information about state agencies, agriculture, health, tourism, economic development resources and public meeting schedules.

Website: Montana State
Confirmed URL: https://www.mt.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:24:22 PM
Site Description:
Montana State - Official State website provides current news and access to state government information resources.

Website: Missouri State
Confirmed URL: https://www.mo.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:23:20 PM
Site Description:
Missouri State - Official on-line resource to Missouri government agencies and services.

Website: Mississippi State
Confirmed URL: https://www.mississippi.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:22:37 PM
Site Description:
Mississippi State - Official state site provides information about government offices, educational institutions, tourism, healthcare and business development, and more.

Website: Minnesota State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.mn.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:21:05 PM
Site Description:
Minnesota State - Official site provides information about state.

Website: State of Michigan
Confirmed URL: https://www.michigan.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:15:59 PM
Site Description:
State of Michigan - Official government web site covers the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government, with links to state offices.

Website: Massachusetts State
Confirmed URL: https://www.mass.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:13:51 PM
Site Description:
Massachusetts State - Gateway to all aspects of government, services and programs in the Commonwealth.

Website: State of Maryland
Confirmed URL: https://www.maryland.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:11:19 PM
Site Description:
State of Maryland - Official site connects people, business, and government, and provides online searches of all state agencies.

Website: State of Maine
Confirmed URL: https://www.maine.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:09:41 PM
Site Description:
State of Maine - Office site provides information on state officials, including biography, interests and more.

Website: Louisiana State
Confirmed URL: https://www.louisiana.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:04:18 PM
Site Description:
Louisiana State provides information on state government.

Website: State of Kentucky
Confirmed URL: https://www.kentucky.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 12:01:48 PM
Site Description:
State of Kentucky - Official site provides information on state agencies, bureaus and departments, with sections on laws and courts, veterans services, and employment.

Website: Kansas State
Confirmed URL: https://www.kansas.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:58:18 AM
Site Description:
Kansas state - Official site provides information on state agencies and officials.

Website: State of Iowa
Confirmed URL: https://www.iowa.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:54:29 AM
Site Description:
State of Iowa - Official web site provides Iowa state government information.

Website: State of Indiana
Confirmed URL: https://www.in.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:53:27 AM
Site Description:
State of Indiana - Official site provides information on government, lifestyle, demographics, elected officials, education, social security, and more.

Website: State of Illinois
Confirmed URL: https://www.illinois.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:52:14 AM
Site Description:
State of Illinois - Official site provides information about the state and the state government.

Website: State of Idaho
Confirmed URL: https://www.accessidaho.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:51:18 AM
Site Description:
State of Idaho - Official site offering information on schools, government, elected officials, commerce, demographics, and state laws.

Website: Hawaii State
Confirmed URL: https://www.ehawaiigov.org
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:50:29 AM
Site Description:
Hawaii State - Official site with information on state officials, departments, agencies as well as links to the web sites of all four of the state's counties.

Website: State of Georgia
Confirmed URL: https://www.georgia.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:49:21 AM
Site Description:
State of Georgia - Official website offers online services and information, as well as links to state agencies, county, and local government.

Website: State of Florida
Confirmed URL: https://www.myflorida.com
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:48:29 AM
Site Description:
State of Florida - Portal maintained by the State of Florida with links to legislative bodies, courts, municipalities, colleges and universities, and administrative agencies, councils, and districts. Site map, keyword search, 411 directory, tax forms, employment, census information and statistics.

Website: Delaware State
Confirmed URL: https://www.delaware.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:47:02 AM
Site Description:
Delaware State - The official state government web site.

Website: State of Connecticut
Confirmed URL: https://www.ct.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:46:20 AM
Site Description:
State of Connecticut - Official website providing information on the agencies, organizations, departments and all other aspects of state government.

Website: Colorado State
Confirmed URL: https://www.colorado.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:45:10 AM
Site Description:
Colorado State - Official site with links to offices in all branches of government.

Website: State of California
Confirmed URL: https://www.ca.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:43:49 AM
Site Description:
State of California - Official site. Government page links to state laws, elected officials, agencies and departments, and sites for cities and counties in the state.

Website: Arkansas State
Confirmed URL: https://www.arkansas.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:42:45 AM
Site Description:
Arkansas State - Official state site provides information related to executive, legislative and judicial offices and agencies and more.

Website: Arizona State
Confirmed URL: https://www.az.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:40:29 AM
Site Description:
Arizona State - Official state information including elected officials, government agencies, travel and entertainment, education, and history.

Website: Alaska State
Confirmed URL: https://www.state.ak.us
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:38:04 AM
Site Description:
State of Alaska - Official site: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, budget, elections, policies, departments, business, communities, services, legislature, courts, and more.

Website: Alabama State
Confirmed URL: https://www.Alabama.gov
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 17th of February 2008 11:32:40 AM
Site Description:
Alabama State - Official site divided into sections on government services, travel and tourism, directories, and online services such as state tax refunds. Searchable databases.

Website: Singapore Government
Confirmed URL: https://www.gov.sg
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 25th of March 2007 11:13:54 AM
Site Description:
SINGOV - Singapore Government Online Portal covers Singapore state agencies, online services, and more.

Website: Australian Government
Confirmed URL: https://www.australia.gov.au
Category: Government
Date: Sunday 25th of March 2007 11:11:45 AM
Site Description:
Australian Government is the official site with current news and issues, links to government sites, information on parliament, and foreign affairs.

Website: kids.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.kids.gov
Category: Government
Date: Thursday 01st of March 2007 03:52:16 PM
Site Description:
This site provides links to Federal sites for kids along with some of the best sites from other organizations all grouped by subject.

Website: Bens Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Confirmed URL: https://bensguide.gpo.gov
Category: Government
Date: Thursday 01st of March 2007 03:50:39 PM
Site Description:
The site teaches kids from kindergarten through 12th grade about the Federal Government.

Website: USA.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.usa.gov
Category: Government
Date: Thursday 01st of March 2007 03:48:33 PM
Site Description:
USA.gov provides main index of the offices and councils within the Executive Office of the President. It also provides a directory of federal agencies, commissions and more.

Website: The Supreme Court
Confirmed URL: https://www.supremecourtus.gov
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:16:04 PM
Site Description:
The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and such number of Associate Justices as may be fixed by Congress. The number of Associate Justices is currently fixed at eight...

Website: Fedcourts.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.fedcourts.com
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:13:38 PM
Site Description:
This site provides resources and Information on Courts.

Website: Inside the Federal Courts
Confirmed URL: https://www.fjc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:11:32 PM
Site Description:
One of the Federal Judicial Center's jobs is to teach federal court employees about how the courts work, how they are organized, and how they fit into the U.S. system of government... We put it on our public Web site because it may also help students, the media, and the public learn more about the federal courts...

Website: Federal Judicial Center Information
Confirmed URL: https://www.fjc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:08:15 PM
Site Description:
The Federal Judicial Center is the research and education agency of the federal judicial system. It was established by Congress in 1967 (28 U.S.C. §§ 620-629), on the recommendation of the Judicial Conference of the United States...

Website: Camp David
Confirmed URL: https://www.whitehouse.gov
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:06:28 PM
Site Description:
Camp David serves the President, providing the First Family and their guests with a healthy, safe and uniquely private place to work or relax...

Website: Air Force One
Confirmed URL: https://www.boeing.com
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:03:23 PM
Site Description:
Air Force One is a Boeing 747-200B that has been modified to meet presidential requirements. The aircraft is known by the radio call sign used when the president is aboard: Air Force One...

Website: Official US Executive Branch Web Sites
Confirmed URL: https://www.loc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 07:02:09 PM
Site Description:
This page contains Executive Branch sites... Executive Office of the President, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense,...

Website: Center for the Study of the Presidency
Confirmed URL: https://www.thepresidency.org
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 06:58:49 PM
Site Description:
The Center for the Study of the Presidency is a non-partisan and non-profit organization... its founders included Dr. R. Gordon Hoxie,...

Website: President of the United States
Confirmed URL: https://www.wikipedia.org
Category: Government
Date: Tuesday 02nd of January 2007 06:56:34 PM
Site Description:
The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The office of President was established upon the ratification of the United States Constitution in 1788 and the first president took office in 1789...

Website: Grants.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.grants.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:40:11 PM
Site Description:
Grants.gov is your source to FIND and APPLY for Federal government grants. There are over 1,000 grant programs offered by all Federal grant making agencies. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for Grants.gov, an initiative that is having an unparalleled impact on the grant community. Grants.gov allows organizations to electronically find and apply for more than $400 billion in Federal grants.

Website: Students.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.students.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:38:32 PM
Site Description:
Students.gov is an official U.S. government web site designed for college students and their families. Thye sites provides you with easy access to information and resources from the U.S. government –all the info you need, in one place, from all parts of the government. Through students.gov, you can link to government (and selected non-government) web sites to help you: Choose the right college, Apply online for financial aid and scholarships, Find summer internships or jobs, Learn about careers that interest you, Tap into government research databases, Get a passport, Find rewarding volunteer opportunities And much more!

Website: US Government - Cabinet Members
Confirmed URL: https://www.whitehouse.gov/government/
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:35:33 PM
Site Description:
This site provides main index of the offices and councils within the Executive Office of the President.

Website: Federal Citizen Information Center
Confirmed URL: https://www.pueblo.gsa.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:33:21 PM
Site Description:
For over 35 years, the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC) has been a trusted one-stop source for answers to questions about consumer problems and government services. Consumers can get the information they need in three ways: by calling toll-free 1 (800) FED-INFO, through printed publications, or through information posted on FCIC’s family of websites: www.firstgov.gov, www.pueblo.gsa.gov, www.kids.gov, and www.consumeraction.gov.

Website: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Confirmed URL: https://www.ftc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:30:22 PM
Site Description:
The FTC deals with issues that touch the economic lives of most Americans. In fact, the agency has a long tradition of maintaining a competitive marketplace for both consumers and businesses. When the FTC was created in 1914, its purpose was to prevent unfair methods of competition in commerce as part of the battle to “bust the trusts.” Over the years, Congress passed additional laws giving the agency greater authority to police anticompetitive practices.

Website: THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Confirmed URL: https://thomas.loc.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:28:42 PM
Site Description:
THOMAS was launched in January of 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public.

Website: FedStats
Confirmed URL: https://www.fedstats.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:24:25 PM
Site Description:
FedStats is the new window on the full range of official statistical information available to the public from the Federal Government. It allows you to use the Internet's powerful linking and searching capabilities to track economic and population trends, education, health care costs, aviation safety, foreign trade, energy use, farm production, and more. I also enables you to access official statistics collected and published by more than 100 Federal agencies without having to know in advance which agency produces them.

Website: USAJOBS
Confirmed URL: https://www.usajobs.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:21:02 PM
Site Description:
USAJOBS is the official job site of the US Federal Government. It lists thousands of U.S. government job opportunities worldwide.

Website: FedWorld.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.fedworld.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:19:24 PM
Site Description:
The FedWorld.gov web site is a gateway to government information. This site is managed by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) as part of it's information management mandate.

Website: The White House
Confirmed URL: https://www.whitehouse.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:18:09 PM
Site Description:
The White House - This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, the federal government.

Website: FirstGov.gov
Confirmed URL: https://www.firstgov.gov
Category: Government
Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 10:16:50 PM
Site Description:
FirstGov.gov is an interagency initiative administered by the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Citizen Services and Communications. It got its start when Internet entrepreneur Eric Brewer, whose early research was funded by the Department of Defense, offered to donate a powerful search engine to government. That gift helped accelerate the government's earlier work to create a government-wide portal.

Website: General Services Administration
Confirmed URL: https://www.gsa.gov
Category: US Government
Date: Friday 01st of December 2006 07:57:02 PM
Site Description:
This website is the online gateway to GSA, the federal government’s premier acquisition agency. Our mission is to help other agencies better serve the public by meeting –at best value – their needs for products and services, and to simplify citizen access to government information and services.

Website: eMacromall.com - The largest eDirectory on the net!
Email: info@eMacromall.com
Category: Government
Date: Monday 13th of November 2006 05:54:48 PM
Site Description:
eMacromall.com exclusively provides consumers with portal to 1000's of stores and sources while engaging content and entertainment throughout their visits. The stores and services are listed in almost every imaginable way under 40+ categories.

..Index:  | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # |
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