This Month in History

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1 1993 - European Union is established.
1981 - The U.S. Postal Service raises the first-class letter rate to 20 cents.
1952 - The U.S. tests its first hydrogen bomb in Marshall Islands.
1944 - FDR puts Coast Guard under control of the Navy.
1927 - Ford Model A production begins.
1914 - The Bra was patented.
1895 - The new U.S. Library of Congress building opened its doors to the public.
1895 - First American auto club is found.
1870 - The U.S. Weather Bureau makes its first meteorological observations using 24 locations that provided reports via telegraph.
1848 - The Boston Female Medical School, which later merged with Boston University School of Medicine, is established by Samuel Gregory.
1800 - U.S. President John Adams becomes the first president to move into White House.
2 1995 - $1.1 billion in trading loss scandal closes Daiwa Bank in U.S.
1993 - Christie Todd Whitman is elected as the first female governor of New Jersey (US).
1983 - Truck explosion kills 3,000 in Afghanistan.
1983 - ML King Federal holiday is declared.
1963 - South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem murdered during coup.
1948 - Harry S. Truman defeats Thomas E. Dewey for the U.S. presidency.
1947 - Howard Hughes flies his "Spruce Goose," a huge wooden airplane, for 8 minutes in California (US).
1889 - North Dakota and South Dakota are admitted to the Union as the 39th and 40th states, respectively.
1865 - President Harding is born in Ohio.
1795 - President Polk is born in North Carolina.
1721 - Peter the Great (Peter I) becomes Emperor of Russia.
3 2014 - One World Trade Center in New York City is opened for business.
1992 - Carol Moseley-Braun becomes the first female African-American U.S. senator.
1986 - Iran arms sales revealed.
1973 - NASA launches the Mariner 10, becoming the first spacecraft to reach the Mercury planet on 3/29/1974.
1964 - Johnson defeats Goldwater for presidency.
1911 - Chevrolet Motor Car Company is founded by William C. Durant and Louis Chevrolet.
1903 - Panama declares independence.
1900 - America's first car show begins.
1892 - The first automatic telephone system invented by Almon Strowger goes into service at LaPorte,IN
1839 - First Opium War between China and Britain begins.
1793 - Stephen F. Austin, the principal founder of Texas, is born.
4 1995 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by right-wing Israeli Yigal Amir
1979 - Iranians storms the U.S. embassy in Tehran and takes 90 total hostages, including 63 Americans
1956 - Soviets crush Hungarian revolt
1952 - National Security Agency (NSA) is established. 1948 - T.S. Eliot wins Nobel Prize in literature
1939 - The first air-conditioned car is displayed at the 40th National Automobile show
1924 - Nellie T. Ross of Wyoming is elected as America's first female governor to serve out the remaining term of her late husband, William B. Ross
1922 - Entrance to King Pharaoh Tutankhamen's tomb in Egypt is discovered
1880 - A patent for an artificial leg invented by Benjamin Palmer is granted
1846 - A patent for the first cash register invented by James and John Ritty is granted
5 1987 - Goban Mbeki, who was sentenced to life for treason against the white minority government of South Africa, is released after serving 24 years in the Robben Island prison
1968 - Richard Nixon is elected as the US president
1959 - The American Football League is formed.
1946 - John F. Kennedy is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives at the age of 29
1940 - Franklin Roosevelt wins an unprecedented third term president in office
1930 - American novelist Sinclair Lewis is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
1895 - The first US patent for an automobile is granted to George B. Selden
1872 - Susan B. Anthony, a white American social reformer and women's rights activist is convicted and fined for attempting to vote in the presidential election in her hometown of Rochester, NY.
1844 - A grizzly bear underwent a successful cataract operation at the Zoological Garden in California.
6 1999 - Australian voters reject a referendum to remove Britain's queen as their head of state
1962 - The U.N. General Assembly adopts a resolution that condemned South Africa's racist apartheid policies
1923 - A patent for the electric shaver invented by Jacob Schick is granted
1917 - Bolsheviks revolt in Russia
1913 - Mohandas K. Gandhi is arrested when leading a march of Indian miners in South Africa
1861 - James Naismith, who invented basketball, is born
1861 - Jefferson Davis is elected as the president of the Confederate States of America
1860 - Abraham Lincoln is elected to be the 16th president of the U.S.
1851 - Charles Henry Dow, the founder of Dow Jones & Company, is born.
7 2001 - Concorde resumes flying commercially after a 16-month stoppage
2000 - Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York is elected as the U.S. Senate
1989 - Lawrence Douglas Wilder wins the governor's race in Virginia, becoming the first elected African-American state governor in the US history
1989 - David Dinkins is elected and becomes New York City's first African-American mayor
1987 - Tunisia's president Habib Bourguiba, who was the president since the country's independence since 1956, is overthrown
1972 - Nixon re-elected president
1965 - Green Monster sets new speed record, 576.553mph
1957 - East Germany launches the Trabant Sputnik car
1944 - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented fourth term
1929 - The Museum of Modern Art in New York City opens.
1917 - The government of Alexander Kerensky is overthrown by Russia's Bolshevik Revolution forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
1916 - Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first U.S. congresswoman
1913 - French novelist Albert Camus is born
1893 - Colorado grants its women the right to vote
1665 - "The London Gazette" is first published
8 1993 - 5 Picasso paintings and other artwork are stolen from the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, Sweden.
1966 - Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts becomes the first African-American elected to the U.S.Senate.
1966 - Ronald Reagan is elected as the governor of California
1960 - John F. Kennedy is elected as the U.S. president.
1895 - German scientist discovers X-rays.
1889 - Montana becomes the 41st State.
1864 - Lincoln is reelected as the U.S. president.
1793 - Louvre Museum in Paris opens.
9 1990 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev and Germany sign a non-aggression treaty. 1989 - East Germany opens the Berlin Wall, allowing its citizens to travel freely to West Germany.
1961 - Major Robert White flies an X-15 rocket plane at a world record speed of 4,093 mph.
1961 - The "caucasians only" is removed from the Professional Golfer's Association (PGA)'s rules
1960 - Robert McNamara named Ford Motor president.
1927 - Giant Pandas are discovered in China.
1901 - Teddy Roosevelt establishes a naval base in the Philippines.
10 1982 - General secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev dies.
1969 - Sesame Street premiered on PBS television.
1951 - Direct dial telephone service is first available coast to coast.
1942 - Germans take Vichy France.
1928 - Hirohito crowned in Japan.
1775 - Birth of the U.S. Marine Corps.
11 1999 - Around 400 people die when a 7.2 earthquake trikes Ducze, in north-west Turkey.
1989 - Jaguar becomes a subsidiary of Ford
1986 - Sperry Rand and Burroughs merged to become Unisys
1973 - Soviet Union refuses to play Chile in World Cup Soccer
1918 - World War I ends
12 2001 - American Airlines Flight 587 crashes on takeoff from JFK International airport headed to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, killed 260 people.
1999 - About 400 people are killed as a 7.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Ducze, in north-west Turkey.
1990 - Akihito enthroned as emperor of Japan
1982 -Yuri Andropov assumes power in the Soviet Union
1980 - Voyager I flies near Saturn
1979 - Carter shuts down oil imports from Iran
1946 - First drive-in banking service
1944 - Brits sink the battleship Tirpitz
1927 - Holland Tunnel formally opened
1889 - DeWitt Wallace, founder of Reader's Digest, is born
13 1982 - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington.
1945 - Truman announces inquiry into Jewish settlement in Palestine.
1942 - The minimum draft age was lowered from 21 to 18 in the U.S.
1940 - Willys-Overland completes original Jeep prototype.
1927 - The Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River opens to the public, connecting New York City and New Jersey.
14 1985 - Volcano erupts in Colombia and buries nearby towns.
1969 - Apollo 12 lifts off.
1968 - Yale University goes Co-ed.
1967 - Maj. Gen. Bruno Hochmuth killed in Vietnam.
1951 - United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia.
1914 - The first Dodge
1832 - The first streetcar went into operation.
15 1977 - President Carter hosts shah of Iran
1977 - The 100,000,000th U.S.-built Ford
1956 - Elvis' first film opens
1926 - NBC radio network's grand opening
1917 - Georges Clemenceau named French prime minister
1889 - Brazil's last emperor deposed
16 1973 - Nixon supports construction of the Alaskan oil pipeline
1988 - Benazir Bhutto elected leader of Pakistan 1945 - German scientists brought to United States to work on rocket technology
1907 - Oklahoma enters the Union
17 1994 - Sony writes off Columbia
1970 - First wheeled-vehicle on the moon
1906 - Honda founder born in Hamamatsu, Japan
1869 - Suez Canal opens
18 1969 - Joe Kennedy dies
1960 - Chrysler limits DeSoto production
1928 - Mickey Mouse debuts
19 1985 - Reagan and Gorbachev hold their first summit meeting
1977 - Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat visits Israel
1831 - President Garfield is born in Ohio.
20 1967 - Product Safety Commission established
1948 - American consul in China held "hostage" by communists
1945 - Nuremberg war-crimes trials begin
21 1975 - Congressional report charges U.S. involvement in assassination plots in Cuba, Vietnam, Chili, Congo and Dominican Republic
1970 - Ford Mustang Boss 351 debuts
1941 - Nazi chief architect requests POWs to labor for a new Berlin
1916 - Britannic sinks in Aegean Sea
1916 - Emperor Franz Josef of Austria dies
1877 - Edison announces his invention of the phonograph, a way to record and play back sound
22 1990 - Margaret Thatcher resigns.
1988 - Stealth bomber unveiled.
1985 - Lee Iacocca, Chrysler CEO, leads immigration ceremony.
1972 - First B-52 shot down over North Vietnam.
1963 - Kennedy becomes fourth president assassinated in Dallas, TX.
1927 - Eliason receives snowmobile patent.
23 1981 - Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras.
1980 - Southern Italy rocked by earthquake.
1940 - Romania signs the Tripartite Pact, officially allying itself with Germany, Italy, and Japan.
1804 - President Pierce is born in New Hampshire.
24 1978 - Letterman's first Tonight Show appearance.
1971 - Hijacker "D.B. Cooper" parachutes with $200K into thunderstorm from an NWA 727. No trace of Cooper was found.
1963 - Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy
1944 - U.S. B-29s raid Tokyo.
1922 - Irish author and nationalist executed.
1888 - Dale Carnegie, author of the business and people skills bible "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is born.
1868 - Composer Scott Joplin, the "King of Ragtime," is born in Texarkana, Arkansas.
1784 - President Taylor is born in Virginia.
25 1996 - Dow sets new 6.500 point record for the first time in history
1994 - Founder Akio Morita announced his decision to step down as CEO of Sony
1986 - Iran-Contra connection revealed
1967 - Catholic official reports support provided to North Vietnam
1963 - Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington
1941 - A "war warning" of Pearl Harbor attack is sent to commanders in the Pacific
1920 - Gaston Chevrolet, the younger brother of famous automobile designer and racer Louis Chevrolet, was killed during a race
1783 - Last British soldiers leave New York
26 1990 - Matsushita buys MCA $6.6 billion
1965 - France successfully launches the Asterix-1 satellite into space with a Diamant-A rocket, becoming the world's fourth space power after the Russia, the US, and Canada.
1941 - Japanese task force leaves for Pearl Harbor
1941 - Archaeologists enter King Tutankhamen's tomb in more than 3,000 years
1927 - Ford Model A is announced
1922 - Technicolor debuts
27 1995 - AmHS/Premier and Sun Health Alliance announced their plans to merge becoming a healthcare titans.
1940 - Iron Guard massacres former Romanian government.
1940 - Bruce Lee is born
28 1989 - Czechoslovakian Communist Party gives up monopoly on political power.
1979 - A New Zealander sightseeing plane traveling over Antarctica crashes, killing all 257 people on board.
1954 - Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi, architect of the nuclear age, dies in Chicago at the age of 53.
1943 - FDR attends Tehran Conference.
1942 - The first Ford bomber, B-24 Liberator, is produced.
1895 - First gas-powered race is run.
1582 - William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.
29 1996 - Volkswagen executive resigns under espionage charges. VW would pay General Motors $100 million and agreed to buy at least $1 billion in parts from GM.
1973 - Auto giant Chrysler Corp. announced plans to halt production at seven plants.
1967 - McNamara resigns as Secretary of Defense.
1948 - First all-Australian automobile is unveiled.
1942 - Coffee joins the list of items rationed in the United States.
1929 - Richard Byrd and three companions make the first flight over the South Pole.
30 1995 - Justice Dept. indicts 11 brokers, who had developed an elaborate scheme to swipe large sums from their clients' holdings.
1960 - The first Scout all-terrain vehicle is produced
1939 - USSR attacks Finland.
1874 - Winston Churchill is born.
1835 - Mark Twain, a famous 19th century novelist, is born.
1782 - The United Stated and Great Britain sign a peace treaty in Paris, formally ending the Revolutionary War.
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