This Month in History

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1 1989 - Law requiring air bags is passed
1989 - Toyota launches Lexus
1983 - Korean Airlines flight shot down by Soviet Union
1950 - First Porsche is completed
1939 - Germany invades Poland, starting World War II
1923 - Over 142,800 people are killed as a powerful earthquake strikes Tokyo, Japan
2 1969 - First bank ATM.
1969 - Ho Chi Minh, 79, North Vietnam President, dies.
1945 - Vietnam declares the independence from France.
1945 - Japan surrenders.
1789 - The United States Treasury Department is founded.
3 1943 - Allies invade Italian mainland
1939 - Britain and France declare war on Germany
1875 - Porsche is born
1777 - The American Stars and Stripes flies
4 1997 - The very last Ford Thunderbird rolled off the assembly line in Lorain, Ohio.
1996 - Colombian guerrilla organization attacks military base.
1972 - U.S. swimmer Mark Spitz wins his seventh gold medal at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich
1884 - George Eastman receives a patent for roll film and trademarked the name "Kodak".
5 1972 - Israeli athletes killed at Munich Olympics
1958 - Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago appears in the United States
6 1915 - The first tank prototype was completed and given its first test drive
1901 - President William McKinley is shot
7 1993 - Chrysler introduces Neon
1977 - Carter agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama
1921 - The first Miss America beauty Pageant is held in Atlantic City N.J
1813 - United States nicknamed Uncle Sam
8 1974 - President Ford gives unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon for crimes related to Watergate.
1972 - Last U.S. ground combat unit departs South Vietnam
1966 - Star Trek premiered on television
1952 - Hussein succeeds to Jordanian throne
1943 - Italy surrenders allied troops.
9 1981 - IBM's first PC is completed.
1973 - Jack Nicklaus wins the PGA championship for his 14th major title, surpassing Bobby Jones' record of 13 major championships.
1953 - Soviets test "Layer-Cake" bomb.
1850 - California becomes the 3rd state.
10 1961 - Berlin is divided
1943 - Germany seizes Rome.
1846 - The Sewing Machine is patented.
11 2003 - Blackout hits Northeast United States
2001 - 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda hijack four U.S. passenger jets with coordinated suicide killing over 3,000 people in New York City, NY, Shanksville, PA and Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
1962 - The Beatles recorded their 1st single "Love Me Do".
1947 - China declares war on Germany
1935 - FDR signs Social Security Act
1784 - Russians settle Alaska
1784 - Paris issues first license plates
12 1961 - Berlin Wall built
1947 - Ferrari makes racing debut
1945 - Hirohito of Japan announces unconditional surrender
1945 - Gas rationing ends in the US
1914 - Panama Canal open to traffic
13 1977 - Popular music icon Elvis Presley dies in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 42.
1977 - South Vietnam: General Khanh ousts General Minh as chief of state
1943 - Chiang Kai-Shek became the president of China
1948 - Babe Ruth dies
1923 - Carnegie establishes eight-hour day
1812 - Detroit surrenders without a fight
14 1976 - Viking 1 lands on Mars
1973 - U.S. troops to withdraw from Thailand
1909 - Andrew McNally III, an executive with Rand McNally Co., the oldest map publisher of the US, was born in Chicago
1814 - Francis Scott-Key composed the lyrics to "The Star Spangled Banner".
15 1966 - The first batch of redesigned $100 bills featuring the now-familiar motto "In God We Trust" is printed.
1937 - Toyota Motor Company is established.
1857 - President Taft is born in Ohio.
16 1934 - Adolf Hitler becomes president of Germany
1909 - First car race is held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
1841 - First bankruptcy laws established
17 1996 - Minimum wage is increased
1975 - Viking 1 launched to Mars
1968 - Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia
1962 - The first 1963 Ford Thunderbird is produced
1940 - Exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico
1862 - Eight-hour workday is born
18 1991 - Coup attempt against Gorbachev collapses
1959 - Hawaii becomes 50th state
1911 - Theft of Mona Lisa is discovered
19 1985 - Over 25,000 people are killed as an earthquake measuring 6.9 strikes the north-west Armenia
1959 - Rockefeller marries family maid
1950 - Althea Gibson becomes first African-American on U.S. tennis tour
1944 - Romania captured by the Soviet Union
1901 - Cadillac is launched
1851 - U.S. wins first America's Cup
20 1979 - Russian ballet star Aleksandr Godunov defects to the United States after a performance in New York City
1784 - Four counties in western North Carolina declare their independence as the state of Franklin. The counties lay in what would eventually become Tennessee.
21 1999 - At least 2500 people are killed as a 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Taiwan
1954 - Congress passes Communist Control Act
1945 - The last Cadillac-built M-24 tank was produced
1821 - Spain accepts Mexican independence
1814 - British capture and burn Washington, DC
22 1954 - USPS issues car stamps
1944 - After more than four years of Nazi occupation, Paris is liberated by the French and US forces
1910 - Yellow Cab Company is born
23 1985 - The Yugo, manufactured in Yugoslavia, is introduced to the U.S. market. It quickly became infamous for its poor quality of construction and was the butt of many jokes
1980 - A 1,500-pound bomb is discovered in a Nevada casino
1957 - Russia tests an intercontinental ballistic missile
1939 - First televised Major League baseball game
24 1938 - Captain George Eyston established a new land speed record of 345.49mph. The current record is held by Andy Green at 763.035mph
1916 - Romania enters World War I
1908 - LBJ is born 1859 - Oil is found in Pennsylvania
25 2013 - Over 300 people are killed as a 7.7 magnitude quake in Awaran, Balochistan of Pakistan
1996 - Charles and Diana divorce
1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female Supreme Court Justice.
1963 - Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks to more than 200,000 people attending the March on Washington. The demonstrators demand voting rights and equal opportunity for African Americans and to appeal for an end to racial segregation and discrimination.
1922 - The famous Autodromo, an automobile-racing track, is opened in Monza, Italy
26 2005 - Hurricane Katrina slams into Gulf Coast
1949 - Soviets explode atomic bomb
1898 - Goodyear incorporates
1885 - First motorcycle is patented
1862 - Bureau of Engraving is founded
1789 - The U.S. Postal Service is founded.
1789 - 1st American Attorney General, Edmund Randolph, is appointed.
27 1983 - U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Guion S. Bluford becomes the first African American to travel into space
1967 - Thurgood Marshall confirmed as Supreme Court justice
1918 - Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin is shot
30 BC - Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, commits suicide following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome
28 1997 - Princess Diana dies
1897 - Thomas Edison receives a patent for his movie camera, the Kinetograph
29 1954 - USPS issues car stamps.
1944 - After more than four years of Nazi occupation, Paris is liberated by the French and US forces<.BR> 1910 - Yellow Cab Company is born.
30 2009 - Over 1000 people are killed as an earthquake strikes the Indonesian island of Sumatra
1993 - About 10,000 people are killed as an earthquake strikes the western and southern India
1985 - The Yugo, manufactured in Yugoslavia, is introduced to the U.S. market. It quickly became infamous for its poor quality of construction and was the butt of many joke.
1980 - A 1,500-pound bomb is discovered in a Nevada casino.
1957 - Russia tests an intercontinental ballistic missile.
1939 - First televised Major League baseball game.
1902 - Rayon is patented.
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