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Website: National UFO Reporting Center
Confirmed URL: https://nuforc.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 09:28:52 AM
Site Description:
The site provides the collection and dissemination of objective UFO data.

Website: Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
Confirmed URL: https://mufon.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 09:25:59 AM
Site Description:
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) reports UFO sightings.

Website: Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
Confirmed URL: https://cufos.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Monday, January 15th, 2024; 09:23:36 AM
Site Description:
CUFOS - The site contains an enormous amount of material, especially original sighting reports, investigations, and official government documents related to UFO phenomenon.

Website: Dharma Wisdom
Confirmed URL: https://dharmawisdom.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 08:20:02 PM
Site Description:
Dharma Wisdom - The site offers guidance for living the Dharma in daily life.

Website: Fake Buddha Quotes
Confirmed URL: https://fakebuddhaquotes.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 08:15:21 PM
Site Description:
Fake Buddha Quotes helps readers identify Buddha's "quotes" fact from fiction. Many quotes were fake, which means that the teaching is failing miserably at identifying quality content, Fake Buddha Quotes will explain.

Website: Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center
Confirmed URL: https://www.fgsitc.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 08:01:34 PM
Site Description:
Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center is dedicated to translating and distributing quality translations of classical Buddhist texts as well as works by contemporary Buddhist teachers and scholars. The organization embraces Humanistic Buddhism and promotes Buddhist writing that is accessible, community-oriented, and relevant to daily life. Online visitors can browse all of its publications, read them online, and even download them for free, as well as request printed copies.

Website: SuttaCentral
Confirmed URL: https://suttacentral.net/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:57:33 PM
Site Description:
SuttaCentral provides a large collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha or his earliest disciples, who were teaching in India around 2500 years ago. SuttaCentral hosts the texts in original languages, translations in modern languages, and extensive sets of parallels that show the relationship between them all.

Website: Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.sgi-usa.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:54:49 PM
Site Description:
Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA) is the most diverse Buddhist community in the United States with more than 500 chapters and some 100 centers throughout the country. SGI-USA is part of the larger SGI network, which comprises more than 12 million people in 192 countries and territories around the world. SGI members base their practice on the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Buddhism, which teaches that each person has within the courage, wisdom and compassion to face and surmount any of life’s challenges. Based on core Buddhist principles such as respecting the dignity of human life and the interconnectedness of self and the environment, SGI engages in various peace activities, including human rights education, the movement to abolish nuclear weapons and efforts to promote sustainable development.

Website: Plum Village
Confirmed URL: https://plumvillage.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:41:55 PM
Site Description:
Plum Village, located near Bordeaux France, is the largest international practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the West. Plum Village began in 1982 as a small, rustic farmstead, and has today grown into Europe’s largest Buddhist monastery, with over 200 resident monks and nuns, living and practising in four different hamlets spread out across the French countryside. It is a continuation of the original “Sweet Potato Community” that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh first founded near Paris in the 1970s, soon after he was exiled from Vietnam.

Website: Lotus Happiness
Confirmed URL: https://lotus-happiness.com/
Category: Misc
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:38:11 PM
Site Description:
Lotus Happiness features articles related to joy, happiness, meditation, freedom, buddhism fundamentals, quotes & stories, healing & therapy, spirituality, personal development, etc.

Website: Existential Buddhist
Confirmed URL: https://www.existentialbuddhist.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:34:30 PM
Site Description:
Existential Buddhist, founded in 2010, publishes essays on Buddhist philosophy, ethics, history, psychology, art, meditation, and social activism. The Existential Buddhist is non-sectarian, exploring Buddhism from the point of view of reason and lived experience, rather than from adherence to dogma and/or spiritual authority.

Website: Dawn Mountains
Confirmed URL: https://www.dawnmountain.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:32:46 PM
Site Description:
Dawn Mountains Center for Tibetan Buddhism, founded in 1996 by Anne C. Klein and Harvey B. Aronson, is a Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Community Center and Research Institute drawing from multiple Buddhist traditions and grounded in transmissions from the Ancient (Nyingma) lineage. Dawn Mountain online draws 60% of its subscribers and viewers from the U.S, with regular visitors from Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, Bhutan, Malaysia, South America and Russia.

Website: Sravasti Abbey
Confirmed URL: https://sravastiabbey.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:30:37 PM
Site Description:
Sravasti Abbey is among the first of its kind—an American Buddhist monastic community where nuns and monks and lay students learn, practice, and live the Buddha’s teachings. Founded in 2003 by author, teacher, and fully ordained nun Venerable Thubten Chodron, it practices Tibetan Buddhism in the tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Website: Buddha Weekly
Confirmed URL: https://buddhaweekly.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:27:38 PM
Site Description:
Buddha Weekly is an online magazine covering most important areas of Buddhist living and practice, with special focus on Teachers, Meditation Practices, Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha. Buddha Weekly Magazine has published on different platforms since 2007.

Website: Yeshe Rabgye
Confirmed URL: https://yesherabgye.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:25:16 PM
Site Description:
Yeshe Rabgye helps people stay calm and peaceful, keep bringing themselves back to the present moment. This can be achieved by checking in with thoughts, feelings, emotions and body sensations.

Website: Buddhist Society
Confirmed URL: https://www.thebuddhistsociety.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:22:06 PM
Site Description:
Buddhist Society provides a range of classes and courses in the Buddha’s teachings, as well as instruction in Buddhist meditation and daily life practice. Courses start with the popular Introduction to basic Buddhism and interested members can then progress to its First Steps in Buddhist Practice, First Turning of the Wheel and Great Way Courses.

Website: Tricycle
Confirmed URL: https://tricycle.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:19:58 PM
Site Description:
Tricycle Foundation, launched in 1991, makes Buddhist teachings and practices broadly available. The Buddhist Review, the first magazine intended to present Buddhist perspectives to a Western readership. Tricycle became the leading independent journal of Buddhism in the West, where it continues to be the most inclusive and widely read vehicle for the dissemination of Buddhist views and values. Its readership includes longtime practitioners, those who are curious about Buddhism or meditation, and those who do not identify as Buddhist but value the teachings of wisdom and compassion that Buddhism has to offer.

Website: Urthona
Confirmed URL: https://urthona.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:14:58 PM
Site Description:
Urthona, appearing once a year, is a lavishly illustrated, 68 page, glossy magazine: with original and inspired poetry, fine art & photography features, reviews plus in depth articles on a fascinating theme chosen for each issue. The magazine explores art, literature, culture and imagination from a modern Buddhist perspective. Its inspirations are William Blake and the Romantics, the zen poets of Japan, symbolists, psychonauts and radicals of all ages and climes.

Website: Dalai Lama
Confirmed URL: https://www.dalailama.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:12:22 PM
Site Description:
The Dalai Lama site is the office of Dalai Lama's holiness. Dalai Lama is famous for buddhism spiritual teaching in all over the world. This site features buddhism messages and articles related to human values, training the mind, practical advices, world peace, environment, words of truth, religious harmony, and latest buddhism news.

Website: Lion’s Roar Foundation
Confirmed URL: https://www.lionsroar.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:04:26 PM
Site Description:
Lion’s Roar Foundation provides Buddhist teachings, news, and perspectives so that the understanding and practice of Buddhism flourishes in today’s world, and that its timeless wisdom is accessible to all. The organization tries to bring dharma to people right where they are, knowing what a difference it can make in their lives.

Website: Mindful
Confirmed URL: https://www.mindful.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 07:01:29 PM
Site Description:
Mindful shares the gifts of mindfulness through content, training, courses, and directories—helping people enjoy better health, foster more caring relationships, and cultivate a more compassionate society. It works to provide insight, information, and inspiration to help live more mindfully.

Website: Tiny Buddha
Confirmed URL: https://tinybuddha.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022; 06:58:49 PM
Site Description:
Tiny Buddha is about reflecting on simple wisdom and learning new ways to apply it to our complex lives—complete with responsibilities, struggles, dreams, and relationships. Founded in 2009, Tiny Buddha has emerged as a leading resource for peace and happiness, with more than six million readers and followers and a vibrant community forum.

Website: Circle of World Arts
Confirmed URL: https://www.circleofworldarts.org
Category: Misc
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:56:58 AM
Site Description:
Circle of World Arts - Is founded on the conviction that when people come together to collaborate and create all boundaries of culture and politics dissolve.

Website: Christian Connections for International Health
Confirmed URL: https://www.ccih.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:55:30 AM
Site Description:
Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH) - CCIH began in 1987 as a forum for Christian agencies and individuals concerned about global health to discuss areas of mutual interest. Today we are a diverse network of approximately 200 organizations and 350 individuals from across the globe. Our mission is to promote international health and wholeness from a Christian perspective.

Website: Brain Injury Association of America
Confirmed URL: https://www.biausa.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:52:47 AM
Site Description:
Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) - Is the country’s oldest and largest nationwide brain injury advocacy organization.

Website: Best Buddies Virginia
Confirmed URL: https://www.bestbuddiesvirginia.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:50:13 AM
Site Description:
Best Buddies Virginia - Is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendship at our local middle school high school and college chapters and through e-Buddies.

Website: AnBryce Foundation
Confirmed URL: https://www.anbryce.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:49:04 AM
Site Description:
The AnBryce Foundation - Provides multiple settings for underserved youth to become confident thinkers by providing an environment that stimulates the curiosity for learning and the discovery of self. Through long-term academic and leadership enrichment that equips them to excel in school

Website: Arlington Chamber of Commerce
Confirmed URL: https://www.arlingtonchamber.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:47:17 AM
Site Description:
Arlington Chamber of Commerce - Founded in 1924, the Arlington Chamber is a voluntary, nonprofit organization of hundreds of businesses and thousands of professional people who are committed to the economic prosperity and civic well being of the Arlington, VA community. Even after more than 80 years of serving our membership, we are still an ever changing, evolving Chamber – changing to meet our members’ needs today and evolving into the Chamber they will need tomorrow.

Website: Rare.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.rare.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, May 10th, 2015; 01:45:25 AM
Site Description:
Rare.org - A non-profit organization focuses on bright spots in conservation.

Website: Albert Shanker Institute
Confirmed URL: https://www.shankerinstitute.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:32:48 PM
Site Description:
Albert Shanker Institute - A think tank dedicated to fostering policy discourse on children's education, labor unions, and democratic ideals.

Website: Working Women's Forum (WWF)
Confirmed URL: https://www.workingwomensforum.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:31:44 PM
Site Description:
Working Women's Forum (WWF) - Works to unionize workers, improve working conditions, and offers support services for women in India. Working Women's Forum contains information on programs, outreach, WWF objectives, and more.

Website: International Union of Elevator Constructors
Confirmed URL: https://www.iuec.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:29:25 PM
Site Description:
International Union of Elevator Constructors - Provides history, news, and union search.

Website: International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots
Confirmed URL: https://www.bridgedeck.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:28:28 PM
Site Description:
International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots - Features weekly news, legislative issues, and photo gallery.

Website: Union Resource Network
Confirmed URL: https://www.unions.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:27:16 PM
Site Description:
Union Resource Network - Features union and business directories, daily union news, and a calendar of events.

Website: Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.icna.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:26:16 PM
Site Description:
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) - Non-ethnic, non-sectarian grassroots community developmental organization features news, forums, games, and more.

Website: International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations
Confirmed URL: https://www.iuf.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:24:50 PM
Site Description:
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations - International federation of trade unions representing workers employed in food, agriculture, hotel, restaurant, catering, and tobacco. Includes calendar of events, affiliates, and regional office contact information.

Website: Public Services International (PSI)
Confirmed URL: https://www.world-psi.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:23:05 PM
Site Description:
Public Services International (PSI) - International trade union federation representing 20 million public sector workers in 130 countries.

Website: Union Network International
Confirmed URL: https://www.union-network.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:22:10 PM
Site Description:
Union Network International - Offers information on events, labor rights, and union sectors in five languages.

Website: International News Safety Institute
Confirmed URL: https://www.newssafety.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:21:09 PM
Site Description:
International News Safety Institute - Dedicated to the safety of journalists and media staff and committed to fighting the persecution of journalists globally.

Website: International Federation of Journalists
Confirmed URL: https://www.ifj.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:19:54 PM
Site Description:
International Federation of Journalists - Promotes coordinated international action to defend press freedom and social justice through the development of strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists.

Website: United Farm Workers (UFW)
Confirmed URL: https://www.ufw.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:18:42 PM
Site Description:
United Farm Workers (UFW) - Offers news, latest press, job opportunities, and boycott information.

Website: Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Confirmed URL: https://www.iww.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:17:29 PM
Site Description:
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) - Offers news, events, blogs, and forums, in thirteen languages.

Website: Labour Start
Confirmed URL: https://www.labourstart.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2013; 03:16:10 PM
Site Description:
Labour Start - Offers latest trade union news on all seven continents.

Website: New York Holy Name Society
Confirmed URL: https://www.fdnyholynamesociety.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:47:48 AM
Site Description:
New York Holy Name Society - Charitable Catholic organization for New York City fire fighters and their families.

Website: Oracle Religious Association
Confirmed URL: https://www.oraclereligious.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:47:13 AM
Site Description:
Oracle Religious Association - Charitable organization ministering within the Roman Catholic Church on a local and national level.

Website: Hands That Help
Confirmed URL: https://www.handsthathelp.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:45:58 AM
Site Description:
Hands That Help - Missionary outreach program deliver aid and donations to orphanages and shelters in Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Romania.

Website: Catholic Workman
Confirmed URL: https://www.catholicworkman.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:44:03 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Workman - Not-for-profit fraternal benefit society that offers financial services to its members.

Website: National Catholic Community Foundation
Confirmed URL: https://www.nccfcommunity.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:42:37 AM
Site Description:
National Catholic Community Foundation - Non-profit organization that allows individuals and organizations to support charitable, religious,

Website: Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities, Inc.
Confirmed URL: https://www.fadica.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:40:36 AM
Site Description:
Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities, Inc. - Association of private foundations funding projects under Catholic sponsorship. Promotes philanthropy through continuing education relevant to mission of Catholic church.

Website: ShareLife
Confirmed URL: https://www.sharelife.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:39:43 AM
Site Description:
ShareLife - Helps the whole community through Catholic agencies by raising and allocating funds.

Website: St. Vincent Pallotti Center
Confirmed URL: https://www.pallotticenter.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:37:55 AM
Site Description:
St. Vincent Pallotti Center - Promotes volunteer service that challenges the laity and clergy to work together. Find information and tools for prospective, current, and former volunteers, as well as information about Pallotti Center regional offices and events.

Website: Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)
Confirmed URL: https://www.cnewa.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:17:34 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) - Papal agency serving the churches and people of the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India, and Eastern Europe.

Website: Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund
Confirmed URL: https://www.sciaf.org.uk
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:14:28 AM
Site Description:
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund - Overseas aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland.

Website: Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
Confirmed URL: https://www.cfcausa.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:13:15 AM
Site Description:
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging - Catholic organization creating relationships between sponsors in the United States and children and aging persons in developing nations.

Website: Catholic Medical Mission Board
Confirmed URL: https://www.cmmb.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:11:43 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Medical Mission Board - Nonprofit charity and international medical relief agency providing third world health care and sending medical donations for emergency aid.

Website: Catholic Worker Movement
Confirmed URL: https://www.catholicworker.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:10:30 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Worker Movement - Founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933 and grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person.

Website: Catholic Relief Services
Confirmed URL: https://www.catholicrelief.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:08:21 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Relief Services - Provides information on emergency relief services and development programs addressing health, human rights, and poverty in countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Website: Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
Confirmed URL: https://www.cafod.org.uk
Category: Misc.
Date: Wednesday, February 01st, 2012; 12:04:15 AM
Site Description:
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFO) - CAFOD works to end poverty and make a just world.

Website: UFO Skeptic
Confirmed URL: https://www.ufoskeptic.org/
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, December 24th, 2010; 12:45:25 AM
Site Description:
UFO Skeptic - Features UFO phenomenon by and for professional scientists.

Website: UFO Online
Confirmed URL: https://www.ufo.it
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, December 24th, 2010; 12:44:23 AM
Site Description:
UFO Online -  Provides international UFO information.

Website: FBI - UFO
Confirmed URL: https://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/ufo.htm
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, December 24th, 2010; 12:42:08 AM
Site Description:
FBI/UFO - Features the materials concerning the Animal Mutilation Project containing accounts of animal mutilations which were reported during the late 1970's.

Website: The Black Vault
Confirmed URL: https://www.blackvault.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, December 24th, 2010; 12:40:27 AM
Site Description:
The Black Vault - Features scanned pages of official government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, court documents, information on viewing UFO's, and a discussion board.

Website: Extra-Terrestrial Contact
Confirmed URL: https://www.etcontact.net
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, December 24th, 2010; 12:39:40 AM
Site Description:
Extra-Terrestrial Contact - A scientific overview of the UFO phenomenon.

Website: UFO Digest
Confirmed URL: https://www.ufodigest.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday, May 29th, 2009; 10:25:31 PM
Site Description:
UFO Digest - Provides video proof of UFOs, alien abduction and the paranormal on our website, newsletter and newsfeed

Website: Mutual UFO Network
Confirmed URL: https://www.mufon.com
Category: Misc.
Date: May Friday 29th 2009 10:21:13 PM
Site Description:
Mutual UFO Network - The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.

Website: UFO Evidence
Confirmed URL: https://www.ufoevidence.org
Category: Misc.
Date: Friday 29 2009f May 2009 10:15:50 PM
Site Description:
UFO Evidence - Features sources of quality research and information on the UFO phenomenon, with over 2,000 articles, documents and resources.

Website: Star Wars
Confirmed URL: https://www.starwars.com
Category: Misc - Entertainment
Date: Sunday 25th of March 2007 08:37:54 AM
Site Description:
Star Wars - Offers Star Wars movie series and expanded universe, which includes news, games, kids stuff, merchandise, and blogs.

Website: Environmental Issues
Confirmed URL: https://www.cwac.net
Category: Misc- Issues
Date: Sunday 25th of March 2007 05:55:21 AM
Site Description:
Clean Water Action Council - Discusses on issues related to water quality or water quantity to some degree.

Website: Global Issues
Confirmed URL: https://www.globalissues.org
Category: Misc - Issues
Date: Sunday 25th of March 2007 12:25:45 AM
Site Description:
Global  Issues - Looks into global issues that affect everyone and aims to show how most issues are inter-related.

Website: Idealist.org
Confirmed URL: https://www.idealist.org
Category: Misc - Directory
Date: Wednesday 21st of March 2007 09:12:25 PM
Site Description:
.org - Imagine - Provides directory of nonprofit web resources: 16000 organizations in 130 countries; resources for nonprofit managers; computing and the Internet, fundraising and more.

Website: GuideStar
Confirmed URL: https://www.guidestar.org
Category: Misc. - nonprofit organization
Date: Wednesday 21st of March 2007 05:08:04 PM
Site Description:
GuideStar - Provides free service with information on the programs and finances of more than 600000 American charities and nonprofit organizations.

Website: Nature
Confirmed URL: https://www.nature.com
Category: Misc. - Nature Magazine
Date: Monday 19th of March 2007 07:23:46 PM
Site Description:
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal. Nature Genetics the first Nature research journal, followed 123 years later. Now Nature Publishing Group (NPG) publishes nine Nature research journals, seven Nature Reviews journals and four Nature Clinical Practice titles.

Website: MPEG
Confirmed URL: https://www.mpeg.org
Category: Misc. - MP3
Date: Monday 19th of March 2007 05:20:52 PM
Site Description:
Mpeg.org - Provides lots of Video, Audio and Systems technical resources, source code, test bit-streams etc.

Website: Asian-Nation
Confirmed URL: https://www.asian-nation.org
Category: Misc. - Culture
Date: Sunday 18th of March 2007 02:27:21 PM
Site Description:
Asian-Nation - Provides one-stop information resource and overview of the historical, demographic, political, and cultural issues that make up diverse Asian American community. You can think of Asian-Nation as an online version of \"Asian Americans 101\"

Website: Smoke Magazine
Confirmed URL: https://www.smokemag.com/
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday 18th of March 2007 07:23:06 AM
Site Description:
Smoke Magazine - Provides information on cigars and online cigar resources.

Website: Crime and Gangster Films
Confirmed URL: https://www.filmsite.org/crimefilms.html
Category: Movie Genres - Organized Crime
Date: Sunday 18th of March 2007 06:57:47 AM
Site Description:
Greatest Films - Crime and Gangster Films - explores the history of the genre, including film noir and detective mystery films as well.

Website: Trainline.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.trainline.com
Category: Misc. - Rock and Pop
Date: Sunday 18th of March 2007 04:27:51 AM
Site Description:
Trainline - Provides information about Rock and Pop music for the band with pictures, lyrics, sound clips, tour schedules, and news.

Website: Ask-Leo.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.ask-leo.com
Category: Misc. - FQAs
Date: Saturday 17th of March 2007 08:35:31 AM
Site Description:
Ask-Leo.com - Provides answers to questions related to computers and servers.

Website: Digg
Confirmed URL: https://www.digg.com
Category: Misc. - Story Sharing
Date: Friday 16th of March 2007 07:58:30 PM
Site Description:
Digg - A user driven social content website.

Website: The History Guy
Confirmed URL: https://www.historyguy.com
Category: Misc. History
Date: Friday 16th of March 2007 06:17:35 PM
Site Description:
The site - Features on important individuals from around the world, both past and present.

Website: Care 2
Confirmed URL: https://www.care2.com
Category: Misc. - Search Engines and Directories
Date: Friday 16th of March 2007 02:48:55 PM
Site Description:
Care2 - Provides an environmental portal full of healthy living tips, eco-directory, click-to-donate sites, e-cards, and more.

Website: Allexperts
Confirmed URL: https://www.allexperts.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Thursday 15th of March 2007 08:12:23 PM
Site Description:
Allexperts, created in early 1998, was the very first large-scale question and answer service on the net! The site has thousands of volunteers, including top lawyers, doctors, engineers, and scientists, waiting to answer your questions. All answers are free and most come within a day!

Website: Answers.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.answers.com
Category: Misc. Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia
Date: Thursday 15th of March 2007 07:45:17 PM
Site Description:
Answers.com - Offers free access to millions of topics. The site provides online dictionary, encyclopedia and much more.

Website: Model Airplane News
Confirmed URL: https://www.modelairplanenews.com
Category: Misc. - Magazines
Date: Thursday 15th of March 2007 07:41:37 PM
Site Description:
Model Airplane News - Offers reviews, tips, how-to articles, videos, classifieds, and more.

Website: Internet FAQ Consortium
Confirmed URL: https://www.faqs.org
Category: Misc. - Internet FQAs
Date: Thursday 15th of March 2007 04:12:32 AM
Site Description:
Internet FAQ Consortium - Features an archive of Usenet frequently asked questions.

Website: FindLaw
Confirmed URL: https://www.findlaw.com
Category: Misc. - Laws
Date: Tuesday 13th of March 2007 04:23:01 PM
Site Description:
FindLaw - Provides law resource for consumers and legal professionals, including a searchable directory of legal information, local services, helpful tools and tips, and legal news.

Website: Bureau of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services
Confirmed URL: https://www.uscis.gov
Category: Misc. Immigration Services
Date: Tuesday 13th of March 2007 04:21:32 PM
Site Description:
Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) - Provides information about immigration including links to immigration forms, laws and regulations, and field office information.

Website: Yahoo! People Search
Confirmed URL: https://people.yahoo.com
Category: Misc. - Phone Numbers and Addresses
Date: Monday 12th of March 2007 04:24:33 PM
Site Description:
Yahoo! People Search - Helps you look up email addresses, find phone numbers, and view other contact information for the people you need.

Website: Officer.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.officer.com
Category: Misc. - Law Enforcement
Date: Monday 12th of March 2007 04:22:50 PM
Site Description:
Officer.com - Provides police agencies, officers, and criminal justice resources. The site lists articles, directory, career information, magazines, and calendar of events.

Website: Global Warming International Center
Confirmed URL: https://www.globalwarming.net
Category: Misc. - Global Warming
Date: Sunday 11th of March 2007 05:01:46 PM
Site Description:
Global Warming International Center - Disseminates information on global warming science and policy, serving governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industries in more than 120 countries.

Website: Climate Change
Confirmed URL: https://www.epa.gov/climatechange/index.html
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday 11th of March 2007 05:00:36 PM
Site Description:
Climate Change - Offers comprehensive information on the issue of climate change in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society – communities, individuals, business, states and localities, and governments.

Website: eBags
Confirmed URL: https://www.ebags.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday 11th of March 2007 03:55:39 PM
Site Description:
eBags - Providses a complete line of popular brands, from handbags to luggage, eBags combines the best selection of products with unrivaled service and great prices.

Website: Cigar
Confirmed URL: https://www.cigar.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday 11th of March 2007 03:49:42 PM
Site Description:
Cigar.com provides information about cigar manufacturers, retailers, cigar-friendly clubs and restaurants, an events calendar, and more.

Website: Cowboys.com
Confirmed URL: https://www.cowboys.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Sunday 11th of March 2007 12:42:26 PM
Site Description:
Cowboys.com provides information on rodeos, horses, tack, guest ranches, country music, dancing, western art, clothing, collectibles, food, events, classified ads, and more.

Website: The Mafia
Confirmed URL: https://www.bestofsicily.com/mafia.htm
Category: Misc.
Date: Saturday 02nd of December 2006 12:24:29 PM
Site Description:
Getting Around Best of Sicily It is been called "the world's most Sicilian website"; Best of Sicily is more than travel, it is Sicily's most important international publication, especially mafia.

Website: eMacromall.com - The largest eDirectory on the net!
Email: info@eMacromall.com
Category: Misc.
Date: Monday 13th of November 2006 05:54:48 PM
Site Description:
eMacromall.com exclusively provides consumers with portal to 1000's of stores and sources while engaging content and entertainment throughout their visits. The stores and services are listed in almost every imaginable way under 40+ categories.

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