This Month in History

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1 2012 - Enrique Pena Nieto becomes President of Mexico, marking the return to power of the PRI political party after twelve years.
2011 - Hungary implements its Outlaws Homelessness law, which allows the government to imprison or force homeless people to pay up to $600 fine for each violation.
2006 - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles agrees to pay $60 million to settle lawsuits against claims of sexual abuse by its priests.
2006 - Felipe Calderón becomes President of Mexico.
1959 - Antarctica made a military-free continent
1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, AL
1913 - Ford's new car assembly line is introduced
2 2011 - Honda recalls 313,000 Honda Civics and Accords built between 2001 and 2003 and sold mostly in the US and Canada .
1988 - Two armed men hijacked a bus full of school children and teachers in southern Russia, and Russian officials gave them an Ilyushin-76 to fly to Israel to meet their demand.
1982 - Doctors successfully perform the first implant of a permanent artificial heart at University of Utah Medical Center; the patient, Barney Clark, lived 112 days with the device.
1979 - A mob in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, has burned the US Embassy to the ground, killing a US marine.
1976 - Fidel Castro becomes the President of Cuba after serving as Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976
2001 - Enron files for bankruptcy
1982 - Barney B. Clark receives the world's first artificial heart transplant.
1959 - Dam collapses in France, killing 412
1902 - The first working V-8 engine is patented in France
1804 - Napoleon crowned crowned king of France
3 2012 - Former Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor wins the country's presidential election.
1999 - NASA loses contact with Mars Polar Lander shortly before it's planned atmospheric entry.
1984 -Toxic gases leaked from Bhopal Union Carbide Factory, India, kills thousands of people.
1984 - An pesticide plant in India is explodes, killing 2000
1967 - First human heart transplant
1818 - Illinois becomes the 21st state
4 2012 - Besse Cooper, the world's oldest living person, dies at the age of 116, in Georgia, US.
1991 - Pan American World Airways ( Pan AM ) takes it's last commercial Pan Am Flight 436 from Bridgetown, Barbados, to Miami.
1984 - GM stops production of diesel engines.
1971 - 6,700,000 faulty GM vehicles are recalled.
1945 - Senate approves U.S. participation in United Nations.
1918 - The first US President (W. Wilson) visits Europe.
5 2012 - World-famous Jazz pianist Dave Brubeck died of heart failure at the age of 91 in Connecticut.
2005 -The Civil Partnership Act, which include same sex partnerships, comes into law in the United Kingdom.
1977 - The first US front-wheel-drive car is introduced.
1955 - Two largest labor groups, AFO and CIO, are merged.
1776 - The first Phi Beta Kappa fraternity is found.
1932 - Ford Model C and V-8 introduced.
1782 - Martin Van Buren, America’s 8th president, is born in New York.
6 2011 - Elio Di Rupo becomes the Prime Minister of Belgium to establish a new government after a record-breaking 541 days without one.
2004 - Al Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, with explosives and machine guns, killing nine people.
1994 - Orange County, CA, files for bankruptcy protection due to investment losses of about $2 billion on its multi-billion-dollar investment fund.
1998 - Hugo Chávez Frías, a leader of the left-wing Fifth Republic Movement, is elected to beocme the President of Venezuela.
1989 - The 25 year-old Marc Lépine, armed with a legally obtained semi-automatic rifle, kills 14 women students and injured a further 12 before killing himself at the École Polytechnique, Canada.
1979 - Convertible "Bug" retires
1946 - First Meeting of the United Nations
1942 - Ford makes Jeeps
7 1989 - Ronald Reagan gives his farewell speech
1988 - Over 25,000 people are killed as a powerful earthquake (measuring 6.9) strikes the north-west Armenia
1941 - Pearl Harbor was bombed in a surprise Japanese attack.
1935 - 1st female solo pilot Earhart flies from HI to CA
1908 - Grand Canyon National Monument is created
1877 - Thomas Edison exhibited the phonograph.
1837 - Martin Van Buren becomes the eighth President of the United States, and the first president was born in the U.S.
8 1980 - John Lennon, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and poet for the Beatles, is assassinated in New York City by Mark David Chapman.
1932 - Ophelia Caraway: the 1st elected female US senator
1919 - First meeting of Big Four Nations' leaders in Paris
1879 - British-Zulu War begins
9 1942 - Henry Ford patents plastic car.
1966 - 1st African-American cabinet member is appointed.
1910 - First radio demonstration.
10 1980 - Gold prices soar $800/ounce.
1966 - Franklin Roosevelt - 1st President travels by airplane.
1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize.
1910 - The first constitution in the American colonies.
1869 - Wyoming, a territory of the U.S., allowed women to vote and hold office.
11 1970 - Qaddafi serves as Premier of Libya
1941 - US and Britain declare war on Japan.
1941 - US declares war on Germany and Italy.
1936 - Ford Foundation is established
1929 - Martin Luther King Jr. is born
1909 - Hearse used for the first time
1777 - Vermont declares independence from Britain & NY
1559 - Elizabeth crowned Queen of England
12 1991 - Iraq war - Operations Desert Storm begins
1979 - Shad flees Iran
1945 - Adolf Hitler retires to his bunker hideaway
1913 - Duryea introduced the first hardtop sedan in US
13 1945 - Soviets capture Warsaw
1928 - The Clip-on tie is created.
1893 - Americans overthrown Hawaiian monarchy
1899 - New car speed (43.69 mph) record is set
14 1950 - Soviet Union recognizes North Vietnam
1912 - Bentley Motor was established in London
1912 - British explorer Robert Scott reaches the South pole
1899 - New car speed (43.69 mph) record is set
1778 - British explorer James Cook discovers Hawaii
15 1966 - Indira Gandhi leads India
1950 - China recognizes North Vietnam
1941 - British attack Italians in Africa
1915 - First air raid on Britain
1791 - The Bill of Rights are enacted, amending the U.S. Constitution
16 1960 - Two airplanes collide over New York City, killing 134
1949 - The first Swedish motorcar is produced
1920 - Around 200,000 people are killed after a powerful earthquake strikes Gansu, China
17 1976 - The first commercial Concordes takes off
1954 - The world's 1st gas-turbine powered car (FXP-21)
1924 - Vladimir Lenin, the first Soviet leader, dies
1903 - The Wright Brothers made their first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, N.C.
1899 - (GM) Opel opens for business
1793 - King Louis XVI executed
1789 - The first American novel published
18 1973 - US Supreme Court legalizes abortion
1973 - Lyndon Baines Johnson dies in Texas
1905 - Bloody Sunday Massacre in Russia
1840 - British colonists reach New Zealand
19 1973 - Nixon announces peace settlement reached in Paris
1968 - North Korea seizes U.S. ship Pueblo
1849 - Elizabeth Blackwell - First woman receives M.D.
20 1965 - Winston Churchill dies
1927 - First Alfred Hitchcock film opens
1907 - G. Curtiss sets motorcycle-speed record: 136.3mph
21 2021 - The shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the official day start of winter
1995 - Near launching of Russian nukes
1988 - Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York explodes in midair over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 people on the plane, and 11 people on the ground
1980 - Mao's widow sentenced to death
1949 - First Emmy awards
1942 - Thailand declares war on the U.S. and England
1890 - United Mine Workers of America founded
22 2010 - US President Barack Obama signs a new law permitting homosexuals to serve openly in the US military, and repealing the 17-year-old policy known as "Don't ask, don't tell"
1989 - The Communist President of Romania Nicolae Ceaușescu is overthrown, ending 42 years of communist rule
1971 – The international aid organization Doctors Without Borders is founded by Bernard Kouchner and a group of journalists in Paris, France
1950 - Republican India born
1945 - Soviets liberate Auschwitz
1918 - Ukraine declares its independence
1905 - World's largest diamond found
1500 - Spanish explorer Vicente Y. Pinzon discovers Brazil
23 2011 - Yeman President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, surrenders power.
1973 - US-Vietnam Paris Peace Accords signed.
1972 - About 10,000 people are killed as a powerful earthquake (measuring 6.5) strikes Managua, Nicaraguan
1951 - First atomic detonation at the Nevada test site.
1947 - The transistor is invented by U.S. physicists John Bardeen, Walter H. Brittain, and William Shockley.
1944 - Siege of Leningrad lifted.
1943 - First American bombs dropped in Germany.
1899 - Jenatzy captures car-speed record: 49.932 mph.
24 1986 - Space Shuttle Challenger explodes.
1973 - Vietnam war's cease-fire goes into effect.
1964 - Soviets shoot down U.S. jet.
1956 - Elvis' first TV appearance<.BR> 1902 - Carnegie Institution established.
1818 - Franz Joseph Gruber composed "Silent Night".
25 2002 - George W. Bush makes “Axis of Evil” speech
1989 - Yugo files for bankruptcy
1979 - Carter & Deng open new China-US relations
1886 - Karl Benz gets his "Motorwagen" patent
26 2004 - 227,898 are killed as an powerful earthquake (measuring 9.2 magnitude) triggers sea surges that spread Summatra, Indonesia and across the region.
2003 - Over 26,000 people are killed as a powerful earthquake strikes the historic city of Bam in southern Iran
1939 - 32,700 people are killed as a powerful earthquake strikes Turkey.
1933 - Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany.
1948 - Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi.
1882 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt is born.
1865 - James Mason invents the coffee percolator.
1649 - King Charles I executed for treason.
27 1990 - First McDonald's opens in Soviet Union.
1971 - Apollo 14 departs for the moon.
1940 - First social security check arrives.
1939 - G. Burns sentenced for buying smuggled goods.
1932 - Radio City Music Hall in New York City opens.
28 2011 - Muslim, Croat, and Serb politicians in Bosnia agree to form a central government after 14 months of political deadlock.
2007 - King Gyanendra of Nepal is stripped of his powers after the country's provisional parliament voted to abolish the 239-year-old monarchy.
1987 - A wedding party in Nepal turns tragic when 12 people died and 150 people got food poisoning; the illnesses and death were caused by eating tainted meat and consuming infected water.
1984 - AT&T and its Baby Bells are broken up.
1959 - NASA created.
1959 - Cuban dictator Batista falls from power.
1942 - United Nations created.
1908 - Around 72,000 people are killed as a powerful earthquake (measuring 7.1) strikes with a subsequent tsunami in Italy's Messina Strait.
1869 - William F. Semple patented chewing gum.
1856- President Wilson is born in Virginia.
29 1994 - Chrysler's Neon hits the road.
1984 - Rajiv Gandhi, the son of the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, wins landslide election victory to become Prime Minister of India.
1975 - A terrorist bomb is exploded in the main terminal of New York's LaGuardia airport, killing 11 people.
1974 - Nixon signs highway speed limits.
1940 - Germany drops incendiary bombs on London causing hundreds of fires throughout the city.
1808 - President A. Johnson is born in North Carolina.
1788 - Georgia state joins the U.S.
30 2006 - Saddam Hussein is hanged in northern Baghdad for crimes against humanity.
. 1993 - Israel and the Vatican agree to recognize one another as countries.
1972 - President Nixon orders a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam above the 20th Parallel.
1971 - More than 60,000 Iranian people are deported from Iraq after the end of relations between Iraq and Iran.
1961 - The U.S. severs diplomatic relations with Cuba
1959 - Alaska state joins the U.S.
1938 - March of Dimes is found by Franklin Roosevelt.
1924 - Edwin Hubble announces the existence of other galactic systems; the Hubble telescope was later named after him.
31 1995 - Republican controls 104th Congress after 40 years
1896 - Utah state joins the U.S.
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