This Month in History

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1 1997 - Boeing purchases McDonnell-Douglas
1941 - The Jeep is born
1910 - New York issues first license plates
1790 - The first U.S. Census is completed. There are four million people in the U.S.
2 1991 - Space shuttle STS 43 (Atlantis 9) launched
1990 - Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait, Emir flees to Saudi Arabia
1934 - Hitler becomes fuhrer (leader)
1861 - First income tax is passed
1819 - 1st parachute jump in the U.S.
3 2014 - About 400 people are killed as a 6.1-magnitude earthquake strikes the south-western province of Yunnan, China.
1990 - Firestone is founded
1941 - Gas rationing begins in eastern U.S.
1914 - Germany and France declare war
1492 - Columbus sets sail
4 1969 - US-Vietnam: Secret negotiations are initiated in Paris
1961 - President Barack Hussein Obama II is born in Hawaii.
1944 - Anne Frank and her family arrested by Gestapo
1914 - Germany invades Belgium.
1914 - Britain declares war on Germany.
1693 - Champagne is invented by Dom Perignon.
5 1983 - "Baby Bells" are born
1981 - Reagan fires 11,359 air-traffic controllers
1974 - Congress cuts military aid to South Vietnam
1962 - Marilyn Monroe is found dead
1914 - First traffic light is installed
1861 - Lincoln imposes first federal income tax
1858 - First transatlantic telegraph cable completed
6 1996 - Korean Air Flight 801 crashes in the United States territory of Guam, killing 228 people
1985 - 19th space shuttle mission (51-F), Challenger 8, lands at Edwards AFB
1965 - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act prohibiting voting discrimination against minorities
1945 - The Atom bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan by the U.S. The city was destroyed and estimated 129,558 were killed, wounded or missing as a result of the blast.
1928 - Chung Se Yung, a cofounder of the Hyundai Motor Company, was born
1890 - First execution by electric chair
7 1998 - U.S. embassies in East Africa bombed
1994 - 1st telephone link between Israel & Jordan
1971 - U.S. Apollo 15 returns to Earth
1959 - U.S. satellite photographs Earth
1941 - 551 Jews are shot by Nazi Germany in Kishnev ghetto in Romania
1933 - The Iraqi Government slaughters over 3,000 Assyrians in the village of Sumail. The day becomes known as Assyrian Martyrs Day.
1909 - US issues 1st Lincoln penny
1782 - The "Order of the Purple Heart" is created by President George Washington
8 1990 - Iraq annexes Kuwait as its 19th province
1989 - US space shuttle STS-28 launched
1983 - Military coup in Guatemala, President Rios Montt flees
1974 - US President Richard Nixon announces he will resign at 12pm the next day
1967 - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore & Thailand meet to form Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
1945 - Soviets declare war on Japan; invade Manchuria; and establishes a communist government in North Korea
9 1974 - President Richard M. Nixon becomes the first and only president to resign while in office; Ford is inaugurated
1945 - Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
10 1846 - Smithsonian Institution created
1945 - Japan accepts Potsdam terms, agrees to unconditional surrender
1874 - President Hoover is born in Iowa.
11 2012 - At least 250 people are killed as two powerful quakes which strikes within minutes in Tabriz and Ahar of Iran
1972 - Last U.S. ground combat unit departs South Vietnam
1952 - Hussein succeeds to Jordanian throne
12 1981 - IBM's first PC is completed
1973 - Jack Nicklaus wins the PGA championship for his 14th major title, surpassing Bobby Jones' record of 13 major championships
1959 - US Military satellite "Discoverer 5" launched into polar orbit
1953 - Soviets test "Layer-Cake" bomb
1898 - US annexes Hawaii.
13 1993 - US Court of Appeals rules congress must save all E-Mails
1978 - Bomb attack in Beirut, 175 killed
1961 - Berlin is divided
1913 - Harry Brearley, Sheffield, England invented stainless steel
14 2003 - Blackout hits Northeast United States
1947 - China declares war on Germany
1945 - Japan surrenders, ending World War II.
1941 - Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, Philippines, and Guam.
1935 - FDR signs Social Security Act
1784 - Russians settle Alaska
1784 - Paris issues first license plates
15 2007 - At least 519 people are killed as a 7.90-magnitude undersea earthquake strikes about 90 miles (145km) south-east of the capital, Lima of Peru.
1961 - Berlin Wall built
1947 - Ferrari makes racing debut
1945 - Hirohito of Japan announces unconditional surrender to Allied, WW2 is ended
1945 - Gas rationing ends in the US
1914 - Panama Canal is opened to traffic
16 1977 - Popular music icon Elvis Presley dies in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 42.
1977 - South Vietnam: General Khanh ousts General Minh as chief of state
1948 - Babe Ruth dies
1923 - Carnegie establishes eight-hour day
1812 - Detroit surrenders without a fight
17 1999 - Over 17,000 people are killed as a 7.40-magnitude earthquake rocks the Turkish cities of Izmit and Istanbul.
1976 - Viking 1 lands on Mars
1973 - U.S. troops to withdraw from Thailand
1961 - Construction is started on the Berlin Wall.
1909 - Andrew McNally III, an executive with Rand McNally Co., the oldest map publisher of the US, was born in Chicago
18 2008 - President of Pakistan Pervez Musharaf resigned
1988 - FDA approves Minoxidil as a hair loss treatment
1976 - USSR's Luna 24 soft-lands on the moon
1966 - The first batch of redesigned $100 bills featuring the now-familiar motto "In God We Trust" is printed
1949 - Hungary adopts constitution
1937 - Toyota Motor Company is established
1894 - US Congress creates Bureau of Immigration
19 1946 - President Bill Clinton is born in Arkansas.
1934 - Adolf Hitler becomes president of Germany
1909 - First car race is held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
1841 - First bankruptcy laws established
20 1996 - Minimum wage is increased
1975 - Viking 1 launched to Mars
1968 - Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia
1962 - The first 1963 Ford Thunderbird is produced
1940 - Exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico
1833 - President B. Harrison is born in Ohio.
1862 - Eight-hour workday is born
21 1991 - Coup attempt against Gorbachev collapses
1959 - Hawaii becomes the 50th state
1911 - Theft of Mona Lisa is discovered
22 1959 - Rockefeller marries family maid
1950 - Althea Gibson becomes first African-American on U.S. tennis tour
1944 - Romania captured by the Soviet Union
1901 - Cadillac is launched
1851 - U.S. wins first America's Cup
23 1979 - Russian ballet star Aleksandr Godunov defects to the United States after a performance in New York City
1966 - The first picture of Earth from the moon is taken by Lunar Orbiter 1.
1784 - Four counties in western North Carolina declare their independence as the state of Franklin. The counties lay in what would eventually become Tennessee.
24 1954 - Congress passes Communist Control Act
1945 - The last Cadillac-built M-24 tank was produced
1821 - Spain accepts Mexican independence
1814 - British capture and burn Washington, DC
25 1954 - USPS issues car stamps
1944 - After more than four years of Nazi occupation, Paris is liberated by the French and US forces
1920 - U.S. Congress passes the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.
1910 - Yellow Cab Company is born
26 1985 - The Yugo, manufactured in Yugoslavia, is introduced to the U.S. market. It quickly became infamous for its poor quality of construction and was the butt of many jokes
1980 - A 1,500-pound bomb is discovered in a Nevada casino
1957 - Russia tests an intercontinental ballistic missile
1939 - First televised Major League baseball game
27 1957 - Senator Thurmond begins a 24 hour filibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.
1938 - Captain George Eyston established a new land speed record of 345.49 mph. The current record is held by Andy Green at 763.035 mph.
1916 - Romania enters World War I.
1908 - President L. B. Johnson is born in Texas.
1859 - Oil is found in Pennsylvania.
28 1996 - Charles and Diana divorce
1963 - Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks to more than 200,000 people attending the March on Washington. The demonstrators demand voting rights and equal opportunity for African Americans and to appeal for an end to racial segregation and discrimination.
1922 - The famous Autodromo, an automobile-racing track, is opened in Monza, Italy
29 2005 - Hurricane Katrina slams into Gulf Coast
1949 - Soviets explode atomic bomb
1898 - Goodyear incorporates
1885 - First motorcycle is patented
1862 - Bureau of Engraving is founded
30 1993 - The Late Show with David Letterman premieres on CBS
1983 - U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Guion S. Bluford becomes the first African American to travel into space
1967 - Thurgood Marshall confirmed as Supreme Court justice
1918 - Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin is shot
30 BC - Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, commits suicide following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome
31 1997 - Princess Diana dies in a car crash in a road tunnel in Paris
1994 - Pentium computer beats world chess champ Gari Kasparov
1978 - Sri Lanka adopted Constitution
1965 - US Congress establishes Department of Housing & Urban Development
1968 - 12,000 die in 7.8 quake in Iran
1957 - Malaysia gains independence from Great Britain
1919 - Ukranian (Petlyura) Army recaptures Kiev
1897 - Thomas Edison receives a patent for his movie camera, the Kinetograph
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