This Month in History

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1 2011 – Pope John Paul II is beatified by his successor, Pope Benedict XVI.
2009 – Same-sex marriage is legalized in Sweden.
2004 – Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia join the European Union.
2003 - Over 160 people are killed, including 83 children in a collapsed dormitory, in south-eastern Turkey after an earthquake.
2002 - More than a million people in France turn out in May Day demonstrations against rightwing presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen
1989 – Disney-MGM Studios opens at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida
1972 - North Vietnamese troops capture Quang Tri, Vietnam
1963 - James Whittaker, the first American to reach the summit of Mt. Everest
1956 – The polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk is made available to the public
1945 – World War II: Around 2,500 people die in a mass suicide in Demmin, Germany, following the advance of the Soviet Red Army.
1931 - Empire State Building dedicated
1902 - The first prototype gasoline-powered locomobile is built
1887 - Alan Cunningham, British liberator of Ethiopia, is born
2 2012 – A pastel version of "The Scream", by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, sells for $120 million in a New York City auction.
2011 - Osama bin Laden was shot and killed inside a secured private residential compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by U.S. Navy SEALs
2008 – Chaitén Volcano begins erupting in Chile
2008 – Cyclone Nargis makes landfall in Burma killing over 138,000 people
2000 – President Bill Clinton announces that accurate GPS access would no longer be restricted to the United States military.
1998 – The European Central Bank is founded in Brussels
1969 – The British ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 departs on her maiden voyage to New York City.
1964 – A bomb explosion sinks the American aircraft carrier USNS Card while it is docked at Saigon, Vietnam
1945 - Berlin falls, surrenders to Russia's Zhukov
1945 - German troops in Italy surrender to the Allies
1918 - GM acquired the Chevrolet Motor Company of Delaware
1230 – William de Braose is hanged by Prince Llywelyn the Great.
3 2002 - A ferry sinks during a rainstorm on the Meghna River, Southeastern Bangladesh, killing more than 270 people
2002 - Russia signs an agreement returning Cam Ranh bay, the largest Soviet naval base outside the Soviet Union after 1979, to Vietnam
1962 - Two trains collide near Tokyo, Japan, killing more than 160 people
1960 – The Anne Frank House museum opens in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1952 – Lieutenant Colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict of the United States land a plane at the North Pole.
1947 - New Japanese constitution goes into effect
1860 – Charles XV of Sweden–Norway is crowned king of Sweden
1837 – The University of Athens is founded in Athens, Greece
1481 – The largest of 3 earthquakes strikes the island of Rhodes and causes an estimated 30,000 casualties.
4 1994 – Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat sign a peace accord, granting self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.
1980 - Tito dies
1979 - Margaret Thatcher is sworn in as Britain's first female prime minister
1973 – The 108-story Sears Tower in Chicago is topped out at 1,451 feet as the world's tallest building.
1959 – The 1st Annual Grammy Awards are held.
1953 – Ernest Hemingway wins the Pulitzer Prize for "The Old Man and the Sea"
1945 - German forces surrenders unconditionally to the Allies in Holland
1910 – The Royal Canadian Navy is created.
1865 - Lincoln is buried in Springfield, Illinois
5 2019 – A Russian jet plane crashes while attempting an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow killing at least 41 people
2007 – Kenya Airways Flight 507 crashes after takeoff from Douala International Airport in Douala, Cameroon, killing all 114 aboard
1998 – A Peruvian Air Force Boeing 737 operating for Occidental Petroleum crashes on approach to Alférez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport in Andoas, Peru, killing 75 people
1972 – Alitalia Flight 112 crashes into Mount Longa near Palermo, Sicily, killing all 115 aboard, making it the deadliest single-aircraft disaster in Italy.
1963 - Tito is made president for life
1945 - Japanese battleship Yamatois k by Allied forces
1939 - Italy invades Albania
1891 – The Music Hall in New York City (later known as Carnegie Hall) has its grand opening and first public performance, with Tchaikovsky as the guest conductor.
1884 - President Truman is born in Mo.
6 2010 – In just 36 minutes, the Dow-Jones average plunged nearly 1000 points.
2001 – Pope John Paul II becomes the first pope to enter a mosque during a trip to Syria.
1998 – Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. unveils the first iMac.
1988 – Widerøe Flight 710 crashes into Mt. Torghatten in Brønnøy, killing all thirty-six passengers and crew on board.
1976 – The 6.5 Mw  Friuli earthquake affected Northern Italy with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), leaving 900–978 dead and 1,700–2,400 injured.
1970 - American students launch nationwide protest the Vietnam war
1942 - American forces in the Philippines surrender unconditionally to Japanese
1910 – George V becomes King of Great Britain, Ireland, and many overseas territories, on the death of his father, Edward VII
1861 - Arkansas secedes from the Union
7 2002 – A China Northern Airlines MD-82 plunges into the Yellow Sea, killing 112 people
2000 – Vladimir Putin is inaugurated as president of Russia.
1998 – Mercedes-Benz buys Chrysler for US$40 billion and forms DaimlerChrysler in the largest industrial merger in history
1994 – Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream" is recovered undamaged after being stolen from the National Gallery of Norway in February
1992 – NASA launches the STS-49 Space Shuttle Endeavour
1960 - Brezhnev becomes president of the Soviets
1954 - French falls to Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam
1945 - Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies in the French city of Reims
8 2002 - Abel Pacheco is inaugurated as the new president of Costa Rica
1984 - Soviets to boycott L.A. Olympics
1933 - First police radios installed
1914 - Paramount Pictures formed
9 1997 - Douglas “Pete” Peterson becomes the first ambassador to Vietnam since South Vienam was taken over by North Vietnam on April 30, 1975
1960 - FDA approves the world's first commercially produced birth-control bill--Enovid-10
1955 - West Germany joins NATO
1914 - Woodrow Wilson proclaims the first Mother’s Day holiday to celebrate America’s mothers.
10 1994 - Nelson Mandela inaugurated
1940 - Chamberlain resigns as Britain's prime minister, Churchill takes over.
1940 - Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg 1924 - J. Edgar Hoover begins his legacy with the FBI
1869 - First transcontinental railroad is completed
11 1997 - IBM's supercomputer Deep Blue defeats Gary Kasparov, the chess champion
1947 - Ferrari made its independent racing debut at a race in Piacenza, Italy
1940 - Germany invades France.
1858 - Minnesota enters the Union
12 2008 - A powerful earthquake kills 87,587 people in China.
2008 - About 520 people are killed after a 7.9 magnitude undersea earthquake strikes about 90 miles (145km) south-east of the capital, Lima.
1961 - Lyndon B. Johnson visits South Vietnam
1957 - Race car driver A.J. Foyt gets first pro victory
1937 - George VI crowned at Westminster
13 1981 - Pope John Paul II is shot and wounded at St. Peter’s Square in Rome, Italy by Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca
1846 - President Polk declares war on Mexico in a dispute over Texas
1607 - Jamestown, VA was found
14 2002 - A court in Jordan grants a woman a divorce from her husband for the first time in its history
1973 - Skylab, America's first space station, is successfully launched into an orbit around the earth
1969 - President Nixon announces Vietnam peace offer.
1948 - State of Israel proclaimed
1904 - The 3rd Olympiad of the modern era, and the 1st Olympic Games is held St. Louis, Missouri
15 1988- Soviets begin withdrawal from Afghanistan after 8 years they intervened in Afghanistan to support the procommunist government
1981 - The 20,000,000th Volkswagen Beetle was produced at the Volkswagen plant in Puebla, Mexico
1800 - President John Adams orders federal government to leave Philadelphia for Washington DC
16 1975 - Japanese Junko Tabei becomes the first woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest
1968 - A general strike spreads to factories and industries across France
1929 - First U.S. Academy Awards presented
17 2004 - First legal same-sex marriage performed in Massachusetts
1990 - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev meets with Lithuanian Prime Minister Kazimiera Prunskiene to settle differences arising from Lithuania’s proclamation of independence from the Soviet Union
1970 - Televised Watergate hearings begin
18 1989 - One million protesters take to the streets in Beijing
1980 - Mount St. Helens erupts
1974 - India joins the nuclear club
1908 - Congress mandates use of "In God We Trust"
1861 - Arkansas admitted to the Confederate States of America
19 1997 - First Avian flu kills young boy in Hong Kong
1943 - Churchill and FDR plot D-Day
1864 - President Abraham Lincoln proposes equal treatment of soldiers’ dependents - Widows and children of soldiers should be given equal treatment regardless of race.
20 1961 - Automaker Ford makes presidential limousine
1956 - United States drops hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll
1899 - First speeding ticket issued
1837 - Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive patent for blue jeans
1506 - Christopher Columbus dies
21 2003- Over 2,000 people are killed after a powerful undersea earthquake strikes Algeria and the sea in Spain.
1960 - Huge earthquake hits Chile, kills 5,000 people and leaves another 2 million homeless
1901 - First speed limit law is enacted
1881 - American Red Cross founded
22 1990 - After 150 years apart, Marxist South Yemen and conservative North Yemen are unified as the Republic of Yemen.
1972 - President Nixon in Moscow
1960 - Over 2,000 people are killed after a 9.5 earthquake strikes Chile; a tsunami 30ft (10m) high eliminates entire villages in Chile.
1927 - Earthquake kills about 40,900 people in China.
23 2002 - Heat wave has killed more than 1030 people in Andhra Pradesh, India
1920 - Tami hits Hawaii
1949 - Federal Republic of Germany is established
1915 - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
24 1899 - First parking garage opens
1883 - Brooklyn Bridge opens
1775 - John Hancock becomes president of Congress
25 1992 - Jay Leno's first Tonight Show
1979 - AA Flight 191 crashes in Chicago kills killing all 271 people on board
26 2002 - A China Airline Boeing 747, bound for Hong Kong from Taipei, crashes off the coast of Taiwan, killing all 225 people on board
1991 - A Boeing 767 crashes near Bangkok, Thailand, killing all 223 people on board
1953 - First 3-D sci-fi film opens
1896 - Czar Nicholas II crowned
27 2006 - Over 5,700 people are killed after a 6.2 magnitude undersea earthquake strikes the Indonesian island of Java, devastating the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.
1971 - Senators announces support to North Vietnam
1937 - Golden Gate Bridge opens to the public
1924 - Jules Stein founds the Music Corporation of American (MCA) in Chicago
1703 - St. Petersburg, Russia, founded by Peter the Great
28 1991 - Ethiopian capital falls to rebels
1937 - Golden Gate Bridge opens to vehicular traffic
1940 - Belgium surrenders unconditionally
29 1988 - Reagan arrives in Moscow for summit talks.
1942 - Jews in Paris are forced to sew a yellow star on their coats
1917 - President John F. Kennedy is born in Massachusetts.
1914 - British liner Empress of Ireland collides with Norwegian freighter Storstad kills 1,012 people.
30 1999 - Over 4,000 people are killed after a powerful earthquake strikes Northern Afghanistan.
1990 - Gorbachev arrives in Washington for summit
1967 - Republic of Biafra proclaimed
1935 - Over 30,000 people are killed after a powerful earthquake strikes Pakistan.
31 1996 - Netanyahu elected prime minister of Israel
1970 - Over 70,000 people are killed after a powerful earthquake strikes the Peruvian Andes triggered a landslide burying the town of Yungay.
1962 - Adolf Eichmann, Architect of the Holocaust, is hanged in Israel
1759 - Pennsylvania bans theater
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