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Most Expensive Colleges
  1. New York University - $61,977
  2. Harvey Mudd College - $61,760
  3. Bard College - $61,446
  4. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - $60,779
  5. Sarah Lawrence College - $60,656
  6. Wesleyan College - $60,214
  7. Dartmouth College - $60,201
  8. University of Chicago - $60,039
  9. Trinity College - $59,860
  10. Johns Hopkins University - $59,802
  11. Forham College - $59,802
  12. Carnegie Mellon University - $59,632
  13. University of Southern California - $59,615
  14. Occidental College - $59,592
  15. Scripps College - $59,570
  16. Oberlin College - $59,447
  17. Haverford College - $59,446
  18. Pitzer College - $59,416
  19. Northwestern University - $59,389

  • 18 Most Expensive Public Colleges
  • 50 Most Expensive Colleges
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  • Top College Rankings 2016
    1. Princeton University (NJ)
    2. Harvard University (MA)
    3. University of Chicago (IL)
    4. Yale University (CT)
    5. Columbia University (NY)
    6. Stanford University (CA)
    7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
    8. Duke University (NC)
    9. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
    10. University of Pennsylvania (PA)
    11. Johns Hopkins University (MD)
    12. Dartmouth College (NH)
    13. California Institute of Technology (CA)
    14. Northwestern University (IL)
    15. Brown University (RI)
    16. Cornell University (NY)
    17. Rice University (TX)
    18. University of Notre Dame (IN)
    19. University of Venderbilt (TN)
    20. Washington University in St. Louis (MO)
    21. Emory University (GA)
    22. Georgetown University (DC)
    23. University of California at Berkeley (CA)
    24. University of Southern California (CA)
    25. Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
    26. University of California at Los Angeles (CA)
    27. University of Virginia (VA)

    Top Business Schools
    1. Columbia University (NY)
    2. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
    3. Harvard University (MA)
    4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
    5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)
    6. Stanford University (CA)
    7. University of California--Berkeley (Haas)
    8. University of Chicago (Booth)
    9. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
    10. Yale University (CT)

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    International Mathematical Olympiad
  • The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. Nowadays, there are over 100 countries participating from 5 continents.
  • Results
  • Hall of Fame
  • Math Problems & Solutions:

  • Famous Mathematicians
  • Terence Chi-Shen Tao (1975-)
  • Andrew Wiles (1953-)
  • Edward Witten (1951-)
  • William Paul Thurston (1946-2012)
  • Saharon Shelah (1945-)
  • Pierre René Deligne (1944-)
  • Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov (1943-)
  • John Horton Conway (1937-)
  • Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (1937-2010)
  • Robert Phelan Langlands (1936-)
  • John Griggs Thompson (1932-)
  • John Willard Milnor (1931-)
  • Michael Francis Atiyah (1929-)
  • Lennart Axel Edvard Carleson (1928-)
  • John Forbes Nash, Jr. (1928-2015)
  • Alexandre Grothendieck (1928-2014)
  • Jean-Pierre Serre (1926-)
  • John Torrence Tate (1925-)
  • Atle Selberg (1917-2007)
  • Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001)
  • Israel Moiseevich Gelfand (1913-2009)
  • Samuel Eilenberg (1913-1998)
  • Paul Erdös (1913-1996)
  • Alan Turing (1912-1954)
  • Shiing-Shen Chern (1911-2004)
  • André Weil (1906-1998)
  • Kurt Gödel (1906-1978)
  • Henri Paul Cartan (1904-2008)
  • Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (1903-1987)
  • John von Neumann (1903-1957)
  • Alfred Tarski (1902-1983)
  • Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984)
  • Emil Artin (1898-1962)
  • Pavel Sergeevich Aleksandrov (1896-1962)
  • Carl Ludwig Siegel (1896-1981)
  • Norbert Wiener (1894-1964)
  • Stefan Banach (1892-1945)
  • George Pólya (1887-1985)
  • Thoralf Albert Skolem (1887-1963)
  • Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920)
  • John Edensor Littlewood (1885-1977)
  • Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl (1885-1955)
  • George David Birkhoff (1884-1984)
  • Solomon Lefschetz (1884-1972)
  • Waclaw Sierpinski (1882-1969)
  • Amalie Emmy Noether (1882-1935)
  • Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (1881-1966)
  • Oswald Veblen (1880-1960)
  • Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
  • René Maurice Fréchet (1878-1973)
  • Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947)
  • Edmund Landau (1877-1938)
  • Henri Léon Lebesgue (1875-1941)
  • Tullio Levi-Civita (1873-1941)
  • Émile Borel (1871-1956)
  • Élie Joseph Cartan (1869-1951)
  • Felix Hausdorff (1868-1942)
  • Jacques Salomon Hadamard (1865-1963)
  • Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909)
  • David Hilbert (1862-1943)
  • Vito Volterra (1860-1946)
  • Georg Cantor (1845-1918)

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    Did You Know?
    1. Of all the K-12 schools in the U.S., as of 2020 there were 128,961 schools, including 98,469 public schools and 30,492 private schools.
    2. Of all the K-12 schools in the world, the largest school is the City Montessori School in India, which has over 32,000 students; the smallest school is in Turin, Italy, and has just one pupil.
    3. Every year, only 69 percent of American high school seniors earn their diplomas, and about 70 percent of all entering American ninth-grade students read below grade level.
    4. American students in poor and minority schools are twice as likely to have an inexperienced teacher and are 61 percent more likely to be assigned an uncertified teacher.
    5. In the US only about 78 percent of students earn their high school diplomas in four years. Among students of color, only 71 percent of Hispanic, 66 percent of African American, and 69 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native students in the U.S. graduate with a regular diploma, compared to 83 percent of white students and 94 percent of Asian/Pacific Islander students.
    6. On average, over a lifetime, college graduates earn $1.19 million; high-school graduates earn $580,000.
    7. People can make much more money by earning a college degree; a person with a Bachelor's degree will earn, on average, almost twice as much as workers with a high school diploma.
    8. A high school dropout often earns about $260,000 less than high school graduates, and $800,000 less than college graduates in their lifetime.
    9. There are approximately 1.3 million students failed to graduate from U.S. high school annually.
    10. McGuffey's Readers was graded collections of didactic tales and excerpts from great books, reflecting the proper education of young people required their introduction to a wide variety of topics and practical matters. McGuffey's Readers guide children from learning the alphabet all the way to high school materials, as each volume increased in skill level; they became standard texts in nearly all states in the U.S. since 1836.
    11. William Holmes McGuffey (1800 – 1873), a U. S. educator and clergyman, is remembered chiefly for his series of illustrated readers for elementary school, and is best known for writing the McGuffey Readers, the first widely used series of elementary school-level textbooks that educated millions of Americans. Mr. McGuffey helped to organize the public school system of Ohio, and served as the president of the Woodward Free Grammar School in Cincinnati, OH, one of the earliest public schools in the U.S. More than 120 million copies of McGuffey Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960. He was very fond of teaching children as he geared the books toward a younger audience.
    12. While Canada, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand, Shanghai (China), Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are the countries that have top-performing from primary school to 12th grade education systems in the world, the best countries for education from primary school to university are United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, and Netherlands.
    13. According to a new study, parents in emerging economies spend more time helping children with schoolwork than those in richer nations; parents in India spend an average of 12 hours a week helping with homework; Vietnam followed, where moms and dads spend 10.2 hours a week doing homework with their children; parents in the United States and Poland offered 6.2 hours each, while those in the UK give up 3.6 hours; Finland’s parents offer 3.1 hours, and Japanese parents help for 2.6 hours each week. It also found that better-educated parents were the most likely to provide the most assistance to their children, while 39% of those who had only been educated to primary level gave no help at all.
    14. Students from affluent backgrounds spent fewer hours doing homework per week when compared to their less privileged counterparts, most likely due to access to homeschooling or private tutors; students in China receive the most homework in the world; at an average; teens in China spend 13.8 hours a week on homework, Russia followed, where students had an average of 9.7 hours of homework per week, teens in the U.S. spend 6.1 hours, and students in Finland spend only 2.8 hours a week, followed closely by students in South Korea with 2.9 hours.
    15. As of 2016 in New York City, a starting lawyer going into a prestigious firm makes $160,000while starting teachers make roughly $45,000.
    17. Around 53% of the world’s out-of-school children are girls and 2/3 of the illiterate people in the world are women. Women who are less educated are having more children, on average 2.5 children, over the course of their lifetime when compared to more educated women, on average 1.7 children.
    18. In 1964, in the U.S. just 27% of blacks ages 25 and older had a high school diploma, while the share is 88% in 2015; by comparison, 51% of whites in 1964 had a diploma, versus 93% in 2015.
    19. In 2015, the total number of illiterate adults reached 745.1 million. Women aged 15 years and older are 9% less likely to be literate than men, and young women between 15 and 24 years old are 4% less likely to be literate than young men.
    20. Fascinated by numbers, a young whiz masters math, Stephanie Mui, 17, not yet out of high school, received a master's degree in math in May 2017 at George Mason University. By the end of fifth grade, Stephanie began taking classes at NOVA, earning an associate’s degree by age 13. She earned enough credits to enroll at Mason as a junior by spring 2015 and received received a bachelor's degree in math in May 2016. Mui, who plans to attend New York University in 2017 fall on a full research fellowship to begin work on a PhD in math, boasts a GPA of just below 4.0, with one A-minus in an English class at Mason.
    21. In 2015, Asia tops biggest global school rankings based on math and science, at age 15:
    22. In 1988, aged just 13, Terence Tao became the youngest gold medal recipient in International Mathematical Olympiad history – a record that still stands today. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees at the age of 16 from Flinders University. In 1992 he won a Fulbright Scholarship to undertake postgraduate study in the United States, and received his PhD at the age of 21 at Princeton University.
    23. Girls are rare at the International Math Olympiad.
    24. In the U.S., according to the College Board, during the 2013–14 academic year, the average cost of tuition, room and board at a private nonprofit four-year college and at a public four-year college were $40,917 and $18,391, respectively.
    25. The United States used to be the leader in quantity and quality of K-12 education; today U.S. students rank around the middle of the pack, and behind many other advanced industrial nations. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.
    26. In 2013 the U.S. placed below average in math and about average in reading and science among the 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED). In the math result, students from Shanghai scored 613 on a 1,000-point scale where the OECD average was 494. Students from Singapore scored 573, Hong Kong 561, Taiwan 560, South Korea 554, Macau 538 and Japan 536. Students in the U.S. scored 481 points, also trailing countries such as France, the U.K. and Russia.
    27. In 2013, 24.3 percent of the foreign-born labor force age 25 and over had not completed high school, compared with 4.8 percent of the native-born labor force. The foreign born were less likely than the native born to have some college or an associate degree—17.1 percent versus 30.1 percent. The proportions for foreign-born and native-born persons that had a bachelor’s degree or higher were more similar, at 33.8 percent and 37.5 percent, respectively.
    28. Only 43 percent of test-takers in 2013 met the SAT's definition of being prepared for college; the 1.6 million test-takers averaged 496 in reading, 514 on math and 488 on writing.
    29. Online course completion rates are very low, averaging 4% across all courses and ranging from 2% to 14% depending on the course and measurement of completion.
    30. There were around 6,000 charter schools serving about 2.3 million students in the 2012-2013 school year in 42 states and the District of Columbia. A study conducted by Stanford University researchers showed that only 29 percent of charter schools performed better in math than local public schools.
    31. In the U.S., around 14 percent of new teachers leave by the end of their first year; 33 percent leave within their first three years; and almost 50 percent leave in five years.
    32. In New York city, students are required to take a test to study at 9 specialized high schools, which were designed for the best and the brightest. In 2012, 733 of the 12,525 black and Hispanic students who took the exam were offered seats (6%). For whites, 1,253 of the 4,101 test takers were offered seats (31%). Of 7,119 Asian students who took the test, 2,490 were offered seats (35%).
    33. As per the 2012 OECD report,
      • The U.S. ranks 14th in the world in the percentage of 25-34 year-olds with higher education (42%).
      • The odds that a young person in the U.S. will be in higher education if his or her parents do not have an upper secondary education are just 29% - one of the lowest levels among OECD countries.
      • The U.S ranks 28th in the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood education, with a 69% enrolment rate.
      • Across all OECD countries, 30% of the expenditure on higher education comes from private sources, while in the U.S., 62% does.•Teachers in the U.S. spend between 1,050 and 1,100 hours a year teaching – much more than in almost every country.
    34. As of 2011 46% of teachers in public schools leave the profession within five years.
    35. Americans spend about $4.7 on graduation gifts annually.
    36. In 2010, there were about 16.3 million public school students in grades 9 to 12 in the United States.
    37. There are approximate 99,000 public elementary and secondary schools with around 3.3 million teachers for about 50 million students in the U.S. Of these, almost 35.0 million are in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade and 14.8 million in grades 9 through 12. An additional 5.8 million students attend private schools.
    38. About 3,327,000 students are expected to graduate from high school in 2009–10, including 3,005,000 from public high schools and 321,000 from private high schools.
    39. The percentage of high school completers enrolling in college was 68.6 percent in 2008. The enrolling rate for females is 71.5 percent while the rate for males is 65.9 percent.
    40. While the adult education program, which is designed for adults, teaches basic remedial lessons, continuing education is for adults to further their existing education.
    41. More than half (57%) of teachers hold master's degrees; however, this teaching profession has an average national starting salary of $30,377 while computer programmers start at an average of $43,635, public accounting professionals at $44,668, and registered nurses at $45,570.
    42. Teachers spend an average of 50 hours per week on instructional duties, including an average of 12 hours each week on non-compensated school-related activities such as grading papers, bus duty, and club advising.
    43. Almost 50 percent of new teachers leave the profession during the first five years of teaching, and 37 percent of teachers who do not plan to continue teaching until retirement blame low pay for their decision to leave the profession.
    44. In 2010, there were about 16.3 million public school students in grades 9 to 12 in the United States.
    45. There are approximate 99,000 public elementary and secondary schools with around 3.3 million teachers for about 50 million students in the U.S. Of these, almost 35.0 million are in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade and 14.8 million in grades 9 through 12. An additional 5.8 million students attend private schools.
    46. About 3,327,000 students are expected to graduate from high school in 2009–10, including 3,005,000 from public high schools and 321,000 from private high schools.
    47. The percentage of high school completers enrolling in college was 68.6 percent in 2008. The enrolling rate for females is 71.5 percent while the rate for males is 65.9 percent.
    48. There were 1.5 million home schooled students in the United States in 2007.
    49. 53% of the world’s out-of-school children are girls and 2/3 of the illiterate people in the world are women.
    50. E-learning (or eLearning) is the use of electronic educational technology in learning and/or teaching. It is sometimes referred to as online learning, distance education, internet-based training, web-based training, flexible learning and digital education.

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    4. Germany’s Dual Education System: The Assessment by Its Subjects
    5. The Danish Education System
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    42. Effective Education for Autism
    43. Effectiveness of Online Classes to College Students during the Pandemic
    44. Effectiveness of Fully Online Courses for College Students
    45. The Effects of Parent Involvement on Student Success.
    46. The Effect of Parental Involvement on Math Achievement of Asian Immigrant Children
    47. In Early 1800s American Classrooms, Students Governed Themselves
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    49. Extending the Race Between Education and Technology
    50. Technology and Education: Computers, Software, and the Internet
    51. Technology and Its Use in Education: Present Roles and Future Prospects.
    52. Use of Technology in the Classroom
    53. Use of Educational Technology for Instruction in Public Schools
    54. Using AI to Implement Effective Teaching Strategies in Classrooms: Five Strategies, Including Prompts
    55. The Latest "Crisis" - Is the Research Literature Overrun with ChatGPT- and LLM-generated Articles?
    56. Human Writer or AI? Scholars Build a Detection Tool
    57. The Best AI Detection Tools to Catch Cheating and Plagiarism
    58. AI and Student Academic Misconduct
    59. AI Watermarking Won't Curb Disinformation
    60. AI Detection - Artificial Intelligence Tools for Detection, Research and Writing
    61. AI Detection: Falsely Accused of Using ChatGPT for Academic Writing [Infographic]
    62. GPT Detectors Are Biased Against Non-native English Writers
    63. ChatGPT: Educational Friend or Foe?
    64. ChatGPT in Your Classroom
    65. ChatGPT in Education: Generative AI Pros, Cons & Unknowns
    66. ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence for Education
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    73. Scientific Sleuths Spot Dishonest ChatGPT Use in Papers
    74. Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It.
    75. The Creative Ways Teachers Are Using ChatGPT in the Classroom
    76. A SWOT Analysis of ChatGPT: Implications for Educational Practice and Research
    77. Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators
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    87. Satisfaction with Online Learning: A Comparative Descriptive Study
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    89. Optimizing Virtual and Distance Learning During an Emergency and Beyond
    90. The Influence of Virtual Learning Environments in Students’ Performance
    91. List of 107 Classroom Teaching Strategies (With Examples)
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    97. Strategies for Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities
    98. Issues and Challenges in Open and Distance e-Learning: Perspectives from the Philippine
    99. Defining Distance Learning and Distance Education
    100. Remote Learning, Distance Education and Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    101. Coronavirus School Closings: Online Learning, ...
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    118. Current and Historical Thinking on Education for Gifted
    119. Gifted, Talented, and Underserved
    120. Engaging Students in STEM Education
    121. Innovate: A Blueprint for STEM Education - Science
    122. Successful K-12 STEM Education
    123. An Early Grade STEM Dialogue Reading Programme: The Development of a Conceptual Framework
    124. North Carolina's STEM Education Strategic Plan
    125. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
    126. STEM: Liberating Women in the Middle East
    127. STEM Education: An Overview
    128. STEM: A Case Study of Zimbabwe’s Educational Approach to Industrialization
    129. STEM Education: 5-Year Strategic Plan)
    130. Charting a Course for Success: America's Strategy for STEM Education
    131. Coordinating Federal STEM Education Investments Progress Report
    132. Progress Report on the Implementation of the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan
    133. Trump vs. Obama: Presidential Strides in STEM Education
    134. Study: Girls Less Interested in STEM Fields Perceived as Masculine.
    135. Equal Talents, Unequal Opportunities: A Report Card on State Support for Academically Talented Low Income Students
    136. Keeping Students Accountable
    137. Student Mental Health
    138. Student Mental Health Plan
    139. Mental Illness Among Students
    140. Mental Health Strategies and Help
    141. Can We Motivate Students to Learn?
    142. The Role of Teachers in Motivating Students to Learn
    143. Motivating Students to Learn in the 21st Century
    144. Motivating Students to Learn.
    145. The Challenge of Motivating Students.
    146. High Impact Teaching Strategies
    147. Impact of Digital Technology on Education
    148. The Impact of Effective Teaching Strategies on Producing Fast and Good Learning Outcomes
    149. The Impact of Online Colleges on Education
    150. The Impact of COVID-19 on Education.
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    154. Some Fundamental Principles of Language Teaching and Learning
    155. The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
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    157. Achieving Learning for All
    158. The Body-clock Science Behind Later School Start Times
    159. Worldwide Educating for the Future Index
    160. The Surprising Success of the Finnish Educational System
    161. The Un-Making of an Extraordinary School
    162. Creating a School System with Extraordinary Learning at Its Heart
    163. The Characteristics of a Good School
    164. Organizing Schools for Improvement
    165. Foreign Students Yesterday, World Leaders Today
    166. Successful School Leadership
    167. During the Coronavirus Crisis, Children Need Books more than Ever!
    168. Lessons for Education during the Coronavirus Crisis
    169. Stories About the Extraordinary Educators in Your Life.
    170. Investment in Education - An Overview.
    171. Advantages and Disadvantages of 529 College Savings Plans.
    172. Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems.
    173. The Worlds' Leading International Schools
    174. The World Best Education Systems
    175. The Best International Schools in the World
    176. Most & Least Educated Cities in America
    177. Most Educated Politicians in the World to Know
    178. Top Teaching Strategies for Your Classroom
    179. Top International Rankings by Country
    180. Top US Private Schools with the Most Graduates Getting into Ivy League Universities
    181. List of Heads of State Educated in the United States.
    182. List of Presidents of the United States by Education
    183. List of International Schools Worldwide by Cities - Ratings & Reviews
    184. School Systems Around the World.
    185. School Choice in a New Market Context
    186. The Countries Have a Well-Developed Public Education System
    187. The Role of Education in Shaping Youth's National Identity
    188. The French Education System
    189. Education at a Glance
    190. Education Development: Importance, Challenges and Solutions
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    199. Education: The Most Important Investment.
    200. Education Around the World
    201. Education Around the World. | Lumen Learning
    202. Education Systems Around the World: A Comparison.
    203. Education Rankings by Country.
    204. Education in the United States of America
    205. Education in Europe: Key Figures - ed. 2018
    206. Education in Asia | Unesco
    207. Education in Asia: What Global Issues?
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    209. Education Reform in Pakistan
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    211. Education Systems in ASEAN + 6 Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Educational Issues
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    213. Education During COVID-19 and Beyond
    214. Education Pioneers Annual Report.
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    217. America’s Public Schools: Still Unequal and Unjust
    218. The Concept of Education as an Investment.
    219. Investment in Global Education.
    220. Recorded Lectures as a Source of Cognitive Off-loading.
    221. Exploring the Consequences on Memory of Students Who Know They Have Access to Recorded Lectures.
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    223. Meet William James Sidis: The Smartest Guy Ever?
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    225. Planned Parenthood and 'Fundamental Unfairness'.
    226. Bullying, Violence Down in Schools
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    228. Student Visa Cheat Claims 'Putting our Lives on Hold'
    229. PISA Worldwide Ranking of Math, Science, Reading Skills
    230. The Smartest People in the World.
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    232. Best Countries for Education | U.S. News
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    235. World Ranking of Countries by their Average IQ
    236. Genetics, IQ, and Convergence
    237. Are These the Schools of the Future?
    238. Are Asian Kids Really Better at Math?
    239. For Asians, School Tests Are Vital Steppingstones.
    240. Asian Americans and Education.
    241. India Condemns US for Radio-Tagging Duped Students
    242. Comparison of Rewatching Class Recordings versus Retrieval Practice as Post-Lecture Learning Strategies.
    243. Comparing Global Education Systems.
    244. A Comparison of Mathematics Proficiency Among Asian and American Students
    245. A Comparison of the Education Systems in India and China
    246. Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian ...
    247. Benchmarking Education Systems in East Asia
    248. Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups
    249. Study Finds Asian Countries Are Best in Math, Science
    250. Study Finds Flaws in Virtual Education.
    251. The Mathematics Education of Students in Japan: A Comparison with United States Mathematics Programs
    252. Vietnamese Refugee Earns Seventh Degree from MIT | UPI.com
    253. From Vietnam to Nuclear Engineer: Immigrant Earns Seven MIT Degrees
    254. The Pursuit of Beauty - Yitang Zhang Solves a Pure-Math Mystery.
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    257. Almost 10M Young Chinese Just Took an Exam That Will Change Their Lives
    258. Chinese School Kids Climb a 2,625-foot Cliffside Ladder to Get Home. Soon, They’ll Have Stairs.
    259. U.S. Academic Achievement Lags That of Many other Countries
    260. U.S. Students Slide in Global Ranking on Math, Reading, Science
    261. U.S. Now Ranks Near the Bottom Among 35 Industrialized Nations
    262. The U.S. Is Purging Chinese Americans from Top Cancer Research.
    263. In a Global Ranking of 'Best Countries,' the United States Drops to No. 7
    264. Approaches & Values in Two Gigantic Educational Philosophies: East and West
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    266. The Structure of the European Education Systems - 2018/19
    267. Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups
    268. Digital Education at School in Europe
    269. The Difference Between Western and Eastern Education
    270. Quality Early Childhood Education and Care for Children Under Age 3: Results from the Starting Strong Survey
    271. Western Education in the 19th Century
    272. Traditional Culture and Educational Success in Sénégal, West Africa
    273. Fact or Fiction?: Video Games Are the Future of Education
    274. Ready for Success.
    275. Parent Involvement and Children's Academic and Social Development in Elementary School.
    276. Liability Doesn't Leave the House: What Parents Can Do.
    277. IRS Issues New Warning on Scams Targeting Students and Parents for Back to School Season.
    278. Young, Gifted, and Neglected.
    279. Foreign Students Yesterday, World Leaders Today
    280. Randy Pausch: Time Management
    281. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
    282. Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008): Last Lecture
    283. Stephen Hawking and Other Wildly Successful People Who Also Have a Disability
    284. A Box of Cash, a Secret Donor and a Big Lift for Some N.Y.C. Students
    285. The New Rules of Finding Aid.
    286. Ranking America's Most Educated Cities
    287. Ranking of National Higher Education Systems
    288. Evaluating the Impact of Early College High Schools
    289. Analyzing the State of Education in Asia, from Grade School to Trade School.
    290. Rethinking the Scientific Career
    291. Helping Your Child Succeed in School.
    292. Rewiring Education
    293. Writing Extraordinary Essays.
    294. Students With Disabilities
    295. Students With Disabilities | ed.gov
    296. Best Schools for Students with a Learning Disability
    297. Learning Disability in Children: Causes, Signs & Treatment
    298. Homeless Children and Youth
    299. Interest-based Language Teaching: Enhancing Students’ Interest and Achievement in L2 Reading
    300. Jacob Barnett, 14-Year-Old with Asperger's Syndrome, May Be Smarter Than Einstein.
    301. Autism and Special Education
    302. Educational Options for Children on the Autism Spectrum
    303. Pros and Cons of Public School for Children With Autism
    304. Recognized Schools for Children with Autism
    305. Homeschooling a Child with Autism
    306. Inclusive Education for Children with Muscle-Wasting Conditions
    307. Investigation of Poor Academic Achievement in Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
    308. Plagiarism: Examination of Conceptual Issues and Evaluation of Research Findings on Using Detection Services
    309. Plagiarism Legal Ethical Issues
    310. Plagiarism Checker
    311. A Plagiarism Detector Will Try to Catch Students Who Cheat With ChatGPT
    312. Avoiding Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
    313. Lessons on Plagiarism: Issues for Teachers and Learners
    314. Free Online Plagiarism Checker
    315. Free Online Free Online Plagiarism Checker for Students
    316. Free Plagiarism Checker for Teachers
    317. Freely Charting a Course Without a Compass
    318. Free Degrees to Fly
    319. German Education Chief Quits in Plagiarism Case.
    320. Assessment Literacy in Today’s Classroom.
    321. The Power of Music Education
    322. Benefits of Music in Child Development
    323. Benefits of Learning a Second Language at an Early Age
    324. Benefits and Risks of ChatGPT in K-12 Schools
    325. Benefits of STEM Education
    326. Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
    327. The Benefits of Teaching and Learning About Agriculture in Elementary and Junior High Schools
    328. The Benefits of Music Education | PBS
    329. The Benefits of Music Education
    330. The Benefits of Music Education | rcmusic.com
    331. The Benefits of Studying with Music
    332. The Importance of Music - A National Plan for Music Education
    333. The Importance of Education and Skills
    334. Importance of Education in Human Life
    335. Introduction Importance of Education
    336. Need & Importance of Education
    337. No Child Left Behind: An Overview
    338. College Admissions Bribery Scandal
    339. The Risks of Homeschooling
    340. A Warning on Homeschooling - A Dark Side of Homeschooling
    341. The Research on Homeschooling
    342. Context and Regulation of Homeschooling: Issues, Evidence, and Assessment Practices
    343. The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
    344. Homeschooling Kids Who Learn and Think Differently
    345. Homeschooling & Educational Neglect
    346. Homeschooling and Its Impact on Educational Outcomes
    347. Homeschooling, Abuse and Qualifications
    348. Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2019
    349. Noted High School and Elementary School Dropouts
    350. High School Dropout Rate
    351. Diplomas for Sale: $465, No Classes Required. Inside One of Louisiana’s Unapproved Schools
    352. COVID-19 and Fall 2020 | ICE.
    353. 3 Terrifying Student Loan Horror Stories
    354. 3 Student Loan Wishes
    355. 4 Important Considerations for Homeschooling
    356. 4 Ways to Turn Online Learning Weaknesses Into Strengths
    357. 5 Ways Teachers Can Use ChatGPT in the Classroom
    358. 5 Ways U.S. Education Differs from Other G-20 Countries
    359. 5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting into Top Colleges.
    360. 5 Cool Ways to Use ChatGPT in the Classroom
    361. 5 Top Ways for Public Schools to Better Support Talented Students of Color
    362. 5 Things that 20-Somethings Should Know About
    363. 5 Biggest Education Issues.
    364. 5 Biggest Challenges Facing Ed-Tech Leaders.
    365. 5 Strategies for Motivating Students.
    366. 5 Extraordinary Schools Across the World Are Teaching Children in Unusual Ways or Surroundings
    367. 5 Memory Hacks to Make You Smarter
    368. 5 Proven Ways to Increase Student Engagement Online
    369. 5 Facts About Education in the 19th Century
    370. 6 Strategies for Effective Learning
    371. 6 Benefits of Music Education for Kids
    372. 6 Charts on Education Around the World
    373. 6 Reasons Asians Are Better at Math
    374. 6 Reasons Your Memory Is Stranger than You Think
    375. 6 Sneaky Ways Students Land in Loan Trouble.
    376. 6 Smarter Ways to Deal With a Bully
    377. 6 Charts on Education Around the World
    378. 6 Best AI Writing and Plagiarism Checkers for Teachers
    379. 7 Great iPad Educational Apps for Kids.
    380. 7 Potential Homeschooling Problems and Issues
    381. 7 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Helps Students Learn
    382. 8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education
    383. 8 Things We Can Learn from Successful Education Systems
    384. 8 Easy Ways to Finish Your Homework Faster
    385. 8 Types of Schools for Autistic Kids
    386. 9 Ways Parents Can Help Bullied Kids Learn Resilience
    387. 9 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Helps Improve Student Outcomes
    388. 9 Amazing Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
    389. 10 Schools that Produce the Most Forbes 400 Billionaires
    390. 10 World Leaders with Doctorate Degrees
    391. 10 Top Ways to Succeed in Online Education
    392. 10 Top Countries with the Best Education Systems.
    393. 10 Countries With the Best Education Systems
    394. 10 Countries for Scientific Research
    395. 10 Best Countries for Education Around the World
    396. 10 Best Film Schools in the World
    397. 10 Most Devastating Impacts of Homeschooling Your Kids
    398. 10 Most Educated Countries in the World (Slides)
    399. 10 Most Educated Countries in the World
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    401. 10 Most Unusual Schools Around the World
    402. 10 Most Extraordinary People in the World
    403. 10 Unusual and Amazing Schools
    404. 10 Overlooked Disadvantages of Homeschooling - Ultimate Preventive Measures You Need to Know
    405. 10 Ways Schools Differ Around the World
    406. 10 Reasons Charter Schools Harm Children
    407. 10 Reasons Today's Students Need Technology in the Classroom
    408. 10 Engaging Activities for Students Who Finish Work Early
    409. 10 Critical Issues Facing Education
    410. 10 Extraordinary People and Their Lessons for Success.
    411. 10 Poorly Educated But Incredibly Successful People
    412. 10 Remarkable People on Having a Career That Matters
    413. 10 Smartest Kids in the World.
    414. 10 Daily Habits of the Most Intelligent People.
    415. 11 Facts About High School Dropout Rates
    416. 12 Best AI Detectors for 2024
    417. 12 Learning Strategies to Help You Retain Information Fast
    418. 15 Biggest Private Donations to Universities by the Ultra Rich
    419. 15 Actionable Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation and Engagement
    420. 15 Interesting Facts About Education Around the World They Don’t Teach You in School
    421. 15 Ordinary People Who Changed History
    422. 15 Top Countries With the Best Education System in the World
    423. 16 Fascinating Facts About Education from Around the World
    424. 18 Fun Facts About Schools Around the World
    425. 18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing
    426. 19 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Classroom
    427. 20 Ways Teachers Can Use ChatGPT to Make Their Lives Easier
    428. 20 Important Benefits of Music in Our Schools
    429. 20 Countries with the Best Education System
    430. 20 Countries with Best Education System in the World
    431. 20 Best Education System in the World.
    432. 20 Most Influential Scientists Alive Today
    433. 20 Most Influential Women Intellectuals
    434. 20 Most Prestigious Music Degree Programs in the World.
    435. 20 Surprising Higher Education Facts
    436. 20 Simple Assessment Strategies
    437. 21 Simple Ideas to Improve Student Motivation
    438. 25 Smartest Countries in the World.
    439. 25 Top Financial Mistakes Charter Schools Often Make.
    440. 27 Smartest People on the Planet
    441. 30 Major Pros & Cons of Charter Schools
    442. 30 Smartest People Alive Today
    443. 40 Smartest People of All Time
    444. 50 Greatest Living Geniuses
    445. 50+ Valuable ESL & ELL Student Resources
    446. 64 Free ESL Lesson Plans and Templates

    1. A History of Teacher First Ladies and Presidents
    2. Most Intelligent People in the History of the World
    3. List of Famous Educators - Biographies, Timelines, Trivia & Life History
    4. Educators Who Went on to Make History
    5. Famous Words and Deeds in American History | loc.gov
    6. The Most Famous Teachers in the History of Time
    7. The Most Famous Teachers in History
    8. Women Teachers Who Made History by Changing the World
    9. The Early History of Cincinnati Public Schools.
    10. Eye Witness to History: From Ancient World to World War II
    11. History from Ancient World to World Wars
    12. History in Motion
    13. Culture Warriors —on Both Sides— Are Wrong About America’s History Classrooms
    14. The Frontier in American History
    15. Inclusive Education: Lessons From History
    16. Lessons from — and for — Black History Month
    17. 5 Famous Teachers in History Who Made a Difference
    18. 9 Most Famous Teachers in History
    19. 10 Great Minds from Throughout History.
    20. 10 Most Famous Female Educators in History
    21. 12 Black Educators Who Changed History That We Should All Know About
    22. 13 Most Intelligent People in the History of the World
    23. 16 of the Smartest Children in History
    24. 20 Most Memorable Teachers in TV History
    25. Historical Figures: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

    Guides & Tips
    1. Guide to Educational Systems Around the World.
    2. Guide to Education System in the U.S.
    3. Guide to Using ChatGPT/AI in the Classroom
    4. Gifted and Talented Teacher Guidebook
    5. A Framework to Guide an Education Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020
    6. A Framework to Guide an Education Response to the COVID-19.
    7. UK Education System Guide
    8. UK vs. USA Education System | Study Abroad Guide.
    9. Learning Disability Guidelines
    10. Education for Homeless Children and Youths Program Non-Regulatory Guidance
    11. Education for Homeless Children and Youths - The Guide to Their Rights
    12. Grammar and Writing Guide.
    13. Homework 101: The Ultimate Guide for Students & Parents
    14. Motivating Children to Do Their Homework Parent’s Guide
    15. Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing
    16. A Practical Guide to Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness
    17. A Teacher's Guide: Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson.
    18. Using Statewide SOL Test Results to Guide Instruction.
    19. Using Data to Guide Instruction and Improve Student Learning
    20. High School Students’ Guide to Paying for College
    21. Motivating Students: A Guide for Teachers.
    22. Teaching for Understanding: A Guide to Video Resources
    23. Art Teachers Guide
    24. A Guide to Common Core Standards in the Classroom
    25. A Guide for the Teaching and Learning of History in Australian Schools
    26. Teacher Guide for ChatGPT in Classrooms
    27. ChatGPT for Teachers: 20+ Tips, Ideas, Prompts, and More
    28. ChatGPT Releases Teacher Guide for AI Use in the Classroom
    29. ChatGPT: A Step-by-step Guide for Language Teachers, Learners, Teacher Trainers and Researchers Contents
    30. Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT: A Quick Guide To Techniques, Tips, And Best Practices
    31. Guidelines for IB World Schools and Partners.
    32. Guiding Parents in Helping Children Learn.
    33. A College Student’s Guide to Test Preparation
    34. College Application Essay Format - Guideline & Examples
    35. College Recruitment Guide
    36. College Student Guide to Choosing Health Insurance Plans
    37. A College Application Guide for Gap Year Students
    38. The Ultimate Guide to the College Search
    39. The Student's Guide to Health Insurance
    40. Designing the Perfect Home Playroom for Children with Autism – A Complete Guide
    41. Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities | EDsmart
    42. Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities
    43. A Student Guide to Attending College with a Disability
    44. The Complete Guide to Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
    45. Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A Campus Guide for Self-Study and Planning.
    46. Communicating Commitment to Liberal Education: A Self-Study Guide for Institutions.
    47. Entrance Counseling Guide for Direct Loan Borrowers.
    48. College Tips
    49. Education School Tips for Success
    50. Education Tips for Parents
    51. Tips for Fixing the Nation's Education System
    52. Research Fellowship Application Tips.
    53. Applying to University: Top Tips from Today's Students to Tomorrow's
    54. Tips for Preschool Teachers and other Early Childhood
    55. Back to School Tips for Parents
    56. Professional Development Tips for Teachers
    57. Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay
    58. Tips for Writing a Winning College Application Essay
    59. Students Share Tips on Applying to Top National Universities
    60. Tips for Writing a College Essay Introduction that Makes You Stand Out
    61. 3 Essential SAT Tips and Strategies
    62. 4 Internship Tips for International Students in the U.S.
    63. 5 Tips for Women Entering the Education Field
    64. 6 Tips to Running a Business and Improving Your Education.
    65. 9 Essential Tips to Save on Higher Education
    66. 10 Tips for Starting High School
    67. 10 Tips for an Effective College Visit
    68. 10 College Admissions Tips for High School Freshmen
    69. 10 Top Tips for Overcoming Bullying.
    70. 12 Tips for Getting into the College of Your Choice
    71. 12 Study Tips for Back to School
    72. 12 Tips on Motivating Students.
    73. 13 Surprising Tips for Applying to College
    74. 15 Quick Tips for Getting Accepted into College
    75. 15 Tips for Minority Students to Get Accepted into Ivy League and Elite Colleges
    76. 16 Tips You'll Never Hear in a Graduation Speech
    77. 20 Tips for Effective Self Education
    78. 21 Tips for Online Classes Success
    79. 50 Blogs for Teaching Tips, Ideas and Inspiration

    Educators - Teachers
    1. Teachers as Leaders in a Knowledge Society: Encouraging Signs of a New Professionalism
    2. Global Teacher Prize
    3. Greatest Teachers of All Times
    4. Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
    5. Stories About the Extraordinary Educators in Your Life
    6. Famous Leaders in Education
    7. Famous Teachers Who Have Changed the World Not Just With Books
    8. Famous Teachers Who Changed the World
    9. Famous Teachers in History
    10. Greatest Historical Leaders from Asia That You Must Know About
    11. Introducing High Point’s Extraordinary Educators
    12. The Teacher Who Changed How We Teach Writing
    13. The Famous Artists and Writers Who Were Teachers First
    14. Famous Teachers and Top Well-Known Teachers
    15. The Greatest Indian Educators
    16. Yoshida Shôin - Japan’s Most Famous Teacher
    17. Eddie Woo, the Teacher changed the Face of Mathematics Teaching ...
    18. List of Famous Educators - Biographies, Timelines, Trivia & Life History
    19. Meet Six Local Teachers Who Are Making a Difference
    20. Vietnamese Honored as One of Top 10 Global Teachers
    21. Famous People Who Got Their Start as Teachers
    22. The Man Who Taught Millions of Americans to Read Before Being Forgotten
    23. The Australian Teacher Who Has Been Named One of the Best in the World
    24. Some of the Extraordinary Teachers Around the World
    25. Teachers Walk out over Low Pay.
    26. Teacher Salaries Fell in the Last Decade.
    27. The Real Reasons Behind the U.S. Teacher Shortage.
    28. Many Teachers in Advanced Placement Voice Concern at Its Rapid Growth
    29. 2 ‘Extraordinary Educators’ Honored Nationally for Success in Classroom
    30. 4 Scientists Who Became World Leaders
    31. 4 Engaging Classroom Activities that Promote Student Participation
    32. 5 Educators Who Changed the World
    33. 5 Ways to Encourage Participation from All Students
    34. 6 Most Famous American Educators Everyone Should Know
    35. 7 Most Influential Educators of All Time
    36. 7 Most Famous Female Educators in the World
    37. 7 Historical Teachers Who Changed the World for the Better
    38. 8 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Students
    39. 9 Teachers Who Went Above and Beyond for Their Students
    40. 9 Most Famous Teachers in History
    41. 10 Best Teachers in the World
    42. 10 Best Teachers in the World in 2018
    43. 10 Teaching Strategies to Keep Students Engaged in the Classroom
    44. 10 Historic Black Teachers Who Revolutionized The System for the Community
    45. 10 Celebrities Tell How Teachers Changed Their Lives
    46. 10 of the Most Famous Teachers Today
    47. 10 of the Most Famous Teachers Ever
    48. 10 Legendary Music Professors Teaching Today
    49. 10 Greatest Teachers Who Changed the World
    50. 10 Most Inspiring Pinoy Teachers in the News
    51. 10 Inspirational Teachers Who Are Transforming Education
    52. 10 Awards for Great Teachers.
    53. 11 People Changing Education As We Know It
    54. 11 Educators Went Above and Beyond
    55. 12 Educators Who Changed the World
    56. 12 Top Pioneers in Education
    57. 12 Top Ways to Increase Student Participation
    58. 12 Historical Figures That Were Teacher
    59. 15 Greatest Teachers in the World
    60. 15 Best Teachers in the World
    61. 15 Teachers Who Changed the World, and Made It a Better Place
    62. 17 Incredible Teachers Who Changed the World
    63. 17 Teachers Who Changed the World
    64. 18 of the Best Teachers in Children’s Books
    65. 18 Famous People Who Were Teachers
    66. 20 Famous Teachers Everyone Should Know
    67. 20 Phenomenal Educators Share Their Exemplary Teaching Expertise
    68. 22 Extraordinary Education Innovators
    69. 28 of the Best Teachers That Make for Great Educators
    70. 30 Most Innovative People in Education Alive Today
    71. 50 Great Teachers: Socrates, the Ancient World's Teaching Superstar
    72. 100 Teachers That Changed the World

    ▷ Pre-K to 12
    1. K-12 Distance Learning and Its Effects on Academic Achievement and Student Engagement
    2. A Summary of Research on the Effectiveness of K-12 Online Learning
    3. Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes
    4. Preschool English Learners.
    5. Oral Language and Vocabulary Development Kindergarten and First Grade.
    6. Teaching English to Children.
    7. The Plan Building on Children’s Interests
    8. Helping Children Learn English as a Second Language
    9. The Future of Teaching and Learning.
    10. States with the Best & Worst School Systems.
    11. States With the Best (and Worst) Schools in America
    12. This Florida Student Was Accepted at All 8 Ivy League.
    13. Coronavirus: Kansas Becomes 1st State to End School Year.
    14. Pros and Cons of Online Education
    15. The Benefits of Tutoring
    16. Tutoring Can Help Your College Student Succeed: Twelve Reasons to Start Early
    17. The Impact of Tutoring on the Academic Success of Undeclared Students
    18. Benefits of Peer Tutoring Students with Disabilities in a Secondary School Setting
    19. The Benefits of Good Tutor-Student Relationships in the First Year
    20. Assessment of a Student Peer Tutoring Program: Benefits to the Tutors
    21. Design Principles for Accelerating Student Learning With High-Ipmact Tutoring
    22. Tutor Bot: Maths and Number Games
    23. COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools
    24. Standards for Student Performance.
    25. Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making
    26. Assessing Student Learning
    27. Assessing Student Learning | Teaching Commons
    28. Measuring Student Learning
    29. Should Students Have Homework?
    30. Should Kids Have Homework?
    31. Should Kids Have Homework? - The Great Debate
    32. Pros and Cons of Homework - Do Students Really Need It?
    33. Does Homework Really Help Students Learn?
    34. Homework Around the World
    35. Homework in America
    36. Do We Get Too Much Homework?
    37. Homework and Family Stress: With Consideration of Parents’ Self Confidence, Educational Level, and Cultural Background.
    38. Parents in Poorer Countries Devote More Time to Their Kids' Homework
    39. The Countries Where Kids Spend the Most Time Doing Their Homework
    40. Most Expensive Top Private High Schools in America.
    41. Most Expensive Private High Schools in US.
    42. Can't Pay Their Bills With Love': In Many Teaching Jobs, Teachers' Salaries Can't Cover Rent.
    43. Bridge in Mathematics Grade 2 Practice Book
    44. Math Olympiads Level 1 with Sample Papers for Classes 1 to 10
    45. Best Advice for High School Freshmen
    46. High School Student Mental Health Strategies
    47. Mental Health and Wellness Strategies for High School Students
    48. Best High Schools in the World
    49. The Truth About Charter Schools
    50. The Battle Over Charter Schools
    51. Charter vs Traditional School
    52. Are Charter Schools Public or Private?
    53. Innovations in Education: Successful Charter Schools
    54. Charter Schools and the Achievement Gap
    55. The Role of Charter Schools in Improving Education
    56. The Effects of Charter Schools on School Peer Composition
    57. Charter Schools’ Performance and Accountability: A Disconnect
    58. DC Charter Schools - Multi-Agency Plan Needed to Continue Progress Addressing High and Disproportionate Discipline Rates
    59. Charter Schools and Special Education: Institutional Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation
    60. Charter Schools: We Won't Be Fooled Again
    61. K-12 Curriculum – The US Education System
    62. K-12 Education in Germany
    63. The French Education System - Schools and Secondary Education
    64. The British Education System
    65. Education in China
    66. Elementary and Secondary Education in Japan, Japan K-12 Education
    67. International Schools and the Education System in South Korea
    68. The Vietnam K-12 Education System-Primary and Secondary Education
    69. K-12 Education System in India
    70. Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)
    71. Keep Students Motivated with This Goal-Setting Activity
    72. If I Were a Parent: Teaching Kids to Be Good Sports
    73. Charter Schools Pose Risk to Education Department Goals.
    74. Stratford Refunds for H.S. "Diploma" Program.
    75. Nonacademic Effects of Homework in Privileged, High-Performing High Schools.
    76. House Republicans Pass Changes to Free School Meals
    77. Fewer Kids Could Receive Free School Meals Under House Bill
    78. Nutrition Act Could Impact Free Meals
    79. America's Fourth- and Eighth-Graders' Test Scores Are Falling: Mathematics and Reading.
    80. Lessons Learned from Standardized Testing.
    81. No Child Left Behind: What Worked, What Didn't.
    82. Meet the 10-Year-Old Maths Genius Who's Just Enrolled at College.
    83. A 92-Year-Old Elementary School Pupil Inspires a Generation in Kenya
    84. NY State Official Raises Alarm on Charter Schools — And Gets Ignored.
    85. Oldest Person to Begin Primary School
    86. The Outsize Influence of Your Middle-School Friends.
    87. The Push for National Standards: What Parents Need to Know.
    88. Truancy Fact Sheet.
    89. Reform Math: The Symptoms And Prognosis
    90. Surprising Test Results for Some of the World's Richest Students.
    91. U.S. Students Get Stuck in Middle of the Pack on OECD Test.
    92. She Finally Has a Home: Harvard
    93. Support Your Struggling Grads
    94. Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 1999–2000 and 2009–10
    95. Exam Schools: Inside America's Most Selective Public High Schools.
    96. Hawaii Students Lag Behind Most in U.S., Some Other Nations
    97. Schools Struggling to Find Teachers
    98. Indiana’s Got a Problem: Too Many Teachers Don’t Want to Work There Anymore
    99. International Mathematical Olympiad - Ranking of Countries
    100. U.S. Students Lag Around Average on International Science, Math and Reading Test
    101. Your Kid Might Be Better off Learning Math In Kazakhstan Than in These States
    102. Harvard Education Report: International and U.S. State Trends in Student Performance
    103. U.S. Teens Lag as China Soars on International Test
    104. U.S. Students Still Lag Behind Foreign Peers, Schools Make Little Progress in Improving Achievement
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    106. Beginning Your College Search Process and Researching Colleges
    107. An Effortless Way to Improve Your Memory
    108. Democracy in America
    109. African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship
    110. AP World History: Modern - Course and Exam Description (Effective Fall 2019)
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    113. Getting in without the SAT
    114. New SAT to Bring Back 1600-Point Scale - With Optional Essay
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    116. The New SAT: What Are We Really Testing?
    117. The Validity and Value of the SAT
    118. SAT Online Practice Test 1 & Test 2
    119. SAT Practice Test #6 Answer Explanations - SAT Suite of Assessments
    120. SAT Teacher's Manual
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    123. TOEFLILP Assessment Series Practice Tests (Volume 1)
    124. Cheating Claims Delay SAT Test Scores in China, South Korea
    125. China Catches 2,440 Cheating students in High-tech Scam
    126. A Story of Exceptional Personal Courage and Persistence
    127. Advice on Putting Together Your Application | Yale University
    128. Application Essays
    129. Writing a College Essay
    130. Navigating Waitlists and Deferrals: 16 Winning Strategies
    131. Best College Application Essay Examples for Students
    132. College Admissions - Application Essay Topics to Avoid
    133. College Admissions - Rejections/Deferrals/Wait Lists: Part 1, 2, and 3
    134. Lending for Success
    135. US States with the Best and Worst School Systems
    136. The Serious Problem with the SAT Scores)
    137. Selected Statistics from the Public Elementary and Secondary Education Universe: 2013-2014
    138. PISA Mathematics Score
    139. Public High School Four-Year On-Time Graduation Rates and Event Dropout Rates: 2010-2012
    140. Trends in U.S High School Dropout and Completion Rates: 1972-2012
    141. 4 SAT Myths
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    143. 4 Different Ways to Evaluate Student Progress
    144. 5 Reasons Kids Need Homework and 5 Reasons They Don't
    145. 5 Benefits of Music and Dancing for Preschoolers
    146. 5 Scholarship Tasks High School Counselors Can Help With
    147. 5 Things to Know About the PISA Exam.
    148. 5 Classroom Management Apps Every Teacher Needs to Know About
    149. 5 Places Offering Free, or Nearly-Free, Computers for Students
    150. 5 Great Teachers on What Makes a Great Teacher
    151. 5 of the Best Icebreakers for Teachers
    152. 5 Reasons to Take Both the SAT and ACT
    153. 6 Ways to Boost Your SAT Reading Score
    154. 7 Strong Ivy League Essay Examples
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    157. 9 Amazing Benefits of Technology in the Classroom
    158. 10 Unusual and Amazing Schools
    159. 10 Ways Schools Differ Around the World
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    161. 10 Reasons Today's Students Need Technology in the Classroom
    162. 10 Engaging Activities for Students Who Finish Work Early
    163. 10 Best High Schools in the U.S.
    164. 10 Benefits of After School Tutoring Programs for Children
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    171. 18 Fun Facts About Schools Around the World
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    173. 25 Most Expensive Private High Schools in the U.S.
    174. 28 Summer Reading Suggestions from College Admission Experts
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    176. 75 Steps for Getting into Your Dream College.
    177. 100 Top Education Blogs.
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    How, Who, What, When, Where & Why
    1. How to Become a Teacher.
    2. How to Become a Teacher - The Beginner's Guide.
    3. How to Become a Teacher - A Step-by-Step Guide.
    4. How to Become a Teacher - Steps & Requirements.
    5. How to Become a Teacher - Teaching Degrees and Careers.
    6. How to Get into Top Colleges
    7. How to Get into Harvard and the Ivy League.
    8. How to Get into the Best Colleges
    9. How to Get Accepted to a Top College
    10. How to Get into a Top College or University
    11. How to Get into College
    12. How to Get into 8 Ivy League Medical Schools in the USA
    13. How to Get Health Insurance for Students
    14. How to Save for Your Child's College Education
    15. How to Save for College: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Students
    16. How to Save for College - Business Guides
    17. How to Save for College
    18. How to Save for Your Kids' College Without Ignoring Retirement
    19. How to Be Proactive With Parents
    20. How to Be an Extraordinary Teacher
    21. How to Be an Extraordinary Student in any School.
    22. How to Apply to University
    23. How to Apply to Universities Worldwide and Tips for Being Accepted
    24. How to Teach Children to Use Technology in Environmentally Friendly Ways
    25. How to Teach Children About Gender Equality
    26. How to Teach Children About Disabilities and Inclusion
    27. How to Teach English to Children
    28. How to Teach Coding to Kids
    29. How to Teach Art to Kids
    30. How to Teach Your Students Active Listening
    31. How to Help Shy Students Speak Up
    32. How to Help Children Understand Diverse Families
    33. How to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Through
    34. How to Start Teaching Kids English at Home
    35. How to Start a College Essay
    36. How to Study Smart
    37. How to Study Online for the Best Results
    38. How to Study Effectively
    39. How to Study Fast in Less Time
    40. How to Write Amazing Ivy League Essays
    41. How to Write a College Essay | A Complete Guide & Examples
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    43. How to Write a College Essay Step-by-Step
    44. How to Write a College Essay
    45. How to Write a College Essay | US News
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    47. How to Write a College Admission Essay: Format, Prompts, Sample
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    56. How to Write a Great Admission Essay, Step-by-Step
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    60. How to Outline & Write Your College Essay
    61. How to Format a College Admissions Essay
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    67. How to Win a National Merit Scholarship
    68. How to Destroy Student Loan Debt
    69. How to Motivate Students in the Classroom.
    70. How to Benefit Your Students, Your Peers, and Your Pocketbook
    71. How to Choose a College.
    72. How to Bounce Back from Bad Grades
    73. How to Increase Student Participation
    74. How to Participate in Class and Why it’s Important
    75. How to Open Class Participation to Everyone
    76. How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class
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    78. How to Spot AI-generated Text
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    81. How to Make the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience
    82. How to Make and Study Flashcards – The Best Study Hacks to Know
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    84. How to Drop Your Child off at College
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    86. How to Prevent Bullying
    87. How to Handle Bullying at School
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    90. How the World Recruits Teachers
    91. How Colleges Recruit Athletes
    92. How Opportunity Is Rationed to Students of Color in America
    93. How Different the US Education System Is vs. Other Nations
    94. How Americans Stack up Against Students in Other Countries
    95. How the Educational System in America Compares to Other Countries
    96. How American Students Truly Rank in International Testing
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    109. How ChatGPT Can Improve Education, Not Threaten It
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    126. What to Do When You Haven’t Saved Much for Your Kid’s College Education
    127. What to Do When Your Child is Failing School: Tips and Advice for Parents
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    129. What to Do When You’re Accused of AI Cheating
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    132. What Is Plagiarism? | cuny.edu
    133. What Is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It?
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    136. What Is the ACT?
    137. What Is the SAT?
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    153. What We Know About Each School Implicated in the FBI’s College Basketball Investigation
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    155. What Happens When You Cheat in School.
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    160. What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
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    166. What the Best Education Systems Are Doing Right
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    172. Where America's Top CEOs Went to School.
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    174. Where U.S. Stands in Education Internationally.
    175. Where America’s 25 Richest Billionaires Went to College
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    188. Why Is Diversity Important in Schools?
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    190. Why Asian Students Excel at Maths and Science
    191. Why Asians Are Better at Math
    192. Why Getting Kids ‘College and Career Ready’ Isn’t Enough
    193. Why Graduate School Pays off.
    194. Why and How Parents are Engaged in Their Children’s Learning.
    195. Why All Students Should Use a Plagiarism Checker
    196. Why and How a Plagiarism Checker Is Important for Students
    197. Why You Should Use a Plagiarism Checker
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    199. Why Increasing Teacher Diversity Will Improve Teacher Quality
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    202. Why Every Student Should Have a Mentor | edweek
    203. Why Every Student Should Have a Mentor and Every Teacher Should Be One
    204. Why You Shouldn’t Ignore the Benefits of Tutoring
    205. Why Is Tutoring Important? Main Benefits and Challenges of Tutors
    206. Why Students & Teachers Should Get Excited about ChatGPT

    Educational Publications
    1. Trends in Community Colleges: Enrollment, Prices, Student Debt, and Completion
    2. Recent Trends in General Education Design, Learning Outcomes, and Teaching Approaches
    3. Action Steps for Advancing Transfer Student Success: Lessons Learned from Cross-Institutional Collaborations.
    4. Assessment Practices for Advancing Transfer Student Success: Collaborating for Educational Change
    5. Civic Prompts: Making Civic Learning Routine across the Disciplines
    6. Step Up & Lead for Equity: What Higher Education Can Do to Reverse Our Deepening Divides.
    7. The LEAP Challenge: Educating for a World of Unscripted Problems.
    8. Global Learning: Defining, Designing, Demonstrating.
    9. Assessing Underserved Students Engagement in High-Impact Practices.
    10. Promising Practices for Personal and Social Responsibility: Findings from a National Research Collaborative.
    11. A Crucible Moment: College Learning & Democracy's Future.
    12. The Drama of Diversity and Democracy .
    13. The LEAP Vision for Learning: Outcomes, Practices, Impact, and Employers' Views.
    14. Engaging Diverse Viewpoints: What Is the Campus Climate for Perspective-Taking?
    15. All 16 Rubrics in One File.
    16. Developing a Moral Compass: What Is the Campus Climate for Ethics and Academic Integrity?.
    17. Civic Responsibility: What Is the Campus Climate for Learning?.
    18. Trends and Emerging Practices in General Education: Based on a Survey Among Members of the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
    19. Learning and Assessment: Trends in Undergraduate Education - A Survey Among Members of the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
    20. College Learning for the New Global Century.
    21. Making the Case for Liberal Education: Responding to Challenges
    22. Academic Freedom and Educational Responsibility.
    23. Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research-Based Perspective.
    24. Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes to College.
    25. To Form a More Perfect Union.
    26. Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family–School Partnerships.
    27. Comparing Colleges
    28. Strong Start, Bright Future: Helping Your Child Succeed in School.
    29. Take Charge of Your Future: Get the Education and Training You Need.
    30. Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities.
    31. Trends in College Pricing.
    32. Trends in Student Aid.
    33. Science Framework for the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress.
    34. Reading Framework for the 2015 National Assessment of Education-al Progress
    35. Mathematics Framework for the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress.
    36. Helping Your Child Succeed in School.
    37. Trends in Tuition and Fees, Enrollment, and State Appropriations for Higher Education by State
    38. Trends in Public Higher Education: Enrollment, Prices, Student Aid, Revenues, and Expenditures
    39. Trends in Community College Education: Enrollment, Prices, Student Aid, and Debt Levels
    40. Trends in For-Profit Postsecondary Education: Enrollment, Prices, Student Aid and Outcomes
    41. Tuition Discounting: Institutional Aid Patterns at Public and Private Colleges and Universities, 2000-01 to 2008-09
    42. Tuition Discounting: Institutional Aid Patterns at Public and Private Colleges and Universities.
    43. Who Borrows Most? Bachelor's Degree Recipients with High Levels of Student Debt.
    44. Paying for College: Students from Middle-Income Backgrounds
    45. Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Program Implementation and Outcomes Fifth Year Report.
    46. Achieving Dramatic School Improvement: An Exploratory Study
    47. Encouraging Girls in Math and Science.
    48. Mathematics Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress.
    49. Science Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress.
    50. Foundations for Success: The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
    51. Status of Education in Rural America.
    52. State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act: Volume 1-Title I School Choice.
    53. U.S. Student and Adult Performance on International Assessments Of Educational Achievement: Findings
    54. First-Generation Students in Postsecondary Education: A Look at Their College Transcripts.
    55. Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women.
    56. Arts Education: Highlights of the NAEP 1997 Arts Assessment Report Card: Music, Theatre, Visual Arts.
    57. Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology.
    58. NCEE 2010-4030 - Evaluation of Charter Schools Impacts: Executive Summary.
    59. Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from Two Student Cohorts.
    60. U.S. Performance Across International Assessments of Student Achievement.
    61. Teaching, Research, and Policy Views of International Relations Faculty in 20 Countries

    Outlook & Philosophy
    1. Double Take
    2. Research Matters / Learning Styles: It's Complicated
    3. Smarter Tech to Smooth the Path to College
    4. Show & Tell: A Video Column / Digital Tools to Broaden Learning
    5. Principal Connection / Leadership Lessons from the South Pole
    6. The Other Achievement Gap
    7. One to Grow On / Recognizing Personal Quests
    8. The Politics of the Common Core Assessments
    9. Tell Me About … / How You Support Students' Differences
    10. Ten-year Trends in Public Opinion From the EdNext Poll
    11. Perspectives / Making Space for Learning Differences
    12. Teaching in Complex Times
    13. It Pays to Improve School Quality
    14. Students Surviving and Thriving
    15. Connecting to Practice
    16. Denver Expands Choice and Charters
    17. Caring for the Whole Child
    18. Teacher Home Visits
    19. Treating Each Other With Respect
    20. Schoolwide SEL to Prevent Bullying
    21. Innovation in Catholic Education
    22. Encouraging Classroom Debate
    23. Teacher Race and School Discipline
    24. Growth Mindset and Children’s Health
    25. America’s Mediocre Test Scores
    26. "Challenge Ideas, Not People"
    27. "Modeling Takes Practice"
    28. Developmental Science
    29. Raising Kind Children
    30. Pluralisms? Social Philosophy, Social Science and Public Policy ...
    31. States Raise Proficiency Standards in Math and Reading
    32. One and All
    33. One-Parent Students Leave School Earlier
    34. “Your Values Must Be Crystal Clear”
    35. The Rise of AltSchool and Other Micro-schools
    36. From “Consequence” to “Prevention”
    37. An International Look at the Single-Parent Family
    38. Talking Race, Controversy, and Trauma
    39. Learning English
    40. Supporting Undocumented Students
    41. “Before the Big Times Roll In”
    42. The Ideal Blended-Learning Combination
    43. Easing Difference by Exploring It
    44. Should Personalization Be the Future of Learning?
    45. Family Breakdown and Poverty
    46. A Bully-Free Culture
    47. More Middle-Class Families Choose Charters
    48. Boosting Educational Attainment and Adult Earnings
    49. Growing (Up) Together
    50. Communicating Research
    51. From Research to Action
    52. Teachers Unions and the War Within
    53. In Defense of Snow Days
    54. With Politics Front and Center
    55. Ingredients of Early Success
    56. If You Show Up, They’ll Surprise You
    57. Learning to Read to Learn
    58. If You Show Up, They'll Surprise You
    59. A More Meaningful Field Trip
    60. Expanding Opportunities for Students with Intellectual Disability
    61. Parenting Amid Transition
    62. Dyslexia: Disability or Difference?
    63. Federal Education Policy: What to Expect
    64. What I've Learned as a Teacher with a Disability
    65. Opening Access
    66. Recognizing Dyslexia's Strengths in the Classroom
    67. Foundational Philosophies of Education – Social Foundations of K-12 Education
    68. Talking About Race in Mostly White Schools
    69. Neurodiversity: The Future of Special Education?
    70. Responding to Bias at School
    71. High School of the Future
    72. The Techy Teacher / When Students Drive the Pace, Space, and Path
    73. Bullying Prevention as a Citywide Goal
    74. In Schools, Teacher Quality Matters Most
    75. Schools and Citizenship
    76. Understanding the Economic Shock of Coronavirus
    77. Quick Take: Coronavirus' Economic Impact
    78. Coronavirus Has Capsized the US Economy and It's Still Sinking
    79. 12 Common Teaching Philosophies

    U.S. High School Graduation Rates (%) Timely

    A to Z Teacher Stuff -- A site that offers teachers to find online resources more quickly and easily. The site also provides lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips, teacher discussion forums, downloadable teaching materials, printable pages, themes, and more..

    Facing Online Fraudulent Degrees -- Today many online schools provides diploma mills, which are not accredited and students essentially pay for a meritless piece paper. It is estimated that there are over 400 diploma mills and 300 counterfeit diploma web sites doing business of more than $500 million annually. Visit U.S. Department of Education or Better Business Bureaus to search database of accredited post-secondary schools or check out an online degree program's reputation.

    Education World -- A site where educators can search information with original content, including lesson plans, practical information for teachers, educational technology for classroom, and articles.

    University Admissions Test Takers
    2000 – 2015

    Sources: U.S. Department of Education & ACT and College Board

    Family Education Network -- FEN is an online consumer network of the world's best learning and information resources, personalized to help parents, teachers, and students of all ages take control of their learning and make it part of their everyday lives.

    Global Warming -- While North America and Europe—where the science is strongest—exhibit the highest density of indicators, scientists have made a great effort in recent years to document the early impacts of global warming on other continents.

    Infoplease - All the Knowledge You Need -- The largest educational publisher in the world, has been providing authoritative answers to all kinds of factual questions since 1938 in a way that engages and entertains.

    Student Life - Social Surfing
    Black Planet
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    Student Life
    College Raptor.

    Innovative Lives -- The Lemelson Center's Innovative Lives series inspires young people to explore the interdisciplinary world of invention. By interacting with American inventors and entrepreneurs, middle-school students learn firsthand about history, technology, and science.

    Marian Koshland Science Museum -- Opened in April 2004, the Museum features state-of-the-art exhibitions targeted to the general public, bringing to life the numerous studies conducted by the National Academies every year.

    National Center for Education Statistics -- Provides the educational databases and tools that allow user to search for schools, colleges, universities, libraries, and information related to education  nationwide in the U.S.

    Nobel -- On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris, briefly outlining his vision of five prizes for those who during the past year have done humanity the greatest service.

    Questia -- The first online library that provides 24/7 access to the world's largest online collection of books and journal articles in the humanities and social sciences, plus magazine and newspaper articles. To complement the library, Questia offers a range of search, note-taking, and writing tools.

    Smithsonian Institution -- Established since August 10, 1846, Smithsonian Institution is an institutional memory of a unique American cultural resource and a steward of the national collections.

    STEM Learning -- STEM Learning is the largest provider of education and careers support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We work with schools, colleges and others working with young people across the UK..

    Tales of Future Past --...True, we didn't know exactly what the future would be like, but we knew that it had to be one ofa few alternatives; some good, some very bad. The future was a world with a distinct architecture ...

    World Wildlife Fund -- From working to save the giant panda and bringing back the Asian rhino to establishing and helping to manage parks and reserves worldwide, WWF has been a conservation leader for more than 40 years.

    Education News -- A Global Leading News Source covering educational, political, business, and environmental issues.

    Inside Higher ED -- An online source for news, opinion and jobs for higher education.

    UnivSearch -- The site has compiled the largest database including information about 9500+ Colleges, Community Colleges and Universities in the U.S.

    Edublogs -- The largest educational blogging network based in Australia, but with employees located all over the globe, the Edublogs team consists of some of the best EdTech and web minds in the biz ...

    Education HQ: -- All about every college, university, post-secondary institute, public library, and public K-12 school. Best Business Schools -- Reports on ranking MBA schools by measuring student and recruiter satisfaction. College Confidential -- Finding and getting into a school is one thing. Figuring out what to do with your education is another. College Confidential helps you ...

    The Year of the MOOC -- MOOC is usually free, credit-less and, well, massive... Khan Academy -- Offering a free world-class education via online courses. The Big Three -- At a Glance: edX, Coursera, and Udacity.

    edX: -- Featuring learning designed specifically for interactive study through free online courses. Coursera -- Offering courses online for anyone to take, for free. Udacity -- Offering free courses online to innovate, educate and collaboratively promote education.

    Future Learn -- Offering free online courses from top universities and cultural institutions. iVersity -- Offering unprecedented opportunities for students and professors alike. MIT OpenCourseWare -- Aa web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content

    Open University -- Offering free online courses from top universities and cultural institutions. Stanford Online -- Offering a variety of professional education opportunities. Ted -- Offering a platform for ideas worth spreading.

    Higher Education

    Info Resources
    Commencement Speeches
    Barack Obama (Barnard '12) - "And if you’re willing to do your part now, if you’re willing to reach up and close that gap between what America is and what America should be, I want you to know that I will be right there with you.  If you are ready to fight for that brilliant, radically simple idea of America that no matter who you are or what you look like, no matter who you love or what God you worship, you can still pursue your own happiness, I will join you every step of the way." (Video)
    Meryl Streep (Barnard '10) - "Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul." (Video)
    Barack Obama (Wesleyan '08) - "Now understand this - believing that change is possible is not the same as being naïve. Go into service with your eyes wide open, for change will not come easily. On the big issues that our nation faces, difficult choices await. We’ll have to face some hard truths, and some sacrifice will be required – not only from you individually, but from the nation as a whole." (Video)
    Bill Gates (Harvard '07) - "We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism - if we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities." (Video)
    Barack Obama (Knox College '05) - "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma--which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." (Video)
    Steve Jobs (Stanford '05) - "So let’s dream. Instead of doing nothing or simply defending 20th century solutions, let’s imagine together what we could do to give every American a fighting chance in the 21st century." (Video)
    Toni Morrison (Wellesley '04) - "What it feels like to be human without domination over others, without reckless arrogance, without fear of others unlike you, without rotating, rehearsing and reinventing the hatreds you learned in the sandbox. And although you don’t have complete control over the narrative (no author does, I can tell you), you could nevertheless create it." (Video)
    Carleton Fiorina (MIT '00) - "Leadership is not about hierarchy or title or status; it is about having influence and mastering change. Leadership is not about bragging rights or battles or even the accumulation of wealth; it's about connecting and engaging at multiple levels. It's about challenging minds and capturing hearts."
    Richard N. Kaplan (Illinois '99) - "...we're not perfect, but trying your best to be honest, fair and accurate in your life, no matter what you do and being dedicated to taking responsibility, for admitting a wrong when the train runs off the tracks, which it inevitably will, this is central to your being a person of good character."
    Bill Clinton (MIT '98) - "But to make the very most of your life and the opportunities you have been given, you, too, must rise to your responsibility to give something back to America of what you have been given. As the years pass your generation will be judged and you will begin to judge yourselves not only on what you do for yourself and your family, but on the contributions you make to others -- to your country, your communities, your generation of children." (Video)
    Oprah Winfrey (Wellesley '97) - "Turn your wounds into wisdom. You will be wounded many times in your life. You'll make mistakes. Some people will call them failures but I have learned that failure is really God's way of saying, "Excuse me, you're moving in the wrong direction." It's just an experience, just an experience."
    Salman Rushdie (Bard College '96) - "Do not bow your heads. Do not know your place. Defy the gods. You will be astonished how many of them turn out to have feet of clay. Be guided, if possible, by your better natures."
    Education Secretary Arne Duncan (April 4, 2011 - For-Profit-Colleges Issues) - "We're trying to walk a fine line to make sure the good actors are supported and bad actors can't take advantage of people trying to better their lives."
    Clarence Thomas and Yale - "I’d learned the hard way that a law degree from Yale meant one thing for white graduates and another for blacks, no matter how much anyone denied it."
    Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Chrysler Group, (University of Toledo, 8 May 2011) - "In the months and years ahead, you will face the enormous challenge of keeping up with a constantly changing world. You will need to be open and flexible in order to embrace that change. The winds of change will blow you off course if you are not anchored by a core set of values. While circumstances may change around us, values are not negotiable. Defining your values is much more than an academic exercise. It takes time and effort to clarify what you believe in, what puts meaning into your life and, ultimately, gives you integrity."
    Denzel Washington (University of Pennsylvania, 2011)- "I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks, nothing."
    Arnold Schwarzenegger (University of Southern California, 2009)- "Whatever path that you take in your lives, you must always find time to give something back, something back to your community, give something back to your state or to your country."
    Top 10 Commencement Speeches
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