This Month in History

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1 1990 - The US and Soviets agreed to destroy chemical weapons
1980 - CNN Launches
1965 - Coal mine explosion in Japan kills 236 people
1926 - Marilyn Monroe (as Norma Jean Mortensen) (1926-1962) is born in Los Angeles, CA.
1801 - Brigham Young (1801-1877), founder of Utah and patriarch of the Mormon church, is born in Whittingham, Vermont.
2 1935 - Babe Ruth retires
1924 - The Indian Citizenship Act
1912 - Universal founded
1885 - American Civil War ends
3 1989 - Crackdown at Tiananmen begins
1980 - Natural gas explosion kills 500 in Russia
1965 - Edward H. White II, the first American astronaut, walks in space
1944 - Rome is liberated by the U.S. 5th Army, led by General Mark Clark.
1808 - Confederate president Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) is born in Todd County, Kentucky.
1800 - President Adams settles in new US capital, Washington DC
4 1989 - Tiananmen Square massacre takes place - The Chinese government ordered the People's Army, using tanks, machine-guns, clubs and tear gas, to open fire on unarmed protesters in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. At least 3,000 were killed. Following the massacre, over 1,600 demonstrators were rounded up and jailed, with 27 being executed.
1944 - US and British troops enter Rome.
1972 - The collision of two trains in Jessore, Bangladesh, kills 76 people
1919 - Congress passes the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote
1896 - Ford test-drives the Quadricycle, the first automobile he designed and drove
5 2004 - Ronald Reagan dies
1968 - Robert F. Kennedy shot while leaving the Hotel Ambassador in Los Angeles after California presidential primary victory
1951 - Gordon M. Buehrig received his "vehicle top with removable panels" T-Top patent
1944 - Allies prepare for D-Day
6 1944 - D-Day: Allies launch Normandy (France) invasion.
1934 - FDR signs Securities Exchange Act
1933 - First "drive-in" opens
1932 - First gas tax enacted
7 1966 - Reagan becomes governor of California
1939 - King George VI becomes the first British arch visiting the U.S.
1893 - Mohandas K. Gandhi's first act of civil disobedience
1848 - French painter Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) is born in Paris
8 1968 - Robert Kennedy buried
1867 - Famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was born in Wisconsin.
632 - Muhammad, a principal founder of Islam dies
9 1934 - Donald Duck makes his first film appearance, in "The Wise Little Hen" a short by Walt Disney
1898 - The British signed a 99-year lease for Hong Kong.
1893 - Composer and lyricist Cole Porter (1893-1964) was born in Peru, Indiana. He published his first song The Bobolink Waltz at the age of ten.
1856 - Mor handcart pioneers depart for Salt Lake City
10 1947 - Saab introduces first car
1942 - The terrible massacre occurred in Lidice, Czech. All 172 men and boys over age 16 are shot by Nazis. The Lidice village is then completely leveled until not a trace remained.
1940 - Norway surrenders to Germany
1940 - Italy declares war on France and Great Britain
11 1979 - John Wayne dies
1788 - Russian explorer Izmailov arrives at Yakutat Bay, Alaska
12 1942 - Anne Frank started writing her diary, which became "The Diary of a Young Girl", published in 1947 and has been translated into some 30 languages
1924 - President Bush (Sr) is born in Massachusetts.
1898 - Philippine independence declared
1897 - Deadly quake hits India killing more than 1,500 people
13 1973 - Kissinger and Le Duc Tho sign new peace agreement - Vietnam War
1971 - The New York Times begins publishing the Pentagon Papers, a collection of top secret documents exposing US strategy in the Vietnam War
1967 - Thurgood Marshall is appointed to Supreme Court
1944 - Germans launch V-1 rocket attack against Britain
14 1982 - Falkland Islands War ends
1977 - Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes
1940 - Germans enter Paris
15 1965 - U.S. planes bomb North Vietnam
1877 - First African American graduate of West Point
1846 - U.S.-Canadian border established
1776 - Delaware declares independence
16 1977 - Leonid Ilich Brezhnev is elected president of the Supreme Soviet.
1963 - Vostok 6, Soviet Cosaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman to travel into space
1958 - Imre Nagy, a former Hungarian premier uprising against Soviet rule in 1956, is hanged by his country's communist authorities.
17 1988 - Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0
1981 - The Hyatt Regency hotel walkway collapses in Kansas city, Missouri, killing 114 people and injuring 216 people during a tea dance.
1971 - President Richard Nixon declares the U.S. War on Drugs.
1967 - 1st Chinese hydrogen bomb explodes.
1965 - First bombing by B-52 (50 km north Saigon, Vietnam)
1963 - US Supreme Court rules against Bible reading/prayer in public schools
1950 - 1st kidney transplant, Chicago.
1947 - Pan Am Airways chartered as 1st worldwide passenger airline
1940 - France to surrender to Germany
1938 - Japan declares war on China.
1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor.
18 1923 - The first Checker cab is produced by the Checker Cab Manufacturing Company
1983 - Sally Ride became the first American woman to travel into space.
1882 - Russian composer Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) is born near St. Petersburg.
1815 - Napoleon defeated at Waterloo, bringing an end to the Napoleonic era of European history
19 1953 - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a married couple convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage in 1951, are put to death in the electric chair in New York
1867 - Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, installed as emperor of Mexico by French Emperor Napoleon III in 1864, is executed on the orders of Benito Juarez, the president of the Mexican Republic.
1812 - President James Madison officially declares war against Great Britain.
20 1990 - 50,000 people are killed as a powerful earthquake strikes Iran.
1979 - Solar-energy system installed at White House
1977 - Oil flows in Alaska
1924 - American military hero and actor Audie Murphy (1924-1971) was born in Kingston, Texas. He was awarded 37 medals and decorations for his courage actions during World War II. He later became an actor in western and war movies and made 45 films.
1863 - West Virginia enters the Union
21 1990 - About 25,000 people are killed after a magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes the northern Iranian province of Gilan.
1905 - French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) is born in Paris. He rejected the Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to him.
1863 - French withdraw Navy from NATO
1778 - U.S. Constitution ratified
22 1944 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the GI bill to provide financial aid to veterans returning from World War II
1941 - Germany attacks Russia.
1934 - Porsche builds prototypes
1775 - Congress issues Continental currency>
23 1994 - South Africa reclaims its seat in U.N.
1990 - Moldavia declares independence
1972 - President Richard Nixon signs into law the Higher Education Act, as a result, women’s participation in team sports, particularly in collegiate athletics, surged with the passage of this act.
1941 - Germany occupies Telz Lithuana
1940 - Hitler takes a tour of Paris
1925 - British warship fires on Hong Kong harbor strikers
24 2010 - Labor Party deputy Julia Gillard became Australia's first female Prime Minister.
1948 - Soviets blockade West Berlin
1901 - Picasso exhibited in Paris
1812 - Napoleon's Grande Armee invades Russia
25 1991 - Following the collapse of Soviet rule in Eastern Europe, the republics of Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia.
1950 - Korean War begins - North Korea forces invade South Korea
1942 - Eisenhower assumes command of U.S. troops in Europe
1910 - Congress passes the Mann Act, which was ostensibly aimed at keeping innocent girls from being lured into prostitution.
26 1997 - Supreme Court strikes down Internet indecency law
1994 - PLO-leader Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza after 27 years
1945 - U.N. Charter is signed by 50 nations in San Francisco, CA
1941 - Finland enters WW II against Russia
1919 - N.Y. Daily News begins publishing
1917 - First U.S. troops arrive in France
1498 - Toothbrush invented
27 1950 - U.N. approves armed force to repel North Korea
1950 - Truman orders U.S. forces into Korea
1944 - U.S. troops liberate Cherbourg, France
1859 - American musician Mildred J. Hill (1859-1916) is born in Louisville, Kentucky. She composed the melody for what is now the world's most often sung song, "Happy Birthday To You"
1844 - Mor leader killed by mob
28 1950 - North Korea captures Seoul.
1948 - The Soviet Union expels Yugoslavia from the Communist Information Bureau for the latter's position on the Greek civil war.
1914 - Ferdinand assassinated in Austro-Daimler
1888 - Robert Louis Stevenson sets sail for the South Seas
29 1995 - U.S. space shuttle docks with Russian space station
1970 - Last U.S. troops removed from Cambodia.
1943 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a letter marked “secret” to leading Manhattan Project physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer
1941 - Germans advance in USSR
1902 - Renault wins in car he designed
30 1997 - In Hong Kong, the British Crown Colony is officially resigned at midnight and replaced by a new government group representing China's sovereignty.
1967 - Nguyen Van Thieu becomes president of South Vietnam
1953 - First Corvette produced
1936 - The famous "Gone With The Wind" book is published
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