This Month in History

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1 2003 - The space shuttle Columbia was disintegrated as it tried to reenter the Earth's atmosphere after a sixteen-day mission in space; all seven members of the crew were dead.
2002 - Japanese Prime Minster Junichiro Koizumi names Yoriko Kawaguchi to be foreign minister.
1979 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 15 years of exile.
1979 - Gen Nguyen Ngoc Loan, Saigon's police chief, shoots to the head of a Viet Cong officer, and the image captured in a famous news photograph.
1972 - The 1st scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) introduced ($395).
1958 - The 1st US satellite (Explorer I) launched 1953 - Flooding in Netherlands, kills 1,835.
1949 - RCA releases 1st single record ever (45 rpm).
1946 - The first electronic digital computer, ENIAC, is announced at U of Penn.
1929 - The first Hollywood musical debuts.
1898 - The first auto insurance policy is issued.
1893 - The first movie studio is built.
1884 - The first volume (A-Ant) of the Oxford English Dictionary is published.
1878 - Hattie Caraway (February 1, 1878 – December 21, 1950) the first woman elected to serve a full term as a the U.S. Senator, is born in Bakersville, Tennessee
1861 - Texas withdraws.
1790 - The first session of the U.S. Supreme Court is held in New York City.
2 2003 - Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel steps down after 13 years.
1998 - Philippine DC-9 crashed, killing all 104.
1995 - US space shuttle Discovery launched.
1993 - Frito Lay pays court ordered $2,500,000 to Tom Wait for using his song.
1991 - US postage is raised from 25 cents to 29 cents.
1990 - South African President F. W. de Klerk lifts the 30-year-old ban on the African National Congress.
1986 - Dalai Lama meets Pope John Paul II in India.
1982 - "Late Night With David Letterman," debuts on NBC-TV.
1967 - Bolivia adopts its constitution.
1962 - First US Air Force plane is crashed in Vietnam.
1958 - Syria joins Egypt in United Arab Republic 1955 - 1st presidential news conference held by Eisenhower on ABC-TV.
1951 - US performs nuclear test at a Nevada Test site.
1933 - Two days after becoming chancellor, Adolf Hitler dissolves Parliament.
1923 - Lead gasoline is introduced in the market.
1943 - The remainder of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered.
1887 - First Groundhog bus hits the road.
1880 - First electric streetlight is installed.
1876 - The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs is formed.
1848 - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed; in which Mexico ceded to the US a huge portion of what is today California and New Mexico.
1536 - The city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is founded by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Mendoza.
3 2009 - 1st male African-American Attorney General, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, is appointed.
1998 - Stamps commemorating Princess Diana go on sale across Britain.
1995 - Col. Eileen Collins becomes the first woman to pilot the space shuttle.
1995 - STS 63 (Discovery 19), launches into orbit.
1994 - President Bill Clinton lifts US trade embargo against Vietnam.
1994 - Clinton ends Vietnam trade embargo.
1994 - STS-60 (Discovery) launches into orbit.
1966 - 1st operational weather satellite, ESSA-1 launched US
1966 - Soviet Lunik (Luna) 9 soft-lands on the Moon.
1962 - President Kennedy bans all trade with Cuba except for food & drugs.
1950 - Nuclear physicist Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information.
1942 - 1st Japanese air raid on Java.
1930 - Vietnamese Communistic Party forms
1924 - President Woodrow Wilson dies.
1917 - US breaks diplomatic relations with Germany.
1913 - The 16th Amendment, establishing federal income tax, is ratified.
1870 - The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, prohibiting the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
1821 - The first American female physician, Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) was born near Bristol, England.
1690 - 1st paper currency in America is issued (colony of Mass).
1468 - Johann Gutenberg, German printer and inventor, died.
4 2004 - The Massachusetts Supreme Court declared that gays had the right to marry.
2003 - Yugoslavia is replaced by the loose federation of Serbia and Montenegro.
1985 - 25 countries in the United Nations signed "Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment."
1976 - 7.5 earthquake kills 22,778 in Guatemala & Honduras.
1969 - PLO is found.
1962 - First U.S. helicopter is shot down in Vietnam.
1957 - 1st electric portable typewriter placed on sale (Syracuse NY).
1948 - Sri Lanka gains independence from the United Kingdom.
1945 - Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at the Yalta Conference.
1941 - United Service Organization (USO) founded.
1938 - Hitler seizes control of German army & puts Nazi in key posts.
1847 - 1st US telegraph co established in Maryland.
1822 - Free American Blacks settle Liberia, West Africa.
1789 - George Washington is elected.
5 1997 - Three of Switzerland's biggest banks create a fund worth 100 million Swiss francs for Holocaust victims and their families.
1994 - The last Soviet troops leave Kabul.
1988 - Noriega is indicted on U.S. drug charges.
1987 - Soyuz TM-2 launches.
1980 - Egyptian parliament votes to end boycott of Israel.
1972 - US airlines begin mandatory inspection of passengers & baggages.
1971 - Apollo 14, 3rd US manned Moon expedition, lands near Fra Mauro Alan Shepard & Edward Mitchell (Apollo 14) walk on Moon for 4 hrs.
1969 - US population reaches 200 million.
1952 - First "Don't Walk" sign is installed
1936 - National Wildlife Federation forms.
1917 - Congress passed the Immigration Act, which restricted Asian immigration, over President Wilson's veto.
1917 - Mexico adopts its present constitution.
1997 - Snow falls on SF.
1878 - First France's Citroen car is built.
6 1987 - No-smoking rules take effect in federal buildings.
1973 - 40,000 civil servants demonstrate against higher pension contribution.
1971 - Astronaut Alan B. Shepard hit a golf ball and Edgar Mitchell threw a "javelin" on the moon. They landed in the same crater and remain on the Moon today.
1959 - 1st successful test-fire of Titan ICBM.
1954 - Mercedes 300SL debuts
1952 - Britain's King George VI died; his daughter, Princess Elizabeth, became Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.
1933 - The 20th Amendment to the Constitution, which set the date for the president's inauguration on Jan. 20, is adopted.
1918 - Britain grants women (30 & over) vote.
1917 - German sub sinks U.S. passenger ship "California".
1911 - President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) is born in Tampico, Illinois.
1899 - A peace treaty, which ended the Spanish-American war between Spain and the US, is signed.
1895 - Legendary baseball player George Herman "Babe" Ruth (1895-1948) is born in Baltimore, Maryland.
1804 - Joseph Priestley, British chemist, died; his work on the isolation of gases led him to discover oxygen in 1774.
1820 - Freed U.S. slaves departs back to Africa.
1788 - Massachusetts becomes the sixth state to join the Union.
7 1999 - King Hussein of Jordan dies.
1992 - European Union is established.
1991 - Jean-Bertrand Aristide sworn in as first democratically-elected president of Haiti.
1977 - Soyuz 24 launches with 2 cosmonauts.
1976 - World's largest telescope (600 cm) begins operation (USSR).
1959 - Castro proclaims new Cuban constitution.
1915 - 1st wireless message sent from a moving train to a station received.
1905 - Oklahoma admitted to statehood.
1990 - Soviets gives up monopoly on political power.
1990 - Labour Party forms in England.
1986 - Haiti's President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier flees to France Henri Namphy becomes leader of Haiti.
1984 - First human leaves Shuttle to fly in space. Space shuttle astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart went on the first untethered spacewalk.
1974 - The island of Grenada wind its independence from Britain.
1971 - Women in Switzerland were finally granted women the right to vote.
1968 - Forensic evidence for crime solving is introduced.
1943 - Shoe rationing begins in US (may purchase up to 3 more pairs in 1942).
1904 - Disastrous fire destroyed more than 1,500 buildings in downtown Baltimore.
1812 - British novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870), who wrote famous "A Christmas Carol", was born in Portsmouth, England.
1795 - The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, restricting the ability of individuals to bring suit against states in federal court.
8 2002 - The XIX Olympic Winter Games open in Salt Lake City, UT.
1996 - President Clinton signed legislation revamping the telecommunications industry. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 allows any communications business to compete in the US market.
1933 - 1st flight of all-metal Boeing 247.
1928 - Scottish inventor J Blaird demonstrates color-TV.
1926 - Walt Disney Studios forms.
1924 - The first coast-to-coast radio broadcast takes place.
1924 - The first execution by lethal gas is carried out.
1910 - The Boy Scouts of America was founded in Washington, D.C.
1904 - The Russo-Japanese War begins.
1887 - Dawes Severalty Act ends tribal control of reservations.
1870 - The National Weather Service was established under the U.S. Army Signal Corps.
1693 - College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, becomes the second institution of higher learning in the US.
1587 - Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded.
9 2002 - XIX Winter Olympics opens in Salt Lake City Utah/Quebec City.
1991 - Lithuanians voted overwhelmingly for independence from the Soviet Union.
1975 - Soyuz 17 returns to Earth.
1971 - Apollo 14 returns to Earth.
1969 - World's largest airplane, Boeing 747, makes 1st commercial flight.
1900 - Davis Cup competition is established.
1965 - First US combat troops is sent to South Vietnam.
1943 - American forces won the battle of Guadalcanal over Japanese forces in the Southwest Pacific.
1942 - Daylight saving time instituted.
1870 - US Army establishes US National Weather Service.
1861 - Jefferson Davis is chosen as the president of the Confederate States of America.
1773 - President W. H. Harrion is born in Virginia.
10 1997 - Soyuz TM-25 launches to the MIR.
1996 - IBM's computer, Deep Blue, beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, in the first game of their match.
1970 - Avalanche buries skiers in France.
1967 - The 25th Amendment was ratified, establishing presidential succession.
1957 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference forms.
1855 - US citizenship laws amended all children of US parents born abroad granted US citizenship.
1846 - Mormons begin exodus to Utah.
1763 - Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the French and Indian War. France cedes Canada and all its North American territories east of the Mississippi to Great Britain.
1942 - The first Medal of Honor was awarded to 2nd Lt. Alexander Nininger (posthumously) for heroism during the Battle of Bataan in World War 2.
11 2011 - Hosni Mubarak steps down as President of Egypt following 18 days of protests challenging his 30 year rule.
1997 - STS 82 (Discovery 22) launches.
1994 - Space shuttle STS-60 (Discovery 18), lands.
1990 - Nelson Mandela is released from prison after more than 27 years.
1989 - Avalanches plague central Europe.
1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini's followers seizes control of the Iran government.
1970 - Japan becomes the fourth country to put a satellite into orbit.
1964 - Taiwan drops diplomatic relations with France.
1945 - President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin signed the Yalta Agreement during World War II.
1937 - Simultaneous radio broadcast on all three networks.
1937 - The first major labor dispute (Flint, Michigan, Sit-Down Strike) in the U.S. auto industry ends after General Motors signs a contract with the United Auto Workers Union.
1929 - The Lateran Treaty is signed, in which Italy recognizes the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City.
1895 - Georgetown became part of Wash DC.
1847 - American inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931), who held over 1,200 patents including the incandescent bulb, phonograph and movie camera, is born in Milan, Ohio.
1809 - Robert Fulton is patented the steamboat.
12 2002 - Milosevic goes on trial for war crimes.
1999 - Clinton's impeachment trial is ended (acquitted).
1972 - North Vietnam begins releasing U.S. POWs.
1938 - German troops entered Austria.
1934 - Export-Import Bank incorporates.
1912 - Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Manchu (Ch'ing) dynasty in China, renounced his throne following the establishment of a republic under Sun Yat-sen.
1870 - The Utah Territory grants women the right to vote (revoked in 1887).
1818 - Chile formally proclaimed its independence from Spain.
1809 - President Abraham Lincoln is born in Hardin County, Kentucky .
13 1997 - Discovery captures Hubble Space Telescope.
1974 - Dissident Nobel writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn expelled from USSR.
1961 - Soviet Union fires a rocket from Sputnik V to Venus.
1959 - Barbie doll goes on sale.
1948 - Wright Flyer, 1st plane to fly, returns to US from England.
1935 - 1st US surgical operation for relief of angina pectoris, Cleveland.
1895 - Movie-camera projector is patented to French inventors.
1861 - Abraham Lincoln declared president.
1693 - College of William & Mary (VA) opens.
1689 - British Parliament adopts Bill of Rights.
1633 - Galileo in Rome to face charges of his Copernican theory.
14 2002 - Emir Hamad iBn Isa al-Khalifah, ruler of Bahrain, proclaims himself king of Bahrain.
1989 - World's 1st satellite Skyphone opens.
1929 - The St. Valentine's Day Massacre took place in a Chicago garage as seven rivals of Al Capone's gang were gunned down.
1929 - Penicillin is discovered.
1924 - IBM Corporation founded by Thomas Watson.
1919 - United Parcel Service forms.
1903 - US Dept. of Commerce and Labor forms.
1912 - Arizona was admitted to the Union as the 48th state.
1899 - US Congress begins using voting machines.
1894 - Venus is both a morning star & evening star.
1884 - Theodore Roosevelt’s wife and mother die.
15 1995 - Population of People's Republic of China hits 1.2 billion.
1989 - Soviet military occupation of Afghanistan ends.
1984 - 500,000 Iranian soldiers move into Iraq.
1973 - USSR launches Prognoz 3 to study sun (589/200,300 km).
1965 - Canada replaces Union Jack flag with Maple Leaf.
1942 - Bristisch surrenders Singapore to Japan.
1936 - Hitler announce building of Volkswagens (starting slug-bug game).
1934 - Federal Emergency Relief Admin is established.
1926 - Contract air mail service begins in US.
1898 - The U.S. battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, killing 260 crew members and escalating tensions with Spain.
1812 - First Tiffany store is opened.
1799 - 1st US printed ballots authorized, Pennsylvania.
0399 - Philosopher Socrates sentenced to death.
16 1961 - US satellite Explorer 9 is launched.
1959 - Fidel Castro is sworn in as PM of Cuba.
1956 - Britain abolishes death penalty.
1923 - Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut (Egypt).
1900 - 1st Chinese daily newspaper in US publishes (Chung Sai Yat Po-SF).
1880 - American Society of Mechanical Engineers forms in New York city.
17 1995 - Federal judge allows lawsuit claiming US tobacco makers knew nicotine was addictive & manipulated its levels to keep customers hooked.
1979 - China invades Vietnam.
1972 - President Nixon departed on his historic trip to China.
1966 - French satellite Diapason D-1A launch into Earth orbit.
1959 - 1st weather satellite launched, Vanguard 2, 9.8 kg.
1947 - Voice of America begins broadcasts to Russia.
1878 - 1st telephone exchange in SF opens with 18 phones.
1867 - 1st ship passes through Suez Canal.
1801 - President Thomas Jefferson is elected.
18 1989 - Enzo Anselmo Ferrari, car designer legend, is born.
1979 - NASA launches space vehicle S-202.
1979 - Snow falls in Sahara Desert.
1974 - NASA launches Italian satellite San Marcos C-2 (235/843 km).
1968 - 10,000 demonstrators against US in Vietnam War in West-Berlin.
1930 - Pluto, the ninth planet, is discovered by US astronomer Clyde Tombaugh.
1929 - First Academy Awards is announced.
1927 - US & Canada begin diplomatic relations.
1908 - 1st US postage stamps in rolls issued.
1861 - Jefferson Davis was sworn in as President of the Confederate States of America in Montgomery, Ala.
1885 - Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," published.
1884 - Police seize all copies of Tolstoy's "What I Believe In".
1834 - 1st US labor newspaper, "The Man," published, New York city.
1804 - 1st US land-grant college, Ohio University, Athens Ohio, chartered.
1787 - Austrian emperor Jozef II bans children under 8 from labor.
19 1998 - Soyuz TM-26 lands.
1997 - FCC makes available 311 for non-emergency calls & 711 for hearing or speech-impaired emergency calls.
1990 - Soyuz TM-9 lands.
1987 - Reagan lifts trade boycott against Poland.
1986 - USSR launches Mir space station into Earth orbit.
1977 - Shuttle Enterprise makes 1st Test flight atop a 747 jetliner.
1977 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island.
1970 - USSR launches Sputnik 52 & Molniya 1-13 communications satellite.
1969 - 1st Test flight of Boeing 747 jumbo jet.
1963 - USSR informs JFK it's withdrawing several thousand troops from Cuba.
1952 - French offensive at Hanoi, Vietnam.
1945 - 30,000 marines invade Iwo Jima.
1942 - About 150 Japanese warplanes attacked Darwin city, Australian.
1942 - FDR orders detention & internment of all west-coast Japanese-Americans.
1934 - US contract air mail service canceled, replaced by US Army for 6 months.
1843 - Nicolaus Copernicus, a modern astronomer, is born.
1878 - Edison is patented for his phonograph invention.
1846 - Texas state government formally installed in Austin.
20 1983 - Japan launches Tenma satellite to study x-rays (450/570 km).
1962 - First orbital flight by an American astronaut. John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth as he flew aboard the Friendship 7 Mercury capsule.
1943 - Inexperienced U.S. troops lost the first major battle of World War II in Europe at Kasserine Pass in North Africa. 1941 - Nazis order Polish Jews barred from using public transportation.
1937 - Legendary driver & designer Roger Penske is born.
1929 - American Samoa organizes as territory of US.
1831 - Polish revolutionaries defeat Russians in battle of Growchow.
1811 - Austria declares bankruptcy.
21 1996 - Soyuz TM-23, launched into orbit.
1981 - NASA launches Comstar D-4.
1981 - Japan launches Hinotori satellite to study solar flares (580/640 k).
1979 - Japan launches Hakucho x-ray satellite & Corsa-B (550/580 km).
1972 - Nixon makes the first US presidential visit to China.
1970 - Kissinger begins secret negotiations with North Vietnam.
1965 - Malcolm X, a former Black Muslim leader, is assassinated. He was shot and killed by assassins identified as Black Muslims as he was about to address a rally in New York City; he was 39.
1948 - NASCAR was officially incorporated.
1922 - Great Britain grants Egypt independence.
1885 - Washington Monument is built.
1795 - Freedom of worship established in France under constitution.
1732 - President George Washington is born in Virginia.
22 2011 - Over 160 people are killed after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes the New Zealand city of Christchurch.
2005 - Hundreds people are killed after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes near Zarand in Iran's Kerman province
1996 - STS 75 (Columbia 19), launches into orbit.
1967 - Suharto takes full power in Indonesia.
1924 - 1st presidential radio address (Calvin Coolidge).
1923 - The 1,000,000th Chevy was produced.
1923 - Transcontinental airmail service begins.
1907 - 1st cabs with taxi meters begin operating in London.
1900 - Hawaii became a US territory.
1879 - Woolworth opens its five-cent store.
1819 - The U.S. acquires Spanish Florida.
1732 - George Washington is born.
23 1991 - Military coup in Thailand, Premier Choonhaven arrested.
1980 - Oil tanker explosion off Pilos, Greece, causes 37-mil-gallon spillr.
1967 - US troops begin largest offensive of Vietnam War.
1954 - Children receive first polio vaccine.
1945 - U.S. flag raised on Iwo Jima.
1936 - 1st rocket air mail flight, Greenwood Lake, NY.
1904 - US acquired control of the Panama Canal Zone for $10 million.
1903 - Cuban state of Guantanamo leased to USA.
1893 - Diesel engine is patented.
1883 - Alabama becomes 1st US state to enact an antitrust law.
1870 - Mississippi is readmitted to US.
1867 - The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Andrew Johnson
1861 - By popular referendum, Texas becomes 7th state to secede from US.
1822 - Boston is incorporated as a city.
24 2004 - About 500 people are killed after an earthquake strikes towns on Morocco's Mediterranean coast.
1991 - Gulf War ground offensive begins.
1989 - 150-million-year-old fossil egg (oldest dinosaur embryo) found.
1986 - Voyager 2, 1st Uranus flyby.
1968 - Hue city is recaptured from N. Vietnam.
1961 - Explorer (10) fails to reach Earth orbit.
1949 - Israel & Egypt sign an armistice agreement.
1948 - Communist Party seizes complete control of Czechoslovakia.
1945 - Manila freed from Japanese.
1927 - Fox demonstrates Movietone sound.
1924 - Mahatma Gandhi released from jail.
1909 - Hudson Motor incorporated.
1868 - The United States House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson following his attempted dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; Johnson was later acquitted by the Senate.
1863 - Arizona Territory created.
1821 - Mexico gains independence from Spain.
25 1984 - Explosion kills hundreds in Brazil.
1986 - Marcos flees the Philippines.
1979 - Soyuz 32 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station is launched.
1977 - Soyuz 24 returns to Earth.
1948 - Communists take power in Czechoslovakia.
1940 - 1st televised (W2XBS, NYC) hockey game (Rangers vs Canadians).
1928 - FCC issues the first television license.
1919 - Oregon, the first state, imposes a tax on gasoline.
1910 - Dali Lama flees Tibet from Chinese troop to British-Indies.
1870 - Hiram R. Revels, R-Miss., became the first black member of the U.S. Senate as he was sworn in to serve out the unexpired term of Jefferson Davis.
26 1993 - World Trade Center is bombed, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 others.
1987 - NASA launches GEOS-H.
1984 - Last U.S. Marines leave Beirut.
1983 - Shortwave pirate Radio begins transmission in Wellsville, NY.
1980 - Egypt & Israel exchange ambassadors for 1st time.
1977 - First flight of Space Shuttle on top of a Boeing 747.
1975 - 1st televised kidney transplant.
1968 - Vietnam War: Mass graves discovered in Hue.
1965 - First South Korean troops arrive in Vietnam.
1944 - 1st female US navy captain, Sue Dauser of nurse corps, appointed.
1935 - The Pontiac "Indian Maiden" mascot was patented.
1870 - 1st NYC subway line opens.
1863 - Lincoln signs National Currency Act.
27 2010 - Over 700 people are killed after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake strikes central Chile north-east of the second largest city, Concepcion
. 1991 - President Bush declared that Kuwait is liberated from Iraq.
1962 - South-Vietnam pres Ngo Dinh Diem's palace bombed, 1st US killed.
1964 - Leaning Tower of Pisa needs help.
1950 - General Chiang Kai-shek elected president of Nationalist China.
1942 - U.S. aircraft carrier Langley is sunk.
1936 - Shirley Temple receives $50,000 a film.
1813 - 1st federal vaccination legislation enacted.
28 1993 - ATF raids Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. Four agents and six Davidians were killed as a 51-day standoff began.
1986 - Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme (1927-1986) was assassinated in Stockholm
1953 - Watson & Crick discover chemical structure of DNA.
1935 - Nylon discovered by Dr Wallace H Carothers.
1932 - The last of five million Ford Model A is produced.
1922 - Egypt regains independence from Britain.
1882 - First U.S college cooperative store opens, at Harvard University.
1861 - Congress creates Colorado Territory.
1861 - Territory of Nevada created.
1847 - US defeats Mexico in battle of Sacramento.
(for a leap year)
1996 - Soyuz TM-23 lands.
1964 - President Lyndon Baines Johnson reveals US secretly developed the A-11 jet fighter.
1960 - Earthquake devastates Moroccan city, killed 1/3 of Agadir Morocco population (12,000) in 15 seconds.
1956 - Islamic Republic forms in Pakistan.
1908 - Cadillac standardization is tested.
1908 - Dutch scientists produce solid helium.
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